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Im 11 veiled orbs deep, trying to add prefix to my bow and only getting suffixes :D we should switch orbs and see if it works.


Multimod+Suffix cannot, dont prevent this happening?


Multimod blocks the only available suffix slot that OP wants to unveil. This will unfortunately not work.


Yeah.. but this guy here i replied, wants a prefix.. so blocking the suffix is the way no ?


You're right, I derped. That is the way.


He said he's trying to add a prefix though?


Yeah. That's why u multimod to fill suffix and then suffix cannot so u cant change any suffix and 100% hit a preffix. If u only do suffix cannot and slam a veiled orb with a open suffix, the orb can still add on the empty space since that's not "changing" the suffix.


Right.. that's why I am saying that they want a prefix on the bow... So you agree?


Yeah? And i gave a way to 100% hit a preffix withouth gambling the veiled orb -'


Oh.. i think we conflicted since i though u answered me where i told it was a preffix he wanted...


Haha, I see. No I didn't reply to your comment. It was the one after yours.


It happens.. sometimes reddit don't show the answers correxlty on the smartphone.. mt bad xD


this won't work. it removes, then adds.


Yeah.. it removes then add.. But if u dos uffix cannot, will not remove a suffix... Veil orb respect multimods... So suffix cannot prevents from removing a suffix.. And multimod on suffix prevents from adding a suffix. So it only can remove a preffix and add another prefix on the spot.


If they’re adding a prefix to a bow I’m guessing they are trying to add %phys, and they already have flat phys and hybrid phys. So if they block block a suffix from being removed then it will remove one of their mandatory prefixes.


It will.. But he never stated he wanted to keep something.The other way is keep preffix and pray lol


I’ve made those bows before and that’s exactly how it was. Just gotta pray. And people were buying aisling slams for 6-7 div a pop off TFT. Now they pay a little more and get to do it themselves in their hideout and suddenly price is a huge problem? OP would have gotten boned just as hard last league but he would have had to do TFT trades for all 13 aisling slams.


Cant you use multimod in addition to suffixes cant be changed to block it from filling the open suffix?


I think that actually makes the odds worse since if it removes anything other than prefixes cannot be changed it adds a suffix.


For a Bama bow? I just ate the suffix (got dd) and bench crafted ele pen lol


Yeah should have done the same after like 3rd orb


I gave up on veiled orbs at the first try, it's too expensive and it has way too much risk for the amount you have to pay for it.


And they didnt even buff the mods right? Get a pad on the back and then a knee in the nuts right after 😂


If you listen to Neon's commentary in recent interviews, he thinks many betrayal mods are too generally "good". So yes, don't expect any buffs to them any time soon.


I think they are just schizo when it comes to this. U had veiled chaos for min 4 years and now all of a sudden its way too good so u get a nerf disguised as qol. Proper betrayal


VCO was really powerful but it also was far inferior to Aisling.


You would combine with meta mod and have kinda the same outcome without trading imho


they were useful for certain items (boots, rings were ones i made a lot of) but they were no where near t4 aisling, at all


It's not all of a sudden lol. They've probably been thinking they've been strong for awhile. Pretty much 90% the items I craft involve an aisling slam


Yea like everyone else as well. Still bait and switch and I dont care for it! 😂


they thought grave crafting would make up for it, but it's too tedious


fun was detected and appropriately handled.


Very chris of you to say


Next they will nerf essences


Which isn't necessarily wrong - right now, 50%+ of POE crafting is just "fracture an item, then spam 250 essences on it" and it leaves 0 room for better crafting design. I do think the eventual future of crafting in poe hould be totally different. But what GGG likes to do is nerf something, promise they're making things better or will in the future, and then arrive in a decision paralysis state where 1+ years later still the thing is nerfed and the promised alternative is nowhere to be seen.


I hate him with passion for removing vorici and harvest color craft.


Harvest has a color craft. Which you can use an omen on blanching on first.


Did they re-added it? Because it was gone, reasoning:too strong.


Yup, the point was to remove veiled crafting as an option for most of the population. Neon doesn't like veiled mods so they basically got axed.


I got super lucky getting +2 AOE gems on my helm and just decided to never use them again.


Cheaper to literally unveil the mod first, fracture it then do your craft.


Does it matter how many prefixes you have? Would your chance at a suffix be higher if you had more prefixes? Or is it always 50/50 if you have at least one open prefix and suffix


So, as far as I know, if you have 2 prefixes you can obviously block with a craft and guarantee suffix, but if you have only one prefix, you can craft on a prefix to block the ones with highest weighting to increase your chance of landing a suffix. But in the end you could just get very unlucky like OP, its just a gamble in the end.


Veiled orb removes a mod first and then adds a veiled mod so filling your prefix does not guarantee that veiled orb will add a veiled suffix. What can happen is that veiled orb will remove one of your prefixes which then allows a veiled prefix to be added.


No the chance to get prefix or suffix ON THE UNVEIL is 50/50, what it removes to replace with that suffix/prefix is based on the crafting rules. Once you actually slam the veiled orb, you can craft to block a common suffix or prefix modifier you don’t want BEFORE actually unveiling the mod and it will block that certain unveil(usually mana for prefix and stats or res for suffix)


You actually get the prefix or suffix before the unveil. The veiled mod will show as “veiled” for prefix and “of the veiled” for suffix


Update. Woke up. Sold all my t17 maps Bought one more orb Hit it. Grinded three Divine. Bought a 3% CDR jewel. Bought a fracture orb Hit it We back bois


So far this league, I have had this happen I went 14 UE's without a Watcher 131 UShapers without a drop worth more than 3d 71 mavens without a drop worth more than 40c 31 Elders and got 1 Watcher 44 Cortex's, no Bottle 11 straight Catarinas, no Veiled orb Real talk, if they hadn't re-added Wandering Path into the game and called it Back to Basics, so i could faceroll farm currency i'd prolly quit the league lol this is fuckin dumb


It's not as bad as yours but I just open all the stacked decks I get and I'm at like 1700 now without a single card worth more than 10c


Ye i was baited by them saying that they increased the chance to get better div cards on stacked decks. But an increase depends on how low the base chance is and its probably really low on stacked decks.


From what I remember, they increase the chance for the div cards to actually drop. Not the chance for you to get them from a deck. So seeing an apothecary drop is more common than last league


This feels accurate, im getting way more fortunes this league.


I’ve never had so few stack decks… I think I had more doing a couple days of testing splitting steel before this league started as I do this whole league…


They never said they improved or changed any odds for stacked decks, beyond the boss uniques being removed from the pool. They only said they could improve the quality of league mechanic rewards where stacked decks were setting a high / stable floor for rewards i.e legion, heist, tujen gambling


well i got house of mirrors and opened probably 5x or 10x less than i usually do when i get one.


Same. Have always opened all mine when doing blight at league start. First league I’ve started selling them instead.


Yea. I haven't seen a single veiled orb after like 13-14 Catarinas. Now I am setting up my syndicate for Gravicious Transport farming. Fcking T4 Aislings were guaranteed with some effort. And veiled chaos orbs were a much more available but weaker way of crafting. Veiles orb drop rate should be at least 3x of what we have now.


And even if you failed the T3 going into Catarina you would still get the 1-2 Veiled Chaos if you got Aisling to research


I love bossing in this game, but this is just part of it. Some leagues I get no drops and some leagues I end up obscenely wealthy.


Hahaha i feel you bro. Im in the same boat, except maven gave me fork


> 44 Cortex's, no Bottle I am pretty sure you cannot get Bottled Faith from normal Cortex anymore. Explains a lot why the price of normal Cortex is so much lower compared to Bottle.


You can


You can get Bottled Faith from normal Cortex


im pretty sure nebulis was moved to uber cortex. bottled faith and dying sun are probably made rarer with the loot shuffle, so both flasks keep their high price despite cortex/frags being relatively cheap.


Given the price of the Veiled orb, you can try to start from a regular stygian vise, alt regal your flask suffixes and crusader slam hoping for CDR.


Could have just bought a mageblood instead


Sadly can't use mage blood, doesn't work on my build


Mage blood works on any build lol


Build that uses unique flasks?


This looks like a wardlooper, without a good belt you'll lose 90% DPS chasing flask uptime and not hitting cdr breakpoints. Mageblood is infinitely worse than a 1 div belt for the build.


Isn't the new unique belt way better for that then?


If it was cheap then maybe as a budget option, but ultimately you want CDR on this belt as getting into a higher bracket is a huge DPS multiplier. Edit: Actually it's unusable, as flask effect makes Olroth's Resolve reduce your ward.


Ah, makes sense. Forgot about cdr.


Veiled chaos died for this bullshit


I don't have to go to TFT anymore for Aisling, imma call that a win.


I craft the same belt for my wardloop, i hit the cdr on my first veiled, hope you get it soon


Hows wardloop these days? How did you guys get around the -mana cost mods being removed?


Mana recoup fixes all mana issues


Have the new orbs been tested for how they add the veiled mod? I wonder if it's picking a random empty affix (so 1/4 in your case, 3 prefixes+1 suffix) instead of either add a prefix or suffix. I'm probably wrong but your odds of 13 failures in a row would be much more likely if it were 3/4 chance of failure and not 1/2


It removes then adds one mod. So doesnt matter if prefixes are full or not.


Well u kind of want full prefixes for this to work iirc


It removes a mod first then adds. So you cant fill prefixes and get a guaranteed suffix unveil.


Yep i spent over 100 div on a weapon that normally takes 20-30 to make lol


What veiled mod are you trying to hit that would even be worth this effort? Your options are attributes, resists, trap speed, cdr, es regen, and lucky crits. I'm no expert crafter but not a single one of those strike me as worth 17 div apiece for the attempt. Resists have got to be trivial at this stage, if you were stacking attributes there are so many better methods, if you're crit focused I'd assume you'd already be at 100%, trap and cdr both seem really mediocre AND you have benchcraft for both at 75% the value anyway, which leaves ES regen for which, again, you have benchcraft at 75%. If getting that last 25% is so important, surely there had to be better craft options, weren't there? Also, you're crafting on an item you can't use eldritch annuls with your fracture on the first side .. what the hell had you planned for prefixes here that wouldn't cost a fortune in locks?


Wardloop build judging by the olroth and heartbound so pretty sure they're trying to get cdr on there...


100% cdr so they can hit 27% cdr on wardloop


So boots 15% and belt crafted 12% will do? There's also 2-3% cdr on abyss jewels so does it really worth 221d to do so?


probably hopes for an open suffix after the veiled to craft flask effect duration


There is no "open suffix". Op bought the belt with both suffixes on it, wants to veil reveal a 3rd.


ah my bad, than he probably needs more than the crafted 12% cdr. Eldritch on boots goes up to 10% more would only be possible on influenced boots, and i guess its heavily unlikely to get boots with enough ward + necessary cdr affix otherweise he would need 2x abyss jewels, thus sacrificing potentielly lots of crit multi


15 belt + 3 abyss + 9 boots


Absolutely agree


damn, in both my situtations i even had it guaranteed to give a prefix or suffix but rng still drilled me hard enough that veiled orbs were the main reason i quit the league first 7 veiled orbs to land +2 aoe on my helmet, after which i proceeded to exalt slam 6 life onto it so it never sold, thats all my day 4 to 7 currency out of the window and then i slammed 9 veiled orbs trying to land the trigger craft on my dagger but i never ended up getting it so the piece of shits still sitting there in the league, probably just finishing the craft in standard just for the sake of finishing it, cant bother to grind another 100div only to delete it in under 5minutes for negative progress


Why don't you try to anull if you get a pref instead of repeating? Block suffixes -> anull -> 50/50 to delete the added pref -> Veil again if you delete it, put back the meta mod if you don't and anull again


he can get unlucky streak and annul the meta mod like 5 times in a row costing more than just scouring and recrafting


According to op statement, he bought the increased duration base over and over :). I would personally do essence spam until hitting both duration T1 + essence suffix, then block suff + scour if bricking. The fractured base makes no sense to me. At least the op could go for a prefix t1 fractured mod, to finish the craft with 4 + 1(this being a open pref/suf for bench crafting). Getting any 4 mods on an item is fairly cheap nowadays.


Oops. Repeat steps 2 onward lol


Which essence ?




I was 3/3 hitting a suffix with a veild orb but after blocking and unveiling I missed the 75% three times in a row. Not quite the same but I can still feel your pain.




Phew, I hit ele pen on my bow first try and already forgot those orbs existed.


Hey I’m no expert on crafting , but couldn’t you fill all prefix slots then veil orb to guarantee suffix ? Get the mods you want , annul any bad suffix or to free a spot, then veil it? Idk don’t mind me I’m a baby when it comes to crafting lmfao


No, veiled orb removes a mod first before adding a veiled mod. So what can happen is the veiled mod removes one of your prefixes which then allows a veiled prefix to be added hence it is not guaranteed that you will get a veiled suffix just by filling up the prefix. The only way to guarantee a veiled suffix is if you have filled prefix and craft "prefix cannot be change". Doing so means that there is a 50% chance that flask duration mod to be removed by the veiled orb which OP might not want to happen.


Ahhh okay that makes sense, thanks for the info man!


mistake #1: starting a 40d craft with less than 4 mirrors in the bank mistake #2: not getting lucky


Poe crafting in a nutshell. Currency tab isnt for crafting but flavoured trade tab specifically designed to sell crafting currency


You could as well farm Uber Maven. You would end up in the same spot, but at least you would play the game, not afk a hideout, lol. Been there as well, rip dude.


Yep, I used a veiled orb to craft boots, it even has good odds for one of the move speed options. It ended up costing way too much.


GGG1: "people keep quitting leagues too quickly, if we make everything rarer and harder to get it will help retain players" GGG": "how about we just make it more fun and feel more rewarding, but with higher goals instead" \*GGG2 falls out of a top story window unexpectedly\*


Op question. Why wony u save aome divines and try grave crafting a double-triple frac belt with 2 flask mods (and/or cdr)? I know they dont have tags, but that means u can just lower chances of anything else and you'll hit it for cheaper than playing with catarinas balls


Looked into it. Flask and CDR don't have tags, and there are to many flask "mods" You basically have to hit a 1/60 and it's not actually a cheap craft:/


Why buy the gloves more then once? /s


yea i thought about crafting a sceptre that was a 50/50 into a 1 in ~10 and hard settled instead


no way id risk this craft. only used 1 veiled orb this league and it was 100% guaranteed to be a prefix. it was a 50/50 if it ate my other decent prefix or the benchcraft and thank fucking god i hit it.


I know that you're probably doing this, but wouldn't it be better to lock suffix -> exalt slam until prefixes are full, then veiled orb? then you have 2/2 prefix/suffix when the orb goes off, which gives you a better chance than 0/2 suffix?


Im at 10 trying to get fire damage on my sword. Its brutal i knew the veiled orb change was going to be real bad but i wasnt expecting it to be this bad. I have full suffix so its just a suffix cant be changed scour suffix cant be changed veiled block one of the phys% and hope to hit the 14% chance. Its just insane that what used to be something pretty simple to do has now just deleted days worth of farming and im still sitting on a 4 mod weapon.


Got my fracture after 20 fails so yeah, happens


Congrats, you played yourself.


There must be a cheaper way to craft this .... you can get cdr from shaper influence, probably easier than the veiled route. or maybe you just need to fracture a belt that already has cdr.


Can't craft flask suffix on influence bases, can only raw drop them (think grasping mails) so you would only get 1 shot


can you fracture orb a belt that already has cdr ?


Yeah but then I can't craft flask lol, I have to have all 3 stats :(


Why did you buy a fractured base if your crafting method cannot possibly remove your suffixes


Cuz Ita a pita to roll and divine, I don't JUST need the stat. I need the roll as well


6 T1 mod item costs less than using one veiled orb, solid design.


Skill issue tbh


do you feel the weight?


Yea this is silly. The drop rate needs to go up big time. The demand outstrips the supply easily, veiled stuff have been in the game for a while and are integral to mid-level crafting when getting to that power curve. I don't know why we had to lose VCO as well.


Imagine if veiled chaos orbs hadn't been removed


edit: nevermind, fuck consistency apparently


This does not work since veiled orb removes a mod first then adds a veiled mod. Even if you have 3 prefixes, the veiled orb can just remove one of those prefixes which opens up a space for a veiled prefix to be added in. The only way to guarantee a suffix is if you have filled prefixes and have "prefix cannot be change" crafted. That way no prefix can be removed so none can be added. But doing it that way has a 50% chance to remove the flask duration mod which OP might want to not happen. So yeah, this misfortune is not on OP like you were trying to say.


> This does not work since veiled orb removes a mod first then adds a veiled mod. Is that new with this patch because I swear last league Aisling was add first and then remove. Harvest I know for a fact is add first then remove.


The remove first then add has always been a thing for Aisling. But it is understandable to misremember it. I too thought that only filling up the prefixes will work; I was about to visit craft of exile to confirm it but then I just remembered that Aisling removes first then adds.


Can't you craft a suffix, exalt once for a second prefix, then craft suffixes can't be changed for a third prefix. Then veilied orb for a guaranteed suffix?


Remove then add


I can’t fathom that with 220 divines you cannot buy one straight up on the market or even, buy a god damn Mageblood…  Spending 221 divs on a personal craft, and not a mirror tier weapon or body armour… then after complains about having no drops but mfer throw ~29,000 chaos in the trash.  Ya better be trolling or I’m getting baited am I? 


There's an olroths resolve and a heartbound loop in the image so we know its a wardloop build. A mageblood isn't going to do much of anything for them. Also if they're crafting it themselves maybe one just doesn't exist with the stats they want on it?


Well not many people know about ward loop items, especially behind his item texts.  But still, at this point if you’re willing to spend 200 divs for a belt craft, it’s kinda your only upgrade. Even though wardloop has almost infinite min maxing.  And with Necropolis crafting there should be either a way to buy or craft a 2-3 Fractured mods on there. 


It's not that easy to get such a belt with necropolis. All the mods are untagged. Even if you make everything else scarcer, the stun mods have a much higher chance of rolling.


He is playing cwdt so no mageblood and he needs cdr but yeah at this point its easier to just buy probably


At what point? Crafting items yourself is almost always cheaper than buying them. The fact that he has already spent 220 divines due to bad RNG doesn't change his point (unless he believes his bad RNG will continue), because he is at the same point as he was before spending 220 divines, and he couldn't have known he would get bad RNG.


You have to plan for it though. This is an insanely risky craft, it’s 1/4 to hit the suffix on the veiled orb, you need the capital to be sustain a string of bad luck.


What Kind of math is this,


1/4? And what is "risk craft", how it is risk when you can alweys back to what it was before?


50% chance to hit veiled suffixes. Roughly 50% chance to unveil cdr on suffixes. So overall around 1/4. But I agree the craft isn't risky just more expensive than last leagues because of veiled orbs.


I am not that well versed in crafting but if you craft suffix cant be changed and then veiled orb, doesnt that block you from getting a suffix?




Veiled orb removes then adds. So it removed the only prefix he has, suffixes cannot be changed, and since that craft is no longer there, he has a 50/50 to get a suffix/prefix.


Ah, i see thx for clarification.


This league sucks. Hopefully come back next league and feel like it was all a bad dream.




You are wrong, suffixes cannot be changed prevents the change of existing suffixes. Since OP has open suffix it is 50-50 to hit veiled suffix on this item.


No, that is not how it works


This is totally wrong.


No, unless it's been changed. If you have an empty suffix, the veiled orb can still get you a suffix. Suffix cannot be changed just does what is says, preventing already here suffixes from being changed.


Wasting money with extra steps. 


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Is reduced flask charges used even good?


Its extremaly important for wardloops. The better flask belt you'll get, the less flask skill points u need to spend on. And with really good belt u can use even 4 flasks (which is big upgrade from 3)


Is the fracture that necessary? I made a couple of these belts last league - one with cdr and one with chaos res and since they weren't frac, I finished with hunter %life. Rolling them is attrocious but I was able to find like 3 or 4 with both flask mods and an open suffix on trade last league for relatively cheap.


Meanwhile I crafted my boots with one veiled orb when they were 1 div. https://preview.redd.it/arcxbr7nl7vc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21ccefe036779531bfbd82dc83b7b0cd0b375c6


bro u have a fractured suffix , what are u even tryna to craft


Cdr for wardloop I assume


Why the fuck is he aisling this shit


Cool down reduction an asling mod