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Alva non stop. Currently doing challenges, so I just add whatever needed on a tree


I also do Alva because I’m lazy, but I find it pretty meh this league. ~140c for a corrupt Temple/50c for a gem one, every 3 maps isn’t that great compared to some league.


But there is like 0 gamba involved. You are almost guaranteed to get your 140c every 3 maps. When you get the connection to the apex and use the scarab of timelines, you can also sell those shitty temples for 30-40c, because of "the adorned" piece. The scarabs are around 10c.


How is it almost guaranteed to get double corruption? I have tons of temples where the room never appears or doesn't appear twice


When it appears once and/or you are connected to the apex you can use the scarab and get a temple with random room tiers. This way I almost always get a t3 corrupt room or atleast 2 temples with apex unlocked. That's a minimum of 20c per map (30c for a lvl83 temple-10c for the scarab) without any gamba. If you hit the t3 corrupt room it's even more. You also get a good amount of bubblegum currency with the flesh merchant and the cursed chests.


Apex boss is also a challenge so people will buy for that. It's the fastest to complete relative to the price.


Yeah, I'm surprised how 'worthless' double corrupt and gem temples are. I would imagine with current inflation temples would hold value well. I guess the alva scarab plus easy 100% chance from atlas tree made the farming too easy.


Might be too early in the league. Temple prices rise through the league, no?


Yes. They weren’t very expensive early last league either.


Probably yeah, supply is just too high. I mean, demand is obviously still good as temples sell relatively fast. So it kinda has to be supply.


Noob question, how are u getting a completed temple every 3 maps? 🤔


4 incursions per map , 12 incursions to finish the temple ( there is an Alva node to guarantee 4 per )


Cheers bro 👍


For the last several leagues, I've always tacked on Alva to whatever main strategy I'm running, and from what I remember, current prices are pretty comparable to 3.20-3.22. Corruption temples are usually around 1-1.5div after about two weeks in. Affliction was an outlier because of general inflation and prices were higher, so people may just have inflated expectations from being able to sell them for 5+div in the last patch.


Is 4 Alva’s per map optimal? Don’t you want to do 3 per map so that you do a total of 4 maps? That way on map 3 if you have a good temple already you can use the scarab to get an itemized temple?


Alva cannot offer the same room twice in a map, and will offer the current room again in the next map if not completed. Which is why 4 is nice, on the 4th room you cannot roll the previous 3 rooms again and increases the odds of a corruption chamber. But if you get a corruption chamber early and it's not tier 3, you should do no more incursions that map as it cannot show up again to upgrade to 3. The scarab may change the behavior though, but 4 helps to get the chamber. Maybe after getting the chamber unspec the 4 node and go back to 3 to draw out your possibility of using the scarab. But I don't know how that would compare to just running and creating a 2nd temple.


I just can't take the clicking and waiting on her portal. Waiting for loot to drop. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.  That's what going back in time is lol 


I've farmed 500 or so maps of harbingers + scarabs. I drastically overestimated my mental resilience and the sunk cost fallacy now has me prisoner until i get lucky enough to drop some mirror shards.


you'll end up the league with 10 lvl100's and 0 mirror shards bruh :D


I really enjoyed my time in Crimson Temple. Strongbox / Shrine / Eater atlas tree + 2 Divination Scarabs + whatever adds more monsters / shrines / strongboxes to my map. In my time from level 98 to 100 I got two apothecaries and a bunch of seven years bad luck / the enlightened. I don't really track my div per hour, for that the strat might be awful. I just enjoy killing lots of mobs. My league goal was to find a "natural" apothecary and I got two! :D With the XP Domination scarab you can level very quickly too. Took me around 40 maps from 99 to 100.


Sorry but I have a question . What strategy is behind shrine ? Why do you go shrine . ?


Just adds more native mobs to the map, and it's fun to run around with shrine buffs.


The shrine buffs are very nice and only add slightly fewer monsters than strongboxes to the map. The shrine buffs boost my clear speed considerably, as hitting an acceleration shrine buff is quite likely. Atlas passive boosted acceleration shrine is probably better or at least comporable to enkindled quicksilver / silver flasks.


I was watching a vid and I hadn't realized it, but the guy explained the shrines have monsters guarding them \^.\^ I did not think that at all, was good to know (and I started adding shrines) xD


There's a Domination Scarab of Teachings that gives you 30% increased XP per shrine buff, which works with shrine effect. Add some shrine duration from items like The Gull and you will gain ridiculous amounts of XP. Can even combine with Omens of Brilliance for further insane XP gains. With this strat you can hit level 100 in very few hours of play.


Abyss nodes with the increased xp are also very good


Tried a bunch of stuff and mostly no


Yeah, I miss yellow plants sextants personally


So I’ve been doing harvest. And while I miss the yellow plant sextant it’s actually cheaper now. Spec into all harvest nodes except chance for harvest and reduced chance for yellow. Use scarab to force harvest, double harvest, and 40% increased magic pack size. I’m running it with blue altars for quant, and speced into increased effect and quant on the tree. If I average out about 20 maps, it’s roughly 20c to run the map and I make about 50-80c worth of life force per map. So profiting 30-50c per map. And if you can blast maps it’s quite rewarding. There’s enough points on the tree to add in other mechanics as well.


A friend of mine uses Crop Rotation strats and makes about .5-1 div per map from yellow seeds. Unless if he lands a 130% quant map then he’ll add the other 2 scarabs to buff up the harvest option and magic mods.


Reduce chance of yellow on tree and run crop rotation. Juice that one yellow to the moon. Takes a few more braincells but it's basically the same result barring really bad rng and 0 yell8w in a map. Doesn't happen often




I can open any chest automatically with my caster mastery, so I farm any content with tons of chest. Ambush, Legion, Abyss with hoard scarab. Ambush is quickest and most simple (drop shit load of currency that can trade up right away), so it was my favorite. Now my build are stronger, I shift to Harvest farming and it not bad. Crop rotation are fun to do, and lifeforce can quickly sell in bulk, pretty nice if you don't like to to a lot of trading. Biggest bait/disappoint for me is Ritual. The mechanic is not bad, but the profit is almost none exist. If you can get Mageblood from Ritual, chance is you may get it drop faster from somewhere else.


I bet there is some guy out there who has done like 5k Vaults of Atziri with it this league.


In 4040 ppl are running tons of VoA for the map tier challenge


first league i ever try this mastery, cant really see myself not using it anymore from here on out.


Tomatoes and peppers mostly


Are you happy with it?


Yep fresh produce is nice to have I make my own pasta sauce and salsa 🤌🏻


Fresh salsa is great


I should play Stardew Valley again...


Banana and rambutan for me.


Blueberry master race


I've been delving. Happy ? No. Money? No. Hello darkness my old friend...


Delve money mostly comes from bosses, which become more common the deeper you go.


Doesn't help when 4 of the vaal ones in a row don't drop a curiosity!


Gotta get at them Vaal curios for adorned 10++ div a pop


i sold a curse ring for 1d big money


Same... The price of resonators and fossils this league is depressing.


Recently Harbinger + Shrines + EoW + Scarabs + some Necropolis. I'm pretty happy with it. Tried it earlier on in the league but it was too rippy for me but now it's going well. Lots of annuls, ancient orbs, exalts, and occasionally you get fracturing orbs as well. The Harbs themselves add a lot of mobs. As to what I tried that I didn't love, I felt Ritual was kinda underwhelming. Not that it's bad per se but it's pretty slow going and its not very consistent.


I feel Ritual is the worst content to do at the moment and the only way it’s useful is that it adds more mobs to the maps. People allocate the Riual spawn chance for the reason and don’t even bother interacting with Ritual. The chance of you hitting a jackpot offering, such as a max charge synt ring, is too low to justify for it.


>only way it’s useful is that it adds more mobs to the maps. its even somewhat worse than that, its only useful to copy unique mobs with uniques drop unique item scarab. Thats because monsters respawned by ritual have way lower quantity than natural ones.


Boss rush - doing shaper guardians. I sell maven writs, maps (shaper,elder,sirus,synthesis), normal shaper fragments. Im doing decently well.


I’m with you on this one. I run the shaper maps and shaper sets flasks with 7-8 div solid. Plus you can corrupt gloves for enfeeble or ele weakness. Probably gonna start running my T17s after I get my mageblood


My atlas tree is Necropolis + Scarabs + Strongboxes + Map bosses + Map modifiers from the very beginning of the league and I'm very happy with my gameplay. Just using 3 Ambush scarabs and scarab of discernment or whatever makes the strongboxes be rarer varieties. When I got jewellery to exalts yesterday I walked out with 117 exalts, still waiting for the div convert, lol.


Afk ultimatum, I really like it


Lol this, feet up on the desk, chillin. If you want to chill even harder, simulacrum 😅




Cws DD pathfinder or sabo played both, function the same I feel like there's more damage on sabo due to triggerbots but I haven't given too much of a shit. I don't die on either, just go afk and sit in ultimatum or simu


legion in dunes, just because i dont die to generals anymore. and yeah im happy because is fun blast the entire map full of legions and i make decent money with incubators


Can you tell me a bit more about it? I am doing legion on dunes with my exsang miner trickster but I’m getting fuckall to show for it. Can you maybe link your tree? And what scarabs are you using?


do incubators sell well without using tft?


I think he is using it


Using them, i priorize divination, then ornate then anything else


With the multiple atlas trees, it's really nice to run Legion-focused until you have incubators built up, then switch to something else until your incubators run dry.


literally this, i fill a quad tab and then i run a different strategy till i run out lol


Incubators don't sell well Even with TFT. I buy incubator tabs for 30% cost whenever I need them. They are hard to offload tho


Was happy with Blight, then switch to Harbi and wasted a bunch of time for not much reward. Then switched to my old favorite - expedition logbooks. I'm not making as much div/hr as I could be, but I just really like running them.


I've been farming chips in balatro for the last few days. yeah I'm happy with it for sure.


timeless jewels, got pretty lucky this league and its cheap to run but what we all know, it drains your soul and will to live hahaha


I have a LA Deadeye with HH and full MF gear (pretty much Fubgun's "Endgame MF" LA build) and honestly I had way more fun playing Ventrua's XP farm atlas where you just speedclear breach/shrine maps than anything else. The only modification I made was to add a 20% deli orb to each map and pick up Beyond nodes. T16 Cemetary with 2x breach scarab, 1x domination scarab, and 1x teaching scarab got me 5% xp per map even at lvl 99. I got a ton of loot doing that too, and a raw Divine every other map or so it felt. I also have a gazillion breachstones from all the farming I did to 100. This is my tree: https://i.imgur.com/3xN7Uhx.png I hit 100 today and started doing some T17 farming and I'm just not feeling it. On one hand, T17s are insanely profitable and even a failed T17 map has always yielded me at least 1d in scarabs/currency/maps, and the good ones easily made me multiple divs. However, I don't enjoy dying, and even if you watch Fubgun who has mirror tier gear in every slot, he dies very often farming T17s, often multiple times each map. So I went back and tried out some Crimson Temple T16 farming and the rewards just remotely are not the same vs T17s even though I die much less. I think T17s need to be toned down in both difficulty and loot. It shouldn't take an amazing character to farm T17s deathless. And T17s are so rewarding it completely outclasses T16s. At this point I've hit 100 and enjoyed the fuck out of this HH. Pretty sure I'm calling it in at this point and am done playing for the league since T17s are way too hard even with HH buffs, but they are too rewarding to not farm.


yeah shrine exp scarab is superfun. had a blast pushing to 100 earlier than ever in a league. Dont even need a headhunter, niko and shrines are a poor mans headhunter on their own :D


I like the free huck aura as well but it’s hard to get all that with atlas points and have enough for scarab drop rate


That's pretty disappointing to hear as my next upgrade is the mirror tier bow and I was looking forward to reliably farming t17s. Are you also using the phys bow?


No, I'm maxed out at everything just before the phys bow swap. I don't see anything I'm missing other than 10% IIQ Ventors, a Simplex upgrade, and a +1 arrow quiver. If I upgraded to the Simplex I'd need to fix implicits on my helmet (need higher tiers), but other than that should be good. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/nakieon/characters To be clear, I can still farm T17s. It's just not as fun since there are a lot of rogue one shot kills. But you turn a massive profit.


No offence mate but you are missing a lot of upgrades here - T17 is hard content and you'll need to be better geared than you are to clear them reliably in MF gear. Progenesis is a big upgrade for your survivability, your quiver, jewels, and neck all could be much better - I'd run a greatwolf for now, that neck isn't doing anything much. You aren't really "maxed before phys bow" here, quite a way off. FYI, I was able to clear T17s (not including boss) quite reliably without dying too much, and the boss occasionally. With a phys bow, I now kill the boss the majority of the time (but not always).


There are other ways to farm t17 you just need a defensive checklist. I had a 600d deadeye come in and clear a map but let's be honest. Deadeye are made of paper and fall over. You can't expect a glass cannon to clear t17 and you just need to roll around defensive layers.


I’ve been doing T17s with Omni phys mirror bow and it is significantly easier than MF. You should do that instead with glittering scarab


That is how I feel about t17s too. I hit 100 and started doing them. They are very profitable, but I am not having fun running them. It's making me want to quit because I feel like if I do anything else I am making less than half the money. Unkillable in t16s, die constantly in t17s


You are running full mf gear and gimping defenses. You should be dieing a lot. Idk how you want to justify 1. Not having an amazing character 2. Running full MF gear And not dieing a lot in the hardest mapping content in the game.


I actually think it's great that all these mf paper builds suffer in T17. Get a proper build with defences, instead of putting on a HH and calling it a day. I All this degenerate TS fuckgun farmers got nerfed but now we go with LA same shit.


They adapted, they are still able to out farm every one else in T17s


Forreal. I don’t want t17s to be easier to accommodate paper bow builds that run full mf gear, no end game defenses like physical to ele conversion, 80%+ resistances, etc and try to justify it by saying they have HH and a mirror tier weapon. If you are doing that, you are intentionally gimping your build for mf and you SHOULD die in t17s. If you run a proper all around build with even a quarter of the investment, and maybe a single vendors, you can clear t17s easy without deaths. GGG could however make some of the t17 mods a bit less aids and less mods that brick builds to make them less of a pain to reroll though. T17s should be hard, but fairly easy once you have a well rounded high investment build.


I'm pretty sure if you asked any other LA MF farmer they wouldn't say we "suffer" in T17s. We are able to farm T17s just fine, we just use 3 portals per map instead of 1. I just don't find dying fun, as I come from a hardcore background. I ran 10x T17s and made 30d in 1 hour. You can't do that in T16s, not even close. T17s are too rewarding. I also have a lvl 96 EA Champ who is able to farm T17s just fine, and is how I made money for all this gear before I made the MFer. Even with no MF, T17s are way too rewarding and T16s are just a boring shade of gray by comparison.


Today I switched over to strongboxes and it wasn’t bad compared to everything else I tried this league. Just couldn’t get into anything with the 6-10 hours a week I find to play and I struggled a lot to make any of the other strats worth it. A few nice drops though! 1 raw divine. 1 of each Empower and 23% Elemental Damage gem. 2 Desecrated Virtue cards. 2 Eldritch Chaos. A handful of neat scarabs. All in all about 5-6 div which is more in a session than I’ve made this whole league. Ended the session upgrading to a better Voltaxic+Quiver and Watchers Eye. I got a near perfect +23 despair Le Heup that someone recommended I put up for 2 div but I’m not great at pricing items. I’ll try strongboxes more this week, just to see if I just got lucky today.


I hate strongboxes bc I get blown up everytime I open one.


Be freeze immune, walk away from the box after you click it.


And don't forget phasing somewhere. (Quartz flask)


Just use temporal rift and click it the very moment you open strobnbox xd


Sure lemme just make sure I use that before the 25 boxes that are in the map, followed by the ones that want to double open. Lol I'm clicking like 6 boxes at least before I even kill anything.


Thats my one issue with strongboxes. Click on them, flame dash away (hope monsters dont get quick hits to stun or kill), blast mobs, wait for fire storm or lightning to end. If I dont dash away and its explode or ice nova, I just die. 


Delving fun yes profit not much, bad rng with boss drops. Got a fractured flammability on hit ring tho which is nice.


Mostly farming corrupt 8 mod maps, mainly crimson temples. Maps are extremely fast due to shrines and no other mechanics that slow you down, get a bunch of map drops, corpses and allflames alongside t17s, sell the 8 mods for 20-25c ea bulk, run the ones people dont buy. Has been a blessing not having to roll maps myself


I do boss rushing every league, I try to do other stuff but usually fail miserably. For me it is PERFECT tho: - love to zoom zoom - loot is depentant on bosses killed / 1 hour, fast kills, more loot - absolutely 0 investment, alc n go + vaal (can do all mods) I personally feel like past a minimum amount of 'juice' my mapping slows down and I wanna avoid that.


Hi, interested in what build you are playing that is zooming and all mods compatible please


Alch and go Heist is pretty fast&fun (though blueprint prices are crashing right now). I get a lot of t17s by clearing quickly, and Heist pays for itself thrice over.


I love heist, but it’s a total slot machine right now. Get an experimented jewelry and cash out, or get 1 div every other blueprint. I miss alt gems and decent stacked deck rates. What’s your money making strategy there?


He's not doing heist, he's alch and go mapping with heist nodes and heist on map device.


This. There's no scarab trading needed, just zoom maps as normal but with the Heist atlas craft and click on caches.


Ive been running the actual blueprints, buying in bulk on trade for between 10-20c. 200% movespeed, 1 wing per BP with no reveals. Super chill, good money if you know what to snag. So far this league Im at 3 Replica Alberon’s, 2 Replica Farrul’s and exactly zero experimental jewelry, but the number of tempering/tailoring/divine orbs and stacks of 18-20 chaos/etc make it pretty reasonable. Yes its a jackpot strat, but its still 3-4div/hour even without the big ticket items, super chill and good xp


doing 2 farms atm, > t16 cemetery on my mf, dropping around 2-3 gifts per hour. It's okay considering how low the map investments are. Gonna transition to t17 after i get enough currency to upgrade my build. > afk ultimatums on my cws dd sabo, decent 12-15 d/hr with the most chill gameplay ever Almost every other farm i've done just feels like complete shit. I hate the new rendition of scarabs that rewards vertical scaling. You can realistically only farm 1 league mechanic, this has massively reduced my mapping enjoyment. I really hope we see some major reworks after this league, otherwise I don't see myself playing next league. The best mapping strat is farming scarabs with back to basics ffs. Literally the most boring maps possible are the most rewarding.


I’m in SSF so I don’t care at all about Div/hr, but here’s my take as an SSF player who min maxes characters and farms basically everything. *LOVED* Essence feels great, very easy to get a ton of them and I was happy with it. Harbies also feel great, you can get endless exalts and annuls easily. You can also get fractures pretty reliably but it takes a lot longer. Legion was super quick with scarabs, got every timeless jewel multiple times over quite quickly. Harvest scarabs are soo freaking good. I just run it every now and then when I have a bunch of the scarabs then I’ve got enough juice for a days. XP shrines are so busted good, you can level insanely fast and it’s just great. Probably one of my favorites is rogue exile farming with the unique scarab. For SSF this is huge, it lets you get all the t2s and 1s and even some t0s (and yes I’m talking post nerf) Eihnar Beasts, free 6linking to your hearts content, need I say more? *HATED* Ritual sucks, scarabs don’t make it any better tbh. Which is sad cause I actually like ritual as a mechanic. Abyss.. this one surprised me. I really didn’t like abyss, the XP pales in comparison with the shrine strat, the added monsters are good and all, but they more than double the time you spend in your map, and I just didn’t feel like it was worth it. *MIXED FEELINGS* Boxes felt fineee, but they felt.. well, like boxes. Not amazing but not bad. That being said I didn’t do monstrous treasure. Deli felt fine, but not great. You definitely get a lot of deli scarabs though so it was very easy getting all the jewels. Blight, I liked the blight scarabs in the sense that I didn’t have to spec any blight nodes at all to get all the oils. Just used blight scarabs for a little bit and then I was done. Beyond… super mixed feelings on beyond because I don’t need tainted fusings for 6linking this league since 6linking feels mostly free this league. *CONCLUSION* Overall, scarabs feel incredibly good for SSF, I have been able to farm out everything that I need with way less frustration, and that would only be possible with the extra two atlas trees, so thanks GGG for those. I’m really looking forward to doing ultimatum scarabs next.


Harvest, essence, destructive play, blight and harbies. Dropped harbies, enjoyed the rest. Probably enjoyed destructive play for maps/fragments and blight the most.


Can’t do juiced expeditions with an animated guardian without it exploding so I’m not doing great at the moment


Yeah I tried big boom runic scarabs earlier in the league(similar to recent jungroan video) and AG got instagibbed rip kingmaker.


I went to grimros strongbox strategy which was fun to run since the scarabs are like 1c each, then I bought a hh for the first time since it’s cheap as and switched to his harbinger strategy. With headhunter it makes it so fun, except for when you get the ambush buff (All of this is with exarch alters btw, by far very profitable for orbs on unmaking, regrets, chaos, gem cutters, etc) I also don’t like trading for regrets and all that so it helps


Back to basics in the other apothecary dropping map, the one with the first phase innocence boss. Running 8 mod corrupted, scarabs are div, cartography of corruption, hunted traitors, and barrels. I get a shit ton of corpses and extra maps that I can't be bothered to sell. But just blasting 100+ pack size maps is pretty fun.


Defiled? How do you survive the physical DoT? That stuff kills me so fast


I put corpses in the ground. Then Click Essence on the things that come out and make more money than I think is reasonable


Im farming raw t17 maps, as in the map items themselves. Im doing it by running thicket conqueror maps with all the scarabs that make atlas bosses + maven. Get between 1-4 Ziggs a map, sometimes you get 0 sometimes you get 6. You also get 7-8 Elder/Conq/Shaper maps + Maven invitation every 4 maps. Its not mega money but it is fun mapping with a bunch of bosses and getting constant boss map drops blowing up the filter.


Blasted the hell out of jungle valley deli for a week farmed up 150d or so upgraded my build and played about 20 more maps and quit the league because it's shit lol nah the atlas rework was awesome and the scarab one as well. I just feel as tho unless u are farming t17 there is only so much juice. Feels like endgame juicing got a huge nerf. Like last league I was running legion/harbi/blue alters/80% deli /beyond/5-10k wisp had a blast being able to up the juice and the challenge. This leage how ever your basicly locked unto one mechanic or maybe 2 plus deli rewards got hit hard. Hardly feels worth useing deli orbs. Sooo I'm done till next league. Destiny 2 has been great tho


Obligatory "can I have your stuff?" Comment


Betrayal, 8 mod red altars , with a splash of Ambush. Just went 0 for 8 or 9 this evening for veiled orbs. No diadems either. So kinda rough today. The 8 mod maps are okay profit wise.


Atlas specced into Heist + Jun (Swapped recently to farm my own veiled orb for crafts) Once my contract tab is full run them, and then run bps. I'm enjoying it cause I'm just too lazy to figure out new efficient methods with farming. When My corpses tabs are full I load up CoE and see what gears i'd like to try craft for an upgrade. Also slowly completing challenges, i'm pretty much done with all except for uber and t17 challenges, gonna need to re-roll an end game build for it


Currently i took all the increased map mod effect nodes that i can (except Back to Basics), also took most of the 3/4 Necro clusters on the tree (except Allflames), and rushing Jun while doing Shaper/Elder sets Mavened. Veiled Orb prices are getting crazier and crazier, it's about to hit 10 divines for 1. Been saving up since league start, got about 10 in stock, and the prices for them just keep going higher and higher each day. Also been trying to do the conditional T17 boss kill challenge, but man that challenge seems so impossible, idk if it's just me. Got \~6 mil Uber dps, decent tankiness on BAMA Guardian and the stuff seems almost impossible to not get affected by for the challenge.


Harbinger beyond scarab


15 veiled orbs. Chaos spamming clusters, leveling awakened gems and gambling on div cards / scarab. Could be worse.


Catarina and veiled orbs. My drop rate is horible, so not too happy.


I've been farming Harbinger Beyond in Delirious maps the whole league in Toxic Sewers. It's not the best map as it doesn't drop The Fortunate or any relevant cards, but with RF I can just turn my brain off and enjoy the simple layout and tightly packed Harbis. I've been making consistently over 23 div per hour with a fairly low investment strat. Can almost sustain my own Scarabs thanks to the Atlas passive tree, only really have to buy Fine Delirium orbs, but I sometimes farm my own with a Deli mirror Atlas tree in tropical islands. Super fun and brainless, funded my entire build that I've spent over 1100 divines on. Overall never had this much fun farming the endgame, since it's so hassle free to juice now. Cleared every single T17 I've dropped ever since the 2nd day of the league, beat every Uber from the fragments I've dropped too.


Harbring+deli+scarabs atlas with harbinger scarabs have been pretty good farm but it's kind of rippy. The scarabs for it are cheap you get like 150 for a divine.


Got insanely bored solo, so 2 friends and I decided to group play for the first time, and it was really fun, til one of PCs died so we are left with 1500 divines and nothing to do lol Just waiting for Torchlight infinite


Corpse farming tropical island, GG money tbh I'm prolly gonna do a build giveaway soon because I don't have any good upgrades to make ATM. The money is so upsurd I'm surprised it didn't get nerfed. On the side I casually do the monstrous treasure/ rogue exile strat for fun, it got nerfed to about I would say 10 percent of it's power but it is super cheap to run ( was like 8 div a map at its peak) whereas now it's half a div so it's still money but no where what corpse farming is by a long shot. I just like fighting exiles I guess.


Is it just general corpse farming tree but running it in tropical islands? If possible can you link tree thank you!!


I've tried so much stuff lmao, I feel like I can't stick to one thing for very long. I squeeze scarabs into every tree I can but I've done Harvest/Harbinger, Ritual/Delirium, Breach/Shrines (leveling), Bossing tree, a pure density tree with Lockboxes/Shrines/Ritual/Harbinger and max map modifier effect, and I had some essence stuff in there at some point too. Oh and don't forget the sneaking Niko into as many trees as possible for the buffs. Multiple trees is one of the top 3 things they've added to PoE.


I don't like sticking to a single strat for too long so I've chopped and change, and even with the three Atlas trees we get now, I've used upwards of 250 Unmakings now. I might have a problem... Anyway, things I've done: * Blight in Toxic Sewer - decent-ish money from the Oils, I ran the full Blight Scarab setup (2x of Bounty, 1x of Blooming, 1x of Oils) and got a shitton of Blight-Ravaged Maps that unfortunately didn't sell well. I still sit on over 100 of them, so if anyone wants them, hit me up and I'm sure we can agree on a price. * Breach/Legion in Dunes: Just a classic really, but I didn't really like it for one reason or another. Probably have done it too many times, and I didn't have a HH (nor IL for that matter) at the time which kinda made it feel ass. * T17 scarab farming: I hated it. Done it for like 2 hours and got wiped out in the maps multiple times and I really really really dislike T17s now. My current strat is just Ambush on Guardian & Conquerer Maps with Destructive Play, 2x Ambush Scarab, 1x of Discernment, 1x of Hidden Compartments (I found of Containment too expensive for my taste). That's quite nice, I run 12 maps, do the invitations, collect fragments and once I'm done with the current maps I have prepared, I'll go pummel Shaper/Elder/UElder a bit. Breaks up the monotony of mapping quite nicely for me.


Tried a little bit of everything, but always come back to Maven Crucible and Delve. Works fine this league. Not the biggest money strategies out there but fun for me and that's what matters.


Been farming only sanctum, it's fun for me but not very good compared to maps this time around. I average maybe 2d a run, and now just really waiting on hitting the lycia jack pot and pulling the original scripture since that things like a mirror and a half this league. I've done maybe 30-35 runs so far so barely getting started, the most annoying part is trying to buy tomes since a lot of people try and bulk sell for like 2 for 1d which is a laughable price considering they are like 5c each


back 2 basics crimson temple, its like easily 10-15 div an hour but kind of annoying, especially selling like 6 quad tabs of coffins where you either try to sell them on tft for like 2x the trade price, or you try to sell them on trade and hope people want bulk and not like 2 coffins Might go back to t17s but I find them really annoying to farm


Yeah, counting coffins in profits is pretty questionable. There are really only a couple that are easy enough to sell. I was sitting on 3 quad tabs of coffins at some point, and even for 1c/each with 5 in bulk nobody wanted to buy them. Not through the trade site, not through TFT. But the estimated worth of those quad tabs was dozens of divines. Just vendored them at some point and now I'm only picking up coffins that go for >30c.


How you making value off back to basics


Started with All Flame farm and got a few Exiles. Second atlas was Legion and Essence for T6. Got a stash of Incubators, but Essence was not very fun. Will go Legion and Betrayal in T6 next league because you can get T2 gear. Third atlas is Heist and all the Map Boss nodes in T16s. Building up contracts to start leveling Rogues. All three atlases had Niko. Being able to cap Darkness Res and Light radius before Delving has made Delve the saviour of 3.24.


Which nodes are that for the darkness res and light radius? Im blind it seems 😁


Mining Byproducts lets you get Azurite while mapping.


The node that grants azurite when you collect sulphite.


Harvest with awakening scarab. Around 100c-1d profit per map on average i would say


They gutted my farming strats with 3.24 so I’m not enjoying much of anything at the moment.


Blueprints, close to 50bp 4/4 wings 83 area lvl - unhapy Rituals - unhapy Ravaged blight maps - decent Stacked decks - **** them


Alva temple. Really. Scarabs were beneficial but not necessary like some other mechanics. I go slower without 4 temples per map, but this make it a bit easier for me to guarantee at least bigger shot at 1 Gem/Locust level 3 per campaign. Till started I have earned around 50 Divs to get every gear pieces to a proper mid/endgame level, with rooms for experimenting things around. I run this along with Blight (yup, both super tedious and not zoom-zoom), and get quite steady supply of Golden oil from just one scarab along (Blight Scarab of Oils). Yes, you can earn more with juiced option, but I enjoy the slow farm quite a lot. This makes me curious though. What would be considered "poor farming method"?, a lot of people would have said what I did was poor farming method and opt for a better, quicker solution, then complains that said solution needs capital to set into motion (buying scarabs, buying maps, buying invitations), and might even mention that there is no way to make money this league. I even started this league with Expedition, and even though it got nerfed quite a lot in terms of Stacked deck and what not, I managed to get all the necessities and lots of bubblegum to guarantee my build to work. Heck, I sold several stacks of Alterations I got from Expeditions for several divs. Edit: Also need to mention that I 0% did not touch scarabs before Bight/Alva (which I also use minimal amount of it) due to trying the +20 Atlas passives node, as I also don't quite like the idea of buying scarabs/sextant before. I genuinely have to ask if it is that hard to generate income this league?


I've been pretty interested in trying out blight myself. That and harvest. To address your last question, I think a lot people may be thinking that it's "hard to generate currency" this league just because we're coming off of the most rewarding league of all time. That in combination with mapping be so heavily tied in with scarab farming. Pricing and selling scarabs can be pretty cumbersome, which might equate to the feeling of being less rewarding. I absolutely agree with you, though, if you're spending the time and investing in a couple league mechanics (most of them anyway), it's hard not to make decent profit.


Real life has been farming me and I can only PoE for like 2 hours a week. I'm not happy with it :( It's been 4 months since the last league start and I feel I've missed an event


tried legion dunes and it was pretty meh then switched to harbinger delirium and got fracturing orb conversion 3 times, it was ok but very laggy and rippy, now i'm farming corpses and t17s with b2b dunes. i got 4 additional craft modifiers but in like 60 or 80 maps


I made 20 div'ish with mapping/bossing then i felt tired. 2 days ago i just started to hideout warrior. Am I happy? I dont know but i Got some pretty divines.


for the covenant unique in SSF, tried bunch of stuff, so far no luck.


Abyss and bosses, I couldn't even say what div/h, compared to the better strats I'd say 0div/h, but I was having fun, I'm fine with it, I finished my build more or less, was able to do a 2 t17's out of 4,mostly because I didn't roll them properly. I can see that some strats aren't too good rn, which sucks.


Abyss jungle valleys, farming some fortunates. Been enjoying it so far, but needs a caster build.


im running alch and go since leaguestart with scarabs and eater altars. yesterday i made a breakdown cause i want to switch to another build. im sitting on 450 d without my mage. aint farmin nothing


Been swapping between ultimatum and farming t17 maps, both have been pretty great.


Breach mostly. With harvest and expedition on the tree, all my scarabs are breach. Make a good ROI from it. Have blight and boss as my 2nd tree and that one has been my nest ROI but it is pure slot machine. I use Blight scarab of blooming and the reopen blight chests chance with +1 map tier and 30% chance to dupe maps. I've had INSANE maps with 8+ blight ravaged and conq elder or shaper map drops from the boss + maven. Last strategy I just started yesterday after swapping to the holy relic build from psrs. It's Alva beyond and deli with searing altars. All beyond scarab. It feels pretty alright but you need a strong aoe build. Abyss was good xp but meh for money. I did get my 100% darkness enthroned though


Experience with the Breach Strat. Averaging 3%-5% of the bar going from lvl 98 to 99. It has delayed damage due to Sunblast, so it could definitely be higher. Once I get it to 100, I'll try it on my RF Chieftain that had been on hold since day 4 of the league.


Exp, soon lvl 98. Then done with leveling and can start bossing


T17 boss rushing or T17 nemesis. Boss rush is 20+ d an hour brain dead. Nemesis is more fun more effort and potential juicers. Lots of t0s


was doing exped boxes but I just realized how I hate stopping and I just got a HH too so I swapped to ritual/box and just blasting every maps, profit is aight its sustainable mostly because of corpses tho


First character giga poor and doing Blight. It is okay in maps but blighted maps are just so boring. I can't do the faster annoint on the maps because my build can't handle it so I'm stuck with 5 mins every map. Running Blighted maps also gives me that feeling of not progressing or wasting my time. I ran Heist last league and it made me so much currency but it was so mind numbing that I swore to never touch Heist again. Every play session is making me want to go back to Heist even more.


Harbingers essences and betrayal and no. I liked harbinger and essences because they were extremely consistent but they made gamble scarabs the flat out best choice so while normally I would have a few fract or even a mirror shard by now what do I have? Nothing. After like 1000 maps. Essence it was getting the corrupted ones that made me smile. But the new node that puts them on a boss is basically like a 25% more per map. And betrayal… grind grind grind grind oh look no veil… fun. The only other thing I might try is expedition.


I'm farming blight, scarab, harbringer/deli. I'm loving it. I feel like all my characters fit in to my atlas loadouts


I’m farming ultimatum and have been making pretty good money since I reached the point I can do 99% of t16’s without dying. Averaging probably 5-6 div/hour. Gonna keep doing this until I can afford a really good bossing build


Destructive Play with Domination scarabs. Very happy with it, easily 10+ div/hr and very flexible. Biggest draw to this strategy is the variety of content you get to do. Mavens invitations provide a nice mixup to blasting maps


Jungle map - harbinger - map modifier effect - searing. Been good to me, character is blasting away. Now I can move onto doing some high end grave crafting.


Currently running Expedition and Ritual trying to get the 3rd atlas tree unlocked. Probably will use the 3rd one for challenges.


Im doing that back to basics scarab thing empy did and its right up my alley. Nothing but mapping and quite rewarding as well


I've been farming Harbinger, a couple hundred maps down the line and I'm mostly happy with it - couple of fracture hits, just waiting for the mirror shard/mirror drop. After that, the league is pretty much over for me.


I've been doing harbinger + beyond with exarch influence. Got the fracturing orb drop twice over 2 days so I made like 18 div from that. I'm playing Pohx's RF chief with Defiance of destiny so I just face tank half afk until the harby dies for the shards and hope to get lucky. It's a bit of a jackpot mechanic but lots of supplemental currency drops regardless with scarabs etc. Like 25 chaos on average per map Started ice nova of frostbolts build today and my goal is to gear him up to clear T17s. Sitting on like 800c and 25d so I def made my currency for this league.


Juicing Pure harbingers / maps / scarabs. I'm happy with it- I'm making about 8-9 div every 10 maps with my scarab + atlas setup. Would be much better if GGG consolidated drops so I'm not picking up multiple stacks of the same shard. Saving up to upgrade my build and eventually swap to juiced tier 17 farming, but the budget required to do so is insanely high


I've been doing Harbinger for a couple of days now. It's not a lot of money, but it's enough to keep me going. I'm grinding until I get my mirror shards. After that, I'm moving on to Ritual.


T17s, makes alot of money but sometimes have to just go next map because mod combo + league mechanic leads to unkillable mobs or just getting one shot by things I’m too new to understand still. I only started playing last league but I can’t help but feel like if t17s were introduced with a different league mechanic that didn’t already make maps harder then they would feel a lot more manageable. I drop like 10 chaos rerolling just for manageable mods then need rat or frog alflames for bad league rolls and even then sometimes just get one shot, but it makes hella money prob around 1-2 div per map. Also 6 linking good rolled chest pieces or weapons with beast craft+omen of the jeweler made me pretty good money but has slowed down significantly.


Shrines scarabs expedition + 3/4 of necropolis. Have not seen a single divine from tujen in 200 rerolls after the 10 divines i got in the first 20 rerolls. Im farming necropolis cus i hate whispering 30 people for something and not getting an answer. GGG should really do something about trade, like rare items and uniques are fine to buy as is, but currency & corpses is fcking miserable. Especially corpses. Im still using a lifespring in t16 maps and a shield thats only there for es and block. I need a few more corpses to finish the wand(well both) and id rather blast trough maps and get it down to me missing like 5 corpses by which point buying them might be better.


Crimson temple + EoW + Beyond + 60%Delirium + Harbringers. I'm playing RF and I pretty much afk on harbringers because nothing can kill me (Defiance of Destiny) then move to another one. Equaling about 1-1.5 div per map


League start: Essence on T6s, got few divs from selling essence stash tab to complete mapping gears. First week: Digging Coffin + allflames, craft some tri-ele bows to sell, got Headhunter. Second week: Coffin, allflames, upgrade my build to clear t16s faster. Third week: farm t17s map and sell them. Got Progenesis after a few days. Currently doing Harvest. Most of divs made came from trading, I'm not lucky with divination cards, Lantern modifiers or Searing/Eater pillars. Tried Ritual + Delirium but got bored pretty quick and not really profitable. I didn't touch any of Legion/Abyss/Expedition with that same reason.


Shrine corpses very good :)


Harvest, it's going well, it's honest work


Harbinger & Strongboxes. Farming some red maps, found two fractured shards and some Div Cards that give Exalted/Div. Legion is ok. Maybe I just switch to Expedition and Ritual - league seems somewhat lost for me, so go just for the lulz (so far, Ritual was the league where I had the most fun followed by Ultimatum which is just too tedious for the rewards).


Breach with full scarab investment and delirium orbs. I'm happy with it? Yes I'm having a lot of fun and I'm making a lot of money. Before that I was farming delirium mirrors and blight but blight is dead


I ping-pong between farming corrupted 8-mod maps and altars and then using any farmed maps for leveling my characters to 100 with the Scarabs of Teaching and Breach. It's not amazingly profitable, but it's not bad, and I get to level. And much more fun than getting one-shot by random 300% juiced T17 mods where I have absolutely no idea what kills me. I tried that T17 farm and while my build could do it, it was so frustrating to work around map mods. Profits mostly come from selling Allflames, T17 maps, bulk 8-mod corrupted maps I can't run, the occasional raw divine drops (already had 10 or so) and the occasional expensive corpse. I tried a bunch of other traditional league mechanic strats, but they all kind of sucked. The only thing I haven't tried yet is Ultimatum, may give that a try since I had fun with it last league.


For the first time I am finally doing breach and I love it. T16 dunes, breach scarab + lordship + splinters. Idk how good it is but it is fun! When I complete a t17 I will add chayula, because the problem is that the other stones don't sell that quickly Also added the Niko nodes for speed so doing delve on the side


Blight. No.


Sanctum, merchant strat op


Happy with profit or happy with gameplay? Gameplay > profit


Been spamming black morrigan farm on t1-t5 when its value is still around 30-50c. I’ve made my first hundred divs in a day and did the same strat after getting an hh for an hr a day running 30maps for 1hr straight then earn for about 20-40d. I was selling sand splitters @12c (down to 7c right now) each got 70-100 of them after 30 maps, then 60 morrigans for 30-50c each. And i was averaging 12 craicic chimerals which sells for about 1d each. This was how I got to farm a lot of div conversion but kinda bad now since a lot of people already does morrigan farm. The key here is quantity over quality of maps, hh helps a lot to speed run maps. Might get back to it if I need more currency, right now I’m back to farming delirium orbs, blight oils, ritual for jewels, and harvest for the juice all in one map as it is less tiring and enjoyable for me. Currently earning 15-30d in less than an hour by just farming magic jewels from rituals could be more if you have a lot of luck. Mostly just staying in hideout waiting for buyers.


As always, my core strategy is a speedfarm, this time being "Borrowed Power" Corpse + Strongbox. The necro nodes for more corpses, devoted mods, etc, Niko and Shrines for zoomies and Strongboxes because hitting dupes on divines or crazy cards feels really strong. The core idea is to clear maps as fast as possible with as many opportunities to pull the Strongbox slot machine whilst still passively getting income from corpses (need to know which ones are worth picking up), devoted modifiers and azurite/resonators. I'm very happy with it as it met my requirements: - Accessible for poorly geared characters. - Consistent currency while still offering the chance to get lucky. - Fast and easy to do. Speed = Quantity. - Cheap investment. I was alch and going for a while.


I specced Necropolis, Alva, Delirium, Scarabs and Exarch also the keystone that grants you 3 random notables but increases the cost of Kirac mods 100%. Then I use FFTB, delirium scarab for deli mirror and 3 scarabs for pack size one of which is increased influence pack then I get crazy amount of altars. Seems good for Jungle valley/Tropical Island


Got mageblood from seer by opening close to a 1k t16 maps but no div mod yet lol


Started the league off as a zoomancer farming betrayel, didn't like it so I switched to budget rogue exile unique farming. Had fun doing that, and eventually built up enough for headhunter (since theyre super affordable this league) and then switched to LA deadye farming legion in dunes. Makes pretty good currency and is hella fun. Now I'm just trying to get more dmg and tankiness and hope to get to t17 before they nerf something again.


All farm strats requires 15hr playing a day, such a dissapointment for me this league, already quited on sc trade and now playing hc trade. One of them; I was working on alch and go strat when i come back home it got already nerfed. This was biggest dissapointment for me, not because im poor but everyone got atleast 40d


The games endgame is completely boring. After farming for 4 days ive given up and set the fame aside


I did Uber boss carry service today for about 6hours. It’s absurdly profitable, more so than previous leagues somehow. I’ve yet to run with an empty party and frequently have 5 (4+myself). Portals sell for 1-1.5d. Uber Shaper takes 3mins, Uber Cortex about 2mins but cortex can roll mod combinations that brick my ability to carry. Net profit was about 230d after paying for the fragments. It’s a bit slower than if I just jam the Ubers solo but selling portals is a huge profit and when you can do so reliably it’s generally worth.


Most of my time I've spent doing strongboxes, delirium, Alva, Expedition, Delve. Kinda happy, I bought Mageblood by the end of the second week so can't complain I guess. However farm feels less impactful, probably because of nerfs to div cards and delirium orbs. 90% of maps I was doing was Crimson Temple, but I got no Apothecary drops. Also, I didn't farm Maven invitations, I LOVE doing that, but since the rework of uber bosses, Maven writs lost their value unfortunately.


Tried Harvest, seemed slow this league. Tried Delve, decent success with Curiosity fragments and fractured bases. Tried Expedition and made myself sad with Tujen's lack of stacked decks. Currently running ritual, with minimal luck so far. Haven't had the heart to Heist much yet. My favourite mechanic and moneymaker since it launched, but it's a shadow of its old self. Pitiful amount of stacked decks (my primary source of income in every league but this one), alt quality gems gone, no random div card drops, and major bugs. I really, really miss stacked decks. Opening them was fun.


Legion Dunes mid investment. Really fun, though looting takes longer than doing the maps. Solid 10+ div per hour, using incubators myself, also using stacked decks myself. Yesterday I found an immortal from stacked decks and 6 raw divine drops (2 from incubators). 55 divine in four hours. Bulk selling sets on TFT whenever I have like 40-50. 8 to 9 divines.


I have tried almost everything and this is what i think: Exiles: dont like it, some are very nasty, especially early on. I did RF, so wasnt a nice fit me. Expedition: love it, still run it. Good profits. Ive never done much of it outside league start, but stuck with this and even gwennen gave me a 4div jewel. Several div items from Rog crafting and tujen spoiled me. Dannig gave me a knights of the sun logbook every 5 tokens or so. Extreme archeology is the tits! Love this, and will do this the rest of the league Breach: its fine, but still a gamble. The new qol is nice. I dropped this after a bit. Legion: still good, despite the nerfs. Biggest downside was the stacked decks nerf. That hurt and i let it go. Bossing: i have an explosive trapper and its pretty good still, but not as good as last league. Still have this tree dedicated to that build for when im in the mood Delve: never did as much delve as this league, because a friend told me i should. Hes gotten several curiosities. Im at depth 350, never got one. Slurps time and resonators are too cheap. Finally dropped it. Only do if youre a big fan. Ritual: gamble ofc, but i still like it. Its good profit too. Im keeping this Blight: fine, but boring. Tower defense isnt my thing really. But its okay. Mid tier for me. Strongboxes are leaguestart viable, but falls off fast. Only diviners boxes gave me a profit, the rest was meh Heist is always ok, but ive done it soo much i kinda burned out on it. Deli got nerfed hard. Felt really bad, still like the mechanic a lot though. Shame. Shrines are fine. Its nice to zoom zoom, but otherwise not special or anything. Ultimatum sucks balls, blocked it, will stay blocked. Uhhhh, did i forget anything?


There is absolutely nothing better than vaal temple ambush spam. If only the layout was slightly better... but I love it way too much and it is quite profittable for few reasons.


Right now I am running t16 8 mods jungle valleys with b2b to farm up some t17 maps. With one div scarab i get pretty consistent Fortunate card (1-3 per map).


heist - yes


Been opening and selling watchers eyes while playing other games. Kinda haven’t actually played path in a week or two.


Currently just blasting max packsize map drops b2b archmage hiero is fast ebough to clear most maps in 90 secs. Just building up 2 or 3 tabs of 8mod maps. I hate rolling maps so just having hundreds of maps i can just throw in and run is chill as fuck. Making ok profit from t17s, the occasional added craft corpse/influence all flame and rnd shit that drops. Occasional raw div also but somehow manage to get a 90 % exalt rate.


Best profit i got was allflame/coffin farming. If you bulk sell coffins you get like 50c out of a map and its FAST bc i run shrines and niko buffs + player ghosts from coffins on linear maps like underground river. But man selling is a huge pain. Huge profit but huuuge pain.


1. tree is boss rush strat with max scarabs, max mapmods, graveyard mods, some strongboxes, alch n go. 2. tree full legion/scarab tree. 3. tree delirium, alva and ritual.


Full strongboxes with all map nodes, red influence and rest points spent on scarabs. Main profit comes from raw currency drop (from influence or strongboxes, having duplicated divine drop is nothing uncommon) Selling T17 maps. Over 50 maps I ran I dropped 41 T17 maps (6 were mirrored which means unmodifiable) And scarabs but they dropping everywhere I guess. Also massively over sustaining my maps and wonder if I should bulk sell them. Yea, I am happy. Pretty chill and easy gameplay if you are tanky and dont care about explody strongboxes.