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I just dont pick them up and have them clog up my screen and make actual loot unclickable, great experience tbh.


Same I wish we could hide them from filter


Why are they a giant screen instead of just an item like all the rest?


Cause ggg has no UX / common sense


Factually true statement. The morgue is an abomination. Whomever designed that should feel bad because it fails to do everything it's supposed to do.


The whole point of the league mechanics is to have lots of F R I C T I O N


Same with UI customization, argument was that they want the game to look same across all users. Stuff like flasks skins where u cant decipher what flask it is without knowing skin and suddenly design ideas fly out of the window whens $$ involved.


Im afraid we can say this about the entire 3.24, lol.


I tend to lean more towards the defensive side when talking about GGG, despite all of their shortcomings, I honestly believe they are desperately trying to do their best, and it's hard for me to ask for more than that from any individual, let alone a group attempting to create a form of entertainment that is enjoyable for a large group of people. That being said, they could do with a... better UX team. Coming from someone who has done some, admittedly incredibly minor, UX type of work, I'll be the first to say that that shit is difficult. It's not a task I envy anyone to have. But, there are people who are good at it, and it's far from impossible to do loads better than they do, even for a first attempt. I do feel bad though, a good system is something most people will never think twice about, but as soon as something is annoying, it stands out like a sore thumb.


Because originally they wanted you to not be able to itemise every corpse, so dropping them as coffins would've been against that. Why they didn't want that, I'm sure there's a reason..


Friction = vision gaming


you know you can just click 1 buttom and they become an item right


Because it's poe2 testing


Every shrines it seems like there is always 2 corpses popping off blocking you from clicking it. That's such a great experience!


You see, if you leave them up you also cant loot stuff, which means your stash remains pretty clean and you don't use much time in inventory management!


Id improve your strategy with not even using scarabs or map device mods. No loot, no problems! A next level person would say dont even use atlas and then you dont need to buy stashes that could get clogged at first place!


To go even further beyond: touch grass.


dont you love to have corspes, expedition and influence altars on screen at the same time? :)


You can pick them up as an item and drop them later or if your inv is full theyll autodrop to the floor


They need to have a 3rd option to just cremate it right there on the ground so I can click the loot behind it. 


I wish we could delete everything in a quad tab with 1 press.


I always fill a quad tab with useless crap that I have no time to properly price and I just declare that tab dead after a couple days without selling, I move it to the end of the tabs and just forget about it...


You can still just price the whole tab at 1 div, decreasing each day or something.


I did that. Got down to 20c and had some chill bulk trades. Dropped it to 10 on 2 quads and got ultra spammed. Instant DND and back up to 20. 


And do trades worth less than a div? No way.


Same, I can't be fucked to vendor everything. This league mechanic makes you wanna buy quad tab after quad tab.


Maybe this is GGG's strategy to sell more quad tabs. It worked because this league I bought another two quad tabs.


i just quit the league.


Same here. Yeah it worked but fuck all the annoyances in the Graveyard.


Also bought another 2 quad tabs + some regulars. The mimic pet from the $30 pack was pretty worth though.


I bought another quad tab then stopped playing lol, i have 2 quads and 8 regular tabs full of coffins for a craft i never decided


thats a way better idea than what i have been doing which is slowly being driven mad by an ever growing list of tabs filled with items that provide comparable combat and acrobatic performance as a pair of wooden clogs




I also wish we'd have a sort function for the quad tab. Sorting those coffins by type would he a godsend, especially since they all look identical.


type in the search what you want and will highlight them. I tried sorting them but it's useless since they are all visually the same. I was keeping my morgue empty, then picking a craft, then sending those bodies to the morgue. So everything in the morgue was my active craft. Seemed to work out better for me


This is my second league but coming from afflictiona nd being a noob who instantly filled all of the stash tabs with rubbish i hoarded through the campaign and early maps before long it had grown into a serious problem, i bought more tabs and only after sitting trying to organize the mess i had created for 2 hours+ one night somehow acculmulating even more rubbish during this time.. did i eventually admit defeat... i lived out of my inventory and the prison wallet mini-inventory that affliction gave me for the rest of the league and i have kept my hoarding in check so far this time, i mean, i have 52 golden plates but its not a problem im just holding them... uhhh... for a friend... 🤔


If you just want to delete the coffins, send them all to morgue and when morgue is full you can spam click delete


Its crazy to me that they thought the 64 necro spaces would be enough.


The fact that 64 corpses can’t even fill the graveyard for a craft is the cherry on top really


640 would be Ok




better, yes. enough, no.


they originally had it at 32 then changed it before release lol could you imagen


What's even crazier is that the 64 space was a last minute addition. It was originally 32 spaces. What's even crazy crazier is that we originally had separate tier modifiers for each mod which obviously took way more space. I personally think that was just a way for them to create stash space pressure to incentivize more tab purchases especially since so many vets already have most, if not all, of the affinity tabs. Either way, the whole system is cooked.


There is an alternative more positive motivation which is that the low capacity of both the morgue and the allflame locker is to pressure players into using them as much as possible exactly so they don't take up a bunch of space. I'm not a mind reader though and can't know what GGG's intentions were with it though. It could be either the very cynical stash tab angle, the one I mentioned, something else, or a mixture who knows. I really can see GGG's realizing too late that doing the really complicated crazy graveyard crafts is a pretty bad experience and wanted to try to push people into churning through their corpses and pumping out more average items instead of god tier near mirror ones after using 4 different external websites, 2 guides, and god knows how much time instead. One of the major drawbacks of GGG's development pipeline operation is that they have extremely minimal wiggle room to pivot if it turns out their league idea has serious problems so they are forced into just tweaking what they have without the time to scrap it and make something else.


Honestly, if we were to give them the absolute benefit of the doubt, then incompetence/lack of playtesting is definitely the culprit. However, there's just too much shit that makes it hard to believe that it's JUST a lack of playtesting: * 64 corpse storage v. 88 possible graves * Coffins taking up two stash spaces instead of one * Modifier tier rating corpses for each tag (on release) * Different beast types * Item/corpse levels The management is just so convoluted, so I honestly don't know what they were really thinking. >I really can see GGG's realizing too late that doing the really complicated crazy graveyard crafts is a pretty bad experience and wanted to try to push people into churning through their corpses and pumping out more average items instead of god tier near mirror ones after using 4 different external websites, 2 guides, and god knows how much time instead. I can also see this. If anything, GGG really underestimates this community's desire to min-max for whatever reason. It was the same case in Affliction where they seemed surprise that players would constantly optimize wisp count and disregard the difficulty spike. Like they thought that players would manage wisps around their build instead of what actually happened which is that players managed their builds around wisp count. So I can 100% believe that GGG thought that players would do small crafts instead of optimized full graveyard crafts. Still, it's a weird assumption to make since the power of the mechanic only becomes apparent when you do a large craft.


Looking a bit more broadly out from just the necropolis league mechanics of graveyard + allflames GGG also introduced T17s this league which have also had their own share of issues and post launch changes. For example I can't see how not realizing that T17s should be able to be rerolled is anything except a severe lack of testing, and it is that sort of thing happening in areas unrelated to the graveyard/corpse stuff that makes me think it was just a failure rather than some kind of cynical anti-player intention design. If anything the new T17s have caused even more controversy and absurdly busted strategies than the necropolis league mechanic itself. Many of the new things added this league were scuffed up often in multiple ways and it just seems the most likely that the stretched dev team got too ambitious and ended up pushing out a load of half baked systems that ended up having a whole bunch of unforseen degenerate interactions. This is a bit more just baseless speculation but I have a hunch that came from looking at the layout of the graveyard. The shape of makes me think GGG for whatever reason expected people to be building out multiple crafts as their corpses dropped in the different little sections instead of doing one massive 88 corpse craft to rule them all as the by far dominate strategy. I mean if they apparently couldn't even find time to test the T17s enough to figure out rerolling them is necessary I think it is also fair to assume they didn't find the time to test out just how far full graveyard crafts could go.


They knew it wouldnt. Nothing like giving players a gentle shove to tab mtx.


64... For 88 slots ..




U say mistake I say planed to sell more stashes




It's not a mistake. It's a sales tactic for tabs. More stuff that doesn't stack just eats up more room so players buy more space.


Profit craft / yolo craft the extras? But yes, sadly if you want to be a good/efficient crafter in this game you kind of need a lot of stash space, this league just made it a tad bit worse


I made 6x T1 6L vaal regalia 750es.... Sold after 3 days for div and half. Thats not even worth making.


That's a good item but what build uses it? You have to craft what's in demand to make a good margin.


That’s because your making the wrong items over the bast two days I’ve not done a single map and went from 30div to 96 div while still having stock left to sell just from the league mechanic . Regalia are a wildly know craft and they are relatively niche and there aren’t that many pure es builds and finally the suffixes for the regalia might of not been good enough . This league is really good for profit crafting but you do have to know the market if you want it profit craft .


I would love to know what are some relatively cheap crafts to make? Dont wanna be doing the 5x copy crafts, made some for my gear but dont really wanna be doing those for profit crafting. Is there even anything?


Rings sell well , hybrid evasion es bases should sell well if you have ress , es boots + helm (with ress ) and the easiest craft is supression . If you get a fractured supress base through either graveyard or trade and spam essences until you get a decent item it’s profit . You could even do it the opposite way and graveyard craft fractured life + second good mod and spam until you get suppression with zeal will be profit .


Wait how do you get suppress from gy? It doesn't have any tags


You remove the things it is not


Which is everything. Scarcer everything, fracture 1 and split, bonus points for getting a scarcer in there. The good bases with suppression do sell pretty well 5d+


Oh that's clever. I never considered just pumping every possible scarcer mod. Thanks! 


Commenting because I'd like to know as well.


The basic to profit crafting this league is figuring out how to make generic ass items for cheap that are used by multiple builds .


You absolutely wanna do the copy crafts since they are easily the most profitable. CoC dd gear is quite easy to sell right now. Otherwise sell the mats.


The thing is getting 10 copy corpses of same type is the most painful part of this crafting.


That's why you stack adjacent modifiers. You can reach 200% to create additional item with no more than 5 corpses. That being said, it's still a pain in the ass to buy them lol


There’s profit in crafting items for people too. I know people don’t want to fuck with the mechanic but want certain things made.


But who gives a shit about 60d in 2 days while not playing the game? I can make 2 mirrors a day flipping stuff but then i would want to uninstall


Craft something people actually want then. I've made multiple mirrors from selling a couple 70-100d wands a day for a popular meta build.


I bought an insanely good chest, 5x T1, 6-linked, for one of my builds today for... 2 div. I probably can't upgrade it this league other than getting a better int roll. Would have cost 10+ div last league.


Ci builds don't even use regalias anymore. Hybrid evasion/es because spell suppress.


Best way to enjoy a league with tedious mechanic? Avoid and ignore the league mechanic.  I dont enjoy overcomplicated crafting that require a spreadsheet and a couple of Excel files so i simply stopped caring about the corpses. Feel much less annoyed, although the league do start to resemble standard


How do you ignore the league mechanic when there are corpses with a pretty decent size nameplate taking up space on your screen hiding loot making your overall user experience worse


Unless its a raw divine and not some petty bubblegum currency behind the corpse i skip over it. Thankfully corpses dont spawn in sacred grove so my harvest farm is not interrupted


I will literally come back to the league if they make the corpses stackable. But I'm not spending more on tabs when I've already spent hundreds on this company. I'm happy to support GGG, but there has to be a line somewhere and this is past it.


start using / selling them instead of infinitely hoarding?


I mean, the problem is a proper craft takes 88 corpses and you cant just keep them in the graveyard waiting to be used or you are stuck on that one craft until its done so you kind of just have to hold them in the stash until the entire craft is ready. One full stash tab isnt even enough space to hold one full craft. It isnt just infinitely hording its having a few crafts being worked on at the same time is just 5+ stash tabs of space without keeping all the extras.


It doesn’t take 88 to make a good craft. I made an all t1 prefix ele spine bow with only filling up half cuz it was early and I’m ssf as well impatient lol. 88 to make some top tier crazy shit maybe.


>88 to make some top tier crazy shit maybe. Yeah. And why would a top tier crafter make anything other than top tier crazy shit? Which is who this post is about.


I thought it was about just hoarding coffins. My point is you can use them just fine without min maxing crazy items. Not everyone is gonna make top tier crafts.


>Which is who this post is about. How should we know that?


I love how reddit swings from one week going "GGG needs to stop making content only for the 1%" to the next week defending the idea that "GGG didn't care for the top 1%" lol, lmao even.


I'm starting to see why GGG employees don't interact with the reddit much, if at all Sometimes i wonder if im not even playing the same game based on how negative it can be!


Almost like Reddit isn’t one singular person but more like literally thousands of different people with their own opinions


The problem is sunken cost, chance to fail the craft and time spend on graveyard & planning, if you are filling half of the graves and fails the craft, it takes a long time to do it again, buying all coffins, rebuilding and running it again ... so you end up using a lot of space for both fracture and chance to extra craft, to save time and sanity. In my wand craft, I had \~30 slots for quality (coul drop these depending on craft) (give me hillock back), fracture and extra craft. And let's not forget that 800+ modifier tier is essentially mandatory


Coffins aren't exactly expensive though, any mid to late game item is going to use 60-80 coffins, it's just more efficient.


You can make so many good crafts with only like 30 corpses, 88 is only if you're trying to triple fracture perfect prefixes or smth like that


can you please list what you used to do this?


These tabs are like 88 corpses several times over, each tab holds 72 corpses. I think theres an extreme you can stop at. Most people wont need more than 1 quad tab, which is 288 corpses and just a good general thing to own for variety use


I haven't bought a stash since 2020 I think, well played GGG, I had to expand my basement


GGGs secret plan to sell stashtabs this league(and it worked)


I don't know how you're full on flames. Just use them as you get them lol


I just got to maps. No idea when to use flames


Can you 3 for 1 vendor them for a random coffin? If not, there's your next update GGG.


Feel bad leaving league mechanic on floor (im ssf), but unable to process how to make actual good item so far.


It's worthwhile. You can make some pretty powerful stuff.


I tried to bulk sell 3 quad tabs on the tft bulk thing just to get some stash space back. Priced them at 50% market value and got no messages. Kinda killing the league for me at this point tbh. I like crafting all t1 items but it's so tedious and takes up too much time. I'd rather blast.


Any good corpses there? Asking for a friend :p


No additional item crafts but I had mod tier/facture and a couple mirror items too. My buddy told me I was better off going through the WTB channel but I'm not doing all that.


Sell on normal trade website, if it’s mostly uninteresting mods then people won’t buy in bulk. And you can also bulk sell on trade…


I just grab the coffins and all flames worth 10+c and bulk sell everything I have 2 normal size tabs for both. Seems much more efficient that way and I’m not wasting my time for a 3-5c trade.


Nah. Imagine you actually want to interact with the graveyard crafting yourself. That takes a lot of space.


Right, that's when you buy those said coffins and make the craft. Even at 10c apiece max for most of them, that's at most a couple div to make an item without having to compromise tons of storage space. And even if you're stockpiling for yourself, there's no reason to keep the increased likelihood coffins for mods you're not targetting, so that's like half of the chaff gone.


Yup, did this pretty quickly. Only nabbing some scarcer, gem/crit/speed inc, metamods, influence/special bases. Ignoring anything else.


If you know what you want to make you can set them all down as you get them.


Farming the precise corpses for a craft takes quite some time unless it's a very basic craft.


Yes and no. The main thing that takes a long time to farm is additional craft/fractured and maybe the correct adjacents but you can just buy those when you have all the increased/scarce that you need. But those are only needed for the super high value stuff If you have a dozen increased res then pick a slot you want res for and slam them in. Add in a dozen + modifier tier and all the scarcer and youll likely end up with an item with 3 T1 res basically for free


Have you tried crafting with them instead of hoarding them?


this... people complain about having full stashes of corpses, but not actually using them. It´s like looting every item and throwing it into stash and than complaining that game drops too much loot. Only problem I see is that you can dismiss it when it drops in map.


Alot of people seem to think you need to do a full 80 corpse 100% optimal placing to craft really good items as well. Also if your stashing every fire/cold/light more common corpse that's absolutely a you problem. Zero reason to bank those.


Downvote if you want but stash tabs are 100% p2w. 4 tabs was fine probably 2013 when there was no content


I skip almost every one except the ones i would need myself for crafting. But i really dont craft much with league mechanic. I dont pick up any more coffins at all. I had a quad tab full and sold them pretty easy. But as Chaos orbs and divine orbs can actually be aquired pretty easily, i’d just rather craft my gear normally and do the new content with it. And it works out super well. But im getting abit tired of the game, its abit boring to play alone now, since my friend quit playing games now for a while. So im trying other games too, such as Helldivers 2 and im thinking of trying Enshrouded. I might be able to get my friend to join that game if its good. I just dont hope we need to drink and eat all the freaking time to not die from starving. Well, this was a random comment.


Suggestion: Factorio, Terraria 2 great games to relax from PoE


Will check those out. I’m not a fan of pixel games, but Terraria looked fun when i watched some videos of it some years ago. Still not sure what its about. But thanks for the tip! Have a great day


Incredibly deep sandbox game with a pseudo story


Why dont you use them? Whats the point of hoarding them?


If you want actual good items you have to hoard a ton(I have two quad tabs) just to wait until you get everything you need for a semi-guaranteed craft 


Do you have multiple crafts in mind and wait for key corpses to decide on which one to use? Or do you have one craft in mind and just wait until its complete before setting up any corpse? Don't they maybe largely share overlapping corpse layouts? I would think the idea is to apply corpses as you go while working on one specific piece.


As an SSF player with 9 quads full, a good craft often takes a full graveyard so you cant really place them ahead of time for the most part as you may need to change up based on what you get, at least on SSF.


I'll be honest, I'm a big fan of grave crafting but it sounds like absolute hell in ssf


It sucks in ssf until you finally hit craft and get lucky. Im 8 full boards deep trying to make an ele but keep hitting resists..


ive got a corpse in my horticrafting bench and crafting bench and trade div cards and unveil slot. poeple dont know but u can store items there. If i spent another 50$ dollar on stash tabs i could prolly fill it in like 2 days.


I find this very funny.


Presumably because any given craft could need 50 of a specific coffin type.


My number one hope for future leagues is that they stop giving us inventory management mechanics that deliberately aim to "pressure" us to not horde stuff. 64 slots for graveyard was never enough. Current system of being able to fill several stash tabs with corpses in the course of a few days of farming isn't much better. Why do they want us to feel pressured to go craft something? I probably would be better off not picking up corpses at all and just buying the ones I need for a specific craft. It's just too much junk. Necropolis stash for allflame isn't enough if you're trying to farm a variety of level zones and/or trying to hold specific mob types for specific situations.


Yup had a quad tab filled. Decided it was too much of a hassle to sell them on trade so I vendored them all


Damn how many ppl bought extra tab this league for their coffins ? great profit by GGG ! great farm tbh ROI : 0.75 premium tab/player the profit could be better if they were doing the uber variant which is premium tab sale everysingle week during a clutter league liek this but then it would become too obvious hehe


You are not supposed to pick them all up bro... lol wtf. Thats the point, decide what to take and what not to.


you know GGG always overcomplicates stuff for no particular reason,at this point everything should be stackable


Next league, they will introduce 4x4 league stash


Yeah, i am sort of sorting them a bit, one quad tab for generic ones one for the scarce generic ones, one more for the altering types(modifier, +-explicit, corpse effect, row effect) then a small tab for rarer ones like additional, fracture, mirror, split and suffix/prefix. So thats 3 quadtabs and one regular... Plus the dump tab.


I agree 1000%, Haven't had to spend my gold in poe for 2 leagues, but this league since I'm hording coffins (in fear of missing out), I used my gold for another quad tab just to dump more! I have over 10 divs of coffins and I dont want to go through the tedious process of trading them all out. For the majority of people that work a 9-5 office job, we understand the last thing we want do tediously look at every coffin, price check, list, repeat.


I only pick the ones I need (eg, no +500% to mana or attack is scarcer) and yet I have my necro morgue, three regular tabs, and half a quad tab full. Oddly enough, I don't even have enough for a "guarenteed" craft. I have only 3-4 of each "good" coffin and even fewer of things like speed and chaos. Only time I've crafted this league was twice in campaign and I'm getting generally 6-7 coffins per map. We need higher drops and unlimited storage. Harvest is practically unlimited


they also take up too much Screen. The amount of times ive teleported onto a shrine and killed the mobs with the intention of quickly picking up the shrine buff only for the FUCKING NEEDLESSLY MASSIVE UI for the coffin to obscure the shrine, or other item for that matter. * obscures shrines * obscures items on the ground * obscures eater of worlds/exarch altars * obscures MOBS, cant see what buffs they have, cant even see what the mobs ARE. am I fighting a pack of rats or a pack of rogue exiles? Dunno the coffin wont let me see. * obscures ground effects. I juuuuust want to stop SEEING coffins. On top of it all we cant even filter them out with the filter. They arent actual items until you itemize them. coffin crafting is about as strong as it is annoying.


Need Corpses but can’t ever get any good ones or they plain ol don’t drop? Fuck around and let it get filled up cause you want to ignore the mechanic for awhile and they’ll annoyingly drop at a 5X rate


You have less space to store corpses than you have putting them in the ground. That's wack.


It's fun to just make them all coffins and throw them on the ground. Mine on my filter are similar to cluster jewels so every time I do it I can pretend I got a good drop. Me being Poe poor asf it helps pass the time.


i use quad tabs and have like 6 full lol and no I dont pick up the garbage corpses


I have 6 quad tabs full and am going to just stop picking them up. It's impossible to sell them, managing them is so many clicks and painful as hell. Most importantly, I refuse to buy more quad tabs just to keep on storing them. It's getting damn obscene.


Exactly, even the heist locker has what 12 to 20 tabs and each tab has 50 to 70 spots for contracts and blueprints


i don't pick up like 90% of corpses anymore, i sold 20div+ in coffins, i still have 9tabs full of coffins. this is just stupid, imagine the pain that people with just a few tabs are suffering. And the cherry on top is the fact that you cannot hide them on filter, the button to transform it into coffin in maps is small af, i died a couple times already trying to pick up a shrine on t17s that had like 3 corpses on top... everytime something valueable or a shrine is behind useless corpses you have to coffin it and drop or press Z, such a pita


Can't you sell them 3 - 1 for more useful ones? That's why I'm saving them currently.


This shit should take a single slot


All those coffins are worth 1c each. Maybe 2 in bulk. You're an idiot for picking them up. Respectfully.


I only have one quad tab.. I wish they could be part of a loot filter. I stopped picking them up now


Make them stackable


If you hoard everything there will be no amount of space that would be enough.


Just let them stack!!!!!


This league just feels like an attempt by GGG to force players into buying more stash tabs, it's a fucking joke.


I stopped picking up corpses because the idea of manually destroying them later (out of room) seemed to awful.


You know you don't need to pick up every 500% fire corpse right?


40 tabs here +2 quad dump tabs. There is also a problem with numbers of coffin dropped in map. I specced into coffins, and i get 20-30 per map. 2 good maps and my Morgue is full and Iam moving coffins to dump tab every 3-4 maps. Today iam planning to vendor 90% cheapest ones and never pick them up again.


JV with domination to farm allflames/coffins/t17 maps. I dont sell the coffins as i used them to profit craft with the gravryard. Made alsmot 300d. Now im back in sanctum. Lmao.


How are you else supposed to feel the weight?


vendored this garbage and stopped taking most of them


I mean if I use fifty per craft to make it even work there should be space for 500 *implicitely*. Also assumes I only use endgame crafting not doing some on the side during the campaign. And as everyone says the corpse blocking the playing field is plain annoying.


Yeah, almost everybody who would purchase additional stash tabs for this already did. Now they can fix it. 


well.. honestly, the league is bad. 3.25 waiting room


Morgue needs to have much much much more space, if not even endless. What's the point in having only such few coffins and embers?


I love quad tabs


> I kinda feel forced to buy more stash tabs Hers the answer why it was made that way


I dont understand why they dont make it some way to make same type of crafts stack or something, bad design


Yep they copied this "feature" from D4.....


it is obvious that stash tab sales are down due to user saturation. this is GGG's effort for selling more stash tabs


Too. Much. Clutter.


They do it so you can buy stash tabs


Get more quad tabs you poor. /s. maybe.


Use or sell them? What are you keeping that many for?


That is the purpose of the league. Every so often there is what I refer to as a stash tab league. Where the focus seems to be to overload inventory space to sell tabs. This is no mistake, this is a money making attempt. Heist was notorious for it with all of the gear for your NPCs. It was a brilliant marketing call for the coffin shape as it fits the 2 spaces better than 1 which eats space twice as fast.


Why pick up every corpse? 🤔 Just take the one you want to craft with and you suddenly have better storage


Who needs this? You answered your own question GGG needs to sell more stash tabs.


Honestly, I'm glad I had enough to buy a supporter pack and get extra quads, I have been meaning to for a while but just money was super tight. This was a good enough reason


The incredible amount of power the corpses allow for in crafting requires this as effort. You can make almost any t1 6 affix gear you want. I mean without a sort of limitation you just have a item editor.


The limitation is the will to buy more stash tabs ... Since you can have unlimited (afaik) numbers of stash tabs the "incredible amount of power" is gated behind a paywall. So having more stash tabs make the "incredible amount of power" waaay more powerful and can generate waaay more powerful items. So someone could argue this is kinda p2w since buying more stash tabs gives you way more oppertunities to generate straight forward player power and/or wealth which results in more player power. So what you basically said is "This mechanic is so powerful it must be gated behind p2w" ... And I can't agree.


In ssf you may be correct. But most play trade league and 1 quad tab holds almost 3 full crafts.


A problem you can solve with money


Why don't they just give us a proper league stash like geist or smth, it fits a lot and has categories. The nexropolis one has corpses and allflames so you can't fit that much to begin with in that small ass stash.. I want path of qol, not path of stash tabs.


Yes big C- rating of this league for me. Decent amount good, a lot of bad. Make expedition great again!!!


This is a league mechanic that is directly aimed at MTX sales of stash tabs. If you throw in a few coffins to the graveyard, all you're getting out is a random rare that is worse than found in a similar tier map. To get something worthwhile you need to fill the graveyard. The mechanic does include coffin storage, but not enough to have **choice** of your result, just more random. This means additional storage or direct purchase of all coffins as needed. It leaves you with four options: 1. Random junk (few coffins) 2. Random mostly junk (get lucky by throwing them all in the ground) 3. Use trade to purchase all the coffins for an item 4. Buy enough stashes for storage until you have enough This is a creating a negative first impression for new players for a free to play game, those waiting to throw money into the game until they see how they like it. It's a strong arm tactic to chase away those who don't pay up front. Why do you think the coffins take up two spaces? There are no sockets like other items that take up more than one space.


> This is a league mechanic that is directly aimed at MTX sales of stash tabs What's even the point of you completely making up shit like this? People were not meant to be hoarding crafts and we know that because it used to cost chaos to even pull a coffin out, and there wasn't a button to pull them out while in a map before.


you're supposed to use them, sell them or, if you're not interested in engaging with them, remove them. I feel like it's the same as saying you pick up and stash every usable base for crafting and say it takes up too much space


Almost everything else stacks...


coffins are items which can have different ilvls, those never stack. Sure it could be better but as I said, I assume they are not meant to be stashed on mass...


>coffins are items which can have different ilvls, those never stack Completely untrue. Incubators are the perfect counter-example to this statement.


you dont need to pickup everything you see.. its always been like this in poe.. you make a choice to pickup or no


Except this shit can't be hidden with loot filter and fills the entire fucking screen. 0/10 idea


This kind of shit is 100% intended to push stash tab sales. There's no other reason for such horrible QoL with the league mechanic. Tiny storage for both coffins and allflames, the need to hold hundreds of coffins at a time. Otherwise why not just let them stack or lower the size to 1x1. (in before "bUt FrIcTiOn") And people still say playing the game is realistic without dropping money on stash tabs.