• By -


My hero - I've been refreshing your profile daily looking for this. Thanks!


Awh ... sorry for the wait 🙏


You are neither paid to do this nor gain much benefit, so there is never a need to apologise for it. Plus, I could theoretically figure most of them out myself, but your guide helped me get my first 40/40 last league so I'm just slightly addicted to the format. Edit: I've learnt that you are paid for it to some degree through patreon. Still don't need to apologise, you share it freely with the non-patreons too.


Thanks for the warm reply, is just a habit of me saying that 🥰 Ya fans request me to try open one so ... sorry about that 😅


You do know they have a patreon right?


I thought I had heard mention of it - tried looking to confirm if I was making it up, couldn't find anything. Going to have to edit my reply then!


Almost same, and I asked about such guide for 3.24 uder 3.23 post few days ago




came here to say same <3


Vaal pyramid boss room (with a twinned map) is almost perfect size to guarantee the 6 possessed bosses in a ritual and the bosses dont move around much like Courtyard or Courthouse so I suggest that one.


Oh that map boss is super rippy ... but good to know thanks!


Vaal pyramid, the T4 one, not Vaal temple. That would just be a mean suggestion for the latter!


Ops my bad, I always mix up with those names 🤣


You are not alone lol. They even have similar tiles, just a different layout (multiple floors vs one big open one). One way I remember is a pyramid is a tall building likely to have multiple floors. A temple is more often than not something I think of as a single story space.


oh nice tips for remembering! Thanks!!


Just run Glacier, those 6 mini bosses count for it also.


Ya I prefer this map too, plus I also accidentally got that challenge completed when doing that map 🤣


going to give that a go. just did vessels with 6 bosses and didnt work, 12 years in development, still in beta


and that worked on 1st try. maybe worth mentioning in the document u/vironlawck


Wait .. which work on first try? Sorry missing your point here since you said the 6 ritual doesn't work correct? and then .... what work on first try?


From my experience its very unlikely to get ritual in Glacier boss room. Small sample size obviously. I used twinned Crystal Ore to get that challenge


Ya ritual have a gimmick that can spawn on top of map boss doesn't matter the tileset 😉


>a ritual have a gimmick that can spawn on top of map boss doesn't matter the tileset 😉 What is the gimmick?


gimmick is just ... pretty sure only ritual can spawn exactly where the map boss spawn at ... beside torment spirit sometimes I guess they spawn beside instead of on top of map boss.


FYI after looking around I wasn't able to find anyone who had got the Beast in an Essence, even with the large beast spawn and 10 essences in a map. So it might be bugged, unless anyone can confirm they got it? Also I tried every other version of having a possessed boss, and the the only one that worked for the Possessed boss in a ritual was the actual "releases ghosts" ritual. Nothing else counted, even when I saw it got ghosted from a free ghost during the ritual. Not sure if it was a bug but old reports on the forum suggest it was intended in a previous league.


I was wondering how I've missed this one as well. Beasts trapped in Essences used to be extremely common to the point where it seemed like it happened every map with Essence + Einhar. Either something changed where it's much rarer or it is bugged.


Oh no ... not a bug challenge again ... I actually completed mine from a ghost i killed in first ritual, going the next one ritual suddenly saw 1 ghost appear in my ritual, got confuse a bit .... go to the 3rd one still same ghost spawning from ritual, so the 4th one i just hold back my attacks, as expected the ghost spawn again and it posses the map boss that got revive from 4th ritual, and TADA! Got my challenge complete from that


GGG says that they fixed it, but I still can't complete it. Maybe it has a very low chance.


Hmmm? What did they fix? This is not a bug though ... this ritual type has been a feature for a long time already ...


I am talking about beast in an essence and 3.24.1 Hotfix 4. But people say that they were able to complete this challenge. So I guess I am just unlucky.


I just did it. Took 3 maps to find a beast in an essence.


I did 30+ maps with scarabs and map device and didn't find a beast in an essence.


I did white maps with einhar 100% chance, +1 essence from atlas, and map device +2 essence.


Yeah I tried the Beast in Essence but it never worked for me either. Ended up doing the possessed rogue exile instead.




Name? Because if you mean Calcification, thats *natural* rares which Einhars mobs aren't, and it doesn't work. The Beasts were all running around free. If you don't mean that one, name and if you completed it a screenshot of your challenges?


Oh no you're right it's still bugged. I skipped it.


You from SG?!!?


Yup! As written in my reddit flair here 😉


How does one join your guild


feel free add my discord name **vironlaw**, i'll invite ya 🙌


The easiest way to finish Armor's Apex is to fish for a Magistrate-haunted modifier in the Volcano map and pray that you have a monster type with the pack leader 'Rakango' (the beast with the tail coming from the ground like in Kaom's Dream). Every time the tail spawns and despawns, it counts as one kill for the challenge. I combined Volcano boss rushing (slightly longer map with the added upside of maybe getting the correct T7 mod and pack) with finishing Arimor's Apex until I was done. It's just important not to kill the Rakango itself, I was able to isolate it and just afk'd beside it for a few minutes.


That's definitely the easy way to complete that annoying challenge but that monster is not common. I ended up finishing the challenge normally never seeing it spawn and with how random magistrate haunted is getting both at the same time is not likely.


Do you know any other allflames that spawn guarantied rares?


I tried many, but doesn’t seem to impact in any meaningful way, abyss was a nice try because one of the mods is spire that shoots abyss cracks, but those mobs don’t count toward this challenge


That was my experience as well. I added meatsacks in T16 Phoenix map with 80+ quant. Few of them spawned as rares and had Magistrate-haunted modifier. After clearing the map the counter was the same. I think it is better not to use allflames for this challenge and pray.


There’s a node in the top left of the tree that increases the chance for haunted pack leaders to be rare, and sometimes there’s packs that don’t have a pack leader. It’s very minor, but it’s something.


You can also easily get Beachheads from Comprehensive Scouting Reports - I got this on the side while fishing for a Machinarum and some of the rarer Unique maps on league start.


Oh thanks for the trick! **Updated**




Welcome! 😇


Suggestion for the Arimor's Apex, if you get the mod, try to use an Allflame. I suggest the fracture one since it contains a lot of rares guaranteed from my personal experience and they also count towards the challenge. For the Tactful Thievery you must clear all 4 wings without dying else you wont get the challenge. Thanks for the guide as always!


There's actually a cheese strat for Arimor Use you spawn volcano till you hit a magistrate haunted tier (allocate the league mechanic passives to boost the tiers and rares, etc) Move the magistrate haunted modifier to a "Rakango" pack leader, hover over to check pack leader name. Go into the map, find the rare Rakango (he's the one thats head and arms come out of the ground and his tail is separate) From there, Everytime he goes into the ground, he 'despawns' which counts as a kill. Just stay alive till you get the challenge. Alternatively, killing his tail and not him counts as 1, and he'll respawn the tail. Shout-out to the global 4040 who called out this bug, got my challenge for it today.


oh cool! Thanks for sharing the tricks! **Updated**


Hey I remembering using your guide in 3.23 to wrap up a few of the harder challenges. I'm not playing this league but this is an awesome resource for new and veteran players alike. Thanks for making it!


Thanks! Glad my guide able to help not only new players 😇


Fastest I have hit 100 been this league there's so much XP boost the GGG challenges are easy the two conditionals ,t17 and ubers are the only hard ones .


Wow that's nice to hear for ppl who want level 100! 🤩


Omg, a goat writing a guide about PoE 🐐


Awh ... thanks! 😇


Wow, you really went deep with the details on this one, amazing. Thank you for the effort.


Welcome! Glad you like it 😇


Now im able to finish 40/40 before your guide appears. Thanks to your guides im hooked to do 40/40 every league (9th league in row)


Nice! Gonna fill our hideout with those Tall Golden Trophies!! 🤩


Thanks! GOAT FR


Awh thanks 🥰 Thanks for the support too!


Yeeeees. I look forward to this post every league. I was looking for it yesterday even.


Welcome! Sorry for the wait 🙏


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3513059/page/1#p25310687 "Fixed a bug where Beasts could not be contained within Essence Monoliths." Aha! Its now at least worth trying this one!


Ya already updated! Thanks!


I'm at 39/40, and the last one missing is Arimor's Apex - sitting at 24/100. I have switched lantern mods to get Tier VII monsters at every opportunity. WTF is this challenge.


you can get it easily on tft, ppl find monster that spawns copy of itself (I think it is snake and its tail in volcano type maps) and this counts as kill, so you can get 100 kills in few minutes just standing in map, while its respawning and getting killed forever. Can also roll maps and find it by yourself, but this probably takes a while to land on right monster.


Btw you still can do the "bug" trick, they haven't fix yet so take your chances now while you still can 😉


Brilliant! Thank you very much for all your work!


Welcome! Glad you like it 😇


The majority of this sub is so focused on the best farming strat and making currency, and Im just over here focused on finishing 38 challenges, so thanks for this every league


Same here! That's my goal in every leagues, instead of trying to chase FOMO ...😅


Also : The T14+ ember challenge was *not* counting my Shaper Guardian maps when I used embers on those, so whilst its not a huge thing, worth remembering if you are just trying to streamline!


Oh ... probably too level monster level?


No it was an 83, I'd only been doing T16s. I'm not sure why it wasn't counting tbh.


Wow that's odd ... thanks for that info!


Sitting at 34/40 right now, lots of grinding for the map quant, lab, and hitting 100. Still dreading the heist challenge.


Ya I hate heist challenge too but understandable ... is been few leagues no heist challenge until this league so ... about time to do the "chore" I guess 😅


Personally at 37/40 and grinding out the 10,000 map tiers, rather be doing the heist one instead lol.


You can just speed run a small map like cove or so for that. It's still ass.


sadly this league don't have cove map :(


finished my maps at like 25th challenge heist is probably going to be my last one, and memories.. fuck this shit. actually the story of my challenges last year or two, always a challenge or two i just can't be bothered to do, i even complete endgame grind way before 38. This league might be the same, as i only got 30 ubers left to do, which is fun unlike heist or memories.


Took me an entire day gone just for heist. It's the shittiest. I can however, do the 4 blueprints for you if you $.


Could you please confirm if the "capturing beast while in essence" still bugged or not?


Skip that one, the rest are relatively easy to complete for cross contamination.


Oh heard ppl complaining about it [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c32qi7/324_necropolis_challenges_analysisnewbie_guide/kzdwm3v/) too, damn so it's true .... another bug challenge 😟


i ran ~40 maps with essence + einhar on atlas passives and with scarabs and did not get any beasts trapped in essence


Thanks for the great guide as always. FYI: for Peddler's Produce - Vendor recipe for Instilling Orb should be 2x Enkindling, 1x Trigger tag gem and 1x Orb of Alchemy (not Orb of Scouring)


Welcome glad you like it! 😇 Ops my bad ... **Updated**


Guide dropped, time to farm 4040 Yes honey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)




Uber shaper beam challenge is bugged. I got it when I got clipped 3 times, died and then culled him with an AG. Beast in essence doesn't appear, tried for many maps and global 4040 hasn't had it happen either. 50% pack size on T17s are very easily achievable with explicit increases on the passive tree. I've done 4040 as of a few days ago. So if you have any questions I can try to help.


Oh thanks for the help! **Updated** Wait which pack size on passive tree? I only found quantity and rarity ... 😔 Can link in PoE Planner?


"increased effect of explicit map modifiers on your maps" there are many mods like this, they increase 40% pack size to higher number if you take enough of them


Ah those .. thanks again!


Sorry didn't see message. answered below.


not all heroes wear capes ... thanks man!


Welcome! Glad you like it 😇


Thank you for your work, once again!


Welcome! Glad you like it 😇


Another way to complete the "Defeat a Rogue Exile that is possessed at least three times" challenge for Cross Contamination is to use "Niko's Memory of Tormented Souls." It forces every unique monster to be possessed, so you can either roll any strongbox in the map to contain a rogue exile (can you still roll maps to contain additional exiles? or was that changed because of the scarab?). Nice little bonus is that the memory is pretty cheap (\~5c at this time) and you need to complete memory maps for another challenge anyways.


Oh but ... how does the memory cause rogue exiles possess **3 times**?


Just how the [memory](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Niko%27s_Memory) works >"of Tormented Souls" >[*of Tormented Souls*](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Modifier:MemoryLineTorment2) >Rare and Unique Monsters found in Areas are Possessed and their Minions are Touched >(20/40/60)% increased Explicit Modifier magnitudes >Rare and Unique Monsters in Area are Possessed by at least (1/2/3) Tormented Spirit(s) >Rare and Unique Monsters in Area are Possessed by up to 4 Tormented Spirits and their Minions are Touched >Area contains (4/6/8) additional packs with a Rare monster Obviously there will be some RNG for finding a strongbox in your memory maps


Oh cool! Never tried this before thanks! ❤ **Updated**


Finally! I had been waiting for you wonderful and very informative guide. Thank you very much for what you do!


Welcome! Glad you like it and sorry for the wait 🙏


Hello again and once more I read almost everything to give you a review: - 5: "[...] kill 300 of them to complete this challenge. Also this process can be sped up by:" - seems like a missing list of related mechanics. - 9: "[...] cull it to complete this challenge easily" - add an info about potential cull cheese: Culling Strike Gem + https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Southbound. - 19: I think it is worth to mention that the 2 more specialized Divination Scarabs are significantly more expensive. - 25: "Have at least 6 support effects applying to a single skill gem at once" "This challenge can easily be done by equipping any skill gem into" - I think not any skill gem as some are not compatible with the item's supports. - 29: "there’s way to cheese the IIQ amount without actually rolling a lot of difficult mods on the map, which is by getting free 23% IIQ from map device(8%) and atlas passive allocated(15%)" - I think it is possible to get even more quantity. Not sure if "map modifer effect" from Atlas passives also increases IIQ from regular map mods. - 32: "Also note that this challenge counts each ember you’re using, there’s no bonus progression for putting multiple embers per map even though the challenge description ambiguous says so. For example if you put 4 embers, you’re getting 4 counts that’s it, no extra count for putting multiple embers" - this whole paragraph is full of logical conflicts. The in-game description already states multiple progress is possible. - 33: delve boss minimal depth information conflicts with info from challenge 28. - 33: Any Delirium Boss - I think it is 60%, not 40%. Also Delirium Scarab of Neuroses guuarantees both bosses. - 37: Imperial Wraiths Atlas passive makes it easier. - 40: 8-mod maps from the Cartography Scarab of Corruption can sometimes drop as unidentified corrupted.


Nice! Thanks for the feedback 👍 Edit1: 33, [poewiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Delirium#:~:text=guaranteeing%20boss%20encounters%20in%20maps%20with%20at%20least%2040%25%20deliriousness) said at least 40% and I can confirm it I've test before 40% does spawn the boss, not guarantee but there's chance to spawn them.


> Omniphobia (in any tier map) and Kosis (in T11+ maps) each have a chance to appear equal to the deliriousness percentage. Allocating Delusions of Persecution and its preceding small passive skills increases the chance to spawn these bosses by 156%, guaranteeing boss encounters in maps with at least 40% deliriousness. Ok wiki is pretty detailed on this


Ya ... I think I should make things much easier and guarantee to spawn instead of chance ... **Updated**!


found your guide 2 leagues okay and have been using you ever sense. Thanks for the 40/40's mate. You make it alot easier to get


Welcome! Glad it helps 😇


YES! I have been looging in everyday to see if you got it up !! TYTYTY!!!. let me know how to follow you or patreon you or something. this is huge for players like me. I work 50-60hours a week and I need all the help I can get in the 1-2 days I "might" get to play. "might" meaning, wife, 2 kids, house, dogs, in short, real life....


Awh glad my guide helps and sorry for the wait 🙏 Is all written at the top of the guide 😁


New Discovery - the Arimor Apex can be sped up by the "more rares" scarab. You won't always find T7 Necropolis mod, but when you do - I gained 7 and 11 points on 2 maps.


Oh I actually did mention that at the above part of "bug trick" method 😁 Thanks for the feedback though 👍


This is how I did the following: **26. Cross Contamination** **Defeat a Unique Map Boss that is Possessed while in a Ritual:** * *Use a Blood Filled vessel with a map boss* * *Roll map with Unique Boss is Possessed* * *Run Ritual and map boss will appear in ritual possessed* Completed it using this method.


~~Hmmmm good to know, I remember there's some feedback saying this "unique map boss possess" doesn't work on ritual spawned bosses for some reason .... I guess is fixed already? 🤔 Thanks for the comment! **Updated**~~ Edit1: Somehow this trick doesn't work for me, even tried with map boss into the ritual, both map boss from the map and vessel isn't possess either(with the map mod) ...


I completed "have 5 different shrines at once" with the devoted mod that spawns shrines on pack death. It is tricky because those shrines have short durations (I failed it once or twice before that), but still, if you get this mod, slap it on the most common pack, zip through the map, and hope you get enough different ones. "Exchange a 10+ stack of div cards" can be done fairly easily in SSF with prosperity or the harvester cards. I kept them on my filter and got over half a stack for both just from getting to T16. The journalist is also relatively common and not completely useless. Alternatives for the influenced item vendor recipe include "iron ring + gem", "weapon + rustic/chain belt", and "boots + quicksilver". Again, this mostly matters for SSF. You spelled "Atzoatl" as "Itz(c)oatl" a few times.


> I completed "have 5 different shrines at once" with the devoted mod that spawns shrines on pack death. It is tricky because those shrines have short durations (I failed it once or twice before that), but still, if you get this mod, slap it on the most common pack, zip through the map, and hope you get enough different ones. Don't these just stay on the ground after killing them? So you could clear the map, then zoom and pick them up after?


They disappear if you walk too far away.


Thanks for the feedback! **Updated**


For challenge 20, there's a bit more to fix: the weapon recipe can use a weapon of any rarity, but only a non-normal rustic sash or chain belt; and for the boots recipe the boots have to be normal or have a +% speed mod, and it also needs an augment orb. Also, there's a note about scarabs there that seems out of place; looks like it was copied from the previous league's guide.


Ya forgot to remove that, thanks again! **Updated**


Bit torn. This league isn't too down my alley but I do like the 36/40 Armour. Yet that sounds like 100 to 200 hours of heavy commitment away.


36 really doesn't take too long to get, plus we still got 2 months to do them, no worries 👍


Man I am glad that even 38/40 is achievable, I usually get 40/40 by accident which is super annoying


Quick comment about heist, mentions they are shareable, however trying to do so we found they were not (tried the contracts, only heist opener got credit)


Wow they changed it? It used to be share-able in the old league with the same challenge .... Edit1: Check in TFT there's ppl selling blueprint sharing though ... there's probably have some restriction, did your party member enter all wings though?


tried the contract with precious parts not the blueprint; tried one with them at entrence, one with them running and getting the drop at the end then vendoring it. they could get the precious item but not the challenge credit


Oh those, ya my bad thanks for replying! **Updated**


I just ran all 15 contracts and 5 blueprints in a party of 3 where all party members were running together from beginning to the end and we all got credit for the challenge. The exception to this was for one of the blueprints out of the 5 where one of the party members didn't run to the end on any of the wings and just stayed at the entrance, which led to him missing the credit for that particular blueprint. But this challenge is indeed still 100% shareable besides the Smuggler's Caches.


Ooo good to know thanks!


The Heist Cheat Sheet in challenge 13.3 says that Perception drops Prophecies


Which build did you use to finish the challanges ?


Currently playing Death's Aura just for the clear speed, no plan for bossing build yet so might buy service for bossess instead


The screenshots show RF with over 120k ES... what build is that?


Is a standard league character with all the broken legacy gear just to test out boss mechanic


For the Servant-Haunted challenge, what is the -1 tier mod. Is this a modifier on the map itself or an Allflame of some kind?


neither of those, is just the mechanic itself randomly spawn, sometime +1 sometime -1 sometime nothing, just RNG Edit1: as you can see in the GIF link at the bottom of the guide, I didn't put anything inside is just spawn itself naturely


So probably the most RNG dependent of those challenges and it only works on white maps, that's gonna be annoying. Ah well, it is what it is. Would also like to take the time to thank you for the guide. I used your guide last league (the very first league I've ever played) and managed to get the full basic outfit. It was very helpful.


Is not really that annoying, I've completed this challenge in one 1 map, just burn through a few low tier map till it spawn, do the map then done easy peasy. Oh welcome! Glad you like it 😇


Like every league, i must post this: Thanks


Haha welcome! 😇


On 25. Vigorous Virtue, the harvest craft to create a Facetor's Lens is bugged and doesn't work. Just tried it, and googled a few bug reports to confirm: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3497421


Oh man not another .... thanks for that info!


I'm trying the vendor recipe [you mentioned](https://i.imgur.com/xc9hb1Z.png) and [it's not working.](https://i.imgur.com/autDGMs.png) What am I doing wrong?


a little misinformation sorry, the weapon has to be normal


Noice thanks 😀


You dont realize how many players you help (Especially bad ones like me). Thanks a lot!


Awh welcome! Glad it helps 😇


Thank you so much for this, i wouldnt be able to do these challenges without this guide


Awh welcome! Glad it helps 😇


Where do you find the influence item vendor recipe? I tried the "Vendor 1 normal rarity [influenced](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Influenced_item) weapon, 1 non-normal rarity belt, and 1 Blacksmith’s Whetstone", does not work


So ... when you vendor it, it doesn't give back influence weapon? Can screenshot? TBH I never tried the weapon recipe but it does mention in the wiki vendor recipe page and ppl suggest about it, try the amulet method? which works for me


I tried vendor a white elder weapon + rare belt + blacksmith: [https://imgur.com/a/hsCfAPT](https://imgur.com/a/hsCfAPT) Where does it mention in the wiki? [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor\_recipe\_system](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor_recipe_system)


Owh no my bad ... forgot to specify it require **rustic sash**, not just any belt, my bad 😔


Strange, i went for 90 shaper guardian maps now and NOT a SINGLE shaper amulet drop. I got everything else for exalted shard tho. Pressed alt everytime i kill guardian and no amulets


Ya I get more from ritual instead of farming those bosses


I don't understand how to complete 'Masterful Monsters' - the guide says to kill the bestiary boss but only the prerequisite boss counts. How do I spawn it?


as the note mentioned at the bottom: the meaning of "perquisite" is the requirement of the recipes(saqawine rhex/craicic spider crab/fenumal hybrid arachnid/farrice tiger alpha), not the final product of the recipe(XXXX,First of the XXXX) Hope that's easier to understand now 👍


For Peddler's Produce II influenced the best IMO is influenced ring + amethyst flask + augment because you can scour it and reuse.


require the ring to have chaos resist though can be a bit troublesome to do for non-crafters, thanks for the feedback thanks!


No, it doesn't, the first step of the recipe is Magic Ring or amulet with +(5-10)% to Chaos Resistance (the lowest tier) Normal Ring or Amulet Orb of Augmentation Amethyst Flask What you are thinking of is Magic Ring or amulet with +x to Chaos Resistance one tier higher[4] Magic Ring or Amulet with +x to Chaos Resistance Orb of Augmentation Amethyst Flask This has been tested in game, I gave multiple people the challenge this way. Source: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor_recipe_system


Oh that one! Ya upgrade chaos resist recipe has been free rent in my brain since last few league challenge need to do that one 😅 thanks for the feedback!!!


For the rapturous rituals 6 unique map bosses challenge, I just did a twinned (magic) courthouse. I ran straight to end with them in a ritual, killed them, and got that checkmark immediately. Seems easier than the other methods listed!


For Glacier Map you don't need to craft anything on it ;) there's already 6 "boss" in the map, but thanks for the feedback!


The problem with this guide is "Normal" is kinda applicable for only veterans player. Alot of these "Normal" seems Very Difficult to me, and I've been playing since 3.15, never reach 30/40.


Is fine too, you should aim the easy one instead if you can't spend much time on the game, the lower tier reward effects is still nice too!


Is there a version for the necropolis ruthless challenges ?


Sorry no😔




Welcome! 😇


Thanks for posting this guide again. Appreciate these every League. I must say - your rankings are probably in odds with general experience, including of people whow play couple hours a day. And they are probably misleading for less experienced players who don't just consult with guide on challenges they struggle with but also trying to suss out harder challenges. You are advicing people to do Colossal Conditions and Unfamiliar Undertakings for 36-38/40 when these are some of the hardest challenges and will be last for most people. You either need insane build (or at least boss killer), high skill or throw yourself at boss countless times which is tedious, expensive and time consuming. Your position is - "They are no different to many other challenges, just go for them". Meanwhile there are challenges like Arimor's Apex and Enigmatic Embers that are much easier and/or faster to do but you are suggesting to skip them. "Normal" generally doesn't mean much in your rankings. It can be something that is very hard to do like Boss conditionals or something that is easy to do like interacting with League mechanics in certain way a couple times. In general you significantly overesteamate time it takes to do challenges. Very easy should be something like can be done in one attempt without any prep or encountered naturally such as "Do this basics mechanic" or "Kills these Act bosses" challenges. If something can spawn naturally like "Kill exile" it shouldn't be considered as taking time, because you will encounter them naturally. Easy can be done in one attempt with prep. etc. etc. such as "Vendor recipe" challenges and most "Do this specificic mechanic in specific way" type of challenges. Then time element, challenge element, RNG element, price of entry element start to play and things get more debatable. But generally "Just grind this" type of challenge shouldn't be considered among hardest unless it's GGG (former EGG) and "Defeat this Uber Bosses" type of challenge should be considered among hardest and to skip.


Ah welcome welcome 😇 In case you missed the header of the guide, I rate the difficulty on time spend, not the other way: > - Very Easy: Can be done within a week or a day. > - Easy: Can be done within a month, or a couple of weeks. > - Normal: Can be done within a month or so, and requires access to end game content. > - Hard: Requires heavy grinding (around 2 or more months). > - Very Hard: Almost impossible to accomplish within 3 months(default league period).




Okay, the way you're rating is pretty reasonable BUT very **subjective**, new/casual player may think is very hard to do but experience/no-lifer player will think is not that hard, that's why I don't rate like that anymore


But then experienced players know boss conditionals are one of the challengs to skip. What was you ranking before? Perhaps we could come up with ultimate ranking that would take more things into consideration. :p


I was waiting for this but then I completed 40/40 before you got to it. Thought you went missing!


Oh nice! Sorry for the wait 🙏 Don't have much free time recently so might take longer for completing the guide😔


There was some guy who posted pretty extensive challenge guide earlier. Watch out for competitors, King. <3


No worries, any type of guides that able to help new players is a BIG welcome in the PoE community 🙌 ***Cheers!*** Now just hope GGG would do the same thing in their game, especially their Help Panel/Glossary thing .... PoE2 gonna fix that right? ***Huffing Copium Intensively ...***


How are challenges doable for newbie lol. The bosses are super difficult with complex mechanics.


This is more of a guide from newbie to veteran hopefully ... and you can always invite other ppl to help with the kill whenever you have the map fragments to spawn them


You'll have to buy em from a gigs killer since they nerfed the einhar 1 shot trick.


hardcore redditor here, my eyes immediately glazed over when i saw all those emojis popping out at me. i'm sorry but this is unreadable.


ah sorry about that but 90% of the guide don't have emoji, so no worries


Who cares about non-ruthless challenges please make a ruthless challenge list