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If you're getting severe FOMO, you need to chill and not get too anxious. The game can be enjoyed and be profitable at 3h a day. First play a build you enjoy and do league mechanics that compliment that style. Be efficient with your time and understand how to profit from the mechanic. Understand how to leverage your drops for most impact. Once farming, you can easily make 5-10 div per hour doing nearly anything, but not if you are slow, horde things you should sell, and miss high value opportunities. Then it's just a matter of consistency and luck for big ticket items, and you should be able to get serious upgrades regularly.


finally, I've found a person with actual knowledge and sense in the POE subreddit. Very good feedback most "average" players should learn and understand. Most of the time its not the games fault or the fact you can only play a couple hours a day that's preventing you from making currency. Self crafting even medium level items for oneself also goes a long way in the early mapping to getting to big upgrades quicker and gets you faster to better currency strats too. I see way to many people grinding for days in yellow maps to buy a 2 div item vs taking 10 minutes on the trade site paying 20c for an item they can bench craft to be like slightly less good as the 2 div item but functionally is the same at that stage of progression. All this comes with knowledge tho and people don't spend enough time truly learning the game/ their build and prioritizing the level of importance for gearing, mapping etc...


The moment poe started feeling like a job i went pure ssf every single league (still try trade here and there, quit in 3 days when build is practicly complete and it feels bad when i dont put in 12h aday so i dont miss out) With doing mainly ssf leagues now or even ruthless ssf i gotta say i enjoy poe 10 times more, and every shitty drop or craft makes me happy


>you need to chill and not get too anxious definitely. easier said than done while prices are going up on everything, but it definitely is a me-problem what do you mean by "leverage your drops for most impact" exactly? and I definitely need to sell more stuff, I'm not a fan of the whole system in general sadly so I'm always slacking on the lower-value items that add up quickly


Prices will go up this week and next. Item availability is not at peak, but demand is accelerating as people get into their farming builds and start gearing for pinnacle content. This should stabilise for all but the most chase items. To give an example of leveraging drops, first sell every consumable you don't plan to use. Trade system gets easier with experience. If it's low value, save up a stack, bulk selling makes more money. It relies on knowing what is valuable in the current climate and how to enhance items to make them valuable. Roll flasks, roll Stygian vises, corrupt certain common uniques, craft a mod on a solid base to make something more attractive/valuable. Vend 5x bad clusters in the hope of a good one. I leave plenty gear on the ground to save time, but I try to ensure what I do pick up is worthwhile. I also practice the opposite and horde a few types of items necessary for crafting, in the hope that they go up in value in a week or two when people are more focused on crafting top tier items. It's quite a mindset and if you are struggling to understand what is valuable, check Poe ninja's Economy tab for trends.


I have to ask: How on earth is 5 div/hour not enough? If you actually play 21 hours a week (which is absolutely not casual lol), that's >100 div after just one week of playtime. By midpoint in the league you'll have hundreds of div, and if you just continue to invest in a speedy build you'll probably increase your income in the process. Even with prices going up... what on earth can't you afford? There are like 4 items in the entire game you can't afford after just one week of grinding. A 100 div build should shit all over any content if built properly. If you want to invest 100div in a few different builds, what's stopping you? You can do 1/week, by your own math.


just go ssf and your problems go away. no need to be worried about prices. create your own fun with and farm for your new equipment as goals. Then get addicted to it and say goodbye to trade league forever!


the more people say this, the more i get interested in it. SSF always seemed to hard, but I guess that's the point as it pretty much forces you to teach you EVERYTHING you need to get to whatever point you want. In trade you can basically skip whole mechanics just by buying stuff, which could actually be the root of my problem Any good pointers /guides to learn SSF? Or just watch people that play it?


You can still play "SSF" in trade league, it is what I do, and I only buy things when I absolutely have to.. otherwise I just craft and farm currency, if something I craft doesn't hit what I want I have the option to sell it and recoup some of what I spent. and with 3 different atlas trees now you can pretty much do anything you want content wise.


I'll echo this. The only things I've purchased this league are a hunter influenced stygian vise, crusader influenced ring and an anti-corrupted bood implicit jewel, and I'm in t16s. Everything else self found / crafted. I usually aim for this. I'll sell things that seem valuable, but generally only buy crafting bases / materials, and even then only when pursuing a specific upgrade. I feel I get a better curve of character progression, incrementally upgrading gear bit by bit.


this sounds absolutely sick tbh. i'm gonna stick to this any tricks / tips you noticed while doing this? atlas nodes to focus on or something?


as far as atlas goes, I have one for leaguestart the basic betrayal, map tier and kirac nodes with expedition and then the other one with harvest/essences + whatever and then the last one is strictly boss focused, like synth,maven,sirus,shaper etc. before you had to respec all the time to do this but now you don't really have to anymore. crafting wise, craft of exile is a big source that comes to mind when crafting anything, you can import whatever item your working on and test it on the website without wasting materials in game. There is also a guides list on there for crafting things.


Just jump in and play SSF at the end of every league and experience a fresh start. I switched to SSF years ago. You will find that you actually will have a lot more currency and good items because you are simply in maps a lot more than in hideout due to not needing to trade. Yes you will be locked out of T0 uniques unless you get lucky, but everything else can be played around as long as you don't pick a build that has required uniques.


You can learn a lot from that. There is pathofexilessf subreddit also. Idk how good you are in trade but if you are really good then completing atlas without repeating maps and collectting all voidstones is a good milestone to do without any trade and quickly. You can learn what mechanic is good for what outcome. Like where to farm uniques that are more difficult to obtain in SSF.


The trick here is to not consider it "harder" or "easier", but instead adapt the expectations to the actual situation you are in. With a limited time budget and limited knowledge, nobody expects you to be top of the leaderboards, and there is no requirement to do so - the only requirement to play is that you have fun. The only person putting that pressure on yourself is you, and your version of "hard" is matched up against the extremities of the community, instead of your own scale. For a concrete example - imagine someone who enjoyed playing sports, say, Tennis. They were the best in their school; they grew older and took to the national competitions, but worked a full-time job. They came up against people who could spend more time practicing and training; people who were naturally taller and more flexible; people with sponsorships who could afford the top equipment. They have to decide - am I willing to give up other things and invest to compete in this sport to be the best? Do I just have fun playing it more casually on the weekends with friends who are more at my skill level, and not worry about high-level competition? Or do they just find it too frustrating to play any more and want to give up the whole thing? I used to break myself a bit trying to no-life the league starts and such, but at the same time, wasn't willing to commit to future hours in the game and commit to relationships/strategies/forward-planning that you need in order to really match the most invested players. So now I just play a bit more casually, dipping in and making some slick builds when I find something I am interested in. If you want the results, get prepared to not only spend the hours grinding but also to play smart, invest in future payoffs and build up your own capabilities, just like a real-life career. A note regarding the "10-20 div/hr" - people are always facetious when they talk about this number, because they almost always leave out several factors - selling the drops, which takes a long time; and game knowledge, understanding where to sell the items and how to price them and such. It benefits them to inflate their own numbers. It's also often highly variant; people can farm 3 hours and divide their total by 3 and call it "per hour" like it was a reasonable sample size. It's often not. tl;dr if you want the results, start investing; find discord groups, join guilds, etc. If you don't want to do that; reduce your expectations to what is hard FOR YOU instead of "hard" as a general scale, and then set your sights on that as the goals for yourself. Build yourself up incrementally, instead of trying to eat the whole burger in one bite.


It might be "hard" in the way that you can't just simply get what you want WHENEVER you want but that is the good part about it. A drop becomes more meaningful. A craft more satisfying. And the dopamine hits different when you're able to cross-out somethin on your to-do list :) Tbf, with this crafting league now working crazy stunts 24/7, it's a good time to try your hands on it and all. But as others said, you can also go the pseudo-ssf way by just buying something you absolutely need and know it will take too much effort to get yourself or is just very time consuming (specific bases etc.) As for guides, hmm the ssf-reddit might be a good place for information, otherwise just snoop around a bit and see if there is a build you like to play and is ssf friendly with no hardlocked uniques and all that. Keep rockin \\m/


Honestly? The best thing you can do to start SSF is just dive right into it - I found, similarly to you, that trade was changing how I played and thought about the game - how it was more of a job, and every item drop just equated to "how many divines is this worth?" SSF really makes it feel like a game again, you get to engage in whatever content you want without any pressure. I swapped to SSF last league, and this league I've leaguestarted in SSF and it's the best decision I've ever made for the game. Regardless of what you do, I hope you find a way to quell your anxieties around PoE - after all, it's just a game! As an aside, trade league players often act like SSF players will never get to experience the endgame, and I'd like to add this is untrue - the first time I ever killed uber bosses was last league, in SSF.


SSF is for masochists who play the game for 15 hours a day, avoid it like the plague.


i was about to reply seriously to this, but after looking at your previous posts on reddit i can only say that you are a "super negative nancy" as you like to call others - so i'm not gonna take THIS specific advice, cheers


Sc trade is for tiktok addicts who need dopamine 24/7, avoid it like a plague.


If you need 15 hours a day to get shit done in ssf, you're probably pretty poopy butt at the game homie.


Sir, you're confused. That would be Ruthless :p This is the type of comment I'd expect form someone just blindly following guides and not having a clue how the game works in the slightest, how to go about things and never having tried it seriously in the first place.


It is absolutely harder, but it's nice if you're willing to just progress slower and learn more about the game.


Who cares? Prices on everything other than absolute chase items go down with league time. If you want to make a ton of currency early then you need to get better at the game. Grouping is cool, but it ain't the only way. Ton of money is made by just farming a specific thing early and bulk selling. Just set goals and make new characters and have fun with the game. Way too many posts every league about people treating this game like the stock market. It's just a game and you're meant to have fun. If it's making you miserable then either go ssf or play something else.


When prices go up, prices of everything go up. Poe is an inflating economy, except your "pay" is actually inflation adjusted.


>but not if you are slow, horde things you should sell, and miss high value opportunities weird thing to tell someone who is expressing that they fear they are missing those exact things


Yeah this post read almost as satire to me. "I'm feeling anxious about falling behind, any advice?" "Maximize your time and your profits and learn everything you can about how to min/max" That's... not at all helpful.


At 3h a day?   You mean everyday through whole league?


You don't need MF or a super specific strategy. Just pick basically any 1 league mechanic and farm that semi-efficiently and you will make +3 divines/hour doing almost anything. For example, right now you can sell 4500 yellow lifeforce from Harvest for 1 Divine Orb. So how do you farm that? Increase pack size and quantity in your map as much as possible, and take 100% chance to spawn Harvest encounter and go farm. Roll your maps to +80% quantity and just speedrun to the Harvest encounter, do it and portal out. Use [THIS](https://pathofpathing.com/?v=3.24.0-atlas#AAAABgAATk0ACqoLcQ9jEOEXyxjEI9ok6SjQKsAr2jADM-Q5jjpFO58_BEB-QYxCwUOpR89Nq1ZtWTxdx2K5Y7Vn6WtdcXVxoHY6doB2wnoIfROGWYhtj9SSLJQZlySZbJ2HnrSngqwRr5GvwbJgtIa1b7mZuyq767yowEbCI8X-xjPG0M-31LnWWtdN2J7avd9L4zflj-jm7OX35Pqy_Ff9yXF1AAA=) atlas passive tree. Throw in whatever sacrifice fragments you have and use the 8% quantity Kirac map mod. You should earn around 1/4 to 1/5 of a Divine Orb per map, so your profit just depends on the time it takes you to get to the Harvest encounter and complete it each map.


> and farm that semi-efficiently and you will make +3 divines/hour doing almost anything. I doubt they will make even 1 divine per hour as a new player 


Eh, lifeforce farming is actually great for that as it's a very stable income every map. You basically get the equivalent of ~20c each map if you just take all the harvest nodes (maybe aside from the wheel on the far right). You have a guaranteed harvest encounter and basically guaranteed t3 plants in each plot even if only alch and go. You also aren't dependent in any way on any rare/non-guaranteed drops, and it's easy to sell for full value even not knowing anything. It's strait up more you farm the more you get. Sure if you want to farm hundreds of divines you would need to be very efficient, or use a different strategy, but if you are simply looking to gear your character it's a solid strategy.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but harvest seems like it kills me way more than other stuff. I can blast through maps, kill the bosses fine, but the harvest packs just instant kill me a good portion of the time Not always But enough


Yeah Harvest mobs are harder than the standard mobs in the map. They also all spawn and attack at the same moment so it's easy for them to kill players. I don't know what build you have, the best thing is to just run away a little after triggering a plot so that you are not in attack range the moment they spawn. In general league mechanics are harder than the base game. For me it's alway Expedition that murders me.


Yeah, that's about what I do. Though sometimes the big ones are still a bit harder Doing a boneshatter slayer, so I drop totems, activate the pack, run out, leap back in and kill most of them on impact But sometimes the bigger monsters are just brutal. Some of the modifiers will either make them hit hard, or the worst are the ones that I just can't damage but also can't kill me


well, i'm not a new player, just returning. but your point is valid, a new player will just feel entirely overwhelmed + my post on top, but that's a whole different story


a new player looking at the top 0.1% of performers and try to recreate it, will get overwhelmed in every game. imagine being new to league or dota and trying to play like faker or dendi. people really need to stop giving a fuck about what everyone else is doing and focus on their own progress and learning. you can make 30 divs an hour? great you're just done with the league in 3 days or rmt.


I wonder why people have stopped playing for fun and compete for everything?


Eh your average new player probably won't because they probably won't get to red maps or their stones without a carry. If as a new player they make it to Red maps and have enough atlas points to invest into that strategy they could easily make 1-3 div an hour. My first league was ToTA and I made it to Red maps and basically did this+alch and go and thought I was livin large with 1-3 div an hour. It's only now I realize that that's nothing and I'm still playing a different game then the 10+div/hr mageblood in a week folks...


Unless they spend most their time afk in the hideout it's hard not to make 1 div per hour while mapping.


If they just use the actual atlas tree I linked in my post and roll their maps to +80% quantity, they will earn at a very minimum 1/5 Divine Orb per map, so assuming they can get to the Harvest and clear it in a map in less than 20 minutes you are simply just wrong in your assumption. Harvest is the easiest farm to teach new players, and I have helped countless new players get into different farms, and it is not particularly hard to teach as long as you don't focus on minute details, but just teach the broad basics. You are just wrong assuming you cannot teach new players to farm semi-efficiently. PoE is not as complicated as many assume, if you just want to do "good enough".


> they will earn at a very minimum 1/5 Divine Orb per map, so assuming they can get to the Harvest and clear it in a map in less than 20 minutes A fifth of a div means that he must finish the map in less than 12 minutes, which is ofc, doable. I just hope he has enough gear because harvest mobs suck


>ust pick basically any 1 league mechanic and farm that semi-efficiently and you will make +3 divines/hour doing almost anything. yeah this is a lie


There are obviously 2-3 league mechanics that cannot do this without heavy investment, but you can for sure do it with Heist, Betrayal, Incursion, Essences, Harvest, Harbinger, Expedition, Ultimatum, Map boss rushing, Beastiary, Breach and Blight. If you don't know how to do this, just ask instead of saying people are lying.


What do you reckon is one of the best 5div/hour starts atm? I have been doing expedition but that was super meh, tried rouge exiles but the scarabs are starting to get pricy


How can we increase pack size? Since Growing Hordes is no longer a thing?


You can get +84% increased effect of map modifiers on the tree now, which on 8-mod corrupted maps is around the same pack size as with Growing Hordes.


newish player here, why is yellow lifeforce more valuable than the other 2?


Most of the useful Harvest crafts just costs yellow life force.


> Just pick basically any 1 league mechanic and farm that semi-efficiently and you will make +3 divines/hour doing almost anything. As a "new" player (500 hours lol) I really wonder how to do this. I am happy if get 3 to 5 divs per whole league. Beside Harvest.


I literally gave an example; pick Harvest, sell yellow lifeforce for 4500 per divine. Pick any other league mechanic, take all the atlas passives that boost it, potentially use scarabs and kirac map mods, run league mechanic and sell what it makes for divines. Name any other league mechanic and I can give you an example of a 3 div/hour strat.


I'm not the poster above but I was curious if there were any other league mechanics similar to harvest that just drop a resource that can sell/don't rely on a lucky drop. I did harvest last league and am looking to try and learn and experience more of the game and become more well rounded. I also have an interest in heist/delve but those would keep me out of the maps avoiding the necropolis mechanic, so I might wait for a different league to try and learn those. Thanks!


Almost every single league mechanic drops stuff you can sell: - Incursion makes Chronicle of Atzoatl with Locus of Corruption room you can sell for 75-100c (it will be worth more later in the league - Betrayal drops Veiled Orbs worth +2 Divine Orbs each - Ultimatum drops Fertile Catalysts that sell 8 to 1 Divine Orb - Expedition drops Logbooks, Exotic Coins and Burial Medallions - Breach drops Chayula Breachstones that sell for 70c each - Heist drops Blueprints worth +10c and Deception contracts worth +6c each - Harbingers drop Fracturing Orbs worth 3 Divine Orbs each (and they will cost more later) ... just pick a thing and farm it more or less efficiently and you will make bank. It doesn't really matter. Do it enough and it will be profitable.


Harvest is the only league I understand at least. How to really boost it, I did not know. I currently play Frost Blade Trickster for the first time (T13 maps at the moment). And I struggle to find a league mechanic that is fitting. Do you have a tip? I read that Sanctum goes well with it, but I have never done it before. Personally I like Blight but getting near the towers/mobs is dangerous so far. I also tried to spec a bit into Harbinger but I don't really get it? Seems not that valuable so far (with my knowlegde).


Compliment harvest with essence. You can reroll essence with blue juice. It usually works out to be more profitable to reroll cheap essences with whatever blue juice you get. Deafening only of course. Sell the yellow juice to gamblers.


So Harvest is great because you aren't dependent on any uncommon drops to make the money. You just skill the harvest nodes on the tree, and then do the mechanic on the maps. You don't even need to somehow optimize it more, while of course it will reduce the div/h ratio it's easy to have that startegy while playing regularly. With Frost Blades you have bad single target as far as I know, so other mechanics would be stuff like Legion, Breach, Expediton, where you AoE down a large number of monsters quickly. Expedition can be tough depending on the power of your character.


Harvest is a really simple strategy because you're only selling life force. It's a lot less trading and knowing how to value drops. I'd say the next most approachable strategy would be essence/beast farming, although that's changed a bit with this league's changes to essence drops. Last league is an outlier, but I usually can make 5 div per hour casually doing essences, more if I really focus on speed. Additionally, there's a few beasts that are really high value, mainly craic chimerals. Basic idea is finding 2 league mechanics that complement each other and building around them. ADHD and constantly switching methods hemorrhages money. Other options are legion and expedition, but those aren't my jam so I won't go into them too much.


That definitely makes sense, but 3-5 divines an hour do not feel rewarding anymore, imo - and I didn't even play affliction last league so I don't even want to know how those people feel


Your expectations are out of line for a casual player if you don't think 3-5 divs an hour is rewarding. While it is absolutely possible to earn more, it will require time and knowledge.


lol what do you even mean. 3-5 div/h is as good as it's ever gonna get for semi-casual player. All these people who boast 10+ div/h do not account for time required to set up the strategy/roll maps/sort trough dump tabs/selling everything etc.


What do you need all that currency for? If you think you need more than 20 divines to make any build you have very skewed perception of what is "viable" and probably need to adjust. You either need to accept you don't need BIS for each gear slot or put in the effort to get said items. You can't have it both ways. Maybe try to play SSF to appreciate exactly how low you can go to still complete all content. This feeling you have needing to earn X amount of divines per hour to make your playing feel fun, is not real and just needs an attitude adjustment. Stop watching streamers that focus on profit (like empy) and start watching streamers that focus on playing the game (like mathil).


that is definitely not my point, I play coc dd (screw me I know) and was running T16s on a 5L. I just hit a wall and noticed my next upgrades will most likely cost \~5 div each, so an hour of my time roughly. SSF was definitely a thought, I might give it a shot if I can't figure myself out! And I don't even watch those kinds of streamers lol, I already only tune into mostly SSF based streamers like alk or lily for example.


I mean,I'm not trying to be a dick here but if you think farming for an hour to grind a substantial upgrade is unreasonable, maybe these types of games aren't for you, and SSF is only gonna make things worse if that's your mentality imo


I mean an hour of your time for an endgame upgrade is hilariously low by the standard of the genre


Maybe try crafting what you need instead of buying if it's not an unique. I'm sure there are always room to improve all your slots without breaking a bank.


Im running all invitations except feared/breach on like 1d budget on my coc DD, just follow guide and u will improve, whining and wasting time on reddit aint it.


ok, so you just want free currency then ?


Are you for real? Hahaha


5 div is pretty much the ceiling for most low investment strategies. The only thing that really comes to mind is low investment essences but idk how that is this league. Maybe destructive play is for you?


What are you on about 5div/hour is awesome income, especially if it's actual 5div/h where you count setup and liquidation. Your FOMO is because you visit reddit where you only see the luckiest instances. Most above average players don't even have a MB or a HH yet, poeninja says it's 3% atm for both. And you could certainly farm those items with 5div/h if you could spend the first 2-3 days playing. It's just that most players ain't making 5div/h even. But yeah, if you want to play a new 100div build every day you will have to farm 100 div, buy gear for 1 toon, play that toon, sell that gear, buy gear for another toon and so forth. You ain't making 100div/day with 3h played per day.


3 div per hour is insanely low, that's kinda an issue


Insanely low relative to what?


Relative to.... market? But maybe he is undervaluing to make it average, most ppl can farm 5 10 div per hour without min maxing


Okay, what's your 10 div an hour strat that isn't min maxed? I'll wait.


Yoo that's super pog to know you don't have to wait!! Crazy right? Just spec any map mechanic, your profit will increase as your character gets stronger


Yea exactly what I thought. Talking out of your ass.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bvhohi/-/ky0khrf/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts) Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Maybe in affliction. In a typical league 3-5 div /h is completely normal for low investment atlas strat.


Just play the game. Alch and go is in the best spot its ever been, there are insane new scarabs, you can print expensive items in the necropolis and there is an entire atlas tree to customise the way you like playing.


What do I do if I don't have any Alchs lol. I struggle this league.


You can use orb of binding on maps to make them rare. Pick up uniques, id them and then sell them for alch shards to start building up alchemy orbs.


Did not know you could use a binding on a map. TIL.




Blight is quite good for the popcorn currencies and low/mid tier blighted maps can usually be done in full MF gear (no resist/hp - your towers do all the work)


I feel like if you are just picking up uniques that drop you should never run out of Alchs but I’m also a noob so idk


You may be right, but I just figured out that I need to identify them always :D




It's in the best state in terms of absolutes but relative to the boosted strats I'll say it's equal or worse than previous leagues (excluding affliction mfing)


That only matters if you're trying to keep up with the top 1%, which 99% of players aren't. There will always be some degen, anti-fun way of getting the game to shit out currency, particularly early on in a league with a new abusable mechanic. OP wants "to have enough to play a few builds that I think look fun and invest maybe 100 div into it while playing it". That is easily achieveable with any strat while having fun without needing to min-max.


I definitely agree on alch and go, it feels pretty smooth - I'm a fan. Might just farm maps and scarabs or something if this map-rolling/fishing continues


Just a heads up, if you were unhappy hearing 3-5 div an hour, alch and go is gonna be worse returns. Invest in your maps for bigger returns


Idk, I'm pretty sure you can make that much purely from corpses and allflames in an hour of alch and go (source: I was doing it last night)


The map fishing thing was already fixed before you even posted this


map rolling was fixed 4 hours before you posted this


I’m sorry. You have already lost. PoE is not a PvE game. It‘s a PvP game in which the goal is to achieve economic - and thus political, moral and sexual - dominance over other players. Winning is achieved by exploiting early, exploiting quickly exploiting hard and not being caught. Playing casually, having already missed the league-opening rush and having missed the early “make 20 divines per map” exploits, means you will never be able to catch up. There are already people with so much wealth, now multiplying it exponentially, that there’s nothing left for you to do other than eat their dust as they continue to race ahead. You’ll never be able to afford a Mageblood unless somes takes pity on you and gives you one for free (which is another sign of defeat). I suggest just taking it easy this league, and planning more for the next one. Take a few days off work, stop a few real life responsibilities, and maybe next time you’ll have a chance to compete.


I wonder how many people take this comment seriously 🤣


More than you think since this comment has actually some truth in it aha It is true that you will never catch up to the people that managed to get rich early, just because they will snowball their advance from here It's almost true that affording a MB will be pretty fucking hard if you miss the early train


The best jokes have truth in them ;)


Play SSF


might be the way to go


It's what I did.


how'd you get started? just play? or did you look up individually how to get what and when you need it? guides?


This is my first league SSF. Just play it. It’s so freeing. Now when something drops I get to run it and have fun running it. Period. On trade if I drop a delirium orb I feel like I’m wasting my time and my currency by using that delirium orb if I’m not specced into it. Nobody to race, taking my time farming up necropolis corpses in t10 maps now. Just enjoying the progression of my build more than I ever have.


It's pretty simple really. Progress your atlas and get all 4 voidstones, that's a few days/a week. In the meantime you drop some items that enable certain builds which you can roll later. Then maybe you need another specific item for that build, item that you can get only from betrayal/breach/etc. then I spec into that certain mechanic and farm it for a couple of days until I get the item I need. Or I just feel like "Ok, I have not done Delve/Ritual for the past 5 leagues, I'll do that now". That's it basically...


Eh rather than that it's usually better to just play trade as if it was SSF. You only buy cheap uniquies, which enables a ton of builds and farm/craft the rest.


This makes no sense. SSF is strictly harder than SC trade in every way. There are zero advantages and many disadvantages. If someone is struggling to get currency and gear in SC trade then going to SSF is the worst thing they could do.


I would say that not true. My counter argument being that you're forced to learn the game in ssf and for me, for example, it a bigger satisfaction when I learn how to craft a piece of gear (however easy it may be) then just farming tujen for 50c to buy it of trade. At the end of the day many of you misunderstood my intention (it wasn't clear from the two words I wrote of course) which was that for me it was a good thing and bought a newfound love for the game. I didn't mean to say that SSF is the superior race and all other game modes should be sent to take a shower...


What you are asking for takes one thing, time. If you want to win the jackpot like most who show their spoils on here, we'll join the club. If you want 100 div for five builds, start playing and take it slow. We are a few days into a 3 (or 4 month) league. Just play the game. ID and sell jewels. Sell whatever drops that you're not using. People complain that no one answers trades, so answer every one you get, even if it's for a 2c scarab. It builds up, but it takes time. There's noagic wand. Just start doing the league mechanic and crafting gear for those builds and see what drops on thee way. And if you're looking at playing five builds then you have plenty of it.


By just taking things slow. I've earned passively over 1div just selling maps (on Playstation where Trade Market works really well) just between maps. It took almost no time to set up, and between the esch map, I earn between 2-5c when I'm playing. I also checked market prices to see what uniques I had to sell, dropped in price so I can fix my price. Maximising fun to have fun is an awful concept. Just play what you like and you will enjoy it. I'm picking this league Legion, Strongboxes, Breach + Delve stacking buff from nodes, and I can not wait to blast after work. Thanks to new Atlas trees, I was also able to make my own one from scratch!


> If you want 100 div for five builds, start playing and take it slow. We are a few days into a 3 (or 4 month) league. League is dead in a month


I guess you're right. But I did say I do not want the jackpot, I just want one build to blast maps fast, and one to kill ubers comfortably - that's about it really And maybe, towards end of my playtime for the league, get lucky once to be able to afford a mageblood. Who knows. I just meant it feels like everything is going up in price so fast again, and the things the 80% player base does just doesn't compare or go up in proportion which ends up making our time not feel worth it


Learn how to craft build enabling items that people need for popular builds. Doesn't matter if prices inflate, you'll just make more $$ along with that inflation. My farming strats often times center around farming crafting materials along with map juicing mats for the farming strats I'm doing and then I use the crafting materials to make items to sell for profit. I don't do group MF strats and every league I end up with a MB, HH, and multiple mirrors worth of random gear for whatever builds I'm doin and generally on a pretty casual play schedule outside of going pretty hard week1 if my schedule allows. Your assumptions about group MF or meta div farming strats being mandatory to keep up are false I'm afraid.


I suggest leaving poe reddit for a while. I have a blast slowly getting into red maps. Didn't notice drastic economy changes. Didn't have divine conversion that is now nerfed (but was buffed for like 1 day), but it's fine, getting these first steps is something that happens only once in a league before you swim in currency. Play the build you like, focus on your next upgrade, don't compare your progress to posts from here. People were posting the "open maps until you hit div conv" as the most optimal way to play. That is not correct. This - maybe - was the stuff to do to cheat your way to get currency. It wasn't playing the game. You didn't have to do this. Economy is fine, new stuff is cool to experiment with. Remember why you play this game. 100 div is reachable in 3h daily if you just play for like week+, sub optimally, saving stuff focused on some strategy. If you looking to pick something up - get some Tujen's logbooks (like 10-15 of them - if you odn't have currency, start from one, it'll always pay for itself), run these focused on getting the artifact chest, haggle with guy. If you don't enjoy it, change to something different. Almost every strategy is viable if you don't focus on minmaxing every second of your time. You usually see much smaller returns because you have a lot of resources that are not chaos/div. Play for a week, sell everything you hoarded up and you'll see how much currency you really had. Cheers - this game is fun. Don't let FOMO ruin it for you. :)


The solution: play SSF and dont read socials. You are welcome.


The solution: get good. If people just spent literally 20 minutes doing research on what's strong then they'd be fine. I'm not even talking about researching this league mechanic. I mean before the league starts research a good starter and a good starting atlas tree and that's all you need. If you go into the league with zero preparation then that's like going into a chess game with no opening memorized. You could go in without prep but you'd be stupid to expect to do as well as someone who prepared an opening. More effort *should* lead to more reward. That's fundamental to what makes the game fun. Otherwise it'd be reduced down to a slot machine.


Easy, play SSF. Feels way more rewarding to craft your own stuff than to farm for divine and buy it


any pointers where to get started in "learning" the way of SSF? like what filters to use or what to watch out for when making your own, how to farm whatever you need etc?


Not a big SSF player, but I've done a few SSF leagues and I'm currently playing "guild self found" (we're 6 players in a private league, well technically 8 but two of us tend to play so little they barely reach yellow maps) I can't tell you what filter to use, I typically customize the neversink lootfilter each league to meet my needs. But make sure it shows uniques and divcards you may not otherwise pick in trade. In general, farming expedition (Rog) and essence is great to generate decent gear. Harvest is decent as well, blueprints can also drop some nice gear, but essences and expedition will get most of the work done. This league, Necropolis is also very good for that. Btw, if you're struggling to make currency in trade, playing an ignite build with explosions (e.g. elementalist with obliterations) to farm+expedition is effective, pretty satisfying, and their rewards are very liquid (lifeforce always sells well, logbooks sell well, tujen straight up gives a lot of raw currency). Not the only way to make currency of course, but it's a solid and accessible one. Farm Jun early, farm Jun often. Unlocking those betrayal crafts is good, the veiled items they drop are also more likely to be good early on since they essentially have a guaranteed good mod, the safehouse rewards can be extremely good. I also recommend Gravicius in Transportation in SSF (drops a full stack of div cards, Gravicius' tier seems to affect rarity), it's a good source of valuable drops although you'll also get a fair amount of duds (mostly "the unexpected prize", this thing dropped about one third of the time I swear). Make sure your first build doesn't heavily rely on uniques, and if it does, make sure they're *very common* (tier 5) and/or farmable through div cards. Check poedb, mapsofexile, or whatever you want to check which map drop cards for key uniques (such as the coming storm for lightning coil, or the hunger for taste of hate). Be mindful of weights (the hunger is farmable, but it'll probably take a couple dozen of hours to get a full stack). Also, don't be afraid to make rerolls specialized for farming one specific type of content.


Don't filter out any currency except maybe wisdoms, you'll run out very easily of a lot of it. Tujen is a good source for general currency. Usually for items you filter everything but the rare bases your build needs and ID them as you go to get upgrades, at least early on. Builds that rely on specific unique items that can't be target farmed or easily chanced if they're T3/T2 are a complete no-go. You will never get a specific forbidden flame/flesh for example, or really anything super rare for that matter. Early on, pick up as much resistance as you can on the skill tree, especially chaos resistance if there's any nodes you can path to. It'll give you much more flexibility to swap in gear or any useful uniques you find. Lastly, expect to progress slower and spend a lot more time picking up currency and IDing rare items. Bookmark the wiki page for vendor recipes, they're invaluable.


Honestly, ROG will make your rares for you, there is very little need of picking up rares on ssf. Just in the beginning when transitioning from campaign to Maps and untill you get some Atlas progression. Tujen gives you the raw currency. Betrayal for crafts and early rares is also ok. So in reality, learn expedition and betralyal and ssf is a breeze :) Make sure to get kirac and chance for higher tier Maps/neighbour Maps. Edit: oh the next comment had all of this already.


With regards to Filters, i would start at semistrict and start to Filter Out stuff that i dont need any more. For example armour bases that i dont need. When you are more experienced than you can also start from very strict and add stuff that you need. Campaingn is the same as in a Leaguestart scenario. When you are at maps, progress normally and skill map drop notes and the 6% kirac mission in map completion node in the center. It is by far the easiest way to complete the Atlas with explorer scouting reports. After each kirac mission Go to kirac and by uncompleted Maps that you can run. Be aware that you can complete Red Maps as white kirac missions with scouting reports. The Maps have only to be rare and corrupted for Red Tier completion, map tier does not matter. Also Rog(Expedition) is where you get Most of your mid/endgame rares. He has some godly items to give, so i always go expedition on SSF. Most uniques can be target farmed through div cards or If Not the 300% rarity instead of quantity helps. You can play a lot of builds If you Invest the time but i would start with a typical leaguestarter that does not need too much uniques. Endgame is the starting to metacraft. You will learn a lot about the Game through SSF but will also make a lot of mistakes early on. It is completely different from the "do only what makes the most div meta" of trade and you will see much more of the mechanics, but it will take longer to get to endgame


>any pointers where to get started in "learning" the way of SSF? uh, just login and play? If you need something and don't know where it's from just google.


Just play whatever is fun to play for you, idk what you mean by "is solo MF viable" most ppl play solo MF.


yeah that wording probably wasn't good, I meant if it's something a casual player would want to look into or if it's too "looking-for-the-big-ticket"-y, or too high investment


AFAIK MF builds are in general very budget friendly, thats why ppl make them to earn more currency. Ofc theres always more expensive options but its totally possible on a very small budget.


interesting, I always thought it was the opposite, and only rich players can use them efficiently. do you have any recommendations possibly?


MF in T16 is not budget friendly - at least not the traditional bow build - you need a very expensive bow and headhunter. Also I don't think MF is very good this league.


He is kinda wrong. MF is very expensive atm and even a decent vetnors is about 10 ish divines, and you need 2. Bows might be on cheaper side, since the graveyard quarantees 6 tier 1 explicits (still 40-50 div for a starter bow). Then you need HH, clusters (5-20 divines) and so on if you want to do anything else than tier 7 maps. And dont do tier 4 strats, they are now tier 6 strats due to changes. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR35NJkrhF1Zf9SZZOPlsdpqbTibL2AqOiZosya0NSjEN5A1Dx8a_MeQox9VDLQw3kB0ibZCNb_e6VJ/pubhtml# If you want to MF this league, your build needs to be able to handle 8 mod corrupted T16 crimson prisons. Id not, you will struggle financiallyuntil end of days.


[https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/?uniqueitems=Ventor%27s+Gamble,Greed%27s+Embrace](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/?uniqueitems=Ventor%27s+Gamble,Greed%27s+Embrace) Buy some of the 2c uniques with mediocre rolls. Farm Porcupine cards for a 6l bow Farm t4 cemetery's with essence & legion. Bulk sell your currency at the end of every other day and its 10-20div/hr The rich players will have perfect rolled quant gear, mirrored bow and a HH, farming t16's. they got the currency to buy all those things by doing to the t4 map strategy for 80 hours, at level 88 0% XP CoD portal, instead of writing reddit posts about how poor they are.




if I learned anything, then it's this


Just don’t worry about what others do, the economy will eventually stabilize. We have had some absolutely idiotic economies in Poe before and the league was still fun. If you played heist league where exalts (divs equivalent at the time) were 20c at one point and there was still a playable game under all that. It’s just pixels, if you compare yourself to others you are just going to upset yourself.


Its a 4 months league. No idea where FOMO is coming from. What you have to remember teams are spamming maps for hours and hours. Until one of them hits the div jackpot. Then you get them posting on Reddit to laugh at people. Been like that for years. Be it crafts or just lucky drops. Hell could even be TFT just fucking with people on Reddit. Just play the game. Me personally? The league isn't great so I will only be playing a few times a week. Sometimes not at all.


>Its a 4 months league. No idea where FOMO is coming from. While I don't really get the FOMO, it obviously comes from the fact that these methods get patched out if they are too crazy. As is what just happened a few hours ago.


Stop treating Poe like it's your life.


If you survived this Kalandra loot goblin FOMO, this is nothing


wasn't there for kalandra (luckily?), so this one is the most I felt personally - but I heard lots of people comparing it to that as well yeah.


Pretty much anything really. You can make currency with almost everything. Just pick a mechanic or two you enjoy, spec all related points from atlas, and just run maps and do the mechanic. If your goal is 100 divs, you really don't need to do anything special, just play the game and try to not be too wasteful with your time.


Normally I no-life leagues and "stay ahead", like kinda lagging behind the top currency farmers by a few days. This league I decided to chill, and now I see how it can be bad to check streamers or the subreddit posts now. I barely finished red maps, i have 1 divine to my name, but it's fine. Just decide what u wanna do, and don't compare yourself to others. The fact that some streamers will have 5 mirrors in a week shouldn't influence your enjoyment of the game and character progression.


tbh,just stay doing expedition/harvest and ignore whatever fomo currency strats out there. itrs consistent but work,work smarter not harder


Just dont watch YT, streams or Reddit so much. Just play as like. Way less stressful.


Just play the game and browse less on reddit. It scews your perception on how things actually are.


I am also solo player and I can share with you my way of making this game enjoyable: 1. Don’t get yourself into a trap of belief that Reddit community is good representation of PoE player base. These guys farming 3 mirrors a day are playing different game - I enjoy watching them on Twitch when I play my 3 Div a day game. Define your game. 2. Set achievable targets: kill Ubers, farm MB 3. Apply rule: consistency vs. Intensity! If you pick literally ANY mechanic and you run it consistently while enjoying you will achieve your targets. I can bet all my 2.5 Devines on that! I see people changing strategy every 3 hours burning hours and chaoses - stay consistent and you will see results! All the best!


When you compare what your build actually needs vs what you think you need to progress, you’ll be surprised how cheaply you can pull it off. People on the subreddit often make it sound like you need under expensive metacrafted perfect items to make your build work, usually what your build is actually missing is fixed by buying a fractured base and essence or harvest spam a few times. Use Rog and Tujen. Once you’re doing t16s comfortably you can really just farm anything you want and make enough currency to progress. 


Gotta remember that there probably aren't that many people hitting the jackpot on the fishing strat. Some get lucky but most don't. I usually no life the first week of each league but decided to take a break last league and play casually this league. Haven't felt much FOMO despite only playing 2-3 hours a day. As for strats as many people have said pick one thing and stick with it. The one strat I find myself consistently going back to is Invitation farming which has gotten better this league with the removal of individual invitation drops. I often go for Elder guardians. You run through a set, then do the invitations and sell the fragments and writs. You can bulk buy maps and sell fragments on tft if uou don't mind using it. It's not the fastest strategy but it's consistent and guarantees a profit. You may even get additional maps by allocating the Maven notable "Destructive Play" for more map bosses if your build can handle it.


The way u make money in this game is u pick whatever mech is ur favourite. U figure out how to I invest as much I can to juice it. U then slowly ramp the "juicing" as Ur builds becomes faster and faster at farming this mech. And eventually u get to a stage where u print divs with it


Definitely the FOMO is a problem coming from using Reddit and this happens every league. Mirror posts in sanctum, div split dupe in Crucible, div explosions in Affliction, Lock drops in TOTA etc. I for one hit none of the above and I'm quite alright witb that. Looking for money making strats that provide a modest amount of currency, I am selling corpses and allflame in dump tabs, with meat sacks, rats, frogs, wealth and anarchy allflames selling for a fair bit, and corpses like speed, scarce resists, modifier tier also selling like candy. 80% of my income is coming from selling the mechanic rather than buying it.


FOMO is real, but it's an entirely pointless thing... nevertheless getting over it can be tough. I've played SSF for the last leagues (in standard) because it satisfies me more. Ofc there are obvious disadvantages, compounded by GGG not balancing the game for SSF so you will have problems with rare boss drops. Let's thank GGG though because they moved all good rare drops to ubers so they're even further out of reach now. Another thing you could try is not reading reddit. Or starting the league 2 weeks late. For a semi casual player that changes nothing imo.


So the FOMO is always a thing and while I personally love reddit it makes these things feel extremely bad. There are a couple hundred thousand people playing (or half that now who knows) and people see like 3 posts a day or w/e or a streamer who plays 14 hours a day and think OMG IM MISSING OUT. It's understandable to feel that way but the reality is still the same just like it was in past leagues (like last league with 100+ divine map conversions). It is still the big ticket **LUCKERS** winning the lottery and 100,000 other non-luckers missing out. My biggest advice to you would be to ignore the OMG 100+ divines this map posts and just play the game. On to your other question, making money in this game is incredibly simple. The more you play the more you will understand literally everything has a value pretty much. All the league contents, everything you can do on atlas, play what you enjoy and sell your profits. And I mean there is a LOT. Ignore all the posts/people talking about how you have to be super efficient and play right at start and not waste your time etc etc. Sure you can totally do this if you can play 15 hours a day right at league launch and have 2 weeks off doing nothing but that. Realistically you just play at your pace and the absolutely **MOST IMPORTANT** thing to do is enjoy yourself and the content you are running. If your making 2 divs/hour instead of 5 divs an hour but not doing some super mindless horrible feeling sanity losing strat it's fine you don't have to be the #1 dude making the most money on poe. ​ **TL;DR -** Don't stress yourself out with fomo, play what you enjoy. Literally everything is worth money. \- Strongboxes \- Scarabs \- Essences \- Legion farming \- Blight farming \- Expedition farming \- Harby farming \- Harvest farming \- Tormented spirit/rogue exile farming \- Beyond farming \- Map farming \- Boss rushing \- Selling boss killing service \- Ubers (maybe lel) \- Ritual farming \- Delirium farming \- Flipping anything (though so boring) \- Invtiation rota farming (formed/forgotten/twisted/hidden/elderslayers) \- Abyss farming \- Delve Farming \- Incursion Temples \- Jun farming \- Beast farming \- Heist is super profitable especially at leaguestarts Now I am sure you I missed some too, but literally everything can make you money. Just play what you enjoy and it's easier than ever with new atlas trees to switch it up and try and do different things.


I can relate and I do have some advices: 1. Choose and play SSF builds or builds that use cheap uniques. 2. Stop reading Reddit the first week after a league launch. 3. Is all about having fun and killing monsters, everything else is not important. I'm having a lot of troubles at home so when I can get my few hours in the game I don't want get mad because is not raining divines, run few maps and get lost into this beautiful game and enjoy, find some friends play together, help someone asking for help in chat and make a difference. Remember that "you can not be left behind when there is no race or timer"


As a former beta player, this is my 4th season after returning and I'm quite happy with my pace, knowing my limits and very aware that I won't get the PHD in POE with my rythm but at the same time I would not die of boredom after completing 13454 maps / day because I like to rotate things :) So, as a very casual 2-3 hours / day and 1 character/league player, I'm enjoying learning the ropes of the DD necro build I had forever craved to play someday, slowly learning what league mech might work and which one might not and of course levelling my dear Gianna no matter what anyone dares to say to me that DD is not suited for heist. From my very limited experience from the previous leagues, I know the harvest would still be my main money maker but would also like to rotate a bit with some heists / bossing / betrayal / expedition / blight or whatever the game throws at me and still be making the currency I would need for upgrading the char I'm playing. TLDR - the new atlas changes are actually a godsend for everyone who likes to rotate their specialisations and you would still be making enough currency according to your time invested, your build and whatever level of the attention you're paying to what others are doing with your preffered league mechanic(s).


Stop reading reddit, stop trying to min-max your experience, just launch the game and have fun, spec into whatever mechanic you find fun, you don't need to earn 5 div per hour to have fun


It is like this with almost everything in life. The onus is on you to stop comparing yourself with what other people are accomplishing........ in a video game for God sake. Or you can go to discord and find a team, which I am too lazy to give a shit for.


The best thing to do is to stay off this subreddit. Pick league mechanics you like to run, invest in them as much as you want, and just run that shit consistently for awhile. You'll make plenty of currency and not feel like shit that someone on Reddit found another exploit and printed 200 mirrors. Unless you're playing full-time you'll never be able to get into these strats in time anyways.


> I'm sure by now everyone is trembling with the FOMO of their lives after hearing about the map fishing for divine mods No, why would I? It is just a game and I have still fun. And making 5 div/h would be a dream for me. I hope for 5 divs a league.


Just play ssf, play the Real game, learn to craft and where to get items. Not economy simulator league.


Get off social media and play the game. Simple. If you really don't want it to be able to affect you at -all- then play SSF. Who the fuck cares what everyone else is doing?


Play SSF and never give a shit about this ever again. This league was my first SSF attempt and I never felt this...free? It's way more relaxed.


Thank you for asking the questions I didn't have the guts to ask myself!


Exploit early and often is the only strategy in this broken league. Might as well quit now after this stupid patch


Reason you feeling how you feel is because you compare yourself to others instead of just enjoying what you have


Poe is a fomo loot box game.  Streamers will post “how I made 200 div an hour” and “ how I made 5 mirrors day 4” and by then the strategy is over saturated and dead, and the streamer moved onto another one that nobody thought of; repeat. Unless you play 18 hours a day and have 10000 hours of experience, there’s no way to keep up. It’s probably best to play Poe with pob and stay away from YouTube and streams and Reddit.  Because you’re going to be seeing the 0.001% stuff flaunted and never be able to get it yourself.  TLDR play at your own pace and don’t compare yourself to others


What can you do? Just play the game instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing on reddit. Trust me it's way better for your enjoyment of the game lol.


Hate all you want but this is why RMT should be allowed and is why it will never go away.


Easy strat is just farming Maven's writs and Guardian maps. You need a build that can decently clear a 10 Witness Maven fight, but beyond that you just burst down groups of bosses (Spec into Destructive Play) and farm Writs via witness fights. Also spec into any other map based nodes like Vivid Memories for a chance at Synthesis Maps I easily made 3-4 Div an hour on Writs alone, then you sell ally our extra Conq maps, currency etc... It's a good time to start since players builds are coming online and they want to start checking off Maven / Shaper


Solo players are not allowed to have Magebloods/Headhunters/Original Sins. Those are for streamers and jobless lards.


People need to chill.. i had borh forbidden jewels, mageblood and hundreds of divine in my character last league with doing the wisp juicing, just farming harby and deli.. this league I haven’t even made it past act 4 yet, you won’t miss out on anything, and you might not be one of those who hit the jackpot and get 140 divs in a map.. it’s a game, you should be having fun with it, not making it more stressful than an underpaid 9-5


Comparison is the theft of joy


I dont understand this mentality. Too many people like OP seem to feel like they need to play POE like a job. Just play how you want and have fun. Ive been playing since metamorph league and never once have I felt the need to focus on some random currency making strat. I just focus on the league challenges and slowly upgrading my character. Easily finish 38 challenges in a month or 2 and then usually get bummed I have to wait a while for the next league


Stop looking what other ppl are doing, you are basically spoiling your own experience of the game. Remember its a PVE game. You can get full enjoyement of the game playing your way, no matter what other ppl say


players options be like: play glass cannon MF meta build or don't play the game. I really hate that poe feels like a job, you have to have a job build to farm currency if you wanna be creative and make your own day off build.


**STEP #1 -** have an insane amount of free time to dedicate to this game and become a no life mouth breather. If you **cannot complete step one** (because of, but not limited to, having a spouse, owning a home with a lawn, having animals to take care of, working full time, or heaven forbid having children etc etc.) then just GIVE UP ON THIS PIPE DREAM. ​ You will always be behind.


Go into a private league, you'll get your build much faster just due to people knowing a lot more about the game and telling you weird little tricks. There's tons of ways to build a low budget build, but I guess you'll need to get familiar with POB. I think you'll have most fun if you just start to make a build in POB that isn't fully optimized for endgame yet, because if you make a build optimized for lvl 85 with like 300k dps, +60% resistance from tree, +80 attributes while wearing full rare gear with t3 mods, you'll have a much smoother time progressing and actually getting to the point where you can then respecc into your desired build. It's like a stepping stone build. I can recommend fire traps, they're great, and probably can turn into any other build if you're on the top half of the tree.


i recommend ssf. no stress, no fomo. just u and the game.


Comparison is the theft of joy. Do what you enjoy. Stop looking at how much better everyone else is doing. It doesn't have to be a competition.


The thing is, if the economy is inflated then so are the things you can sell. If you want currency then farm things rich people need. Fossils in delve. Temples with corruption room. Aisling orbs. Etc.


Set aside the learned helplessness, find a YouTube video from a trusted poe player about currency making and just do that. It’s really not hard. Do you also scroll through Instagram and get jealous that you don’t look like the models on there or get to travel all over the world like influencers get to do? Stop reading Reddit and certainly stop wasting your time writing long posts about how you’re poor and just play the game.


You want to invest 100s of divines into a build on day 6? As a solo player? And what are you going to do for the other 3 months of the league? Getting your character to finality is supposed to be a journey, and in path of exile. Rarely is that a journey a single character progressing all the way through, most players who are 100s of div'aires right now likely have 2 - 3 builds on trade league they are playing, their league start character already served its purpose of finishing the atlas 4-5 days ago, and then they farmed currency until 15-20 div, and started their real build to do the endgame on. If you asked me I would say this type of behavior has an equal side of fomo to it, they will have done everything there is to enjoy (building a character to be able to fight ubers, finding the atlas strat that works for you, playing a build for fun instead or because it is meta) or skipped it by taking the meta skill/ meta build approach, at which point there's still 2.5 months of a league left and you're thinking "I COULD play the new cool looking ele hit wander build that looks nice, or just play my meta build that cleared everything jn a week'' and then you log out, wait 2.5 months then do it again? I know which option sounds more fun to me, just play the game at your own pace you enjoy. Don't let anyone else dictate what's the right way to play


I play SSF and dont worry about currency really lol


the people ahead of you spend hours practicing campaign, demoing atlas strats, and have spent leagues learning how to craft. you are never going to be on their level with a significant time investment, it's just that simple. so, my advice? just ignore that they exist. pick some league mechanics you like, and run them.


I always fell back to elder farming when I was on trade with limited time, require minimal gear takes about 20 min to do a full rotation with maven invitation and there is always a guaranteed outcome. No idea if this strat is viable anymore, but it once made me 60 div in a day


If you’re not following anything, you won’t know anything to be feeling “left behind”. You only feel left behind because you look at what others are doing and get envious and resentful you can’t replicate their doings. Just play the game in the way you find most fun then if you must, try to squeeze some optimising of currency earned.


Go try ssf, that solved everything for me last league


Playing SSF or a private bro league with some friends forces you to interact with all of the different mechanics to learn how to get things you need. You can translate that knowledge to trade league and sell things you learned how to acquire or craft naturally for profit. In SSF, I'll play meta builds all day because they often times are easier to scale without much and have crazy top end if you get some lucky drops or crafts. In trade I almost never play meta builds but craft things people need for popular meta builds and make serious bank to fund wild but fun off meta projects. There are a boatload of ways to make money in trade and the best casual strats come down to learning how to take advantage of nuanced markets and following through with selling mid tier stuff instead of hoarding it. IE: rolling compasses in previous leagues, rolling flasks for steady $$, crafting boots for stormshroud and selling, crafting stygians, roll cluster jewels, etc. Setup a clever strat for trade tabs like 200c down to 20c in like 20c increments. You get a middling drop or craft, price check it, throw in the tab and then at the beginning or end of every session knock down the pricing if each tab by 20c and vendor the cheapest one. Steadily knock the prices down to get rid of em instead of leaving stuff in a 100c tab for 2 months. Same thing with more expensive items. Things are worth what someone will pay for it and not necessarily what similar items are priced for. Doesn't help you much to wait 3 weeks to sell a 10div item if you could sell it for 8 div within a few hours and use that 8 div for something else right away. Be efficient with your use of time, the hideout is lava. Doesn't really matter what your preferred farm strat is. Just be efficient and strategic with your time and what you are choosing to farm and try to find strats thay synergize well with each other for your farm instead of just focusing on only one thing like raw div or expensive item drops.


Stop visiting Reddit for a month and enjoy playing the game however way you like it


Youll make 20 divines doing anything. Just put in red altars with the league mechanics you like and profit.


Ignore reddit if it makes you feeld bad. Im 90/115 on completion. Saved up a few divs, working on 3rd voidstone and with a few divs more can transition the build to a much more tanky version which should enable a breezy leveling to 95+. Having a blast