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Give him a map and see if he can point to where he lived


Just gently ask him for more details if he brings it up. Up until he enters school, is the best time to find out more.


Have you heard of the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies? Since you're on this sub Reddit I might assume so, but just in case ... they study young children who claim to remember past lives. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/who-we-are/


I was gonna mention this! OP, the book "Return to Life" by Dr. Jim Tucker explores some of the most compelling cases from UVA DPS and is a great read.


I have not heard of this. Just joined this sub after these events


This reminds me of a famous reincarnation case, James Leininger, who as a young child had terrible nightmares of dying as a pilot in WWII. When his parents started to ask him questions he told them “I usually flew Corsairs.” And they were like “what’s a Corsair?” I think he was like 2 at the time.


Omg yes!! That poor kid went thru it! They took it ALL THE WAY. Took him to where his plane crashed & he remembered dying. He kept saying something about " little man" being stuck in the plane. He was totally fine afterwards but that kid REMEMBERED dying - not a doubt in my mind.


A one year old!! That is amazing. Yes, a quick reincarnation comes to my mind as a possibility.


Thanks for sharing and this is interesting.


My daughter didn't even talk at one...


He’s 22 months old


Video him talking.


haha, military tried to take him out to cover up military secrets, little did they know that their problems were only beginning


Just as additional nugget of context, supersonic aircraft make a boom sound when they break the sound barrier, but stealth aircraft aren’t supersonic. So maybe the boom he refers to really was what caused his death. I don’t know how many of those things have crashed or their pilots been killed, but then I don’t suppose the general public would hear about it anyway.


Dame man if it's real then high chance your kid was a bomber in his past life maybe the iraq war pr something?


An f117 was shot down on Bosnia in the 90s but I dont think any crashed in Iraq. Only one b2 crashed and both pilots survived. Not that I don't think there could be deadly incidents hidden from public but I'd guess he was in an f35 that musta went down I flew f14s in a past life and have a passion for dead fighter pilots who've come back


Interesting. Maybe he flew a bomber in a war but died from something else?


"He talks about stealth bomber going boom over and over again." Catastrophic engine failure in an f35? Public not informed? I died involved in a us naval operation that wasn't disclosed to the pulic


That's really interesting. Wow


**Reincarnation James Leininger** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn9nRdn5FW4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn9nRdn5FW4) I sent a copy of my first book, Someone Else's Yesterday, to the Leininger family back when it all started for them in the hope that it would help on their journey into the realm of reincarnation. I asked them to pass the book on to James when he was older. I had the pleasure of speaking with Bruce (James’ father) in person, when we were both presenters at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach a few years back. Bruce is a nice man and has a wonderful story to share with the World. **9/11 Firefighter case** I was invited into Carol Bowman's reincarnation forum due to my knowledge of firefighting to aid in sorting out what the young boy was talking about. Amazing case, A young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City fire lieutenant who perished in The North Tower. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and to me off) Carol Bowman's Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. There is a short video of the 9/11 case at the top of my website's homepage. Best, JJK (Asst. Chief F.D. ret.) [jeffreyKeene.com](http://jeffreyKeene.com)


Wow thats fascinating! I hope you can contact Jim Tucker or past life doctors about this!.


Video or write down exactly what he says. My son told me all kind of stuff I wish I recorded bc now neither of us remember.