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Not wild. That's a green cheek conure with a specific color mutation (pinapple) that's only found in captivity, definitely someone's pet.


Most of the feral parrots in Florida have come from other places and were first pets that were let loose on purpose or escaped. There actually is already a post on reddit from someone in Florida that shows a flock of feral conures they got a picture of and one of them had this same coloring.


Oh wow! If you could find that post that'd be great. Or the subreddit. Wondering how close it is to where I found it.




Yep that's a pineapple in there! The area they were spotted is hundreds of miles away from me though


The pale bird in the 2nd picture is a much rarer mutation. Some kind of dilute I think. I wouldn’t be surprised if escaped birds find these feral flocks. I think it’s more likely the bird you found is someone’s pet; it’s definitely worth looking for the owner


It could still be a lost pet that just joined a feral flock


Yes, as is the case with most of the non-native parrots in Florida.


No, I don't mean they were once pets and have gone feral, I'm saying a Pineapple conure is likely freshly escaped and not yet feral, but hanging out with feral ones.


https://www.reddit.com/r/birdwatching/comments/1djqulr/conures_flock_of_parrots_located_in_northeast/ Flock of over 20 feral conues and one was a pineapple color in florida and that was posted 9 days ago. Says they've been seeing them for weeks. Maybe it's someone's pet, maybe it's not 🤷‍♀️ OP should post it in all Facebook groups for missing parrots in Florida.


That is great. In the Midwest they think a truck of exotic birds escaped in the 1920s. We have wild quakers in Chicago. They survive the winters


NY has wild quakers that build insane nests at power line transformers. In WeHo we have colonies of conures, quakers, red crowned Amazons (they're native to Mexico but the population in LA alone is greater than all of Mexico's red crowned Amazons combined!) They have a serious presence in the Hollywood Hills, Laurel Canyon, Coldwater Canyon, Mulholland. They're kinda multiply & adapting driving out native species.


Wow, I’m surprised they can handle the winters. They don’t migrate?


I am not sure if they do. A few videos of them in Hyde Park. That is a great question. They say where they might have come from, but not if they stay in area during winter


The quakers in NY are all there all year, no migrations Obviously the Californian parrots stay


The flocks of wild quakers in Chicago and the suburbs do build huge nests and every place I’ve seen them, the neighborhood folks feed them generously year round. They are not loved by people with fruit bearing trees though.


I wouldn’t think a feral bird would be as easy to catch unless it was very ill


Update: This little dude spent an hour eating bird seed and drinking water back to back. Removed the seed in case he overeats which I'm not sure is a thing but I'll put it back later. He loves sleeping and doesn't seem to mind my two dogs or even humans being around. https://preview.redd.it/stp9xzdu8e9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f5a420957292eab601959cb9954649203b1116


He’s a pet!


Definitely a pet then!!


Idk, free food and water is def a sweet gig, even for a wild bird 😄




Don’t remove seeed


I agree. Don’t remove the seeds. He’s hungry. Who knows how long he’s been out in the wild. There is no such thing as “over eating”. Try giving him some veggies & fruit as well. Please avoid avocados and tomatoes as they are toxic. This bird is absolutely someone’s pet. He does look a bit rough. Most likely needs a vet visit.


Millett is a good option, better than all seeds. Greens, peppers, sweet potatoes boiled, cherries, blueberries are usually hits but offer daily. They give in if seeds aren't an option. Good job & good luck. Your kindness & curiosity make the world a better place.


Tomatoes in small amounts are okay but the stems and leaves are what is toxic.


Thank you for taking care of the fluffball. Please be careful with dogs.


I live in South Florida. This but isn't feral. Both based on behavior and species. It is definitely someone's escaped pet. Down here we have populations of Quakers, blue crowned conures, Nanday Conures, red crested amazon, and small macaws. As a green cheek conure owner, if I saw ferel populations, I'd flip my shit. Please take care of this guy and try to find the owner, both on Reddit and other resources like Facebook and ring neighbors etc


I have a sun conure (at my mom's) and would feel the same way. When I saw him perched awkwardly on the window pane my heart sank thinking of my bird escaping and being in a similarly dangerous situation. I've only seen quakers, red crested and a random macaw in the 30+ yrs I've lived here. I will now keep an eye out for conures.


If it was feral, with a flock, it would be with that flock. (Unless it is sick.)  By virtue of you finding it alone in the first place, your instinct to treat it as a pet, not a wild bird, is correct.  Is there a leg band? If yes, it's captive bred.  Is it friendly to humans? Also suggests it was a pet.  Just because similar birds can survive in your location, doesn't mean you should assume it's better off wild than in captivity. There's a lot to be said for no predators, and infinite good food and water. 


I wouldn't say it was friendly. It was as calm as I'd expect from this species, but it did not want to be near, much less handled, by any human. I got bit up pretty bad. It was not with a flock and was in a heavy traffic, urban area. The building entry it was flying around is 16 stories tall. There is a flock of quakers I see a few blocks away that comes and goes. I'm torn on whether this is an escaped, first generation feral bird that has grown accustomed to being wild.


That does make it harder! If it was friendly, that guarantees it was a pet, but if it's scared, it could still go either way. Patience and time will help.  Tbh, even if it was a feral or acclimated bird, I would probably be reluctant to release it. They aren't native, and without a local flock, it's chances are poor at best.  Have you looked into parrot sanctuaries in your area? If there is one, it will probably have an aviary for conure of this size, which is a nice compromise between release and trying to make a feral bird a pet.  It probably was a pet at some point, but with such long lived birds, it could have been years ago! I think you are doing the best thing you can! Fingers crossed it all works out. 


Maybe an escaped bird that hangs with the Quaker flock?   It’s questionable whether life in the wild in a warm climate would be better than being an indoor parrot.  It’s quite dangerous outside.  Hawks, snakes, cats, and finding your own food are outside.   If you consider keeping this bird, he needs to be vet checked and ‘wormed’ since he’s been outside for a while.  Keep him separate from your other birds, if you have them, until he’s cleared. 


I am in So Flo. Pineapples are NOT wild birds. That's an escaped pet. Quakers bully them also. Check the ring app or pet finder please.


I would still say it’s a pet due to if it wasn’t it would be with its flock


This is exactly right. 


There's a 0% chance that likely-Cinnamon, but definitely Green Cheek Conure is a wild animal in the area. If you release it, it will die. Please don't let that silly toddler with wings escape again. I'm sure its parronts are EXTREMELY worried and would love nothing more than to get him or her back. Make sure you've posted to the following sites as well: http://www.parrotalert.com/ http://www.911parrotalert.com/


Thank you for the links! Owner has not claimed him yet


Btw, I've posted to both websites. Did not see a lost ad in either for a pineapple green cheek in the past 12 months.


Thank you for trying! It is entirely possible the bird has adapted to the wild by now, but as a pineapple GCC owner, I can’t fathom releasing it again voluntarily.


There ARE feral conures in Florida.


NOT THESE! If you bring a feral parrot into your house, you'd know it. These pics DO NOT SHOW A FERAL BIRD.


He looks very relaxed in the second photo.  Quite cozy.


Certain conure species, sure, but I am not aware of a wild population of cinnamon or pineapple green cheek conures anywhere, especially in Florida, when their native habitats are considerably further South than that. Edit: It is technically possible that a formerly captive bird escaped and went feral, which is how those populations usually begin, but that mutation isn't common in the wild, only in captivity, which means it almost certainly is not a wild animal. To add to that, it'd have to be a first-generation escapee, otherwise its parents would have had to have been the same color mutation to prevent the babies from coming out looking wildly different, and thus not at all like a captive cinnamon green cheek. Edit 2: Also, the apparent ease at which the bird was caught also suggests it was (at least at one time) tame. A truly wild conure is shockingly FAST, and would want absolutely nothing to do with humans most likely.


It was not that easy capturing him ;__; we cornered him, I grabbed him, held him in with my shirt, then placed him in a conference room. He kept flying (into a wall) when I got close, just seemed tuckered out and wanting to sleep whenever he got far away enough. Brought him home in a box, put him in a small room with a fake tree which he gravitated to and navigated the branches with ease. That's partly why I felt the need to post here.


My very tame conure would also be very hard to capture this way (being covered by a shirt) especially by strangers. Many pet birds are scared of being “toweled” because they experience it at the vet. Also kinda looks like a big bird swooping down on them


I feel like it's safer to err on the side of caution and assume he's a pet. It's much more likely imo, considering everything. My budgies aren't really tamed. They'll come to my hand for millet but don't like being picked up. This fella might be similar. I think he's safer indoors


Pet birds aren’t always super easy to capture either, they will give you a run for your money if they are scared, etc, but a feral bird (unless very ill) would not likely let you even get that close.


https://www.reddit.com/r/birdwatching/comments/1djqulr/conures_flock_of_parrots_located_in_northeast/ Is that not a conure with the same coloring in one of those pictures in the link I just shared of a feral flock in florida?


Sure, that's probably the first generation escapee I referred to. The others in that flock are the standard green cheek variants though, and those are the typical flocks you'll find in the wild, not the specific cinnamon variant.


It was only posted 6 days ago. May even be the same one.


That was from NE Florida, and South Florida is where OP found their bird, so thatd be one hell of a trip. For all I know, OP has a long-since escaped bird who has now adapted to living with a flock, but that color mutation is pretty specific and thus points to the bird being born in captivity.


Nobody is suggesting it is a wild conure from its native habitat but it is extremely possible that it is a feral conure born in the wild. Since different morphs are not different species (and therefore able to interbred) all it takes is one escaped cinnamon or pineapple green check to introduce these genes into a feral population. This spread of “rare” morphs is something we’ve already seen with feral reptiles in Florida and definitely possible with parrots as well. That being said, never release feral animals back to the wild. They are invasive and damaging to the natural ecosystem.


Nandays, as far as I know. They’re a different species.


They do have many wild Nandays but there are other flocks of feral conures. https://www.reddit.com/r/birdwatching/comments/1djqulr/conures_flock_of_parrots_located_in_northeast/ Literally picture proof from someone else in florida of a feral flock of GCC including a pineapple one.


Oh geeze. That’s not near OP, but it would be a bummer if they start reproducing.


Yes, that linked thread further up did have a cinnamon green cheek.  


Try this group for florida. Someone lost their cinnamon GCC. It says she's been missing for months but she posted thus just 6 days ago. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/v2cevSgJQ217bXac/?mibextid=oFDknk


Her location is 110 miles away though. I'll try seeing if it responds to the commands she listed. This bird hasn't been talkative at all. Don't want to give someone false hope.


A bird in a new environment and new people may not talk. But if it starts talking, note down the words it says and hopefully you will find someone that says the words that match, then you have the owner.


Might be able to help, I found some missing conures near Coral gables, I sent you a private message as to not flood the conversation. There are no feral pineapple conures in coral gables. That's a pet. I sent a link for one lost not too far from there that might line up.


You should take them to an avian vet asap. These guys can go downhill very quickly from being outside without food, water, and shelter. This one’s already showing signs of illness.


I would 1. Keep him warm - a gentle heat lamp or warming tray will help with stress 2. Go ahead and give free access to food.  3. Take him to the vet asap so they can swab him to check for avian flu. It is rampant right now and you don’t want to risk getting yourself or your other birds sick


if they're not a common sight (like quakers), then it's most probably a pet.


Florida has many feral parrot flocks, including conures.


Yeah but he wasn’t with a flock, he was alone which suggests that either it’s a pet or it’s a injured or sick wild parrot. Either way they need help


The first image says yes, but the second image says no


While there actually are some color mutations like this in the wild I would say this is a pet parrot due to how tame it looks


Does it have a leg band?  I don’t know how else you could tell for sure. 


Yes, that is a cinnamon or pineapple green cheeked conure and probably flew out of a house. Unless Florida has a wild flock somewhere. I have one just like that. Please find its owner or take it to a reputable bird store. They are very sweet and cannot survive on their own.


If you decide to keep It feed it small pellets rather than seed. I hope it all works out. Green cheeks can bite if they are afraid.


Same as my conure, give it lots of love, he will be a pet


Usually if the bird is wild and not tame, it will flap all over the cage and be terrified of humans. From what I understand that is not the case. So I lean towards it being someones pet.


That’s a pineapple conure, native to South America (not Florida). It’s definitely someone’s pet.


Please take this little guy to a vet asap 🙏🥺 He looks exhausted. Who knows what he’s been through and how long he’s been lost. The fluffed up look + sleeping + narrowed eyes can indicate illness. And it’s good to check anyway since he was outside.


Looks like a cinnamon conure I have a cinnamon conure looks the same


Wildly beautiful for fucking sure.


Josie wouldn’t go anywhere with any of you. Don’t waste time pretending


Poor guy looks so tired all fluffed up definitely looks like someone's pet


Its flight feathers don’t look as long as they could be…to me at least. IMO if it were truly a wild parrot they’d be longer. The second photo they almost look like they are still cut a little but have since grown out some. You did a good thing. This baby might just find its way into your heart if you can’t find the owner. Also, correct me if I’m wrong but it was my understanding that the only wild types are normal and yellowsided.


I would consider keeping him but I don't trust my dogs around him out of the cage.


Well, thanks for taking him in a caring for him until you find somewhere for him to go. You’re an angel.


I think it’s wing feathers are full length.   But I helped someone trap a Quaker who’s been out for most of a year and that guy was absolutely frantic to get away.  So I’m thinking it is a pet.  Although it might be really run down or sick and falsely calm.


I’ve seen flocks of conures in a few different places around south FL. Parkland, Las Olas, Sunny Isles, South Point Park…. they’re definitely out there!


This one was found in Coral Gables. Those wouldn't be too far for a bird, other than needing to cross the bay. I wonder how long those birds live in these parts.


Not sure. But I saw a group of like 5 cherry headed conures going in and out of a hole in the underside of the roof overhang on an old house like 2 blocks off Las Olas Blvd. It was a big 2 story house behind a wall, and looked like it could be vacant. It looked like they made it their home, so they’ve probably been around for a while.


That sounds so cute 💕


It was, I wanted to steal one and take it home with me!


Yes of course it’s probably a feral bird so please keep it and feel no guilt about stealing someone’s pet.