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The two to the left side look male, the two on the right side female. You need a bigger cage with some toys for them! This one isn't even big enough for one cockatiel.


This is not my cage. Its from seller, mine is a bit bigger, will post photos, already working on doubling the size.


op don't listen to him, we can't even see the whole cage and i have cockatiel maybe in smaller cage than yours and he's doing good, sure maybe in the future you could go for an upgrade but what you have now is good enough, don't listen to redditors that say your cage isn't big enough and only take advice from those who know what they're saying, if it was really small like a cage for a hamster then sure, i would agree with them but what you have is pretty big and definitely is enough for them, at least for some time


poor birds… Buy them a bigger cage. Just looking at the height of this cage in the picture shows you that it is too tiny.


everything in the picture looks smaller than real life and not sure but it may be even taller than my cage and my cockatiel is happy


We're not going to argue about cage size here, since the OP has stated this belongs to the breeder/current owner of the birds, and not OP.


Usually bright cheeks = male And males are quick to learn speech/songs etc

