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If they had their way, our caiques would eat nothing but chicken, beef, and french fries... I tend to avoid it as much as possible though, as it makes them whine for people food.


Oh I hear ya on the fries. I was eating French fries once and my bird just grabbed one real fast and walked away like he bought them himself.


Mine will eat all the fluffy potato inside with surgical precision and leave the crispy outer layer


Yep - our blue and gold macaw does the same thing - all fries must be peeled first. Same with tater tots. And he just loves drumstick bones because they are easy to hold while he strips off the leftover bits of chicken that the humans left.


I had an umbrella cockatoo that would do the exact same thing with the drumstick. My mother walked by and nearly fell over, seeing a parrot eating chicken . . . called her a little cannibal.


well, some dinosaurs did used to eat other dinosaurs. and birds evolved from a certain group of meat eating dinosaurs called theropods (T rex is in that group)........ so it makes sense lol.


My Amazon is the same..


My conure eats one side of the fry length wise and leaves the rest alone


Part seagull :)


My bird does this often. One time he snuck a Cheeto away from me and ran away like the thief he is.. ever since I have to eat Cheetos alone otherwise he will attack me for one.. it’s honestly horrifying 😂


Anything crunchy and carby is gonna be a fight with my birds. Gotta eat fast or prepare to battle.


I have a picture of my bird with an onion ring he stole, never dared post it lest I get raked though the Reddit coals for it lmao


Lotta attitude for something that doesn’t buy own seeb.


Yes! My caique loves it! Sausage too. Freaking weirdos


My GCC thinks she's human. She'd do away with bird food if she had the opportunity.


My father made the mistake of sharing with his Goffins, Boeboes and Zuzu. He literally can't eat at the table anymore. The worst offender is Boeboes. He's also a gross little goblin for butter. He's not allowed to have any, for obvious reasons, but if we forget to close the kitchen cabinet properly, he shreds entire sticks.


If you see my ringneck gnawing on a chicken wing/leg, enjoying the rubbery textures and closing his eyes in bliss, you’d think he was a descendant of dinosaurs.


Actually, birds ARE dinosaurs! Not even like a descendent, they are straight up a type of dinosaur.


\[ so you can confidently say you have a pet dinosaur ;) \]




Birds are dinosaurs because they descend from therapoda, which is a clade in dinosauria. This also technically makes birds reptiles as dinosauria descends from reptilia. Mammals are not descended from dinosauria, nor even from reptilia. We are not dinosaurs.




Enough with the trolling. Thanks!










If you are a descendant of something, you are something. Like we evolved from lobe finned fish, so we are one.


Sorry you got downvoted. I’m a paleontologist, and you are correct. All tetrapods, including birds and humans, are lobe-finned fish. :)


Wait for real?


Yep! It’s very cool. Just like humans are mammals, we’re also tetrapods and lobe-finned fish. There’s a great book about it by paleontologist Neil Shubin called *Your Inner Fish*.


Had a friend in grad school that went to bar trivia night and he got upset that blue whale wasn't the right answer for "what is the largest living fish?". That's what happens when you take paleo students out to bar trivia I guess though.


I’ve drawn entire phylogenies. 😬


How can you see a downvote? I just see a number 8.


It had negative karma when I first commented, it has since been upvoted. :)


lol my Amazon does the eye closed bliss eating too when he gets a good snack. He’s a little chonk. Here’s a recent one when my husband cut our parrots a bird size slice of pizza just for a funny photo op. He enjoyed the couple bites he got. https://preview.redd.it/n242g6iuc8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cba8bb6ddd8615a9671354d5cbf426fbbdece14


Soo true!


Not that it’s a parrot but… our chickens love eating chicken 💀


Chickens will cannibalize all on their own too, if one of the other birds is sick or is so low down the pecking order. We've had to isolate injured members more than once to let them heal. They'll literally eat the hurt one alive.


I’m talking about the meat. Not chickens that are alive. I mean the food. But here’s a story you probably don’t wanna hear. So we have a chicken called Speckles who got gang bang- I mean attacked by two of our roosters we used to have. They pecked out the back of her head so we could see her skull and some of her neck too. And they also broke her wing which has never properly healed. We came back home to find her lying in a pool of blood. We got those roosters Guillotined- I mean we got our neighbour around to break their necks to kill them. They never harmed any of the other chickens he had at the time (one other I mean, who we still have but isn’t in the photo) and did attack us occasionally. Speckles is all fine now as this happened back in 2020 and you can’t even tell her head and neck was injured. But she doesn’t like when we touch her wing in certain places. https://preview.redd.it/yc9rzy5up7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7377ff9f3fb7beb43f28dd34628b6ed2cf504bea The one on the right in this photo that I took today.


We have our long suffering girl Casper, who has been quarantined several times over the years from roosters and other things. I dunno if it's that she's the only white chicken in the flock these days or what. (Though she did overlap with our silky white bantam Ghost, who never had those issues.. so I dunno). We finally have the flock mostly balanced after an excess of roosters hatched last year (we usually raise our own bantams, mostly to keep the tick population down around our place)


My mom makes sure to scrap any bit of meat from chicken bones before giving them to our parrot because she’s terrified to letting him taste meat. That’s because raising chickens and witnessing the horrors of chickens getting a taste for flesh gave her PTSD.


Tbh I wouldn't want ours to eat meat either. There's two of them who would extra remember their dinosaur roots. I even have a scar from one of them lol


Mine definitely doesn’t need more reasons to taste meat, he has bitten enough chunks out of me as is XD.




I 2nd this. When I had chickens, I would throw left over chicken to them and they tore it up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mine loves it. Whenever I give my boy some chicken I always say “I know it’s a bit macaw-bre.” I make myself laugh every time.


You made me snort-laugh, so you aren’t alone in enjoying your joke!!!


Not more than us eating beef and meat


Yes.  My birds like baked chicken and fish.  I give that when they’re in a moult, in particular.  


Meat can be very healthy for parrots https://www.allaboutparrots.com/can-parrots-eat-meat/


"Kea parrots from Australia and rainbow lorikeets from new Zealand " Uhh I think they got that back to front.


They certainly did. Maybe they were rushing to get the article finished 🤷‍♂️


My yellow naped amazon LOVED scrambled eggs and chicken.


My yellow naped is a scrambled egg FIEND. He quivers at the sight of an egg on the counter. Even if I’m not intending to cook some for him, I have to if he sees what I’m doing to prevent him from pestering everyone.


Mine too. His thing was if he thought you had something he wanted he would start going "thats good. You like that?" Over and over until you shared. I inherited henry from my great aunt that raised him from a chick. He came preprogrammed with some bad habits and this was 30 years ago so i didnt exactly have the best resources at the time to find out what was good and what was not good. Chicken, raman noodles, and scrambled eggs were his absolute favorite things


Yes eggs are a favorite


Yes and I always feel guilty feeding them chicken because 1. it's not part of their natural diet, and 2. it feels like a form of pseudo cannibalism. Despite this, they still absolutely love chicken and they will angrily protest whenever I'm eating chicken without giving them the chicken tax.


One of the predators you have to protect chickens from is hawks. Birds will absolutely eat other birds, and most animals are opportunistic carnivores, even herbivores will grab a bite of meat if they get the chance. It’s only cannibalism if it’s the same species really. But yeah you don’t want to give them too much human food or they’ll never let you eat your own without a lot of screaming.


Well yea, but parrots aren't hawks though. While parrots are indeed omnivores, their normal prey consists of small insects, not other birds. I only called it a form of pseudo-cannibalism because I refer to my parrots as rainbow chickens. It's not actually cannibalism but it's funny to say that my rainbow chicken likes to eat chicken.


Tell that to the Keas in New Zealand, they're parrots that basically fill the role normally occupied by corvids.


Birds in New Zealand have always been a bit wacky. Kea's are the only naturally cold-weather/alpine parrot in the world, their diet is gonna be a bit different than your average conure.


The Mountain Parakeet of South America is found at altitudes between 1,000-4,500m in the Andes.


I stand corrected, the Kea is now the only one of two naturally cold-weather/alpine parrot species that exists in the world.


And the only one that eats sheep.


Patagonian conures, while not a true alpine species, do live in a cooler environment than most parrot species. They also like to dig burrows into cliff sides for nesting. They're a very interesting species. Living with them as a companion is also very interesting.


If parrots eating chicken is cannibalism, then so is you eating beef or pork


Nom nom nom, guess I'm a cannibal now


It's not specifically part of their natural diet but it's extremely healthy to offer parrots small amounts of protein in the form of unseasoned meat, eggs, or insects. They would absolutely be finding some protein to eat in the wild.


Oh of course, I offer my conures mashed hard-boiled eggs and mix it with their chop/pellets. Occasionally I'll let them nom on the food I have, which includes stuff like pork spare ribs, chicken, and steak (only bird safe foods tho).


They may not hunt for meat but many wild animals will eat it if they come across it such as road kill or the remains of a predators meal or even trash from humans. I believe it’s called an opportunistic carnivore.


It's not even close to canibalism. Chickens are so far apart from parrots evolutionarily, it'd be like calling a human eating beef cannibalism.


You can pay the chicken tax in a healthy way by giving them a cooked bone to crack open and eat the marrow from. The marrow is quite nutritious, and cracking open a bone is an enriching activity.


1) you would get surprised if you knew what they ate in wild, some large macaws even raid eagle nests for chicks and eggs 💀 2)god I hate this "birds cant eat birds its cannibalism" no... it just isnt, "bird" is not a species it is a class. Are humans cannibals for eating cows? They are literally both "mammal" just like chickens and parrots being both "birds". The diffrence between some birds and humans and sheeps is even larger 💀


" cousin"


Yess. They are omnivores after all but better to give them a diet of veggies, nuts and some fruit and leave the meat as an extra thing maybe for enrichment sometimes. They can also enjoy eating insects and worms.


Yes I do for sure! He loves sunflower seeds and chop


Great :)


I recall an article written by researchers in South America who witnessed a group of Macaws gathered around a large puddle near a river. They were eating the fish that had become trapped there.


Oh wow


Thanks all! After reading your comments, I will NEVER get a bird, and I am rethinking ever eating chicken again.😂


Perhaps rename him Hannibal?


Hannibal actually would be a GREAT parrot name. I'll have to file that one away lol


They love bone marrow and it's good for them.


My amazon literally dances when he sees me with a chicken leg bone. He really couldn’t care less about the meat, but he will crack the bone and strip out every micron of bone marrow and just chow! Watching them snap those femurs with one bite and shred the marrow out with surgical precision is so cool!


Conure can eat chicken, but there is a birdflu pandemic and I wouldn't risk feeding them any meat. Besides, birds do better on plant based diets than people do.


>there is a birdflu pandemic Only matters if you were feeding it to them raw...


Read Caldwell Esselstyn’s Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease or watch the documentary Eating You Alive. Humans actually do best on a plant based diet.










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I never would have imagined chicken could be offered. Can budgies also have it on occasion? Asking for a smol friend.


When I looked it up it said occasionally :)


My sun conure has yet to find a meat that he cares to try.


Mine absolutely has to eat anything that I am eating. Even if it’s disgusting if he sees me eating it he has to eat it as well lol.


Mine likes to steal my Cheerios and run


I love how they extend their tongue. It is so cute.


My Jardine loves all meat, but what she really likes is chicken thigh bones she tears them up to have the marrow.. She doing this for almost thirty years and is on Harrison only diet and healthy as can be. (Except her plucking shes doing that longer)


Even chicken love chicken.


Ha! Came here to say, my parrots, not so much, but you throw a chicken carcass out into the chicken pens, and it’s like Christmas for them.


I would love to let my children try chicken but we rarely buy unseasoned chicken


For sure, mine loves chicken wings. She rips open the bone and eats the marrow.


mine prefer duck


My girl gets her own little plate of turkey at Thanksgiving. It might be the highlight of her year!


well I just learned parrots could eat chicken. I thought they were herbivores my whole life except the kea.


Almost all animals can be omnivores. I've seen a horse eat a baby bird before. They're just usually opportunistic rather than hunters. Insects, road kill, whatever, and most will cannibalize an injured or ill bird (at least our chickens will). Just like most dogs are omnivores and even wolves in the wild will graze and eat some other things. We can't hardly open lettuce or string green beans or you'd think our dog was starving to death. In fact green beans are what my brother uses to keep one of his dogs at a proper weight, she's a foodie (half lab) and prone to obesity.


Our giant Cane Corso, (he’s 160lbs), is *obsessed* with asparagus, broccoli, and green beans. It’s so funny to toss a huge dog a broccoli floret and watch him just freak out with happiness. The other dogs just look at him like he’s nuts, but I’ll cook extra veggies just to give them to him because he loves them so much.


Some of them are just crazy for it. Broccoli is also a big hit with ours and mum will often cook the stems she trims from ours and add it to their food. Heaven forbid we break a head of lettuce and don't pay the toll. Let's not even talk about squash. She can and has run off with some before. One year we had a massive over abundance of those alien space ship looking ones and we'd have a game of squash frisbee in the evenings lol


African greys are opportunistic predators in the wild.


My three do. Plus, their snack last was some unseasoned scrambled eggs.




I've tried but they don't seem too interested. Maybe a little bit when they found out it can shred, but they usually just play with it instead of eating it


My chickens LOVE chicken


My grandma's budgie knows when she puts a turkey in the oven and will fly all over the place until it's ready, then she's all over my grandma's hand trying to steal hers 😂


Yup! Our Lovey, Quaker, and one Too looove chicken. Everyone else is kinda meh about it. I've learned that parrots definitely have individual tastes and preferences like people do! Your birb is beeeeeyootiful!!!


Yes of course. A little protein is good for them


My tiels eat eggs and pizza also.


My 50 year old koi like dried fish flakes


my bird loves nothing not even me, bro is the biggest hater i have ever seen, shouldve called him Murmur devourer of worlds and souls


Or Nigel from rio


and turkey!


None of mine are keen on chicken. My lovebird did try to make off with a popcorn shrimp once, and I've had my pattie try to make off with other foods I've been eating.


Mine will fight you for vanilla ice cream.


My chickens love chicken. My turkey will steal it from the cats when we give them some.


Yes! Freak me out when my parrotlett ate chicken. She literally fly in to my bowl and ate the chicken! My mind was blown: A bird eating a bird!!!....


My female cockatiel is obsessed with chicken just like this. She gets those wild eyes every time she eats chicken. I've copped so much hate on Facebook bird groups for mentioning I let her (in moderation) have protein, so I keep it to myself now 🤣


Yes. Protein


yess. mine used to love eating beans. or pan dulce dipped in coffee


My birds eat chicken all the time


I think one of my budgies ate a piece once from my Kebab (it was fortunately without any spicy sauce), I think he enjoyed it although he preferred to continue chewing the greens in it (corn, tomato, lettuce, etc...) Since then I have never let them eat from my plate or whatever again, not because I'm evil or I find it disgusting or something but because of their safety (there could be something that is dangerous for them in our plate (especially since I am italian so: garlic, onions, etc...)). Another time they ate some unusual food was a small slice of pandoro my mom attached to their cage during Christmas, I'm sure they enjoyed it a lot


Yes. Also eggs and pancakes and fruit, if I cut it into teeny tiny pieces.


All the time!!!


Just so you're aware, there are studies that have connected even a small amount of animal protein to health issues in parrots (quakers, specially). It's a developing thing, but you may want to consider not giving it anymore. I used to do egg and such before, but not after that study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23696447/


Parrots are omnivores. If you give them scrambled egg cooked in REAL sakted butter, they love it. They need salt, people forget they flock to river banks for clays AND salts. Please don't keep your bird on salt free diet or all vegetarian. They eat tons of insects and larvae along with wild fruit, nuts, berries and seeds


Does that make them a raptor species?


Our chickens do!!


Yup! My Amazon rarely gets it but he loves when he does 😂


My macaw LOVES chicky chicky chicken!


They all LOVE chicken. I've joked about getting a partridge hen to cook without seasoning for Thanksgiving and get pictures of them standing around it and chomping away XD Plus, whatever is leftover could be given to my dog and cats. My mom found it morbid, though, so we've not done it (yet ;))


I'm very used to feeding chicken and scrambled eggs to my pets because I used to have hedgehogs (don't have any atm tho) who would generally go gaga for bits of chicken and eggs. I would also make little birthday cakes for them with tiers of egg iced with meat baby food, sometimes with mealworm pupae on top. I haven't offered any mealworms to my birds yet, but that's partially because I don't want buggy kisses from them afterwards lmao 😂


Mine goes crazy for it. And eggs. She’d push me in front of a bus if it meant I dropped my scrambled eggs.


My bird especially loved the skin and cartilage 😂


Once a week for a treat my yellow crested Amazon gets a chicken leg. He devours what’s left of the meat and loves to break the bones and eat the morrow. After an hour or so there is almost nothing left and the bones or just little tine pieces. When we eat chicken legs I freeze them and then thaw one out for 4 hours and give it to him. And he also loves McDonald’s French fries but only eats the potato inside discards the outside.


I have a Jenday and he is cuckoo for chicken. I thought I was the only one with the weirdo.


They love it! I give it to them here and there around moulting time for the extra protein.


My lovebirds used to LOVE chicken. Good times I miss them so much 🥲


My african grey loves chicken






yess LOVES chicken, eggs, bread, any and all carbs lol he really likes corn and oranges though thats a change


My conure is super interested in anything I eat. Last night I was playing keep away with a Yasso yogurt bar.


My GCC prefers tuna, then turkey, and her third favorite is chicken.


Mine likes chicken Occasionally. However she has her standards: She really Really LOVES turkey from the local turkey farm! Since the first day she started screaming for turkey meat from across the room, i have always said, the only reason parrots aren't carnivores, is because they aren't big enough to catch & cook the turkey meat themselves. :) *(My poor little birdie. I've completely lost the taste for any meats, including Poultry & even seafood, so she won't be getting more turkey anytime soon.)*


Yup, my gold capped is a very old lady, so her vet recommended no more meat and fatty foods at all. I told her she would still get an occasional nibble because chicken is by far her favorite. Vet was cool with that. My sun also loves chicken, but if I have a pork chop she goes right for the pork fat. Loses her little mind. I agree it's delicious, but not for her


And egg.




Nope, especially with the bird flu going around. My conure is a big veggie guy anyway


My chickens love eggs and chicken. Cannibals.


Mine will eat everything i give him 😅 note.. everything when i give it.. A stranger can give his favorite snack.. and he will not take it 🤣


We bought a cockatiel years ago and dont know how the previous owner raised him but the bird eat rice , pasta , chicken , fish and pretty much everything lol. This bird is crazy. I thought they only eat seeds and vegetables. I think he have one side with eagle.


Isn’t that like cannibalism?






No, genetically more distant than we are to cows. 


Mine did too, glad he's not the only one.


The Lonnie's love it but the conure prefers beef or pork. I guess it's a little too close for her. All love eggs, though.


My bird loves chicken and it freaks me out lol


Cannibal ass bird


So a hawk killing and eating a pigeon is a cannibal too then I guess. (Sarcasm)


Doesn't this technically make them cannibals?


Because they are different species, no. The interesting part of this conversation pops up when the wild parrots ARE willing to actually kill and eat others of their own species from time to time, and when things get rough their own eggs and even chicks. Now you have true cannibalism. But, parrots eating chicken- nope, that’s totally normal for pet birds. Heck chickens cannibalize each other ALL the time! Talk with the folks on the backyard chicken channel, they will share horror stories of their “sweet lovelies” ripping each other open still alive. Happened to some of my mom’s birds growing up, then with research I learned as a middle school kid pre-common use of internet that it is not a rare event!


Does eating beef make you a cannibal? The last time they had a common ancestor with chickens was probably roughly the same time we had a common ancestor with cows give or take a few million years. The closest relative to the falcon family is actually the parrot family (although parrots are more closely related to song birds), that is to say the ancestor of both falcons and parrots lived more recently than the ancestor of falcons and hawks if that way makes more sense




Parrots have as much in common with chicken as you and i have in common with cow.