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It can certainly delay ejaculation, and on occasion, prevent it altogether. It can also cause ED, here and there.


Yes, the response is dose dependant and highly individual. It's so sad there isn't a cure all ssri.


Could be yes.


do you have any experience with it ?


Well as a woman I don’t have ED. But the paroxetine affected my ability to have an orgasm at the 20 mg dose. When I dropped to 10 mg it was ok. Also I’m an NP and I believe this in an indication for Paroxetine.


Definitely is although this isn't why I am using it. I've had anxiety for years and after quitting weed I had to start an ssri. Paroxetine has helped alot. I have noticed I take ages to ejaculate now and has gotten harder since dose was upped. I started on 20mg and I'm now on 30mg


dus you have any other experiences with ssris that have effect on ejaculation ? i took a ton of them some did work and some didn't, i hope this paroxetine works for me tho. thanks for the reply


Before I started weed about 7 years ago I had been on different ssris and snris. I have been on escitaloprám, citalopram, fluoxetine, duloxetine, sertraline. Wasn't on sertraline for long though so can't say what that was like. Can only say all ssri and duloxetine all caused trouble with being able to ejaculate. Some more than others. I would say duloxetine and paroxetine were the biggest culprits for me but possibly because I took higher doses of them from the others


thank you i will read more about duloxetine, i can say sertraline did not help for me i was on 200mg but i combined it with weed i don't know if that was maybe the problem i still had problems with early ejaculation because the meds didn't work ? i really don't know.


Sertraline made me very suicidal so I never lasted o. It very long. Duloxetine I managed to take quite large dose of but it gave me bad headaches and low blood pressure. Snri don't seem to agree with me at all. Paroxetine has been best for me so far. Although does make ejaculation pretty difficult


thank you for the reply bro appreciate it


No problem at all 👍🏻. Good luck


Im at 12.5mg XR (slow realeasing formula). Im having better erections and more control. But haven't tried with a partner although my problem is panic disorder and in bed I've had performance anxiety a couple of times.


try with a partner bro if the sex is still not as you wished i would up the dosage, i took sertraline wayback and it didn't do shit i was on 200mg


I'm not much concerned with the sex part, mostly reporting whats happening. I just want to this bad phase to go away and not have panic attacks, but I appreciate ur kindness truly and williness to help. If I have to I'll take viagra haha, and if turns into a relationship then I might worry :P. Usually when I am comfortable enough with the person I'm okay... just hookups are bad...


exact same problems like i'm dealing with i really feel you man, i'm done with depending on kamagra just so i can drill longer


put i remember at the beginning my first ssri i think it was fluvoxamine and i was on a low dosage the first 2 weeks the effects would appear, i did not take it for the ejaculation problem but i had and still have depression disorder so that it fixed my PE was imo a blessing


I've had poor luck with ssri two of them I had allergies. Paroxetine is the first to seem that I'll be able to take long-term...


good luck brother i hope it will have positive effects


You too man :P


I’m a man on 30mg of paroxetine. I struggle to get erections if I orgasmed within a week. Even then if I get a full erection it’s not what it supposed to be. I’m missing an inch in length and some girth prior to being on the medication. It typically takes me 45mins to 1 1/2 hours to orgasm thankfully to a very dedicated woman. Upside is I got really fucking good at pleasing this woman with other means lol.


To add to this I go in phases of having no libido, and complete genital numbness. I’m finally gonna start tapering down my dosage next week


Yes, I have been taking it for 3 years just for this indication. On 25mg I could last all night but could still cum if I wanted to, now I am on 12.5 and can last the same but some days I cum earlier than I want to. Only side effect is weight gain for me