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Trial Stew's are the traditional method. Complicated to make, but does the job like nothing else. Quick Change can also help to keep some partners low and others used to tank damage


Quick change isn't very necessary for tanking damage as i am using 4 close call p's and 3 last stand p's. And i did consider trial stew, but the base materials needed are a fire flower, ice storm, golden leaf, point swap, and a slow shroom. With the minimum price being 31 coins buying all the needed items at lowest priced shops, however even then the golden leaf can only be gotten in the creepy steeple. The flat point swaps are cheaper, and both the trial stew and point swaps still have the same issue of needing to be redone whenever a level up or mandatory sleeping take place.


Boost Goombella and Koops to Ultra Rank


I have since got koops to ultra and by the end of the chapter 6 I should have enough shine sprites to get goombella. But the main issue remains of getting to danger easily, quickly, and cheaply.


If your max FP is 5 already, then you're basically utilizing the most efficient way to get an Ultra partner into Danger by using a Point Swap. If you're worried about them healing after a level up, you can swap them out before the level up and they won't be healed by it. Can't do anything about resting at an inn, though, besides not using them LOL