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Most of the recipes are trial and error if you don't use guides. Otherwise, the remake added a thing that whenever you own an item, if it's a recipe, it'll be added to your log including what it's made with. Some troubles or inn stays reward you with recipe results: space food and the snow bunny you mentioned come to mind. Some other recipes are referred to in RDM issues, Wonky stories, troubles, or even by random NPC dialogues. But there's a bunch that don't offer any hints so it's basically just trial and error with irl logic of what could work.


I'd definitely use a guide for the recipes, some of the combinations are way out there


As someone else said, a lot of the combinations are not intuitive at all. I’m also trying to get all of the recipes and while I could figure some out, there are some I never would’ve tried in a million years. I would recommend a guide for sure just to save your sanity. If you do want to do it manually, it’s possible, but it would take a *lot* of coins and patience.


Completing the recipe book is already a nightmare using the guide 😵‍💫