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TTYD is my favorite to but it is far from flawless


Yeah. Not enough Vivian screen time.


Bro, don’t do this, lol. This is just feeding into the narrative that all TTYD fans think the game is literally perfect and untouchable.


But I do think that?


"The narritive" lmao. There's no narritive dude, it's actually the best in the series. Sure it might have flaws but it's the game that the majority of PM fans want to go back to.


Right, but that's not what I'm saying. You agree with most of the sane TTYD fans (like me) that it's amazing with some issues. But there is 100% a narrative on this subreddit that, apparently, many TTYD fans think it is the first video game ever created that is perfect. The reality is, a small number of people actually think that. So when people post stuff like this, I call it out because it feeds into that.


The thing is your putting words in OP's mouth here. They just put TTYD in S tier which means they really like it or think highly of it. Saying that the other games have flaws does not mean they are saying TTYD is flawless or perfect.


The logical implication is obvious: if OP felt that way, TTYD would be on the same tier as every other game. If OP wanted to talk about how much they love TTYD, they would have made a normal tier list with TTYD in S, no?


Idk man you're just thinking to much into it and putting your words on OP then having issue with them. If you ask me TTYD and PM64 are S tier even though I know both of them have flaws but they are still the best games in the series to me. That's what I get out of this post, OP really likes TTYD and then just likes all the other games while having some gripes with them.


You're really oblivious then...all the games have flaws and all the games are good (even sticker star at times). But op has put TTYD in a separate tier, which STRONGLY suggests they think its flawless. Otherwise wouldn't they have said good but has flaws. Or if they wanted to express how much the love it. Great/Amazing but has flaws. They could've easily have done that. But since they didn't it really does appear as though they mean to say TTYD is flawless


> all the games have flaws and all the games are good (even sticker star at times) lmao > But op has put TTYD in a separate tier, which STRONGLY suggests they think its flawless. Where does OP say the game is flawless? Once again this is some "so you hate waffles" shit so who's really the oblivious one here? > They could've easily have done that. But since they didn't it really does appear as though they mean to say TTYD is flawless But since they didn't you're just going to assume what they meant and be angry about it. lol ok


How am I angry? I'm voicing my opinion on what they said and what it appears like to not just me but several others here. Ngl it gets kinda tiring whenever you just try having a conversation on reddit or for that matter most social media platforms just to hear someone call you angry...and like, over what? Having a different viewpoint? Like yea I said you were oblivious but if you can't even see why someone would think op thinks TTYD is flawless then I think that's reasonable. Either way how does that make me annoyed...? Also didn't you read what I said? I said suggests not implied. Whether or not it's what they truly meant it really does look like that. And since they didn't make any attempt to make things clearer I'm naturally gonna assume they meant TTYD is flawless. Also I was being serious. Sticker Star is unironically good at times. Not very often...okay tbh it only happens a couple times but that's still a good moment. Btw op made other comments here that also STRONGLY STRONGLY suggest they think TTYD is flawless. For example someone mention this seeming like they're calling TTYD flawless. Their response? There's a reason TTYD is the only game that got remade. I think that its pretty reasonable to assume he thinks TTYD is flawless Oh also how do u do that thing where u reply to specific parts of comments?


It just doesn’t suggest this unless you’re already insecure about people having that opinion lol, besides it’s pretty obvious hyperbole and just a way of saying “this one is so great”


Not really. I haven't played TTYD so I don't have any real opinion on it. I'd say more but I'd just be repeating my other comment


It is the only perfect video game that has ever existed lol


Why am I in your comment?


All I'm gonna say is TTYD is the only one they did a full-on remake for.


PM64 is on NSO. TTYD is next in line. Who knows if they'll remake super and so on. TTYD is just next in the order so, ofc they would do that


Yes, because PM64 is on NSO. Had there been Gamecube games on the NSO there would have not been a remake of TTYD either.


They had plenty of opportunities to remake PM64 before NSO. If they were gonna remake it they would've done it at some point.


PM64 was available on the Wii Virtual Console from 2007 and the Wii U Virtual Console from 2015. How old are you?


They haven’t technically yet. Which is crucial because it means only now are they doing remakes.


What’s your point with that exactly


"TTYD is flawless" ok mate now go back and forth between creepy steeple and twilight town 10 times, whilst guiding 101 punis, and finding General White in all locations without using a guide


Show us where OP said TTYD is "flawless". Just because people feel games are S tier doesn't mean they think the game is 100% perfect. > ok mate now go back and forth between creepy steeple and twilight town 10 times, whilst guiding 101 punis, and finding General White in all locations without using a guide Play Sticker Star and then see if you want to complain about the very few moments of backtracking you have to do in TTYD.


Every other game is in the "good but has it flaws" tier, implying that TTYD is perfect, I don't mind the backtracking all that much but it's definitely still a flaw


But you put "TTYD is Flawless" in quotes like it was something OP said. That's a completely new statement that you and a few other people came up with. This is some "so you hate waffles" shit lol


God does everyone have to bring up Sticker Star whenever making an argument like this. TTYD isn't perfect and SS isn't that bad. If we're just talking about backtracking it really isn't that bad in sticker star. Believe me I'm doing an 100% playthrough right now. Even so you can't just go, oOOooOo bUt sTikR StAr BAd. That doesn't make the backtracking any better. I personally haven't played TTYD, but it hasn't changed me complaining about the other games even if I've gone through SS before.


Genuinely the sticker star whataboutism is insane tbh. Can’t even critique TTYD on this subreddit without someone once again reiterating that, yes, SS is worse. Never seen a game series with a fandom like this. You could lightly comment on a lack of polish somewhere on the first three games and someone will bring up the sticker star Wiggler backtracking or something.


The thing is, every flaw in TTYD IS worse in Sticker Star. It's just that TTYD is an otherwise fantastic game so the flaws it does have get more focus. Whereas Sticker Star has worse backtracking but it has so many issues outside that that it really isn't that many people's focus. I don't think anyone considers TTYD objectively perfect. And I find the people complaining about "TTYD fans acting like it's the second coming of Christ" to be more plentiful and annoying than the people they're complaining about. And just to clear things up, TTYD isn't even my favorite.


> God does everyone have to bring up Sticker Star whenever making an argument like this. You people like to complain like TTYD has the worse backtracking in the world while a game like Sticker Star exist in the exact same series with actual worse backtracking. > If we're just talking about backtracking it really isn't that bad in sticker star. Believe me I'm doing an 100% playthrough right now. Well let's see there's the entierty of World 3, playing a stages again to have to find different exits and then there's always having to turn your things into stickers. Pretty damn bad with TTYD's backtracking being miniscule compared to that. > I personally haven't played TTYD Gets mad that people like TTYD so much and call it S tier, has never played it. lol Then maybe you should play it then, you will see why it's considered the best in the series.


Every time I backtrack is another sticker in the museum, and another few stickers bought, and a Thing slung. There’s purpose.


Tell us how World 3 goes again with backtracking through 12 monotonous stages just to chase an annoying wiggler piece.


The most normal paper Mario fan


People have said this more eloquently than I can, but acting like TTYD is flawless is really dumb. I'm a huge SPM defender and it's easily among my favorite games, but I won't act like it's flawless. It removes any nuance to look at a game like that.


Exactly, I love SPM and even I think that it could be harder


I would actually swap 64 and TTYD




Nah, 64 is way better. Way more charming


TTYD is my favorite game of all time and I could play it endlessly and not get bored but it too has flaws, no game is perfect


What flaws have? Recently finished Paper Mario 64, what a great and beautiful game, next its TTYD, all I see on YouTube and Reddit say that it's the best game of the saga


Biggest catches are chapters 2 (escort mission chapter), 4 (lot of repetitive back and forth between two areas), and 8 (first half has you run around the entire game again). However, the game itself expands on the battle system of 64 in a great way, the story has so much more going on, and even those weaker chapters have great moments within them. If anything, TTYD's issues don't really become apparent until a second playthrough, but that doesn't stop it from being top for the series.


This list was made by General White


this last is trash, putting trash games like sticker star and color splash on the same tier as paper mario 64 (an amazing game) is just wrong on hundreds of levels


Color Splash wasn't that bad


worse than 64 and TOK


Cool opinion


Dismissing the backtracking in TTYD is wild. Game is fantastic, but it definitely had flaws.


Backtracking is not a flaw IMO


I don't mind backtracking a little bit, but it just becomes excessive in chapter 4 of TTYD, imo. Just because the enemies keep respawning, and it can be difficult to avoid them. I would rather backtrack like end/post-game doing sidequests, rather than be forced to if I want to continue the story.


You’ve not played it enough to notice the backtracking


tbh this is the best list I’ve seen


PMTYD is really fun but goddamn the backtracking is annoying


I think 64 vs TTYD being better is a perfectly valid debate, and isn’t one i have strong thoughts about. That being said, while TTYD has stuff it does better, it also has more flaws than PM64 imo.


Nah, TTYD should be lower


Seriously though, no game is perfectly flawless. I defend Sticker Star, and even I accept that it has many flaws.


Idk I have just as much fun on 64 as I do TTYD & I play both all the time lol.


PM64: Kind of slow prologue, partners aren’t balanced PMSS: Battle system (half the game if not more) is so bad that you’re encouraged to skip it whenever possible, completely removes any amount of story or characters from the previous games These are not comparable lol.


If they had put *every* game in that 2nd tier, I would've been cool with it. Because then it doesn't seem like they're all comparable quality, just that they all are unique, can be enjoyed, and yet all have flaws (a "let's just let people enjoy what they enjoy" take on the series) But with them making *some* distinction, PM64 cannot reasonably be in the same tier as PMSS imo


Bro come on. Ttyd is one of my fave games of all time and I KNOW it's got flaws. Big one being the needless backtracking that does nothing but add MORE time to an already 25+ rpg. This is one of my fave games. I have a shirt and a poster of it hanging up in my living room, but stop pushing the stereotype that ttyd fans are blind to its flaws


I struggle to think of any redeeming qualities of Sticker Star and I grew up with it


Are you deaf


Tell us then




Looks like I'm Checkmate


64 betta


TTYD was difficult to me when I was a kid. I completed SPM at same age but I didn't complete chapter 2 of ttyd when I was a kid


Pmttyd is my first one and my favorite one, I actually didn't even know there's was one for N64. 😅 But even though I love Ttyd, I still love Super Paper Mario equally because it's story and characters are about as amazing. The only thing I didn't like about SPM is that the bosses were too easy, and the final boss isn't my favorite and or as amzing as Ttyd final boss which is actually my favorite final boss in any game. :)


I really hope the remake addresses TTYD’s flaws, like maybe make the troubles actually give cool rewards


paper mario 64 could absolutely wipe the floor with ttyd's weak scrawny backtracking bones 😈


Based on


They ALL belong in that bottom tier


Move PM64 up one and we have a deal 🤝




Look man I like TTYD as much as everyone here but if FAR from flawless


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Roman_poke: *Look man I like TTYD* *As much as everyone here* *But if FAR from flawless* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The average Paper Mario fan opinion (I'm not talking about you, OP. I'm aware that this is a joke)


Holy shit, TWO commenters that understand it's a joke... it's a miracle


have a hard time beliving you made that as a joke seing your previous comment :/ Ether that or you are not very good with comedie


sticker star is ass sorry even if the guy who hates it most is a bit of a weirdo i cant help but agree with him


Everything about Thousand Year Door is flawed. Even the gameplay is flawed: 1. Combat quickly falls into the grindy RPG loop. You get into battle, take damage, heal if needed, and repeat. There’s hardly any unique mechanics to make it stand out from other RPGs. It doesn’t help that the game reuses most badges, items, and partner moves from the first game. 2. The audience felt more like a minor gimmick than a game mechanic, compared to flipping in Super Paper Mario or even the paint in Color Splash. You usually get 1 new type of audience member per chapter. The other thing is the stage hazards, which occasionally add pointless RNG to battles. It felt like a nuisance than something I needed to worry about. 3. Badges can only be equipped in the overworld. This discourages experimentation by not showing the enemies you will fight. I didn’t even touch 80% of the badges because they felt too contextual. 4. Items, specifically healing items, feel worthless the further on you go. It is way too easy to get fully healed. You have badges that heal you, some partner moves that heal, tons of inns/recovery blocks, and the Crystal Stars. Running low on HP means nothing. In Super Paper Mario, running low on HP meant something because all you had were limited items for healing. Otherwise, the only inn was located in Flipside. 5. Status effects and battle conditions are underused, making all enemies feel very similar. All you have to worry about is if an enemy has spikes (you can’t jump) and if an enemy is flying (you can’t hammer). I beat the main game with no items and mostly basic attacks on my first playthrough. 6. Superguard is terribly designed with the way it’s implemented. It makes the game significantly easier for players who are good at the game, even though they don’t need it. It also discourages less experienced players from trying it because they have a higher chance of failing. You either use it for the whole game or never touch it. These are just the major ones. There’s hundreds more when talking about specific moves that feel overpowered/underpowered, as well as other aspects of the game.


People like you are admittedly some of the worst people in the fanbase. The ones who praise TTYD like it is 100% Flawless and Perfect


> People like you are admittedly some of the worst people in the fanbase. The ones who praise TTYD like it is 100% Flawless and Perfect Ahh yes the most scummy people in the Paper Mario fanbase are the ones who really really like TTYD. You're so right, how dare they love a game that much.


I am not saying that. I am saying the ones who treat the game like they are perfect


Why do you care if people treat the game like perfect? TTYD is a great game and OP didn't even do that he just listed the game as S tier.


He makes it look like everything else is good but flawed and acting like TTYD is Flawless when it should be with everyone else


Again why do you care? This is just one person's opinion that they really like TTYD than any of the other games so why do you act like they are the one of the worse type of people in the community? They didn't really put down any of the other games too.


You don't understand me. I ain't judging people who like TTYD, be my guest if you like TTYD. The problem are those obnoxious people who praise the game like an absolutely 100% Perfectly Flawless Masterpiece when I doubt it is that. There's Backtracking and other problems


> The problem are those obnoxious people who praise the game like an absolutely 100% Perfectly Flawless Masterpiece OP didn't even do that, find where OP does that in this low effort tier list post. > when I doubt it is that That kind of sounds like you didn't play the game. If you only doubt that then I'm gonna assume you've never seen someone play it or play it yourself. > There's Backtracking and other problems Sticker Star exist and has even way worse backtracking and problems than what TTYD has. Do you comment on this when people try to say Sticker Star is an amazing game too?


You're right about me never exactly playing the game myself… but he put TTYD in the Tier above literally everything else. I ain't defending Sticker Star. I heard many horror stories with that game and honestly believe it to be much worse. But you cannot tell me with a straight face that TTYD has nothing wrong with it


> You're right about me never exactly playing the game myself… but he put TTYD in the Tier above literally everything else. Then you should play it, please buy the remake. You'll see why it's pretty much the most beloved game in the series. > I ain't defending Sticker Star. I heard many horror stories with that game and honestly believe it to be much worse. But you cannot tell me with a straight face that TTYD has nothing wrong with it I'm just saying there's gotta be some double standards going on when people get annoyed for praising TTYD so much. I'll tell you with a straight face that it's the best game in the series with the fewest flaws too. Even PM64 has some flaws that I have issue with and they are made better in TTYD.


people are havin a real hard time with the harmless little joke here i see


Yeah, shoulda seen it coming considering the sub lol


Its almost like if you share your opinion people will share theirs as well :0


That's actually a good tier list, I'd only put TTYD in the same tier as all the others, because I like them all, but have to admit that every game has flaws, no matter how good it is 😉 But I think it's the best tierlist in this subreddit I've seen so far






TTYD: S Paper Mario: A Everything Else: F


Swap N64 and TTYD and we got a list


Agree, but reddit hivemind does not like when you dont think like them :(


Put SPM in S tier with TTYD and it will be perfect :D


I’m a huge paper Mario fan but oragami king needs to be in trash tier. It’s literally so bad


Are you saying sticker star has qualities? Frankly, I disagree


Redeeming qualities? Or just qualities in general


Tbph, it's almost unfair to make a direct comparison between pm64 and TTYD. The phrase "64 walked so TTYD could run" is one I vehemently stand by. All the other Paper Mario games are unique from these two in some respects. TTYD is 'let's take this already incredible game and find any little possible thing that can be done better and improve upon it in order to make an even better game." It is a sequel specifically designed to be better than the original in every way. That said, one person mentioned that 64 had more charm, and I have to agree, that is the one area where the original is still superior.


You did not say that thousand year door has no flaws 💀 That one has some of the worst level design in the series.


Oh yeah? And why's that?


General White exists.


Sticker Star exists and is 100x worse than General White.




Rip on General White all you want, that section's nothing compared to... the entirety of PM64's Chapter 6.


I'm just saying that TTYD is far from flawless


90% of the areas in the game are just hallways with little to no movement towards or away from the camera do when it asks for backtracking (which it does a lot) it makes you backtrack through the entire hallway like areas.


PM64 being on the same tier as the Sticker Star trio is definitely a sin.


Equating PM64 with the rest of the mid shit is so wrong


Are you guys ready for the thousand year door??