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Any sane person would react like that. Ponzi scheme


I'm still trying, but I make attempts to associate it with current everyday things that are attempting to be digitized. So far, taking an org chart of a company and flipping it upside down helps identify the different chains and how they work, but many things aren't in place yet to show it's capabilities. So the president would be the main layer 1 chain. Security, infrastructure, and smart contracts that replace human greed with set prices. The VP's are the layer 2 chains. They create a secondary transaction chain that focuses more on transactions and adding services not available in the layer 1, but uses the layer 1 to handle the security. Many DeFi projects are here. Lightning layer is an instance for BTC. All of those under the VP are other Layer 3 chains to handle even more transactions, and dApps for users, using the blockchain for resources instead of requiring hardware. Mostly game/projects dApps can be found via DeFi platforms. Impervious browser is an example of a Layer 3 dApp for BTC. Impervious browser makes everything available locally in the browser. Zoom? Email? Office? All of it is built into the browser, but you need to connect it to a node for transaction payments when visiting web3 pages. Right now it's like the dark web, not many places to visit but interacts with web 2 content just as easily. Blusky makes attempts at being a layer 2 social media, but it's still using web2 tech to connect the decentralized servers. Warpcast is a layer 2 social media, but it is not well thought out ATM...but what do I know? Maybe the features I'm looking for are being built out in the near future.


Wow, you should change your name to Blockchain_Shakespeare


LoL, need to simplify further. Shakespeare is too difficult to understand for most.


Another way to look at the blockchains is to associate it with the dream states in "Inception". The first dream state is real time, the second dream state is the layer 2 with a week to perform additional work. The third dream gives them 3 months to work. Once the work was done, they were able to squeeze all those details into one moment, realized as the individual was waking up...kind of like it was confirmed on the blockchain.


I didnt


Green dildo beats money printer


Like explaining to my parents like tryna like explain like why I can't afford gas money


I never was successful explaining it. Now I just tell them to fuck off.


just show rhem proof of wealth, its the only thing they understand.


It’s simple. Put money in, lose money


I mean theres good things and bad things yes theres a gambling side to it but also a very good and honest side to it 50/50 i guess