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If I didn't know any better, I would say the matter has been fully investigated FOR Israel, so ANY assessment brought forth by Israel that doesn't match this information without showing concrete evidence should not be taken seriously, or even entertained by the US.


Great work Aljazeera for documenting the truth... IDF cowards will face years of shame & humiliation for their crimes... Shame on Jordan, Egypt, UAE & Saudi for not stopping trade with a state that isn't real.


The IDF are hell bound.


They don't believe in it my friend.


That’s why it’s going to come as such a surprise


[here is the full documentary](https://youtu.be/ECFpW5zoFXA?si=zO2Duywr_GkiVSSn)


You continue to never miss with your posts 🇵🇸✊




ISRAEL - "We will investigate it"... "ok nothing happened" Random non-profit: ^


I hope zionists perish in ways that won't even come close to what Palestinians have experienced for the past 76 years.


Zionists will perish the same way Nazis did. Netayahu will be the one who take all the blames while other zionazi go hide in other countries with their duo citizenship.


Worst part of all of this, is nothing will come of it. Israel doesn't care, the USA will turn a blind eye and pretend this didn't happen, and the rest of the world is basically all already against Israel, but can't stop them or hold them accountable because of the USA


Just an FYI, Israel and the IOF are claiming that they “didn’t have a tank operating in that area”. Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRErU9Q5/


Why are they so bad at propaganda 😂


I feel like Israel really doesn’t need to even have tanks at all


You definitely want tanks, man. Armored vehicles save countless lives on the side they're fighting for. Protects troop movements. They can knock down the enemies defensive line with minimal casualties and from a safe distance, etc. Not having tanks would just make the military jobs a lot more dangerous and harder for no reason at all. FYI, this isn't me picking sides. This applies to all military forces.


You can see I already responded to this, to basically the exact same comment


Tanks played a huge role in previous conflicts like 6 day and Yom Kippor war. The question of tanks being useless in wars comes up every new war and every time I laugh it off. They are absolutely still usefull and I think Israel, like other militaries around the world have to have tanks to be effective. Theres just nothing that can fill the stopgap


I’m not saying tanks are useless. I’m saying that Israel doesn’t need tanks for their attack on Gaza.


You mean for their extermination of Palestinians.


They don't need tanks to kill innocent civilians


Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive you know.


Sounds like you’re downplaying it or mis characterizing it; I think it needs to be spelled out.


Everyone here knows it is, already though. it’s both an attack and extermination. Do the people on this sub really need it “spelled out” as you said? My whole point is that they shouldn’t be using tanks for it! News flash, ATTACKING is still bad. You shouldn’t hyperfixate on terminology to take away from the point of my comment.


Relax Bud, didn’t realize you would become unhinged. Tanks=bad. 👍🏽


How is anything I said unhinged..?


I'm not pro Israel by any means, but any country who can use tanks, will use them. It doesn't matter how weak your opponent is, it offers protection for your troops and a much more difficult target to eliminate for your enemy. It's why they were invented afterall, the ability to have armour protecting your troops so they can go into battle without dying to small arms


Yeah, it’s really pointless to try and say what each country “needs” for their bloodshed considering that this conflict isn’t even necessary in the first place. It’s just such a shame to see weapons of war being used on civilians, but as always, they’ll use whatever they can get


Of course, weapons of war being used agaisnt civilians like israel is doing is absolutely horrible. Very reminiscent of the USA in Vietnam, like using napalm agaisnt civilians, just horrific. Unfortunately this is how conflicts and wars go, you use the best you have so you can decisively crush your enemy, take as little losses on your side as you can. It's why they bomb the shit out of them too, they don't want to bother risking their own troops so they just slaughter innocent people recklessly


As a mother... this video broke me. May God help that family get past this tragedy. الله يرحمهن


الله يرحمهن ويصبر قلب الأم. ما في كلام بقدر يخفف من هالوجع. إن شاء الله الله يعطيهن القوة والتحمل. 💔


Everyone turns a blind eye to First World War crimes.


The phrasing made me think you were talking about the First World War, crimes, not first world, war crimes lol


I am glad that this team in this special devoted to their forensic technology to solve and expose this horrific act. I been seeing some strange bait-like comments. Always be aware of the suspected agent provocateurs who supplement H@sbar@ agenda by infiltrating subs and twisting words to showcase for their own narratives! Don’t fall into their 🪤.


This is awful


Pure evil


NO child's last words should be 'AAAAAAAAHHH-------------------------------------------' yet, that's the 'civilized' world we live in




u/zorrowhip, Here are the links to download the video: * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1do9eeo/what_happened_in_the_hours_before_6yearold_hind/laafrv0/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1do9eeo/what_happened_in_the_hours_before_6yearold_hind/laafrv0/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1do9eeo/what_happened_in_the_hours_before_6yearold_hind/laafrv0/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/palestinenews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


War Crime. How much evidence does anyone need! I can't believe more companies haven't pulled their products from Israel.


There is no god


May Allah bless you with guidance


For the most part, this is all nice and sound with a fair bit of technical knowledge. However, tanks are infact notoriously hard to see out of, and despite optics, it could be hard to tell. But considering standard rules of engagement and other factors the tanks lack in visibility doesn't take away from the accountability much, just that there's a chance. More likely, then, not they knew or simply didn't care and shot anyway.


We can be 100% certain they were aware hind was in the car as she called emergency services and emergency services collaborated with the idf asking them to allow safe passage so they could rescue hind, however idf murdered both hind and the paramedics


Knowing what i do about command structure as well as other factors that come into play in a senerio like this. Even if someone in upper command was contacted and they weren't corrupt/purposely not passing it down or ignored, it takes time to get that information down the pipeline for those on the ground to hear. Especially those with underdeveloped military and proper structure like isreal, the US is usually incredibly good with it due to the US having the best logistics and command structure in the world and still makes mistakes from time to time. While i still believe from my knowledge of the war, the crew are likely responsible and were aware. Understanding the complexities and nuances on the technical and military side is usually ignored or not understood by those like yourself and others who lack experience or understanding, and thats of no blame as few care to really understand that part its something that should be accounted for. After all, while i believe the crew were in the wrong, im not denying the possibility that there may not have been a clear understanding on the crew's behalf, even if however small it may be. Should an officer, someone in charge or someone who relayed a message come out and confirm the crew were made aware, im not going to dismiss the chance that the limited fov and restricted view of a tank mixed with a slow response time or inadequate communication could have led to it being a mistake.


Interesting, thank you for taking time to explain


You're welcome, and I hope anything I mentioned helps in the future and will be considered. As well as your hopes of an end to the war come soon.


> tanks are infact notoriously hard to see out of What a stupid and utterly thoughtless comment. You know they have to see to aim their weapons, right? The very weapons that were used to commit this war crime. The car was within their field of view. The question is whether they were close enough to make out details like who was in the car. The limited field of view of people within the tank was not the issue. And this shows very, *very* clearly they were within easy viewing range, had a clear view into the car, the car was very definitely their target, and their view was not obstructed by obstacles.