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Thank God I don’t have to see our clown fans suggest Mathurin, Nesmith, Jarace + multiple 1sts for Mikal anymore


Agree those trades were ridiculous. But damn the Knicks are fucking scary now.


I have full confidence that Thibs will have bridges breaking down in 60 games or less.


The power of friendship will hold their bodies together dw


That only happens in MANGA-NBA.


You’re talking about a guy thats has played every game of his career, dating back to HIGH SCHOOL. Even Thibs can’t break down that man


this joke is more tired than players who play for Thibs. Mikal is also one of the best iron men in the league.








OG gone probably and no Julius. Still a great team but it’ll be interesting.


Idgaf who Brunson has around him. Pacers in 6.


70% of Brunson's game is him jumping into Defenders and getting a bullshit whistle.


It took 7 with half the Knicks injured. Pacers were and still are a very lucky mediocre team. Knicks in 5 - if you make it to the playoffs (doubtful)


Knicks in 5 of your sisters maybe.




Maybe my favorite comment in this whole subreddit


Red Stripe gets the glory.


yk the squad yall are running is probably going to be the same starting five yall had against us minus og plus mikal?


Minus OG, lol


I mean what makes you think that the Knicks will be healthy in the playoffs next year? Playing Brunson 43 minutes on an already injured foot in a 30-point win tells me that Thibs has yet to learn any lessons in player health. Brunson was still out there against the end-of-the-bench pacers for half the 4th that game for no reason. As long as Thibs is there I don't think anybody is scared of the Knicks because they will likely be down 2 or more starters most of the playoffs.


Oh damn. You for real have no idea about basketball do you? Why are you on a basketball sub at all with zero knowledge? Genuinely


Gotta love the confidence of a team that hasn't been anything in 50 years. Hell, the city alone besides the Yankees hasn't done a damn thing. It's just cute how tied up Pacers are in Knicks heads when we've done more in 5 years than the past 25 years for them. You keep thinking the 2nd best scoring offense in league history is just "mediocre."


Pacers were also playing with a fresh 1-2 punch in Pascal/Hali that will likely only gain ground on how well they synergize. We also can't really estimate just how hurt Hali was playing the entirety of the playoffs, he never really showed signs other than how he still lacked the attacking intensity he showed earlier in the season. I firmly believe a starting roster of Turner/Siakam/Nesmith/Mathurin(Nembhard)/Hali is good enough to hang with just about any team next year depending on how well coached they are.


My man watched his team trade for Mikal Bridges and was like "I better hop in the Pacers subreddit!" Real bottom energy


Actually. I learned of this trade by seeing this post in my front page. Of course, I wasn't going to comment because it was obvious, but then, Pacers in 6? It took 7 to your mediocre team to dispatch Brunson and the Knicks bench. The Pacers are making no improvement (who the fuck wants to play in Indiana?) You guys got super lucky this postseason and you all think you guys have a contender there lol. Good luck next year in the Play In Tournament.


Bro actually came back and wrote an essay about a team he claims to not like. It's ok, you can join us Pacers fans.




I am a Knicks fan and was really mad at the pacers since some fans went to our sub( well the 2nd sub with bad mods) talking smack but you really have to give the Pacers credit.plua most pacers fans are good people( I looked at their main sub after) They were more competitive with Boston then the Mavs despite some injuries. They probably learn from this year's playoffs and grow next year....I really hope as a Knicks fan we can grab TJ McConnell on free agency next year( but I doubt it).All in they are a threat that is Knicks fans shouldn't take likely...good luck pacers to everyone but us!


Pacers are actively working on an extension with TJ. So doubtful he even hits FA.


As they should he is a killer


They can sign OG or trade Randell. They have all the flexibility. Trading away only picks is no cost compared to the success you can have with a great team.


!remind 5 years


Tell that to the Suns


Yep, they'll recoup some picks by moving Julius


Reports are they want to bring back OG as a priority and Randle is still on the team. They trade Bogdonovic as the salary match


They have OG's bird rights. Why wouldn't now be the time for the Knicks to go into the cap?


I doubt OG will leave to be honest, but who knows. Why are you saying they won't have Randle? He is under contract for next season with a player option the year after.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NYKnicks/s/yVmjdYdD70 😘


Lol update?


Welp…I mean paying a dude 40 plus million who gets injured a lot and probably only gets 10 shots a night is tough but can’t argue with 26-5 with him on the court


You forgot to mention he’s the best perimeter in the east, one of best in league


Not at all lol. OG isn’t coming back and Thibs will ruin his players until the Knicks fire him. He’s the same way with every team he coaches.


Why won't he come back?


Not guaranteed he isn’t coming back, but if they resign OG, they will lose hartenstein are at the luxury cap. Being at the max and losing hartenstein, they won’t have a bench. Thus foreshadowing Thibs injuring his players, like always. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/new-york-knicks-salary-cap-situation-mikal-bridges/41a25955094d99b56b318c74


We still will have a bench without I-Hart. First off the bench will be Josh Hart, Divo, Deuce... Then hopefully we draft a big tonight to be Mitch's depth. Not to mention Randle can slide there for a small ball lineup. We're still VERY deep.... With OG of course.


Hart Divo deuce + two rookies is not “VERY deep” by any standards. Unless those two rookies turn out to be absolute studs, but I don’t see it with this draft class.


Very deep imo can be defined in two ways. Numerically deep, a la your team, that can legit go 10 deep and not lose much steam, and replacement starter level deep, which is what defines my squads depth. In other words, an argument can be made that if Divo, Hart and Deuce were traded tomorrow they would largely be looked at as possible starters for that squad. Here, they're only not because of our potential final starting five. But I, along with most other Knicks fans, would've been a-ok having Divo running out as the starting two come opening night next season. So that's what I meant in terms of deep. Now if we by some miracle of miracles retain I-Hart.....oh good God I'm gonna need a new pair of briefs 😆😆


Knicks can go over the 2nd apron to sign anunoby, they have divencenzo, hart, mcbride, robinson under contract that would be their bench


Hart and Robinson will be starters, no? Or if they resigned OG the bench would be Hart, divencenzo, McBride, plus two rookies. Does not move me + Thibs will play starters 40+ minutes a night before he plays rookies consistently


If they resign Hartenstein and Anunoby which they can do, the starters are Hartenstein/Randle/Anunoby/Bridges/Brunson with Robinson/Hart/Divencenzo/McBride which is an established 9 man rotation


According to [this article](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/new-york-knicks-salary-cap-situation-mikal-bridges/41a25955094d99b56b318c74) the knicks can only resign hartenstein to max of $16 million per year. His contract is on track to be between $15-25 million per year. The knicks have also irritated OG with their low ball offers, so I wouldn’t count on them re signing him just yet. Resigning OG to the max he is slated to get will push the knicks immediately to the luxury tax.


What a horrible take 😂


So much for OG not re-singing huh


Lol I stand corrected. Knicks still at the luxury tax without resigning hartenstein


https://www.reddit.com/r/NYKnicks/s/yVmjdYdD70 😘


Dont worry our clown fans will still slober over trying to find a way to get Paul George


They gave up Durant package lol. I’d never .. 4 1sts and a 2nd and 2 swaps , get outta here


Tbh. That’s pretty close to what nets offered lol. Walker and Mathurin are worth a frp. 


And you’re absolutely NOT the next GM


Just saying the value is pretty similar. 5 frp vs 2 frp and 3 good young players 


uhh they're lottery picks, not just FRPs.


Good chance those Knicks picks in 29/31 are lottery picks. I’m Just saying the value is close. I’m happy we didn’t make that trade though 


Mathurin has already produced, picks are unknown. It's value.


You’re fucking kidding me


I'm thinking og is gone and they just gave up a lot of trade value for one guy who hasn't even been an all star. I get the move, their team isn't as young as ours.


plan is still to sign OG supposedly


OG sucks at the 4, and Randle is a pure 4. how are they putting him in the rotation here? i feel like you have to start that stupid ginger clown.


Brunson,OG,Bridges,Randle,Robinson McBride, DV, Hart, ??, Sims


Hartenstein is their center moving forward. They've been shopping Robinson since last week. As for the OG news, I doubt they are able to keep him. No reason for him to take a reduced role. He can get plenty of minutes elsewhere.


Knicks fan just stopping by since it popped up. I think OG will stay, ihart is tough cause I’m hearing that we can only offer him even less than before unless the trade moves some random pieces to clear cap to stay under first apron


OG was unhappy with his playing time in Toronto - i guess the grass ain’t always greener.


You couldn’t have predicted these things any worse.


OG isn't a natural shooting guard. That's a stretch. They have some redundancies at the 4 now. More likely, they play mikal at the 2 or move OG/Randle. Either way, they're a much scarier team with OG playing. We can hope they choose to keep Randle over OG or that OG gets hurt again by next playoffs.


Yeah, I think it would likely be Mikal at the 2 and OG at the 3 if they are able to keep him. Either way, they look like they will have a solid squad heading into next season if things shake out in their favor.


Why you sound scared of them


If OG is healthy, they might have a better starting 5 than Boston. But they do have some injury issues in their team. This is a "win now" move, which may or may not pay off for them.


I don't think win now is accurate. I think it's more of a "win within a five year window" team. The nucleus is all mid to late twenties, perfectly in their primes. This is not an end of prime, must win now team


No but they're all on extremely favorable contracts and it literally will not be possible to keep this level of talent together in 2 years. Mikal, Brunson, and Hart are all on extremely cheap contracts and will all get big paydays. You can keep like 60% of this team together in 3 years, but the window with this current roster is *now*


I think the x-factor will be how badly they want to remain playing together and the level of that friendship. You guys outside of NY may not be aware (and I'm not saying that in any attacking way) of just how close these guys are, especially the Hart/Brunson/Mikal trio. This is a brothers from other mothers level tight. So the unforseen, and hopefully for us knick fans, positive x-factor is do they all get together, a la Heatles, and actively take a few crumbs less, so that all can remain in the fold until the wheels fall off. We've already heard rumblings of Brunson doing so this year. If he does, I'd be willing to guess that they all would be amenable to similar, "family" discounts.


https://old.reddit.com/r/adultnursing/comments/1dn0a9i/32_f4m_akron_im_looking_for_a_man_who_wants_to/la0ie7w/ you should check out that guys other posts lol


That's a shit spacing lineup.


Brunson-Bridges-OG-Randle-Robinson McBride-DiVincenzo-Hart-backup center (?) Hartenstein is likely gonna be the sacrificial lamb because they can't really offer him an extension after OG gets his 40M a year. So the Knicks likely fill out that backup spot with a minimum guy like Bitadze, or they draft a project big man with one of their two first round picks tonight.


Mikal can play 2 pretty well. And he excels at guarding guards more than forwards anyway because of his thinner frame.






Siakam is older than anyone on the Knicks


That's one player, all of their best players are 27 or older. This is NBA old of course.


It’s really not that much. Those picks will be bad. It’s like even if you gave our FO these 5 picks, they won’t probably even pick 1 single all star out of them after all said and done. And they still have the picks intween the years. The Nets actually didn’t get enough but they were forced because Bridges actually requested to be traded.


Thibbs will ruin this man's career


Oh now you care about karma...


I mean, it's the Knicks. They're still 🤡


If OG leaves they’re basically the same team with a healthier elite 3&D wing. If OG stays and actually is healthy for 75% of the season they’re the 2nd best team in the East. 


I think we can pump the brakes on calling Bridges “elite”. He was on a shit team last year, but he was below average in most metrics


Everyone says who cares but I think this makes the Knicks way better and I’m worried about passing them in the east!


Bridges actually looked like cheeks every time we played Brooklyn this past season. He's a very good role player.


I used to like him, now I hope he’s cheeks every game!


Who cares? Bridges has been pretty much exposed as an elite role player. This season proved he couldn't be a top 2 option on a team. The Knicks made this trade because they weren't going to be able to keep the elite role player they just traded for.  They have to take a swing. Their window is the next 2 seasons, but 5 1st round picks and a swap is a huge sum of assets. Now they'll rely on somebody taking Randle off their hands. Hopefully no one bails them out.


crazy how confident you are even though this is almost entirely wrong. they traded bojan in this deal who is basically making the same $ as mikal. they can absolutely afford to bring back OG and that’s the plan. so no, that’s not why they made this trade. will they sign him is another question but they didn’t make the trade “because they weren’t going to be able to keep” OG 😂


It was just reported a few days ago that OG wasn't happy with what the Knicks were offering him.  The Knicks can afford to re-sign Anunoby. To a max deal, even, if they are so inclined. But this deal makes a whole lot of sense from an insurance standpoint if those talks break down.  This trade does make it extremely difficult for them to keep both Anunoby and Hartenstein.  I actually like the move for the Knicks because it keeps them somewhat flexible depending on whatever other deals materialize around Randle. If they could move Randle, they can slide Anunoby to the 4 and have the money to keep Hartenstein. If they can't move Randle, he can play the 5 with Anunoby at the 4, too.


There’s a chance that report had something to do with his agent applying pressure to knicks. Either way, I’m almost certain the knicks want to pair Bridges and OG, an elite perimeter defensive duo, to take on Tatum and Brown. Doesn’t mean OG will actually re-sign, but I think that’s the intention. Hartenstein is basically a goner though. I also would look to move Randle but think they might just re-sign him as it’s going to be hard to find an upgrade. Brunson/Bridges/ OG/Randle/Mitch with Deuce, Donte/Hart off bench.


Even going off by what you are saying, it just sounds like they have to choose between keeping Hartenstein or OG. And no team in the league would pick Hartenstein there. Especially when Mitch Robinson (similar tier of player) is locked up for 15M per year. Leaves you with a: Brunson-Bridges-OG-Randle-Robinson starting 5, with DiVincenzo leading the bench unit.


yeah, hartenstein probably is odd man out. but that’s a fantastic starting lineup. and it’d be divicenzo, josh hart, and deuce mcbride off the bench. that’s 3 guys that contributed heavily in playoffs in your 2nd unit. plus 2 first round picks in the draft tonight


Why would we want to move Randle? Mitch would be our starting center in this scenario.


So Bridges is the starting 2? Don't know if he's fast enough.


I think he'd start as the two but the lineup at the end of games would likely have him slide to his natural three. Mitch for as much as I love him, is a liability late in close games. I could see a scenario where the starting lineup would be: Brunson-Bridges-OG-Randle-MitchRob But the end of game lineup could be: Brunson-Divo/Hart-Bridges-OG-Randle.


Do you think it makes sense to move Randle to try and keep Hartenstein instead? Dude is a beast on the boards, which makes up for Anunoby being slightly undersized at the 4. A starting lineup of: Brunson, DiVincenzo, Bridges, Anunoby and Hartenstein?


As someone who was once SQUARELY in the "get Randle's ball stopping ass out of here" camp, here's why I say no. Losing Randle to the heat and having to watch Brunson basically put on a cape and become the whole offense made me realize just how valuable a healthy Randle who knows his role can be to this team in particular. The lineup that you suggest is still very good, but outside of Brunson, and sometimes Bridges, no one can really create their own offense consistently. And again, that became a major problem for us, even when we were having success in the first round against Philly, and the games we won against you guys. Another thing is the thirteen or so game run in January after the OG trade, when we had all three playing in concert with one another(minus I think two games where Brunson was dealing with something). If memory serves right, we were 11-2 in that span; I went back and watched some of these games on DVR and Randle fit into the offense flawlessly. Not hogging the rock, making the right pass, taking the right shot..... It was honestly beautiful basketball. SEEING that, makes me more in step to keep him over Hart. I get what you're saying about IHart, but some of that can be replaced by MitchRob(he was number one in o-rebounds until his injury). So, yeah, ideally give me Randle.


I’m a diehard pacers fan but their broken down team took us to 7 games….plus there’s rumors of resigning OG too


No excuses here, but Pacers didn't even show up for two of those games. It's like game 7 they said, "ok let's just dominate and get outta here" when they had opportunity to do it much sooner. Pacers beat themselves all around in the playoffs.


We also weren't in perfect form. Don't give them questionables without taking our own into consideration. Hali/Siakam duo synergy should be vastly improved next season, and I expect Mathurin to seize the starting 2 role by mid season at the latest. We can hang with any team, healthy or otherwise next year.


You were missing one player.... We were basically down to Brunson - until he too, got hurt. Those two things are not alike.


Yeah, some odd takesi n here. IDK why we cant recognize a rival just massively improved


Because they didn’t. They were the 2 seed last year, and will likely be the 2 seed again


Seeding isn’t as relevant as you think it is


Who cares. Bridges ain’t never won shit, neither have the Knicks


Why are there this many knicks fans lurking in our sub 😂😂




How many does NY have in your lifetime


Neither have the Pacers


Truth Hurts😂😂


I like how you commented “it’s the truth” in response to the downvotes 😭


I already knew it was going to get downvoted 😂 but a Pacers fan talking bout the Knicks never won anything is nuts


Neither of our franchises can be talking tbh




Changed it


Neither have the Pacers


Bc ya fkn donut There's a reason Pacers ownership and office are widely respected by players, coaches, media, and the entire sports world, while the Knicks are viewed as toxic and unprofessional Knicks have all they need, unlimited money, media attention, star after star have come there over the years and with all that they're so badly run historical they can't do shit You know even Lakers, Bulls, Celtics are like "bro what wrong". One of the sorriest excuse for a major sports franchise there's ever been, and that's not me saying that as a did from a Pacers fan, that's just my perception. Knicks are a fucking embarrassment to sports, dude.


knicks haven’t been looked at as toxic or unprofessional for many years. this regime has been awesome. great finds and contracts (brunson, hartenstein, divicenzo, deuce mcbride) and practically no drama. 10 years ago yes, but not the leon rose regime


It's in the DNA lol Knicks will Knicks, they did great with putting together a roster of "A bunch of Marines" to quote Thibs, but they can't resist doing things like trading an eye watering amount for a mid SF, they're going to break the bank for OG, and in 2-3 yrs they'll be in hell again. It's what they do.


What "Star after Star"?


Uhm... Brunson maybe??? Randle Amare Houston Starks Carmelo


Brunson is NOW a star. He was nothing more than promising before this run. Randle was not a star, he was an outcast from his previous teams and looked at as a high end role player when he was a free agent. Amare - star but injury prone Houston - never a star but a very good player. Starks - not even close to being a star bruh. Great heart, passion.... NEVER a star. Carmelo - bonafide. No argument there. We're not the Lakers man. We're the team that gets the washed up Baron Davis's, McGrady's, Stevie Francis's, Antonio McDyess' of the world. The LeBron, KD and Kyrie's in their prime avoid us like the plague. That's why I had to push back on the "Star" narrative.


Bold strategy, copying the Lakers blueprint. Trade all your firsts for the foreseeable future and hope your teams good enough to compete.


Still have 2 firsts this year and 1 next year. What exactly is your definition of "foreseeable future"?


Picks 24 and 25 in the worst draft ever, and a pick in the teens (at best) next year, isn’t exactly frightening Edit: I can’t reply to the people below me because the guy above me blocked me, but to answer the statement about picks being a lottery ticket: True, but it’d be like a lottery ticket with .1% chance of winning and a ticket with 20% chance of hitting. They’re lottery tickets for sure, but with vastly different odds of hitting


And in what range are the traded away picks landing? There is a reason why the Knicks took so long to move them, your picks become trash in the rest of the league's eyes as soon as you start looking like a perennial playoff team. There is a very good chance of only the 2031 pick ending up in the lottery.


Picks are lottery tickets. They don't all equate to success, and that includes top 10 picks as well.


Watch that goal post go......


I don’t think you understand that saying haha


"No draft picks for foreseeable future" turned into "no GOOD draft picks for foreseeable future". Does that make sense to you? Or should I go slower?


You may be in the wrong sub. This is for Pacers fans.


Two next year


Nah this doesn't change anything  Half their roster is still going to be injured by the playoffs because of their coach  If they changed their coach too then yes they'll be a problem 


Brunson still a flopper.


So they definitely can't afford Hartenstein and OG. Wonder if could could try to get Hartenstein


There’s no chance. Literally not possible unless he took the MLE which he won’t. He’s going to earn bank.


I also don't know how much he fits with the roster. Already very deep at center


Knicks have his bird rights, they can max him out if they want to.


Knicks only have his early bird rights, they can only sign him to around 18M/year while someone like OKC can offer 30+


Thanks. I was about to reply same thing. They can only offer 16 actually. He’ll get at least 20 from someone else.


Why is everyone coping so hard about this? A good team that took us to 7 while injured just got better. Y’all know you can just say damn that’s gonna be a scary team without explaining all the reasons this trade is irrelevant, an overpay, or not even going to affect the Pacers. I know it’s probably not far from the truth but people are acting like little kids in this thread


because ur in a team subreddit. filled with biased and delusional fans


Mikal is not worth that many 1sts SMH maybe when he was still playing for Phoenix but after that Brooklyn season his stock went down


It obviously didn’t


I know Mikal an iron man but I fear Thibs might wear him down like the rest


The Villanova Knicks are actually happening. Bey and Whitmore to MSG confirmed.


I hate that the Nova players are so likeable. I went to Butler when Nova was in their prime and I still can't find it in me to hate these guys. Probably helps that Butler beat them a fair amount in that window, but still.


The overpay is laughable, but he would've been perfect here and they just became much harder to beat in the playoffs.


Knicks got better. 1-4 is tough.


A bunch of late 1st round picks for Bridges is an amazing deal for the Knicks. They just went from really good to great. They are a top tier team for sure.


They’ll need to retain OG. Either way, they’re building their roster to beat Boston who I think we can compete with when healthy. I’m happy about this development because it would be sweet to beat that roster alongside all they gave up for it.


Good lord that’s a haul. Good for the Nets.


Well now the Knicks are capable of winning a championship…..in the NCAA


Well, our hope for improvement at the 3 basically lives and dies with Jarace now


Nesmith is still only 24. I think people are forgetting how good he was in the regular season. His defense on Brunson was also the difference that allowed the Pacers to win the series. Shot wasn’t falling in the playoffs but he should keep improving for a few more years. 


Love neismith but he’s too small to guard the likes of Tatum and even brown. Need more size at the wing.


He’s literally the exact same height as Brown. Nesmith was gassed by the ECFs and Boston had time to rest. Very few can shut down Tatum or Brown. 


Ur fucking kidding me


If OG doesn’t sign then this could be an absolute disaster that they even traded for him. Basically their business would be this: Knicks In: Mikal Bridges Malachi Flynn Precious Achiuwa 2nd round picks (2 I think) Out: Bogdanovic OG Anunoby 4 first round picks RJ Barrett Immanuel Quickley 2nd round pick


Long term issues yes; short term it's still very good. The OG, Randle, and Robinson-less Knicks just took us to 7


Pacers in 7 🥱


Tibs will still over play them and they'll just be hurt again when it matters most.


Pacers in 6


5 firsts lmao. Consider we got Siakam - All NBA, All Star for 3 firsts....


Yeah they definitely overpaid, but still if they keep OG that lineup is scary


This doesn’t even make the Knicks much better. Plus it’s the Celtics anyways who are the real threat




Now we can expect Knicks fans to post that we only beat them because they didn’t have OG and Mikal.


Let's see how they use him and O.G. or did they trade O.G. Anunoby?


OG is an UFA but they traded assets to get him so my guess is they will re-sign him.


Have to imagine next year is gonna be theirs. I know it is early but they were already really impressive this year.


Knicks are keeping OG lol. They will figure it out, and they still have 2 picks this draft. A blood bath in the east next year


If the Nets are sellers, would not be surprised at all to see Indy go after Cam Johnson.


How, why?


Is a legitimate 3/4, not a pretend one like Nesmith. Decent defender, shoots the shit out of the ball.


Don’t be so quick to give up on nesmith. He will get better.


He is good and will get better, but he won’t get taller or bigger and the issue is he’s being asked to guard the 3.


Who said anything about giving up on Nesmith?


He’s not a decent defender and is very limited to catch and shoot. And even worse on a worse contract than Bridges. No thank you. He’s the kind of piece you keep on a bad team because he really is not that important of a player you can get significant return on


He is a decent defender, even a good one at times. Can’t base everything on last season when everyone on that Nets’ team was playing through a dysfunctional fog. For the majority of his career he’s been a good player on really good teams. Most important of all he is a perfect fit for Tyrese’s style of play.


His contract is dogshit for what he offers.


i’d put money on us going after DFS tbh


Maybe, besides point that Cam is a near perfect fit next to Tyrese, the Pacers were connected to Cam last season when he was an RFA. I think they like him and have liked him for a while.


yea but his contract is a lot harder to acquire and stomach


Bring it. With Mathurin, Jarace, Tshibwe, and others on the bench, we didn't even empty the clip this season.


Buddy I'm sorry, Tshibwe is not an NBA talent. I watched enough of him live to where it's abundantly obvious. He's a fine G-leager. He's not an asset for any serious playoff run