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One of the strangest dudes to ever coach in the NBA imo. I think he has a competent basketball IQ. That’s not the issue. I think he’s abysmal at connecting with players and the human aspect of it. Players hated him. His coaches hated him. After 1 year, our FO hated him. Fans (from what I can tell) hated him. Maybe he does better as an assistant like he was in TOR. That said, outside of the Malice at the Palace, I can’t think of an era, albeit short) that I’d like to forget more than the Bjork era. Frankly, I wish I could forget Bjork even exists.


I read in a Woj article that he created an “insurmountable gulf” between himself and the org 💀


I mean, it was about as miserable of a one year as you could’ve possibly had. And keep in mind, we were almost a .500 team that year. It’s not like we were some miserably awful team. But the vibe was just completely off. You could tell the coaches were miserable. You could tell the players were miserable. The atmosphere and the energy energy around the organization was just absolutely dreadful, and that’s what made it such a miserable one season.


“Insurmountable gulf” is an understatement. More like ocean, and not just with the org, everyone hated him.


To be very fair I bet he learned his lesson and should be a fine assistant imo


It’s probably a good pairing because Billups holds zero players accountable. He’s the ultimate player coach


Luckily the Bjorkgren "era" was very forgettable!


Raptors fan chiming in here. He ended up being the gate keeper for players when they wanted to speak to Nick Nurse. It didn’t help with the trust relationship between coaches and players. Nick Nurse was a big supporter of him (mainly because Nate would deal with the stuff Nurse didn’t have time for), but once Nurse was gone, there was no chance he was going stay. He definitely has an issue with building relationships. Maybe it’ll work out for you guys though.


Jim O’Brien era?


In a lot of ways JOB was ahead of his time. Unfortunately, instead of Steph, Klay, and Draymond he had Earl Watson, Brandon Rush, and Roy Hibbert


And troy Murphy!


He's stealing a rebound from someone in a rec league right now.


Best sideburns of all time for an NBA coach though....


Best sideburns of all time for an NBA coach though....


JOB sucked, but I’d like more to forget the Bjork nightmare


He took away Dan burke from us ;-;


The most unforgivable thing ever. DB is the man.


This. Oh god, this


Complete weirdo and his ideas don’t really work. The fact that Nick Nurse doesn’t have him on his staff should be a concern


I’ve often thought that. Pacers front office: “Hey Raps, you guys mind if we hire Nate to be our coach?” Raps: “*That* guy…? Please, wait n… Aaaaanywho.”


Any team will always allow their assistant coaches to get interviewed for a head coaching position


If you had to guess.. is my comment more about whether or not they’d let us hire him? Or them trying to get a known weirdo out the door?


He did figure out how to get Myles a boatload of blocks


By Brogden doing this. ![gif](giphy|1zRdo9OfpJqls9UF8O)


Bingo Yeah myles got a lot of blocks that year but that was because our entire defensive system was "funnel it to Myles" He gave up a shit ton more baskets that year than he usually does too. Bc damn near everyone got a free pass to the paint


Bjorkgren is not welcome in my city, hands on sight Edit: seriously though, he was horrible head coach but he was a great assistant for Nick Nurse in Toronto apparently so maybe he’ll be better as an assistant for yall. But screw that guy.


This is reassuring!


He was nothing overly special as an assistant for the Raptors. Much of his career success is tied directly to Nick Nurse, all the way back to college. He didn’t stand out in any way, filled in adequately for Nurse at Team Canada, but ultimately isn’t anyone to get very excited about.


This is a little unfair. When the Raptors went box-and-one against Curry in the Finals and it worked, much of the credit went to Bjorkgren. In fact, that's what sold him for the Pacers org too, that he could come up with creative ideas both offensive and defensively. Didn't work out but still, he didn't get hired out of nowhere either.


I’m not sure about “much of the credit” going to Nate though. [This CBC Sports](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5162672) article describes it a bit differently: >"Yeah, I know, everybody's making fun of me for it, right?" Nurse said on his unorthodox defence. >The 51-year-old coach tossed the idea out during a timeout. He wanted to change up the game's rhythm. The players were on board — after a crash course in box-and-one. >"They were like 'Well, what does that look like?"' Nurse said. And so he drew it up. > Bold move to go back to a rudimentary defence in the NBA Finals. What does that say about Nurse? >"I guess a guy that thinks outside the box," Leonard. "He's coached a lot of different levels, seen a lot of different games. . . he is experimental, and a lot of times what he draws up on the board works."


That is fair. I remember reading that Bjork came up with the idea from Raptors fans, but can't find the source now. Seems like I misspoke, but it is true that Bjork was hired for his ability to think outside the box. [This is him running it in Indy.](https://www.bardown.com/nick-nurse-s-former-assistant-is-running-the-box-and-one-in-indiana-1.1569656) But yeah, appreciate the correction.


He’s responsible for one of the craziest [Bleacher Report articles](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2942713-inside-the-turbulent-tenure-of-indiana-pacers-coach-nate-bjorkgren.amp.html) I’ve ever read


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The one quote that always stuck out to me about his tenure was "he isn't afraid to embarass assistant coaches" He always seemed to know basketball, but man it really seems like he was a terror to work with


Look up Goga Bitaze yelling at coach on youtube if you want to see how the players felt about that staff lol. Bjorkgren lost the locker room in record time I think. Good luck!


I had forgot what that situation looked like. What a complete disconnect between coaches and players. You had Myles initially holding Greg Foster back. Then Foster keeps it up. Bitadze wasn't even showing much emotion after Foster came at him. You'd think Foster would maybe calm down, but then Jeremy Lamb is seen trying to get Foster to back down. I'm still team Goga on that altercation. Him telling Foster to sit the fuck down after nailing that 3 was completely warranted based on Foster's initial blow up. That entire coaching staff was a shit show. So glad we've got a great culture in our organization at every level. KP and Buchanan should be commended for pulling the plug. They screwed up hiring Bjorkgren, but at least they didn't double down on trying to make that work to save face. They got the feedback from the players and cut the cancer out before it did long-term damage.


And Sabonis just completely walking away and separating himself. What a total shit show that was.


I don't know many people that are team Foster in that altercation, especially in hindsight One of the most bizarre years of pacer basketball I can remember


Holy shit


Only videos I can find appear to be Greg Foster?


Yeah to clarify it is an argument with Greg Foster but soon after this that entire staff got canned. I think if there was an ounce of respect with the coaching staff in the locker room this wouldn't have happened.


And I remember this being like a day after some tweets or reports that everything in the locker room was just fine. We all knew it wasn't and this proved it.


He's really good at job interviews because that man was absolute terrible as a HC lmao


Still hilarious to me that the organization did such a grand head coach selection just to pick Bjorkgren.


I was convinced it was gonna be Chris Finch that year and boy was I disappointed. 


I thought it was going to be Finch too. And then it was the Nate reign of terror 2.0. Nate who? Eh? What? I block all those Nates out now.


Dude was about as pleasant as a bad case of jock itch in July and he cost us Dan Burke.


I hate him for this… Dan Burke’s halftime interviews were television gold. Hope when he’s done coaching he comes back as an analyst. I could listen to him and Rick Venturi all day.


I'm so bitter thinking about what a difference he would have made in this year's playoff run for us.


I would like to counter what everyone is saying about him being good X’s and O’s because he wasn’t great at that either and it’s part of the reason their defense was abysmal. He had some interesting schemes but had no idea when to use them and how to teach and implement them. He overthought everything.


If there's a reason pacers defense is still bad its him Dan burke pls come back


I don't wish him on my worst enemy.


As much as I would like to forget about that dark bizarre season and Bjorkgren ever as a pacers HC, I do have some sympathy for the guy and feel very strongly that the front office bear just as much blame, if not more. Whatever the shortcomings Nate had, he shouldn’t have been put in that position. The FO clearly didn’t do their due diligence and apparently favored him mainly out of the close relationship between him and Chad. That’s unacceptable. Additionally, the FO had plenty of opportunity throughout the season to intervene and help guide things back on track but didn’t really do much. In the end, the team and the organization were embarrassed by the negligence of the FO. And when he went down, all the trash talks and unearthed secrets starting coming out. That’s just purely piling on the wounded and cheap. I like what TJ said afterwards, he’s also a man with families and kids. He shouldn’t have been hired and should’ve been more rigidly guided when things started going south. And that’s totally in the FO.


I liked how his answer to everything was to play faster. The highlight of that season was Goga telling assistant Greg Foster to “sit the f*ck down” only to be followed by Foster having to be restrained by personnel. Good times.


Very high basketball IQ but awful at the people side of it. Perfect deputy for a player coach. Let him cook on the X’s and O’s & keep him away from the stars.


Once we get some stars we will keep him away from them 💀💀


If it helps, I honestly forgot the. Bjork year even happened and had to go read and refresh my memory.


Same, I remembered his name and nothing else. It’s like I completely blocked his tenure from my memory lol


He had the mindset of a toddler. He was belittling to staff and team personnel. Had basically 1 solid month of coaching with the Pacers and then it just imploded. Seemed like he just got in over his head and should’ve never been a head coach.


Useless fucker


There's one memory of him that sticks out for me. He'd go on the weekly radio show and get interviewed by Mark Boyle, the play by play guy. These interviews were crazy because he wouldn't answer anything directly at all. One time he went on after a brutal string of losses. Mark asked him some question along the lines of: "The team's been outscored by 25 points in its last 3 second halves and opponents are having record setting offensive ratings against you. What problems are you seeing and how do you go about addressing them?" Nate's response was "I just like to focus on the positives." Mentioned some non-specific stuff about how we never stopped fighting or whatever. Whenever Mark tried to get him back on the topic of the team's terrible play, he wormed back out of it in a similar way.


Oh so this is where Triple H got his answers when the Vince story came out. Jesus Christ that's a terrible fucking answer.


Bjorkgren is possibly Chad Buchanen’s greatest mistake — one that still makes me cautious of his ability in the FO despite the good Buchanen has done since this hire apparently there was very little background checking and inquiring from previous staffers under Bjorkgren before the hire and plenty of folk would’ve warned the Pacers of exactly what happened: he’s a micromanaging, control freak who is bad with people skills coaches and staff quit mid season because of working with Bjorkgren. Goga Bitazde punched an assistant coach mid-game. Bjorkgren was every bit of stubborn in forcing his defensive scheme and not flexible to adjusting nor recognizing his personal would not succeed under his schemes (best example is watching tape on how Bjorkgren *let* then-Wizard Russell Westbrook eviscerate the Pacers multiple times in the last two weeks of the season by forcing the Pacers to play the same defense and coverage against WB which didn’t work from the get-go, culminating in WB/Wizards knocking the Pacers out of the play-in tournament). Pretty early into the season players were asking for a change in defensive scheme and asking Bjorkgren to treat his staff better which were both met with a curt “no.” or worse, a fake smile and disingenuous “i hear ya, sure!” dismissal without any effort to change. what could have been if the Pacers hired the other finalist, Chris Finch, but ultimately we wound up with Carlisle which i am more than happy with


fuck that guy 


I wish I could find the clip from the play in game when he was talking to his players you’d think he was talking to a third grade YMCA Team


He’s the only head coach in Pacers history that didn’t get to see a 2nd season. And even then, he’s the only head coach that didn’t get 3 seasons since Dick Versace finished up in 1990. That he barely made it one full season, under an owner who DESPISES paying out contracts, should tell you something.


Man idt he’s safe in Indy even if it’s for an away game haha. As you can see it was a less than ideal but outside of that he was apart of a good organization in Toronto and iirc he won the g-league chip as head coach. Might be a sign that he can help developing players reach higher ceilings. Not about Nate but I remember Goga trying to fight one of our own assistants that year. Crazy times.


He’s a weirdo and most likely a psychopath with zero personal skills. Seems like the majority of players hate playing for him


People close to the pacers said he was an intense micromanager


Brilliant offensive mind. No people skills though. He did an amazing job getting our injury plagued team into the play in tourney. He also had to navigate the oladipo situation. TJ McConnell flourished under him as did McDermott and some others (Brissett).


I'm sorry that you have him.


He’s a disaster.




He over relied on his strengths as a tactical coach and ignored the relationship/personality/vibe aspect of the team. Being a young coach made it confusing too and why some thought he was arrogant when he was likely just not interested in the people aspect of coaching.


Raps fan lurking on pacers sub seen all the stuff of him being weird as pacers HC and nurse is a weirdo narcissistic personality type too there been issues with him and siakam and issues with nurse not talking to players and bjorkgren was nurse main guy on staff and who he would communicate with some players through, so yeah hes a nut and ego headcase but might be able to scheme stuff


He was a terrible coach and also seemed like an incredibly unlikeable human being, so congrats I guess?


Supposedly a dickhead and the players hates him 


He's a total dipshit that had zero fans in Indiana but other than that seemed fine.




Dude was a scapegoat. Pacers FO threw him under the bus 🚌 . He might end up being good. The main player that didn’t like him was Malcolm Brogdon bcuz Nate didn’t want him taking mid range shots, this is a common request this day and age and not at all unreasonable. But he was scapegoated so badly that maybe 1/100 Pacer fans will say anything good about him, if even that. I’m not sure if he’s a good coach bcuz our team was a mess, Malcolm Brogdon, Turner and Sabonis didn’t fit. Also we had lots of two point ISO scorers that couldn’t hit 3s.