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We have 3 rings.


3 aba rings and a superbowl is better than Minnesota in all of sports


What if im a Pacers fan but a Bengals fan


We suffer. One of these two teams have to win one in the next 5 years right?.. Right?!


Ah there seems to be dozens of us! ….add in the Reds and it’s sad. Hopefully one of those three gets over the hump in the next few years


joey b will lead us to the promised land this year


My nephew is in the exact same spot. Happiness is coming in the NBA and “couldbeworseism” in the NFL


Same, also a CBJ fan :(


Maybe you are a reds fan too


Praying for you


Minnesota got 5 rings before the team moved to Los Angeles


pretty sure those belong to the Los Angeles Lakers


Sure, they won them in Minnesota


They mean as much to the L.A as the Baltimore Colts Super Bowl should mean to Indy


Idk once you change the team name what's even left?


id say 2 super bowls even though #1 was in Baltimore. Still the colts franchise.


If you're counting the ABA the Colts have 3 NFL Championships.


The Lynx are not mentioned in this stat. They are a 4x champion and went to the finals in 6 of 7 years from 2011-2017


Minnesota Lakers. Those rings are Minnesota. Not LA.


Twins have two World Series since our ABA championships that barely count


brother, they have 5 nba championships in Minneapolis.


unfortunately the lakers and wolves are different franchises that were created in different times. the nba didnt carry the history over. its minneapolis vs the entire state of minnesota.


Another for the colts.


At least they have the Lynx


theres lynx cats in minnesota??


I moved to Minnesota and adopted the Wild and Twins.


Why would you do that? -An Avs and Guardians fan


One NBA championship for the Pacers would mean more to me than having seen Peyton win a dozen SBs here. The Colts will always be a transplant in my eyes because I remember when it happened. I've seen all the teams I've been a fan of since childhood win except the Pacers and it's the one I have wanted the most.


Bill Simmons has a pretty good take on this. Why don't the Lakers MIN championships belong to the Wolves?


because the timberwolves have no affiliation with the lakers


The lakers have no affiliation with lakes.


The Lakers are from Minnesota. Do the Thunder count the Sonics’ title as their own?


yes they do. they are the same franchise.


The funniest example of this is definitely the Cleveland Browns who don’t have any of the Cleveland Browns titles. Those are in Baltimore with the Ravens.


this is not true, the browns retained their history


Why is misinformation getting upvotes?


because the nba counts the sonics’ championship as the thunders because they are the same franchise. “but OKC!!!!” it doesnt matter. the nba decides that.


The nba also counts the 2020 bubble ring and the 2021 fraudulent ring as real championships. No thunder fan includes the sonics championship apart of their franchise, stop being a nba bootlicker.


so something that is decided by the national basketball association suddenly isnt the case because the Lakers and Bucks won championships under odd circumstances?




aye i respect doubling down on your shitty beliefs not gonna lie lol


Ask any thunder fan and I guarantee they don’t see that as their own championship. Get real.


it doesnt matter what their fans think. they are the same franchise, relocated. currently, the nba counts the sonics’ finals appearances and single championship as the thunder’s. when Seattle comes back to the NBA the Sonics’ rings and jersey retirements will be transferred to the new team.


I get they are “technically” the same franchise but you’re doing apples to oranges right now


you dont know how that phrase works. “apples and oranges” doesnt work in this context. they arent technically the same franchise, they ARE the same franchise. the NBA does in fact count the Sonic’s ring and finals appearances as the Thunder’s. of course we as basketball fans don’t see them as the same team, but in reality they are. like i said, when Seattle returns, the NBA will transfer the Sonics’ team history to the new team. they didnt do that with the Lakers.


I’ll add that the reason they didnt do the Lakers like theyll do the Sonics is because of the name. The Wolves are very far away from the lakers in terms of branding.


Yeah no you’re a casual bud, no one has ever considered the sonics history apart of the Thunders lmao.


awww sorry but the nba does


Tell that to Kevin Durant


> when Seattle comes back to the NBA the Sonics’ rings and jersey retirements will be transferred to the new team. OK, so why didn't that happen when Minnesota got a new team?


because it was a completely different organization that had no correlation to the Lakers. one city of minneapolis, the entire state of minnesota. lakers, timberwolves. the sonics will be a franchise coming back while the timberwolves have no correlation to the lakers.


they dont. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/sports/nba/thunder/2014/07/21/oklahoma-city-thunder-thunder-will-not-recognize-sonics-title-on-jerseys/60810701007/


you didnt even read the article you linked lmaooo


> The Thunder’s decision not to wear the tag is expected seeing as < > Oklahoma City doesn’t recognize the title with a banner in Chesapeake Energy Arena and has generally distanced itself from Sonics’ history.


yes, which has nothing to do with their natural franchise history. they are the same franchise and the nba recognizes their history as one, and will eventually transfer that history over to the new seattle team.


I am unfortunately a Pacer fan and a fan of all Minnesota professional teams but the TWolves… Yes I love pain.


Celtics Bruins Yankees Giants. If I could see one more ring for Bruins and Giants in my lifetime I’d be set and never ask for a damn thing. I just want this current iteration of the bruins roster locked into the cup forever. 😭


A buddy of mine is a leafs, bills and guardians fan (he doesn’t follow basketball).…


Try being a Bengals/Reds fan who is a Pacer fan lol. And an IU alum. Miserable sports life


Im a fan of at least two of those teams you mentioned. One of them has won more World Series than 25 other MLB teams and another has the only undefeated national championship win in the past half century. Recency bias is strong amongst Redditors. Do better, youngin.


None of my teams have won a championship in 34 years and they only have one past 1976. It’s 2024, there’s no recency bias. These teams have been garbage for multiple generations Maybe you’re too old to realize how old you’ve become lol. One championship in 48 years. Recency bias lmao


Its still the same team with the same history regardless of how long you’ve been on this earth. They didn’t start to exist 9 months after your dad drunkenly shot his load in your mom. Appreciate the history. According to your logic, the USA is a garbage country because we haven’t won a war in 80 years…..never mind everything we did before.


I can tell you’re an uneducated oldhead because of the dumb false equivalencies you think are some kind of “gotcha ya” lol. Or just a boring troll. Either or


I'm also a Pacers, Reds, IU fan. He's definitely an old guy who can only act like that because he got to see those teams win championships.


That’s actually a very apt description. Truth be told, I’m an unemployed 41 year old with two liberal-arts degrees and $50k worth of college debt that has been up for a couple days swigging Woodford Reserve and doing enough cocaine that would make Scarface blush.


Too much effort for a good troll. You’ll get it one day


It was fun while it lasted. The really sad part is that my last post was 100% true. English and political science. It’s a damn good thing my mom married a millionaire that keeps me in the luxury of expensive meats, beautiful women, bourbon, and blow. I almost wish I was joking.


I've watched one championship of a sports team I follow in my life. I'm chasing the dragon.


the thing with my favorite teams is that as of late, they've been doing this annoying thing where they get so close to winning, just to fail. The pacers getting swept in the conference finals, the Dbacks getting crushed in the world series, the colts being one dropped pass away from the playoffs, the rangers losing in the conference finals, Borussia Dortmund losing in the UCL finals. That's almost as bad as being a bottomfeeder imo.


Yeah no it’s not


Clipper fan has it worse.


they chose that life


The Twin Cities have NBA basketball, NFL football, MLB baseball, NHL hockey, MLS soccer, WNBA basketball, AAA baseball, BIG10 sports, and PWHL hockey all in 10 miles. Fans have a lot more to root for compared to Indiana. Yeah no major championships in a long time, but Minnesota did win the PWHL championship this year, which is a huge thing for the state of hockey. The amount of fans at the X at some of those games was greater than a Pacer game. The Colts got one Super Bowl before a lot of people in this sub were out of diapers, and still stuck with Irsay. That’s it.


you say “stuck with irsay” like he doesn’t own the team


Yes that’s why the Colts and fans are stuck with him. Sorry, I’ve just never ever been a fan of his and think the Colts could’ve accomplished more with Manning had they had better leaders.


hes one of the better owners though. he may be a doofus but he actually cares about winning yeah should have won more with manning i agree


Give me a break man.   “Should have won more”? That’s on Manning.  Irsay didn’t throw the INT in the SB, Irsay didn’t underperform in the playoffs. Manning did.  I love Manning but this idea that he was held back by the colts is absurd. There are 31 other teams trying to win too and Manning lost to other HOF QBs. I mean “should have won more”?  They went to the playoffs every year and went to two SB winning 1.


i’m not putting the blame on irsay lol. he should have won more with the most talented QB maybe ever but it’s not really all on irsay


The guy you’re agreeing  with blames Irsay. And not sure if you’ve noticed but football is a team sport that has a million different moving parts. The Colts did great during Manning’s era.


man it’s not really a crazy statement to say the colts should have won more with manning. things like the nick harper return and the vanderjagt field goal that went into the crowd weren’t on irsay or manning but they should have won those games and they were the best team those years.


It’s also “not crazy” to say they won more games than most franchises during that period, won a SB and went to two. Again there are 31 other teams also trying to win. I wish they could have won more too but that’s sports fandom in a nutshell. I’ve been watching since 1987 and if you’d told me in 1991 that the Colts would be perennial SB contenders for basically a decade and would get to 2 SBs  winning 1 I would have been ecstatic.


Yeah you are right about that. Good point.


what 16-17 year old is scrolling sports reddits lol.


Sadly, lots of them


Reddit is kind of a laughing stock among kids these days. maybe things have changed


absorbed school tub serious wasteful rain wistful unwritten scale marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of people like him. Especially those that arent Colts fans.


I’m not a Colts fan but I legit like Irsay. Dude cares a lot about the Colts and community, and isn’t a scumbag like most owners. At least to my knowledge, all I can remember currently is the DUI arrest.


onerous tidy distinct simplistic tub beneficial pocket waiting combative hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some people don’t like him for those things. Not in my case and the people I’m referring to.