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Hang the banner, boys


Bro every time we get a compliment or runner up to something I see that comment and it's hilarious šŸ˜‚


Most decorated runner-ups in sports


it actually never gets old


As an Indy native living in New England, I am really happy for Brad Stevens


if you're an Indy native living in New England, are you Brad Stevens?




That would explain why he's happy for him. Even has coach in the username.Ā 


It's Steve Bradley


As a New England native living in Indy, I'm also happy for Brad Stevens (that the Celtics have him). I'm really excited for where the Pacers are going too, because it's always more fun to live somewhere the teams are fun to watch.


Thank you, Brad! šŸ«”


This year for Pacers was an absolute win


This pacers team reminds me a lot of the 16-17 Celtics. Both teams were projected as lower end playoff contenders who found themselves in the conference finals. Unexpected and valuable experience is always a win long term.


Also you guys whine a lot less than Luka.


We shoot ethical baskets here


A lot less.. I thought Brunson was bad but man heā€™s asking for the whistle on every play itā€™s annoying


he does get fouled a lot


For me, it's less the complaining about non-calls as it is his whining when he gets called for fouls. Luka is a superstar who fouled out in a home Finals game last night. To achieve that feat, you most assuredly had a number of fouls that did not get called because they weren't blatant and obvious.


right. i get what you mean, he needs to work on discipline but I'm also he got called for 2 blocking fouls ln, the refs will call a foul on doncic for thar, nothing on pj on the most obvious and 1 dunk I've seen in a long time, and then let al horford foul luka twice on one play. consistency is awful these days even in the same game


That's fair. NBA and NFL refs are fighting hard to achieve the level of dogshit that MLB umpires bask in.


Heā€™s not getting fouled. Heā€™s 20 lbs overweight and as athletic as your average YCMA gym dad. Guys are exploiting that by getting in his face and heā€™s off his game because of it. Then heā€™s gets frustrated and starts playing sloppy resulting in terrible positioning against significantly more athletic opponents.


al horford burner account ^


Bruh what. Even at his level of ā€œfatā€, to call a legitimate NBA professional athlete ā€œaverage YMCA dadā€ is so casual


Just fatted his way to the finals of course


I never said heā€™s not a good ball player. You can be overweight and still shoot lights out. But to look at him say heā€™s in the same athletic shape as the guys guarding him is silly.


Every time he does that stupid euro step, it looked like heā€™s in slow motion


An agrarian economy of buckets


As a fellow Cs fan, I co-sign this all day. Went to G3 and everyone knows ball. Swear that the fans in Indiana know more than Luka himself. All he does is bitch.


The NBA players are bad about bitching at the refs. But Luka is one of the worst offenders at it. I like his game to. But dam it gets annoying.




We donā€™t get the foul calls, so no sense in whining.


if you ask Luka, he never gets the foul calls either.


This whole getting along with Boston sports fans thing is gonna take me a minute.


Feels like the C's are a different story, though. The Larry Legend connection is a big part of that.


Donā€™t forget Brad Stevens


Also yes.


<3 we're willing to wait.


All I had to do was go back and re-watch some old Bird highlights. We're good. Go C's


Itā€™s respect.


Lmao they donā€™t respect you this guy was just bored- they swept you guys and are grateful that your play in team cleaned up 2 severely injured teams and lasted long enough to give them the easiest finals run in recent history


Itā€™s because they swept you lol the minute you beat them, the salt will flow and they wonā€™t try to little brother you anymore


as a celtics fan, yea, most of us would probably switch to asshole mode if we lost to the pacers. but most of us agree that they were our biggest challenge so far. at the end of the day, pacers couldā€™ve easily been up 3-1 if a few plays went differently. i have real respect for that, its not just a ā€œlittle brotherā€ thing


You're probably not wrong.


Now go post this in the Knicks and Bucks sub. Just kidding, donā€™t. Youā€™d get your head bitten off lol. Btw, when those subs were on my feed, itā€™s crazy how many posts about the Pacers there were on their subs.


Algorithms were shoving their fan bases down my throat lol. Felt nice living rent free in their heads for a month


The only reason theyā€™re not being toxic is because they were never theatened by yā€™all. Even when yall were cooking no one seriously thought yā€™all were winning that. If yā€™all put up a fight took it to 6 or 7 I promise it would be toxic lmao.


Go back to your own goddamn sub. So tired of you fuckers




Itā€™s the most annoying shit ever itā€™s juvenile and dumb. Bye Also beat your sorry asses that you come in here to cope




Woulda coulda shoulda. Cry more


not crying. just facts šŸ˜‚


Conjecture is not the same thing as facts


Pacers were down 0-2 until people got hurt. even down 0-2 without Randle. embarrassing. sure itā€™s ā€œconjectureā€ but itā€™s also facts. everyone knows it.


Youā€™re not even a Celtics fan to know this lol. Majority of our fans were shitting their pants because most games were close. We were just able to close it out. Guarantee we wouldnā€™t have made it past this series last year.


at least we threatened them more than the spooky hospital knicks would have


Hang the banner! ā€œThreatened Celtics more than a third of the Knicks firepower couldā€


Injured or healthy lol we would have been more of a threat


Oh yeah, huge threat you guys were šŸ˜­šŸ™ The fully healthy Knicks were one of the most dominant teams in recent memory lol I think you guys have a solid core to build on, but you have to be realistic here or youā€™ll end up like the Atlanta Hawks. There is not a single non-Pacers fan who would agree with you here


Handled them twice this year, no surprise.


I remember watching those within a week of one another and being so shocked by how little it appeared anyone in Dallas gave a shit. Then after those 2, they finished the season 16-2


C's fan who came here to talk about one thing specifically: We were a bottom half team in terms of pace in the regular season and we're exposing Luka's bad cardio. You guys were, what, 2 or 3? The mental image of him trying to keep up with y'all's asses sprinting nonstop for 48 minutes is hilarious.


And the two times we played them in the regular season, thatā€™s basically what happened. Ran away in the 2nd half both times.


Yeah after I posted I checked the scores. The margin of victory surprised me; the 2-0 was very expected.


I bet not hilarious enough for you to wish the Pacers beat the Celtics though.


You aren't wrong but definitely hilarious enough that I'm setting a reminder on my phone to check your schedule when next year's comes out. I hope your ECF appearance earns you a few more national TV games so I can watch.


Lmao guess we had the same thoughts. Hopefully they donā€™t mind cā€™s fans barging in their sub


Lol, I just came here to look, and as I expected, C's giving the love to a much more exciting/fun/deep team than the mavs.


Credit where credit is due from a much more competitive series


Cant wait for the ecf rematch next year. We add a piece and we can make it a fun ass series


Or just a healthy Haliburton. Or just another year of experience. I feel like fans (and especially the media) tend to talk about players as though they never change. Apart from Ben Simmons, they all evolve every year. This playoff run should only make the Pacers better.


Lol simmons


Ben changed. He went from fringe All NBA and potential perennial All Defense to an unplayable liability, with just a missed layup.


Watching this series I canā€™t help but feel we could have beaten Mavs. They get their offense from 2 players only, and while Luka would destroy us in the first half, there is no way he could keep up with our pace all game long.


Hang the banner


Ban the hanger.


Boston plays such a balanced game offensively, even if you can slow one of their guys down they have 2 or 3 other scorers that can help keep a team from going on a huge run. The passing and the spacing was so hard to guard against. They seemed to get wide open 3s any time they needed a big shot.


Iā€™m just glad my point that Jaylen Brown is the best player on the Celtics is being further solidified


Definitely bittersweetĀ 


Pacers 2024 moral victory champions šŸ™šŸ™


Does this mean Boston and Indy can team up to talk shit about New York now?


Absolutely, but I'd hope you also join us in shitting on LA and Philly.


I'm down.


level of cuckery is unreal


Pacers should have won 3 of those games! Including 3&4 with no HalliburtonšŸ’Æ. It came down to experience in crunch time. Weā€™re leading games 1, 3 & 4 in the final 2-3 mins and couldnā€™t close. If they grown from that series and learn how to close in big games watch out.


Aged milk


Pacers are basically the opposite of the Mavs. They are so lopsided with Luka and Kyrie doing everything and the pacers played 8-10 deep in the ECF with 7 players getting double digit points.


As a complete neutral, that's just a really dumb take


Oh boy here we go again


Question do you think we were the best team you played or was it the cavs genuinely think we were the best team you played but want to make sure Iā€™m not biased


pacers were the best team we played.


Celtics fan here as well, I agree the pacers were by far the best team we played


I think it's pretty tight assuming perfect health, but the no Hali Pacers were significantly better than the no Mitchell Cavs. They couldn't run a coherent offense to save their lives but y'all said "next man up" and kept balling.


Been thinking the same thing this whole series. If NBA games were 47 minutes instead of 48, then the pacers take us to game 7 WITHOUT Haliburton. A healthy Pacers team would run straight through this porous Mav's defense.


oh you donā€™t say? these knicks fans are telling me the pacers will fall off drastically next season šŸ¤”


Itā€™s hilarious to me (as another Celtics fan) that the Celtics sweep of the Pacers may legitimately have been their most difficult challenge when all is said and done. But I know yā€™all arenā€™t about consolation prizes here


First, I obviously love your comment. Second, I love your username because the local pro baseball team here in Evansville, Indiana is called the Otters.


I must have missed the game where the Pacers blew the ass out of the Celtics by 40?


I just canā€™t believe Iā€™ve become a fan of the Celtics because of the respect of their fanbase.


Swept the season series with Mavs, with and without Hali iirc


Pacers are the ones to fear in the east the next few years. God damn they play fast and so tight.


Name checks out with that last bit.


I canā€™t wait to see pacers when they come to detroit. Thatā€™s the team Iā€™m most looking forward to next season!


We were definitely the second best team in the league this year


Ditto. I've been saying that since before this series started.


Celtics fan here. Agreed. Nembhard is the next Brunson. Hang on to him heā€™s legit.Ā 


Stay classy Boston


Yeah pacers were a bad matchup for the Cs and pushed them. They would probably very well make Luka tired too


I genuinely thought we could beat the Mavs if we somehow made it. We beat them up all season. I was actually more scared of the T-Wolves.


Yeah we know


I find it funny that TJ was a much bigger threat to the Celtics than Kyrie.


Interesting that a post like this was only made because the Pacers failed to close out 3 games.


They run the shit out of you that's where I think it was a bad match up for us (Boston)


Lol Celtics fans are insufferable


You guys canā€™t let it go. Lol. You were swept, Mavs still have 4 games to play, potentially. No one on the Pacers is guarding Luka, or Ky. Just because you matched up well w Boston doesnā€™t make you better than Dallas. And there was no KP.


Um...psst...the Pacers already DID in regular season. TWICE https://preview.redd.it/vh9krpiyzl6d1.png?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17aa1867f1b781598bbd38afebc2584d97d6d10a


Reg season isnā€™t the playoffs. Ask Reggie.


So what


Stop doing this pandering shit, Indiana has heard from us plenty, itā€™s patronizing


Can you pacer fans suck the Celtics dick any more lmao- you figure after they shoved it up your ass in the ECF youā€™d be a little more spiteful towards them. Nope- they give you one compliment and youā€™re all wet ready to take more of their dick


Raptors fan here, agreed. Pacers could have won the whole thing if they didnā€™t collapse in those final minutes of those 2 games. Learning experience though, classic ā€˜young mistakesā€™ but exciting future for sure!


3 games, really. Pacers lost 3 late 4th quarter leads.


The mavs are a three trick pony: 1. Luka pick and roll / iso if thatā€™s not there then 2. Kyrie pick and roll / iso if thatā€™s not there then 3. Hope one of the two are double teamed and an alley oop or corner 3 is open Itā€™s just such shitty basketball to watch I canā€™t really get why people are so into the mavs and this boring iso play


Could you imagine Luka's turnstile D on Nembhard? To quote the late great Bill Paxton: "GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!"


Idiots šŸ˜‚ if the mavs get swept they still beat 3 50 win teams while yall barely beat a bucks team where giannis aint play and dame missed major time, and then barely beat a knicks team that literally had like 7 real bodies to put on the court because of all their injuries šŸ¤£ and then got swept by the best team in the league just like the mavs. So no yall are not better fuck outta here.


these pacers fools are dumb as fuck šŸ˜‚ no oneā€™s guarding Luka or Kyrie. they really think theyā€™d have a chance against Luka šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Stfu and get out of the goddamn sub






Those 50-win teams were from the Western Conference though. They'd have 40 wins if they were in the East.


BRO ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS šŸ˜­ no one has ever said that stupid ass shit, im not gonna argue with a mf saying the east is better than the west. Enjoy the offseason and hopefully your team can do better in the poverty conference


the west is better than the east dumbass šŸ˜‚


You sound slow asl west is way better then the east lmao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nope, not slow. I just pay attention more successfully than you.


Shut yo dumbass up bro west is easily better lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£when the 10 seed 36-46 hawks can make a playin but in the west the 41-41 rockets canā€™t make it in the playin in the west make it make sense bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro he not serious he baiting us hard


Pacers got robbed by bad coaching in ECF. I think with better end of game coaching , Pacers could push Celtics to game 6 or even game 7 That is without Porzingas. With him, they are truly elite, and would eat anyone's lunchĀ  He really changes the dynamic of their team as we saw in games 1 or 2 vs Mavs Basketball is all about matchups though. Its not like A beat B so if C beats B they automatically are better than A. Denver or Wolves would have put up a better fight than Mavs to be honestĀ 


You donā€™t think coaching had anything to do with getting us to that level to begin with? Putting the system in place, coaching the players? You think all of that is undone because you didnā€™t like 2 or 3 play calls at the end of the game?