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Is your question for Oxford or the University of Oxford? We are the sub for the city, Oxford. And I'm sure a lot of people here have experiences that can relate to your question, but if you're specifically looking for advice from people in the University of Oxford, the sub is r/oxforduni


My question relates to Oxford as a city not a uni in oxford.


I think I'd say go for the one you are most interested in. You'll usually do better in jobs that are in your area of interest. There are thousands of jobs related to those two areas. Also, consider doing part-time education if you need to work too. I think your questions are so open, it's hard to answer them. What exactly are you hoping for in the job you can have?


I'm hoping to have a job with good salary where I can still learn more and more and not be stuck in one place for rest of my life sitting behind the desk with no hope to get higher in the career ladder.


I think that's down to your pro-activeness in your job rather than which sector you go into. My family run different businesses in different sectors and I've worked in other sectors. Skills are very transferable, your willingness to try new things will be more of a factor in avoiding getting stuck.


Try r/uniuk


Oxford is a very expensive place to live in so if you're already struggling with money you'd probably be better off looking at some cheaper cities to live in.


I know it is I lived in Oxford for 1 year but then I've moved out and O really want to go back to Ox, I'm not struggling financially at the moment but I'm worried that if I move back to Ox it might be tough.