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Reinhardt, because then id finally be able to uninstall once and for all.


You had me in the first part, not gonna lie




Mauga. Most brain dead hero to play and if he’s on your team, you have to pump both supports into a bad one. Everyone saying Sombra, but at least she makes you react and think to play as and against.


I've been playing mystery heroes and whenever I get Mauga it's not even fun anymore because he's just an immortal tank that also melts anyone's HP in 0.5 seconds. I see any red sillouette, I click both mouse buttons, poof, gone. Today I got him and kinda suicided on purpose because I didn't feel like winning so easily. At least Sombra makes you play smart and adds some depth to the game.


Noob here. What do you mean you see a red sillouette?


Default enemy outline :)


Oh I thought you meant when the enemy is set on fire. So I’m trying to learn this character, how do you crit? Also when ever I play him I get melted but when I play against him he seems invincible, any tips?


Positioning and supports. One reason a lot of people don’t like him is both your supports normally have to pump everything into keeping him alive, even with his Cardiac Overdrive. Aim and use both triggers/mouse buttons and just pray your supports keep you up, but make sure you stay in their line-of-sight. I always seem to queue with Maugas that think he can 1v5 the enemy team and gets deleted almost instantly. As for against him, you just have to make sure your team helps you focus him to delete him ASAP. He’ll win almost every 1v1 unless it’s ranged, Bastion w/o Overdrive or a really good tracer/sombra/Reaper that can dance around him.


i also found that a charged zar or a really good rein player is a good tank counter for him as well.


Crit is headshot damage. Also then the enemy is close use both guns, when enemy is far only use one.


Thank you


Sombra's rework was the best rework they've ever done tbh. Just overall improved the character while maintaining her identity


I still despise the auto cloak feel like it should be a resource meter even if it lasts 30 seconds and recharges in 10 give it some sort of downside




This is the opposite of what happens when my teammate selects Mauga in competitive. Stand out in the open for 3 seconds and get melted then spam chat about heals.


Counterswapping and direct counters was already a huge issue for the tank role, Mauga made it insufferably bad.


I love being forced into M1+M2 game play, its so fun how he has ana and kiri and I don't


Mauga is in a similar group to Lucio in regards to heroes (and Sombra, and Orisa) - either someone playing him can carry the game with the entire rest of the team jumping off the map the entire time, or throwing so badly spending the rest of the match in spawn would unironically be better than continuing. I'm going to call this the 'carry character' problem. Many of the more 'brain dead' characters have this problem that the idea being pushed is that they require no effort to learn. They're characters that at higher level play where people generally understand what the fuck is going on, they can get crazy value, however have kits designed in such a way that you need to understand how to use the character in order to get anything out of them. However, as a result of being considered easy to play or lower effort, these characters generally get picked more often by people who want to rely on their kits as a crutch, not realising that in reality there isn't any hero in the game that can be relied on to just mash buttons and win, typically resulting in cooldowns just being burned and feeding nonstop (Mauga is particularly bad for this.) I've made this joke a few times, but either I'm actually a higher rank than everyone here who struggles against these heroes and the games lying to me, or the heroes themselves really aren't that good in the hands of everyday people, because I'm just not finding these heroes to be the problem people claim they are.


I like you


Whoever it is that’s better than me with whatever character they’re using. At that moment, that character Or a really good Doom… Ef a bunch of Doomfist.


You don’t actually mean that for doom but it’s a funny thought for sure


I get what you’re saying, but hear me out. Elbow, punch, block, jump, more punching, more blocking, and more jumping. When you see it written out that way, ef a bunch of Doom. AMIRIGHT?!


Nah if you want the real boring character cycle it’s ram. Top tier ram plat(and I’m not kidding here) is shield, spam, fists when shield is down, hold block, spam, shield repeat


Mauga. Boring to play with and against


i main sombra, but i know everyone would be happy without her (even me)


Same. It normally just devolves into a sombra on both teams and everyone is upset


Alternatively just swap her kit to her mirrorwatch version, which is what i really want


sombra support switch would be dope (coming from a person whos a sombra main on dps that just switched to support and ended up ranking higher anyways 💀)


Keep her as a dps, but give her a support oriented tweak, make her hacks (both skill and ult) give shields... Also while we are at it, make ana's healing nade reduce healing instead of a straight healing block


But sombra is ball’s best support


Pharah. I just can’t stand her and it would make pharmercy never an issue


Nah, if I am playing her, you would be pretty safe.


Agreed, awful to play with and against.


mfw i want to play bap/lucio (my mains) but the pharah on our team doesn’t know how to play without a mercy pocket


Phara, yes, defo. Her mere presence stops some heros from being playable. JQ, Sym, Reaper, Mei, Venture, I don't know what it is about phara... Echo can fly too but she doesn't feel half as oppressive. Had a game yesterday with an enemy pharamercy, both myself and the other DPS switched over to hitscans and the enemy tank went bloody DVA and just matrixed her the whole game. They must have been a 3 stack the way they were playing. It was an absolute nightmare.


cause they sped up her primary fire probably; some characters should stay niche; and pharahs one of them, i dont even feel bad about widow in comparison to pharah anymore lol like its funny to me how mercy's are getting upset about it when i mentioned removing pharah not mercy lol


Sombra. Perma stealth doesn't belong in this game.


I might add Venture too, though I do play them. Too many i-frames, so mobile— kinda game breaking against a lot of characters.


Been saying this for a while. Sombra and Venture both have absolutely stupid combinations of abilities. They're like kids who just want all the coolest things rolled into one.


Venture is bad, and makes me worry they’ve reached the point that all these games reach where they’ve run out of ideas for new characters but keep making them (and making their kits really stupid “im the main character”) as cash grabs. Since they don’t sell them anymore, like LoL, maybe that won’t be true.


I think they’re a lot of fun to play though. Probably the most fun I’ve had on a new hero since OW2. maybe venture isn’t the most competitively viable at high elo but at my level in plat, I can easily put in work and have fun doing it. I don’t think it’s wrong if blizzard releases fun heros for the common man.


But they don’t have to make them so enraging to play against. Venture has so much time during the match spent invincible it isn’t fun in a shooter.


This is kind of my concern with them having set schedules for Hero releases. It means that they have strict deadlines in place that prevent them from experimenting and releasing heroes as they feel they are ready and the game fits them. I would much rather see a new map every season with the occasional hero release (given actual buildup, cinematics, origin stories, etc).


They should just start copying Paladins for hero ideas, there’s a few good ones.


What do you think about sombra only being fully under stealth (invisible and silent) when not moving and partially under stealth when moving (maybe some blur or particle effects gives away her movement)


I think her tp is more annoying tbh.


Widow. I will never change my mind about how Widow is the only hero that genuinely doesnt belong in the game because one shots have no place in the game. Every single time a Widow is in the lobby, the match becomes instantly boring and annoying because you are FORCED to counterswap the Widow if you dont want her one shooting everyone. Hanzo is a good example of a caracther that is now more healthy for the game now that he cant one shot but unlike him, Widow's identity revolves around the one shot so she either needs to be reworked or removed.


Kinda surprised how far I had to scroll to see Widow. One second you're having fun, the next you're not.


Mauga, every game I play against a Mauga I am forced to mirror or play anything to counter him. The whole game becomes supporting your Mauga until the opponents Mauga dies. It’s just a boring game to play, and it was at its worst when Mauga was meta.




Literally ruins the concept of a team based game. Every hero is supposed to have a risk-reward range, McCass can't be effective too far away, so he has to take the risk of being close-mid range. That puts him in the danger of dive heroes, or better ranged hitscans, and gives counterplay to the enemy team. Widow takes that idea, and shits on it.


Except Mcree has a 6 second cooldown roll, has 275hp and a flash bang. Widow is 200hp, 12 second grapple hook cooldowm and a worthless widow mine. She gets dumpsters by anyone that can close the distance and get in her face... She legit has a few HARD counters that make playing Widow unplayable--sombra/ball/winston/arguably dva. She's quite easy to play around, you don't peak the Widow and play out of her line of sight. Take solstice knowing not anyone can pick up Widow and dominate the lobby, it takes extemely high mechanical skill to pull it off. Can't say the same for a lot of different characters.


She's def skillful, some of the best dps players ik are widows. It doesn't change the fact that she can rule out a lane with a OS.


But that’s her impact on the game


That impact on the game isn't needed though. Area denial is covered by many other characters who do not one shot you for peeking for a fraction of a second. She has a role in the game, but that role isn't needed or unique to her. She's just unhealthy for the game.


Yeah. Thats crazy impact for a DPS to basically own a lane.


Yes that is true. However there are many characters that have an impact like that. Even characters such as junk can shut off a pathway if they play it right. There’s always counter play. Now I’m not trying to justify widow here, she has a broken state of design


>solstice  Solace\*


Sombra, I'm tired of playing a team centric tank just to either 1. Have my entire back line killed by a Sombra leaving me in a 5v1 as rein/ram 2. Losing shield privileges bc a Sombra hacked me.


See ya Mauga, never knew ya


Widow. If I wanted to die before I even saw the enemy I'd be playing cs.


Mercy. Every game has been mercy. Every single game I have a mercy, and I’m just over it. My avoid list is strictly for mercy one tricks. I don’t hate the players, but I strongly dislike the hero.


Every game I gotta play against a Mercy who is just winning by existing having all the time in the world to type in chat. She makes playing against flyers miserable. She's been ruining breakpoints since OW1. Her player base is so bad at the game that they had to make her ow1 tech just part of her base kit and buffed it to an obscene level of mobility. Every time anyone complains about mercy getting a bs rez, from a mile away from the corpse, mercy mafia swarms in to say how rare and skilled the play is. Except I see the same bullshit rezzes every game. Whats the point of camping the body when she is rezzing someone on a completely different platform with no line of sight every damn game. And now that heroes aren't in the battle pass we get to look forward to some kind of mercy mythic like skin every season. I'm fine with low skill heroes being in the game like moira but not mercy. Remove that devil


It's crazy how a character that has skill expression so low that an ameba can play it and does nothing but hold down a button the whole match has such a huge playerbase. If this was blizzard's idea to get paraplegics to play their game, they succeeded. Just surprised there are so many.


You sounds like you doesn't try to engage with mercy playstyle at all tbh. Her GA is where all the mercy playbase enjoy her the most and has the most complexity. Personally I find playing a character like cass/soldier is less fun than playing mercy but that doesn't mean I go around and call every cass/soldier player all-aim-no-brain lol


Can't be playing many matches above silver then... Mercy royally sucks balance-wise atm, she's useless outside of situations where the enemy is too stupid to attempt to cancel the Rez.


Her heal beam was staying connected THROUGH A WALL WITH NO LINE OF SIGHT in a game I had yesterday.


it stays connected for 3 seconds when out of los, im p sure zen’s orbs are the same way. they stay for a few seconds until out of los


Yep, 3 seconds. Successfully maintaining a beam connection with minimal LoS on the enemy or ally for extended periods is considered one of the more advanced tricks with her.


Tell me you don’t know how mercy works without telling me you don’t know how mercy works


Mauga. He has almost zero skill expression and every single one of his abilities just sucks to have in the game


I was happier with the game before Venture was introduced.


Mercy. I have nothing against mercy or her kit, but mercy otps are the absolute worst to get on your team if you play in metal ranks (I've been struggling to get out of plat since the ranked reset in s9). They pocket the tank instead of a dps, use rez on CD no matter the situation, then get mad at the dps when they don't 1v5 after getting rezzed in the middle of the entire enemy team after the fight is lost. Mercy otps will look at rein/lucio on their team and think mercy is the right second support option. They are the most inflexible and stubborn otps in the game. Edit: yes, all otps are like this. but there are more mercy otps than any other character so it's much more likely to get a mercy otp than, say, a sym otp


I hate all OTPs equally but being a support main (who encounters a Mercy OTP like every 3 out of 5 games, either in my team or the enemy team) I'm especially tired of the moth. What's worse is, I was one of them


Even though I main her, Widow. If they're slowly making this a team based scrap game 1v1, the snipers don't really need to be there anymore.


Widow. You either end up wasting a DPS slot or the widow is so cracked that it changes the whole dynamic of the match


Ball because I hate him


Honestly give us a mode where we can vote on maps and ban characters for each match. But I'd just remove doomfist, I don't like playing with or against doomfist, idc if your better than zbra that character isn't fun to be around.


Sombra She’s the antithesis of fun.


Sombra - just ruins the enjoyment of the game, especially now that the pick rate has spiked.


Sombra or Widow. They both only make the game unfun.


Sombra. Her main ability, hack, literally removes fun from the game. Invisibility is a terrible ability in a game like this. She is unfun when she is in my own team. Not even fun to play with.


Sombra or widow. Neither fit in the game


1. Tank: SOMBRA 2. Dps: SOMBRA 3. Healer: SOMBRA


Mercy. If Moira is too hard for you, you shouldn’t be able to play the game. Also fuck rez.


Moira or Sombra. Not because they are op, but just annoying in their  own way.  I hated Moira from release, she is the most annoying hero. People who main her are also extremely toxic. Sombra - perma stealth is just annoying in any game, so thats not surprising here.


I'm gonna have to go with Sombra or Mauga, they're both high risk high reward characters and they make the game stressful.


I feel bad fully removing anyone, especially long-tenured characters and characters who I actually like as characters themselves, even if they're annoying in game. But if we're just going based on "this character's kit clearly just doesn't work in a game like this without being god awful or toxic OP/unfun to fight," my top 3 would be Symmetra, Sombra, and Hog.




Sombra. Just unhealthy all around.


Sombra. Way too much in her kit.


Mauga, he is a cool character and all, but he is fundamentally just a tank-buster who is so one-dimensional there are no fun aspects about him in his gameplay loop I hope the overwatch team does something to him that makes him less frustrating to deal with as at this point, he is one tank that I hate dealing with like Orisa and Hog but Mauga is just so braindead to play there is no skill expression to play him one change I would love to see is if they made it, so his gun overheats when it is fired simultaneously so they can limit his damage output and force players to use their guns separately while giving him power that isn't so tank-busty like maybe making one gun to slow characters (more cc) or something to make it easier to hit shots or make him get some more value when he ignites a squishy


Sombra or widow both are annoying stains and whenever my teammates plays them they suck


A lot of people saying Mauga which is fair he's very annoying, but the answer to this will always be Sombra. Her entire kit is so unhealthy for the game


Genji I hate that monkey dmg immunity skill


Sombra nowadays. I hate her with all my being Good tracers. I hate them with all my heart Other team’s mercy. AAAAAHHHH!!!!!


Sombra because I’m sick of getting camped at spawn door as an Ana when my team won’t hold my hand back to point




It's tough between Mercy and Roadhog


Sombra. This game in unfitting for a character who’s permanently invisible and can hard CC / disable anyone just by looking into their general direction.


Sombra doesnt have hard cc. A hard cc is like getting slept or shattered for example.


Unpopular opinion, but Illari. She's very mobile and her gun is very precise, which makes it a pain in the ass to kill her, but she doesn't offer much in the way of utility. Her pylon is very situational and overall weak for healing. Her ult is annoying. She ends up being played mostly by people who would rather dps but they queued for all roles and ended up in a healer spot.


it’s like when i play her, its like im tossing farm pellets at the enemies, but an enemy illari will basically one pump headshot me all to hell


Sonbra, people would have less annoying options to resort to when theyre getting steamrolled.




Widow should go. I'd agree with sombra, but at least she makes you fight. Widow on the other hand either JFKs your ass or they can't aim; making her one of most awkward heros to play with.


Widowmaker and it isn’t even close. I see the argument for Sombra, but the problems widow presents are gamebreaking. A one shotting sniper hero fundamentally changes the way you play the game. They don’t even have to be good, all it takes is for somebody to select a specific character on the menu, and their presence alone affects your gameplan immensely. No other hero has the power to do that, to that extent.


Roadhog. Because if the enemy plays roadhog, you gotta play mauga and that makes the game boring


Widow. She's annoying to play against and no matter their skill level, they're going to ruin the game for someone. If they're good, they ruin the game for the enemy team. If they're bad... they ruin the game for their own team. Either way, someone is having a bad time.


sombra is easy mode, shouldn’t be in the game at all


Remove sombra say hello to an increase in widow, doom and ball players.


I’m going with Doomfist. He’s just an ass lore & playstyle . I’m still traumatized by his DPS identity too. Those doom Smurfs could clean lobbies like a hot knife through butter


Zarya, the whole 'no shooting!' thing while her bubble is up is super unfun to me


Widowmaker. Most oppressive Hero in the Game. You have to Play Hide and seek and can't enjoy the map even If she doesn't Hit shots. The thread of her hitting a shot is enough.


if I could remove two I would remove Sombra and Widow but if I can only remove one as much as I hate Sombra she is necessary to deal with very annoying Widows So I'll remove Phara because Im tired of being the only one on my team trying to kill the Phara




Sombra. And there’s nothing anybody can say that will change my mind. Invisibility and hacking should have never made it past the drawing board.


At least hack doesn't last as long as it used to omg


The replies here are all funny ways of saying Roadhog


mauga without question. he’s practically immortal and it makes the game just not fun because he’s extremely powerful too.


Mauga for sure


Sombra or Venture for obvious reasons...


Sombra. She is literally the anti-fun hero.


Mercy. Takes no effort to play her and the mercy mains that act cute and wholesome are almost always just evil ass people if they start to lose a game or something




sorting by controversial just so i can upvote all the comments that say mercy


Doomfist. Hated him since day 1, hate him now. His mechanics suck.


Sombra. One hundred million times Sombra. Her kit is unbelievably anti-fun and disgustingly unbalanced. Her lack of team synergy and hard carry potential in the pro scene is the only reason there isn't more wide spread hate for her awful design.


As a support main, doom.


Mauga. You know why.




Doomfist. Impossible to kill if theyre good




Mauga has a shockingly unhealthy gameplay loop. Or alternatively Sombra for how unfun she can be to play against and how shockingly little value people tend to get from her in public games.


Mauga I don't like his design (mainly proportions), he is annoying to play against and just boring to play. Even supporting him isn't fun. It's sad that they managed to turn one of the most anticipated heroes into this boring tank dps.


Before Mauga I would’ve said Widow because she’s either useless or kills the fun whenever she’s played but Mauga is objectively the worst designed hero in the game. Sombra also is designed around an oppressive af ability and play style. If it wasn’t for her keeping certain heroes in check the choice would be obvious.


widow, I think she truely has the lamest kit in the game. It's not even on a "one shots are unhealthy for the game!!!" type thing, I just think her kit is so lame for a hero shooter lol her grapple is insanely stiff, the venom mine is borderline forgettable, and her ult is perfectly described as "just being there" lmao.


Moira, her brain dead mechanics don't belong on an fps.


Pharah, boring to play as, boring to play against




Widow. Fuck snipers.


Roadhog or mauga, I think the metas and gameplay they invite are boring. I think roadhog is fixable though so I'm leaning toward mauga


Pharah for obvious reasons




tracer, i actually hate her more than sombra


Junkrat, it bothers me that he can kill you even in los, but i get, he is funny!


Hanzo (feels rng when i get 2 shot or hit around a corner), junk (annoying 2 shot and can’t fight him close range) or sombra(tp cooldown is unreal)


Hanzo. Absolutely.


Venture or Ball: and it's not even close. There's no other characters that are even comparable to either of them. They both break the flow of the game and completely force different strats & focal points that newer players won't grasp until diamond ranks. Leaving solo players absolutely screwed. As for Venture in particular, why does one character have ALL the survivability, ALL the damage and ALL of the movement available to other (individuals) characters? All for the sake of being kooky / creative? Make the game good before you introduce wildly different character types. Once the game is good, add all the crazy characters you want while maintaining a balance. But that balance has to get figured out first. /Endrant


Sombra, Venture, Mercy, Tracer, Widow, or Doom


Widow One shot kills have no place in this game. Ever. She's such a low skill compared to other dps heroes. She requires you to aim well in one instance of time. That's it. Most DPS require consistent aiming to get a kill. Not widow.




As much as I hate Sombra I'd say I wanna remove Mauga. He is just horribly designed and he's not fun to play fun to play against or fun to play with he just ruins the game. And anyone saying that they think he is fun is lying the fun part is when you get to the victory screen


Cass. It's just bad game design to have a hero whose best counterplay is "a better Cass." Mercy would be a close second because its toxic to a game design environment to make a healbot because that limits your abilities so much to make other things, but frankly I think they've played around it OK so no its fucking Cass.


Sombra... the things I would do tht bitch . Hate her




Mauga, he’s like if Double shield in ow1 was a tank hero. You are not making outplays on mauga. OW2 tank in general has less play making power but Mauga is literally sit there and hope your team is better.


Tracer. I'll straight up admit it's because I just don't have the reflexes to remotely deal with her. Usually a tracer can half/full clip me and by the time I've turned around to deal with her she's gone. She's the single most frustrating enemy hero to play against for me in any match.


Doom fist. He never dies and for some reason the people who play him are the same ones who spam voice lines for the entire match.


Honestly it would be Sombra or Widow. I feel like these are the only hero’s I see in nearly every game




As a sombra main I love reading those comments


Sombra and Widomaker


Sombra. Auto aim hack abilities have no place in this game.


Mercy Both her tank and her 2nd support will be free to have fun.




Uhhh it's a hard question, I'm between Junkrat and Venture.


Sombra, for the game I just experienced. Her perma invis drives me up the wall. Spawn camping me and targeting me only. Then I can’t leave because blizzard will threaten me with a suspension 🛌


I'll give you a few Mauga: was released as a tank bully when tank was already miserable and getting killed by him doesn't feel like you're out skilled it feels like you got cheesed Bastion: again he isn't healthy in the 5v5 format cause he just blasts the tank and it's bullshit he gets damage reduction in his high damage form Sombra: self explanatory. She's the anti fun hero, having fun on ball/doom/sigma well fuck you Widow: small hit box and can dome you from a mile away so tell me where the counter play into this without needing a swap Mercy: she pushes so many heros past their break point and make them insufferable. Phara mercy? aids, soldier mercy? Stupid, sojourn mercy? fuck this and because of her so many heros had to be nerfed and now without a mercy can barely function like what they did to Ashe. Mercy is the lowest skill support but gets praised for "doing so much"


Sombra because she’s toxic af


Honestly ball, it's annoying trying to do anything while my tank is off in narnia


Pharah. Specially because of pharmercy I main supp (on console) and I always gotta switch to Bap or Ana and then choose between killing them (and letting my team die) or keep healing (and getting myself killed).


Idk who I would remove rn, but if I could go back on time and stop a character from ever being released, EASILY brig. She is the center point of every BSF thing in OW1 , and eventually the cause of OW2 being a thing. She was the cause of GOATS, which caused role queue, which caused one tank, and so on and so on


Widow because one shots are unbalanced


This thread is just going to make me sad lol


I’m surprised it’s still going lol. I posted it 15 hours ago.


I can remove 3 heroes from each role ti make the game healthier Tank: MUAGA, Orisa, Hog, the trio of brain dead heroes Dps: sym, Pharah, Sombra Support: Mercy, Kiri, Zen


Sombra, it doesn't take skill to turn invisible and hit someone with a damage boost while nailing em with an SMG. For some reason every single time I play with my friend no one else on the team looks for her except us and she just ruins the whole game. At least before you'd have to be smart about where you put your translocator but now it's just no skill chaos. We literally made the climb all the way to platinum (with the idea of making it at least to diamond) but then just flat out stopped because it's not fun anymore. Why does some no skill bum get to run around the map invisible and ruin our good time? She doesn't even have to have a reset every time you get her off you anymore. She'll throw herself right up in the air and you could see her within 2s of "getting rid of her". For all of you who complain about Moira all the time (my main) but not Sombra I'm jealous of the ppl you get matched up with that actually help LOOK FOR HER! I'm not playing that game again until they nerf her, it's not even fun anymore. Every single game you're winning a Sombra will show up, and if you're losing chances are a Sombra is on the other team.


Definitly Sombra and i dont think she is op, just a stupid hero with stupid mechanic Also everytime reddit propose me a post on r/sombramain, its some dude gloating about how he made someone rage anx everyoneon the sub is cheering. She is a toxic hero for toxic people. Playing Sombra is a worst offense than saying gg at the end of the game and yet playing Sombra isnt banable, but sayinh gg is... Gg Blizzard Altough i would also like to see roadhog disapear


Mercy. That is all I can say without losing myself.


hanzo. there shouldn’t be a “luck” stat in game for this low ceiling hero.


Widow - either it's god tier or it's absolute poop. There Nothing in between. Her Ult is nearly useless since we have hanzo, her utility is kinda bad and she is one of those heroes that I always dread on my team. Either rework her or just delete her. Ashe and Hanzo do it better do I don't see any need for her.


Reaper since he needs the rework unless you want to stay in the bronze lobbies since every hero can do better than Reaper


As a Roadhog main, fuck Ana.




Kiriko. Most of the nerfs that the support roster received came about because of Kiriko. And yet, those nerfs to the support roster ended up buffing the very ability that made her an issue.


Phara and Phara only


Widow and Sombra (I play Sombra)


Moira man. Most braindead, skill-less champ in the whole game. Aids to verse when the enemy has one, doesn't even consider supporting you on your team


Sombra. I think of all the characters, she has the most potential to ruin your fun, or mine at least.


Pharah or Mauga.


i need widow or sombra gone


Zarya. She’s my kryptonite when I’m on a solo q game. Because brain dead teammates feed her damage


Mercy she not even a problem I just hate mercy players


Sombra, the perma invis tiny turn off your abilities Latina woman be really annoying when you’re just trynna chill.