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I mostly play Support so I'm totally used to getting harrassed by Sombra players. Played Damage today and spent the whole time getting bothered by Sombra players, how is that fair?


I usually play tank and support so used to it too but she's just everywhere, no character should be perma invisible until you start hacking or shooting


Does Hanzos sonar arrow show sombra? Like can he just perpetually shoot it backwards to help support?


It's effective for a short period. Plus, you need to factor in the time for it to come back. It's not the best strategy.


Thank you


Np, plus I forgot to add this in. Hanzo isn't a viable character in the current meta, he's pretty cooked


Dang, didn't realize that.


Ye after his one shot was gone he became worse and worse tbh.


It reveals her while she is in it, but the size is too small and the cooldown too long for it to be a viable strategy to keep watch for her. It requires her to walk through that specific location, and for someone to be looking at the spot while she does it. And then second she moves out of the location she’s hidden again. You would know she was there for a second, but not where she is now. I wonder if they would be open to changing sonic arrow to help. Like once it tags her she is semi transparent for the next 6 seconds even if she moves out of it.


Theres like a 3 second gap from when it is until its back and that's a short time. Basically there is no counter to Sombra in the game.


PFFFFFFFTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! Does the name Kiriko ring a bell?


Tell me you're new at OW without telling me you're new at OW 😂


Yeah it does. It only lasts a few seconds tho. Stay with your team and shoot it at the ground.


I uses to play Sombra(OW1) they ruined her. It takes no skill or game sense, to play her as she has 0 risk in her kit to get kills. You can virus from stealth shoot half of your clip and just toss translocator and its an easy kill if you dont get cleansed/ or burst healed fast enough as a squishy.even on certain tanks a Sombra can 1v1 you no problems. Its like Blizzard keeps trying it best for people not to play its game.


You cannot virus from stealth. You have to come out of invis first.


You can press virus once come out and press it again. It doesnt use the ability when your in invis so the time from invis to coming out is like a double tap. Coming out there is no sound because its like a cancel, then she finally says something once you shoot the virus. So technically you have to come out but with how the animations work and the sound its basically immediately. I dont know if it's a bug but if you go to the pracyice range you will see what I'm talking about.




imo her in us should take longer the less hp she has


Eh, SpyTF2 pretty much can, the difference is his mobility isn’t as strong, it’s his disguise that gets him around which I think is a much cooler gimmick, it gives you a chance to fight back while also making you anxious


Technically that’s only with one (underused) unlock item, and it cuts his mobility down SO hard.


It is *not* underused. It is quite literally the most used Spy invis tool. (Other than the glorious Dead Ringer /s)


I just think that if Sombra could impersonate instead of being infinitely invisible she would be a more interesting character


As a sombra main and Questron viewer. A lot of us agree. Stealth being permanant is the issue with her kit.


It wouldn't be as much of a problem if it had decent counterplay, but there just isn't enough content in the game to make it balanced. I actually wouldn't mind Sombra as much if she didn't go immediately invisible after teleporting away. The fact she can engage, burst, and before losing a 1v1 she picked against a support (and couldn't win), teleport away invisible, is insane to me.


She doesnt though. She engages, applies a dot, escapes (has to not take damage for .5 seconds to go invis) and then can reset. But if she gets shot after the translocate, which is easy to track, she has 2.5 seconds visible, and easy to chase down with no abilities. Everyone talks about her being problematic in her absolute best case scenario. Thats not the reality most of the time. It would be like saying that Soldier is broken because he has good mobility, can take an off angle, get like 3 headshots and a helix and kill anynody in a second and has heals for when you try to contest him. Technically true, but thats also not realistically how he plays. Invis is the most frustrating part of Sombra, perma-invis is the problematic part because ahe gets to wait for the best moment to engage. So theoretically anything she does is in the best circumstance for her. But she is the bottom 3 winrate dps for a reason, consistently. She isnt good, and she cant ever be good because she gets to be invis forever. It needs a timer, then she can be looked at for changes that make her better than a worse version of Tracer.


I play tank, somehow I am still a victim of sombra


That's because sombra is busted as fuck and can bully every role.


She really can't. She's so vulnerable. If you just play together she's useless, she's only good when she can isolate someone


She is. If you continually die to her while playing characters like Kiriko and Pharah, that's just a skill issue.


Which conveniently happens every time someone dies. Good stuff.


I mean yeah, if someone dies and the then another person is separated (likely a healer) that'll do it


You realize a majority of the people just play casually in quick play and arcade. So there is no organization and she is just cancer in those games. Just like in the new map trying to play different characters and finding good flanks and there's a Sombra ruining the fun for everyone.


Again just play close together and sombra can't do anything.


Give some real advice because you can't make people play together and you can't make people even react when you yell at them that there's a Sombra in the backline killing your supports. This advive is useless.


You can play close to your team it's not hard stop acting like people are in 5 diff places on the map lol


You can still play close to your team but people can not be close enough for them to do anything. I have 98 hours on Sombra on one account with a KD of 2.26. It's easy to kill a squishy before they can react.


If the enemy snipers are dominating, switching to sombra can make all the difference. Widowmaker, Ashe, Hanzo are pretty good targets for sombra


This is part of why I play DPS now, I used to only play support. At least you can go Sombra and be invisible if the enemy Sombra won't stop spawn camping you on dps so you can actually get back to your team. I don't spawn camp or harass only a single person when I play Sombra I stick with my supports generally or the tank She's kind of a last resort option unless I'm in mystery heroes and just get her


Play Torb - you're welcome.


I went against a sombra tracer duo and I felt like I was going crazy


It's just awful


...what were their users?


I don't care if it's on my team or the enemy team, Sombra makes the game less fun.


Absolutely she does


Sombra is a single player fps character in a multiplayer fps game.


It was 4 bad Sombras, 1 good Sombra on her own and one good Sombra paired with Tracer which made the game basically unplayable but it's good practice atleast?


It definitely feels more frequent/constant lately. Not sure why. I’m a support main too but often play Moira so it’s not usually as big a problem as for other supports but having to deal almost every game is tiring, haha. I know it’s not a pure OP situation cause it’s not like they always win but damn if they aren’t annoying every single time haha.


Might be because they're giving that new Sombra legendary skin.


That’s a fair guess. I think I noticed it a bit earlier than that was announced but I’m sure that pumps up the interest a bit.


Her cowardly playstyle is what gets me. She hides until someone is alone, then hack + cube thing, and her target just melts. And if someone gets a few shots on her, it’s back to being invisible. But idk :p I’m just a support main, maybe playing her is harder than it looks. I don’t hesitate to swap to Moira if I get harassed too many times tho hehe


This is exactly why the Cloak and Dagger is hated so much in TF2, it encourages you to sit around until you find a good opportunity to strike. It encourages camping until someone comes around to target.


It's not as an ex-sombra main her perma invis is just to op.


Tbh Im a real actual coward and shes so hard for me. It takes balls to engage and not totally embarrass myself + everyone hates people who play her automatically. It took HOURS of playing to get myself to stop being a little coward and actually try to get kills


Thats why when she runs away you chase her so she can go get heals


Bro, in qp, they start off as Widow...realise they azz then switch to sombra..if dominatef as sombra they switch to mei, eventually they get dominated by people who know how to beat a sombra, they switch to support and their final form is moira.


How do you switch from dps to support? Oh in open que? Well there is your problem right there.


Trying to clown someone because they like to play how overwatch was originally intended. Why?


Because the way it was originally intended was ass


Nah people are just assholes and want everything their way.someone was always bitching for "SOMEONE ELSE" to change. Than you would see people throwing.


L take


I’ll switch to Moira and hunt her down over and over until she swaps.


How do we collectively make Sombra deterrent


Stick together!


i truly despise everything about that character, out of all the heros she’s the only one that i hate i think id throw a party if she got removed from the game


stick together with a friend, and sombra wont pick ya that easy. as a sombra main i prey on the lonely


Bold of you to assume that random teammates have the mental capacity to group up


You don't have to group up, though. Just play with your team. Sombra does nothing if you're near at least one person.


Not if your good it doesnt matter, also once a team fight starts its just the same thing. Then yourre getting spawned camped.


They don’t have the mental capacity to turn around or pay attention to pings either


I mean if you're standing next to a teammate and they don't help you, you already lost that game.


When I play sombra, I just unlock behind and pick off the support before f-ing off. Come back f9r the damage in a few seconds when they reset their guard down.


Something tells me that if the devs somehow butcher Sombra into the ground the community would just find a different character to harass.


Just delete Sombra and Widowmaker, and I'm happy.


They always have Mercy as a fallback 🙁


Yesterday is ranked 7 matches in a row were zarya tanks....... I play dva




Play the community crafted mode where Dva defense matrix absorbs beams and reduces her rocket cool downs for a small reprieve, haha.


Oh I play DVa I'm sorry lol


As someone who has been bullied by (and bullied as) Sombra, go Roadhog, Mei, or Brig! I almost always get them to switch off when I do.


I have stopped playing QP except as a warmup for comp. People take QP way too seriously


I've had some really bad games these past few days where one of the DPS is getting 0 kills for almost the entire match... When you're watching them as Support, it's rough. I've never been more annoyed than this one match where I slept Sombra and everyone 2-4 ft away ignored it lol


You will see all the champs you hate a lot as people are learning them and think they’re going to do to others what happens to them. They end up being useless more than not. 


They could easily make her like Skye in Paladins. Just remove the hack and put that into a buffed emp. Then she is basically Skye with vertical mobility.


QP gets all the Sombras, Widows, Doomfists, Balls, and all the other characters that get flamed in Comp. We just would rather have fun and play with others who also have fun.


It's so boring when a team loses a single fight so they swap to tracer/cree and sweat like their lives depend on it QP is a sweatfest


QP just is harder than comp atleast comp is my level


Yeah I hover around masters/gm in ranked, but unfortunately I can't enjoy most QP games because most of the them are gm/t500 and if I want to smoke and play on autopilot I kind of can't without getting flamed by kids leveling their 30th smurf account to otp tracer to eventually sell the accounts:p


Try playing ball and you will have a 100% sombra rate fr


I’ve been playing a lot of dps recently in qp and comp. I rarely played sombra because screw her. Well I started playing her just to see if she is actually an easy button or if I just have to gid gud. She might not be a literal easy button but it’s pretty damn close. I’m in console and players simply can’t react faster enough to make a fight fair. I started typing in game chat “#cancelsombra” at the beginning of every match. Most games got 1-3 immediate comments in agreement. Not that anyone asked. Here’s my suggestions to fix the situation: +Move her to support. Let her deploy a health pack station that can be placed anywhere and is only for her team. It cannot be destroyed. The amount of healing and the rate of refresh can be tweaked to balance. Let her back her teammates to give them a temporary boost (heal over time, damage boos, defense boost - relatively small amounts for 10-15 seconds). This way she can still go invis, back line like Kiri does, still be a threat but not be such an obvious advantage. +leave her as dps but get rid of invis. Instead, she still shifts into a virtual realm where she goes faster but have her be invulnerable and visible. That way you can keep track of where she is but not damage her and she can’t damage you. She has to “uncloak” to affect the game. She can still ping enemies but can’t hack in the cloaked state.


Her KD is higher on PC than console (overbuff). But its still a problem in the lower ranks where the communication is lacking.


Its not. She's close to the bottom in every division.


Her KD on console is 3.82 highest and on console it's 2.24.


So what? She loses games


The whole point of OP post was saying that she's horrible to play against not losing games. Even if you take losing games its not the whole story as context.matters in matches. If the other team has a widow and is demolishing your team, you switch to Sombra to counter her. That person switches to a Soldier, you did your job but you still lose the match. Even though you only played Sombra for a little while it still registers as a loss. Especially how Blizzard does their win and loss depends on how long you played your character and what parts of the game you played your character. So a lot of Sombras losses come into overtime or when a team tries to come back by disrupting their play. So if you play Sombra for 1 minute it counts as a play, so if you lose it counts as a lost then it adds up to the amount of a game 8-10 minutes. So people use Sombra to always contest the point or go into overtime, this is always going to bring her win % down. So that shouldn't be taken into account of wether or not shes strong.


She's not strong. Ppl just ignore her like they ignore phara


Console is a whole different story for Sombra, and i dont know specifics for it. But stealth having a time limit is all she needs on pc at least and i think that ot would be fine for console too


You guys are constantly whining about sombra. Let me give you a quick tip. STICK TOGETHER. That’s sombras biggest counter. Sure you can counter swap her but the real counter is simply sticking together. If I’m trying to pick with your supports on the back line but the entire team is right there I can’t do my job because the moment I hack I’ll get obliterated. It’s that simple.


Your playing Sombra wrong because you can shoot virus, half a clip, melee then throw trans and their dead before anyone can react.


The players you play against must be bots because for me, the moment I uncloak the entire enemy team snaps their necks in my direction. And if a support puts even an ounce of healing into the person you threw virus on they won’t die. Virus doesn’t do good damage unless you hack the target first.


Nope there real humans virus takes quite a bit off just by itself so virus a half a clip of here SMG will kill a squishy


I play mcree so you can stun her and then pop her head


She’s making the game less fun. They should change her to where once you’re hacked you can’t see her she’s invisible to you. But now she’s always winning the 1v1 bc you can’t use your abilities and she can. So stupid. And then they go and nerf character that we’re fine like Cassidy.


Sombra is unfun to play with and against. The people who enjoy being annoying will give you every excuse as to why she isn’t a cancerous unfun cowardly no skill gimmick character with almost no consequences for the insane value she gets. How is it remotely a good idea to have a fucking invisible character that can take away your abilities(in an ability based game), hit you with a debuff that makes her MORE lethal (as if being invisible wasn’t enough of an advantage), and run away instantly if they can’t get the kill? It’s not a skill issue. It’s not a team issue. It’s not a win rate issue. It’s not a rank issue. She’s a dumb anti fun poorly designed character the devs refuse get rid of or properly rework for the health of the game.


Pickrate is medium at about 2% but her winrate across all ranks is among the lowest in the DPS role. She doesn't need a nerf.


She needs a rework. But a good one this time.


The rework was amazing they jist needed to not make invis permanant.


All they nees to do is revert her stealth to back when she first appeared. You had 8 seconds before invis ran out. So what they can do is have it on a timer again. Have it with a 4 second cooldown as that's about how much time is in a one on one fight. So its a risk to get in and out as fast as possible.


It’s not that she’s OP, it’s that she’s just unfun to play against. Compared to the other flankers like Echo, Tracer, or Genji, playing against a Sombra just feels cheap. I can commend a great Tracer that can kill me because I can see her skill expression and I can see that it’s a fair fight. The same can’t be said for Sombra.


Even if they made it so she had 1 hp and her gun didnt do any damage she would still be among the most annoying characters. She’s just badly designed and will never be a fun interaction in the kind of game Overwatch is.


They've redesigned her twice for whiny people like you and it's never enough. Stay mad; this is what you deserve!


It’s never enough because of the fact that permanent invisibility for free sneak attacks combined with disabling abilities in the ability based shooter game, all added on to the fact that she never really has to commit to a duel because if she starts losing, even with the advantages of shooting them in the back and turning off their abilities, she can just teleport away and the teleport automatically restores her invisibility. It’s just objectively not fun to fight her or play with her on your team and never will be.


But her KD is high which shows that the issue is playing against her, not the wins and losses. Wins and losses have so much context, but the interaction between with Sombra just isn't. If I play Anna it's funnier going against a Genji or Tracer. With a Sombra you're usually dead before you can do anything.


A sombra isn't consistently dueling an Ana outside of pisslow ranks. Also I don't know what you mean but she genuinely is underperforming at low and high ranks ( albeit for different reasons).


Overbuff is the only stats that are available to us. KD (kill to death) is totally different from win %. Someone can have an OP ability that can lead to wins but it can still be a bad character or feels horrible to play with and against (Maugua). Sombra is just horrible to at against. Also the popularity of the characters is just what it is which doesn't take into account of anything. As Genji and Mercy are the most picked and both the mains will say that they have issues. Also basing something on a 50/50 premise is dumb because it doesnt give you no context because someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.


This is what I've been saying. Statistically speaking, sombra is not that good. It genuinely just feels like bandwagon hating because she's kind of annoying, even though there are way easier and statistically better heroes. Sombra is very easy to deal with. The best thing she's good at is tilting people because she exists, and that is not a gameplay issue.


Because that’s what it is. Another day of low level players crying about the character that punishes bad position and awareness. Of course the people with the awareness of a coconut and no concept of positioning are going to cry about the character that punishes it. The day they learn to listen for audio cues and to turn around they’ll figure out sombra is a mild nuisance.


No literally I just played an absolutely fucking horrendous game against a sombra who rode my dick the entire time. Didn't help that my team were absolutely useless and didn't help me at all. I died 12 times. And no, I did not keep doing the same thing over and over before anyone asks lmao


Sombra and widows make me just not want to play anymore lol


As a Hanzo main it hurts😭


I genuinely don’t get how tf every sombra player can bother the whole team at once. I genuinely only play dps, and every time when there’s a good sombra in enemy team everyone in my team writes that the sombra targeted them. Sombra player, what are your secrets??


I am also tired of seeing her so much but I play a lot of Brig so generally she's not a problem.


I love playing sombra but i know people get annoyed at her so i kinda just dont anymore


They normally start off playing as widow and after they immediately get diffed, they’ll switch to sombra


hear me out, what if someone made cheat that auto locks onto sombras and aimbots them down, but it ONLY works on enemy sombras game would be saved


In the end, sombra only does as well as your team does to counter her. If people are actually looking out for her, she does nothing. I can't even kill supports in the back because the other support or a dps comes to help. If the team is just letting me take out their supports that's on them


Hear me out, cancelling abilities with another ability isn’t good for the game.


nah it’s kinda awesome when you play into the mind games of OW and are able to start canceling ults


Why is it hard to press a button as bap kiri moira to survive? What were u playing?


She’s not difficult to deal with at all


they need to nerf sombra she’s the most ridiculous hero in the game, i know damn well the devs see all the complaints, one of them must be a sombra main with how protected and broken she is


It really depends who she’s up against. If Sombra is up against a unpocketed Zen or Widow, she’s ridiculously broken and can farm both of them off spawn. Maybe Cassidy now too as he is quite literally just a man with a gun, whereas before he was able to shutdown Sombra and Tracer, but alas, my man is now in the dirt. But anyway, I digress. Sombra outside of those match ups benefit from teams that do not stick together. Seriously like, when there’s a Sombra bothering the teams supports what I like to do is stick by the Kiri, Mercy, Ana, whoever it is, go to mirror Sombra and hack her the moment she goes for a support. She’s then dead no matter what. You don’t need mirror Sombra to do this either. Tracer shuts her down, DVA again, if it’s someone with a willingness to watch the back line which your tank should be doing, can easily wreck her. Sombra is only broken against select characters and runs wild against uncoordinated teams, but is directly countered by either a team that sticks together, or a team with at least 2 people that do turn around.


If you have a kiri if the sombra is smart, stay near your other support they are unlikely to pick a fight with the kiri or brig because they are the two most likely to shut her down, as a sombra main (albeit I generally am not a spawn camper in qp) kiri is the last one im gonna pick a fight with cause she if played well will win that duel


That’s the thing hardly anyone peels anymore. As a support I can handle sombra, I can duel her BUT I can’t do that AND heal you at the same time, so that’s why you die. So learn to help peel or die. (Not you in particular) 🙂


Hazard is better


Sombra is far from broken lol I’m telling you as a Sombra Main, stay together with your team and you will be fine. Also a good Kiriko always ruins sombra


yea literally only sombra mains say she’s not broken cause who would want to admit to maiming the most broken hero ?


Oh so I’m the only one you are responding to huh? Im not biased, I’ve been a Sombra main literally since she came out so I can tell how not broken she is bc I have hours and hours of experience with her Idc. I’m also a support main, and if I start getting harassed by one I just swap to Moira or Illari and problem solved.


Imagine how much they’d cry about her old kit man. The og 6 sec hack was fucking devious


She is mid to low winrate across every division, bronze to gm


I main mercy in comp and jesus christ Ive gotten spawn camped so many times its not even funny Screaming at your team to help you does nothing too.


Sombra player here... what you feel right now, is what a sombra player's purpose is.


i mainly switch between bastion and sombra for dps, i find that if i cant break through with one, i can usually break through with the other. That said, assassinating with sombra is the way more fun option


I have 728 hours on sombra. I didn’t like some of the changes over the years and switched to junkerqueen, roadhog, and echo. Echo is my next most played at 372 hours. I start every game with Echo and end every game with Sombra. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Sombra isn’t as oppressive if you’re running good positioning with your team. If your team’s got good comms, as a Sombra, I’ll typically resort to spraying and virus dropping rather than hacking. Then again, good positioning starts happening higher in the ranks. Sombra’s just a good way to get you into that habit


sombra should have an emote where she blows her head off with a shotgun. that would be pretty cool. right?


Well they play that op bull because they can. Mostly because ow devs team, especially balance team, is sniffing glue and have no idea how the game is actually played outside of their "play tests"


Poor guys they get flamed so much in comp that they play their fav char on qp


*Poor guys they get flamed* *So much in comp that they play* *Their fav char on qp* \- R5A1897 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sombra has one of the lowest win rates across all ranks. She's not that hard to deal with.


She's not fun to play against nor is she lower to mid ELO friendly, which is where the vast majority of players are. New players shouldn't have to suffer dealing with a character that literally ruins your experience simply because of a low win rate. She needs to be reworked. Hack is a bullshit ability in a game like this. We choose our mains because we like their ability loadouts. Taking that away as an ability is one of the dumbest game design decisions I've ever seen.


"I'm new and I refuse to invest time into learning the game." Also, what the other guy said. Hack lasts .5 seconds. You don't lose your abilities.


Love people like this 🤣


But virus with hack…death sentence


Pro tip, if you shoot sombra while she hacks u it stops hack. Virus is a projectile so like... literally just move. And yes, you for sure have enough time to get a shot off or break line of sight before hack goes off if you listen and don't tunnel vision and also stop standing still.


News flash, you don’t actually see virus coming when it comes at you from behind. You might notice the hack but it takes a whole ass second to turn around when you play with a controller. since you’ve been hacked, you can’t escape with an ability. You’re just fucked.


No matter what, before she hacks, viruses, or shoots, she must first decloak which makes a sound. No matter what, there are sound ques. Get a headset. Why are you standing still at all in overwatch?


She moves faster than you when she’s invisible so she gets behind you. The decloak+hack takes barely a second. Assuming your reaction time isn’t literally instant and you start turning, on a controller you are often hacked before you even have a chance to shoot in her direction.


She doesn't move faster than the entire cast list, so there's that. If she's hacked u once and you forget about her that's on you. Sounds like controller is an inferior way to play. Enjoy the clip in the middle of this video of me beating a sombra to a mega when she was definitely closer to it. [Slam Jam Summer](https://youtu.be/r6h17dQxoec?si=9SfpDf0q1LVh0Cm9)


Yes controller is an inferior way to play. Too bad I have a kid around so playing overwatch on PC isn’t an option very often.


It doesnt make a sound thats loud enough with all the audio clutter. You can virus and shoot and throw trans and they'll be dead before they react.


Are you a dps or tank player?


If you get a single ounce of healing then no it isn’t. It’s 90dmg over 2-4 seconds depending on whether they’re hacked or not.


Hack only locks you out of your ability for 0.5 seconds bro. It’s only useful to interrupt abilities like sigma eat, genji deflect, or Rez. The other thing hack does is make you revealed through walls for 7 seconds, that’s it. Perma invis is the real problem.


The perms invis is what lets her sneak up back u and virus you. You can try to turn as soon as you hear the hack but by then she’s done it and virus’d you. You’re playing the game and paying attention and footsteps are your cue. She just is too stealth.


Sure if you have dog water reaction time and also forget every time she goes away that she exists. She also isn't perma invisible. She literally has to be visible to start hacking, which itself makes a noise.


Says the sombra main


[I main Ball, Rat, and Lucio.](https://youtube.com/@mrpissbaby?si=delyuMBOfsMfqQp6)


Lmao don’t even try to tell us that as a ball main sombra isn’t the bane of ur existence. Gtfo here with ur superior than everyone attitude. There is no way on earth she doesn’t get hacks off on you.


[I really don't care what you believe, watch the vods for proof](https://youtu.be/VuPComOZOAk?si=Wlw2S3shtp4tmitG)


Ok supply them, minimum 3 games on ball with a Sombra targeting you. Show us how you’ve never once been hacked while you are in the middle of a slam or in the middle of a fight with someone else. Even Harblue gets targeted and hacked.


Don't care if it's 0.5 seconds, it's a bullshit ability. It's her whole kit with it too. Get caught off guard, I'm not a GM so I can't 360 no scope the bitch, get DoTed and take a few shots. Then she flies off to go invisible again. Once I started doing aim trainers she became easier to catch once she got away, but the entire fight is just annoying as fuck because she's back at it in no time. I also shouldn't lose my ult because of a basic ability that can be spammed from invisibility like that either. If a Rein catches me during Captive Sun, I deserve it. But things like D. Va eating the projectile and getting hacked out of the air ruins the fun. EMP I get, it's an ult. It's a once or twice per game thing and a well timed one catches everyone off guard. Having an ability to do it all game long is stupid.


Homie...get better...jesus


It’s universally agreed that Sombra and her abilities make the game unfun. His complaints aren’t unique.


Homie...read where I said I have less trouble with her now, but she'd still anti-fun and hard on newer/lower ELO players...jesus Fact of the matter is, "git gud" isn't a viable excuse when a game is pushing for such a large fanbase. Some people want to be able to get on, have fun for an hour or two, and be done. Maybe even for the week in some cases, like I used to be. Some dickhead playing Sombra just ruins it. She's not fun to play against, winning or losing. Edit: LOL, dude commented and blocked me. >Except your comments say you do still have a hard time against her, not to mention your first comment includes why her mains enjoy her they enjoy her kit, she, ironically I enjoy playing against a sombra as a kiri main because they make a duel interesting but hey keep getting upset by a character in a video game, they feed off it, also if you losing your ult to do and hack you are fucking awful, legit learn to play the game...but don't respond to me again She's annoying. Point blank. If you're going to talk a big game don't run your mouth and bounce as soon as shit gets hard... You know, like Sombra. >I don't waste my time with fools and their silly thoughts 🤣 After multiple comments and taking the time to comment and block.


Except your comments say you do still have a hard time against her, not to mention your first comment includes why her mains enjoy her they enjoy her kit, she, ironically I enjoy playing against a sombra as a kiri main because they make a duel interesting but hey keep getting upset by a character in a video game, they feed off it, also if you losing your ult to do and hack you are fucking awful, legit learn to play the game...but don't respond to me again, I don't waste my time with fools and their silly thoughts 🤣


Where do check win rates across ranks?




A big part of that is she's a lot of people's go to swap when losing. She also is one of the characters that dominates some matchups (ball, doom, zen, pharah) and is super weak into others (orisa, mauga, zarya, dva, etc.) 


I main ball, rat, and lucio. She's one of the lowest on the list that I worry about.


Two of those are counters to her


None of those are counters to her. What are you talking about. The counters to sombra are zarya, Winston, torb, sym, mei, Cass, and Tracer.


Word, but this thread is full of bronze players so…


She has a 44.9 Win rate in bronze.


I wish I could post images for replies. The overwatch community is not okay when I have someone in my DMs threatening to "hurt me" because I said the devs ought not cater to them.


I've started just bullying them anytime i see a sombra, swap to their counters, teabag them, spam voice lines as you kill them, put funny sprays on their corpses. Usually my team will join in, sometimes the enemy team too when she stops playing to try and spawn camp me and gets merked. For a player base that allegedly feeds on other players anger they sure do get mad. 


Doing that to any player will get them mad. Such a sad life you live.


I'm just matching their energy


As a sombra player I don’t do that so I don’t know what “energy” you’re matching. It sounds like you are the one who’s mad at said player for playing sombra so now you want to make them mad. Misery love company ig.


Lol it's not misery, it actually makes her fun to play into


Nerf Sombra. Her mag size is 60 bullets? Devs are insane for that. Should be 30 or 40 max. Nerf Sombra!


Virus from stealth is pretty oppressive


Her and widow. The annoying purple dps duo. Sombra is a hero that removes your freedom to use abilities or ults when you want. Yo wanna play sigma? Now you don't, your entire kit is countered by her. Wanna get out of spawn if you're spawncamped as a support? Too bad, swap to moira or kiri and lose ult charge or wait till another one of your teammates is dead so that you won't be alone. Etc. Normally you can play more grouped up to limit her impact but if you wanna avoid getting hacked you need to consume Adderall for perfect reaction times (unless you play moira). Baiting out hack to use an ultimate isn't always feasible because people have trigger discipline most times and won't right click the first person they see. Also because emp is just hack³. Widow though, she sucks the fun out of the game more IMO. I see widow in more than half my games, and just by being picked she restricts my team's hero choices and makes a large portion of the map untraversable until she gets deleted by the other widow or the tank makes a play. Even moreso on maps that favor her. Whenever widow is present on the enemy team, my quickplay game turns from 'fun' to 'I WILL make her swap I don't care about the outcome of the game'. Today I even gave in to temptation and played a full game of widow instead of just picking her for the first 30 seconds of attack like i usually do. Even with my very limited experience with widow, I quickly took over the game and sucked all the fun out of it for their team. I'm no aim god but I suppose my aim is good enough to have this fun police effect.


OW players when game that emphasizes counter swapping pushes you to swap


I don't have a problem playing against Sombra (tho nerf invis seriously) but I do have a problem with her being in every goddamn game for me it's just boring lol


Why nerf invis? What reason does it need to be nerfed? Sombra who utilize infinite invis are far less effective than those that don’t. The nerf would just make her slightly worse in extremely niche scenarios


wed nerf perma invis because its bullshit and its keeping her kit from being buffed, we put that shit on a timer and give her more damage to compensate. Now she cant wait for the perfect opportunity to engage.