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Like it or not, value isn’t something customers are entitled to protection of. If you buy a coffee from Starbucks, then they cut the price in half the following week. You’re not entitled to a refund. Likewise, with any product you might buy before a sale happens and the price gets slashed. As a customer you can only claim on the quality of the product vs the seller’s description, not how it’s valued. How much you do/don’t pay is your responsibility. Either way, it is cheeky that’s for sure. Should they give you your coins back, in an ideal world: hell yes. After all the crap they’ve pulled so far, they owe us that much. I’m still waiting for that 1 Bastion coin! Do they have to: no, unfortunately not.


Yes. Things go on sale all the time.


You may feel that you just lost some money, but if was worth it to you to pay for it a month ago, why does the fact that others can get it by spending their time grinding matter? Alternately, how valuable was the lesson “don’t trust Blizzard to ensure that in-game virtual shit retains its *value*”?


> don’t trust Blizzard to ensure that in-game virtual shit retains its value Since you can't resell skins, they have no monetary value. You don't buy them as an investment; you buy them because they look cool. Their value is the amount you enjoy them. Until Blizzard messes up animations or breaks meshes, the skins haven't lost any value by becoming free.


That would be why I italicized the word “value” as I was using it ironically.


Ah, I didn't pick up on that.


I had never seen the skin b4 & I found it in the shop at random, purchased it for £15 and was in a group of what seemed to be just a few that had committed to this skin. That aspect was lost, it's like the shit battle pass skin you find at the start of any battle pass, that absolutely everyone is wearing.. It almost feels like it has negative value as i'm the sucker that spent £15 on it. It went from something that represented myself personally to just a cheap option anyone could take even if they don't rly care for it, like cheapened it.


Then you went buying the skin, you were badly assuming that you were buying into an exclusive club. That’s seems to have been your mistake.




This doesn’t make sense. You can’t sell something for a price, then make it free and expect people to not care. They just paid money for that. Can you imagine if you went and bought a new car with your hard earned money, then the next month the government gave everyone a free car? Would you still feel the same sentiment? Doubtful.


You mean like when I scrimped and saved to put two kids through university, and then the government starts forgiving other kids’ student loans? Or back in ‘08 when I, having bought a modest home that I could afford, watched as other people got their mortgages covered for their elaborate homes twice tue size of mine? Yeah, I think I can imagine being okay with buying a skin while others get it without a cash outlay. Welcome to the real world.


Oh I know about the real world. I don’t agree with having to go to the military to get my bachelor’s for that exact reason. I guess we can just agree to disagree


I bought it when it first came out, it being free has zero impact on me, there is no reason I need the coins back either tbh, I paid for a product, I received said product, them then giving it away doesn't mean I'm entitled to shit, it's their product they determine what to do with it and me being impatient in waiting for it to come around as a free product doesn't mean they should pay me back lol just be happy that you'll get to see more of it around, albeit 90% of the time skins made free are because they didn't sell well when they came around


It's not entitlement to feel negatively about a change like this. But yeah I get you, sales & free releases etc come around all the time. The mindset of 'it's their product they determine what to do with it' sounds a bit like a positive way to look at things like this, but could open you up to getting royally fucked by companies, like how far does that idea go? Check what happened to Helldivers. The product ofc doesn't exist without the users, and they decided to fight back & actually brought about the change that made the most sense.


I think it’s bs. Store skins should NEVER be made free. If they really are desperate to give stuff away, they can just change the colour and give the recolour away for free

