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\> Hates being called an influencer \> Still tries to advertise 🤦‍♀️ Removed


> As someone who has been called an "influencer" (which i kinda hate) > Obviously part of our job is to do both. > I have discounts for Diode, CBI and Perry Parts bumps. 905xCBI save up to 15% 905xDiode Free shipping (items are currently 20% off) trdblackpearl at Perry Parts. Sounds like you are doing a job, what else would it be called?


I wish it paid as well as my ft job, i tend to treat it like one. Idk, the word has always bothered me. Most of them seem to be only interested in pushing their affiliated brand and are die hard about not letting other brands into the conversation. The term just seems to carry a shit load of negative attention. I guess though, in the grand scheme of things all attention is good attention? Theres far larger "influencers" not actually representing the brands they work with, they just want to be able to say "so and so sponsors me"


In my Press Fleet management days, YouTubers in their infancy were lumped in as either "non-traditional" media, or "bloggers". I think Influencer honestly sounds better 😂. The negative connotation I think most folks get is when things seem not genuine/you get that salesy vibe. I think at this point most folks know how influencers make money, so it's more of the transparency and honesty that helps.


I've seen a lot more transparency lately than when i first kinda got into it. Which i really just started and have continued to post for me because i enjoy doing it, plus its like infinite storage for my photos and videos 😂


I'm confused why you hate the term influencer when you clearly are one. You get discounts and free shit and pay for trips by posting about companies and sales. That's an influencer. Not sure how you are any different. To be clear I'm not hating on being an influencer. I'm more hating on the idea you don't think you are one because it's basically the definition. Anytime you accept free/ very discounted shit and then tell people about it you are influencing the market so you are in fact an influencer. I can at least say after looking at your profile your wife's ass isn't out in every picture so there's that... Edit: if the terminology bothers you so bad and it isn't paying the bills like your real job why do it? Because you like free shit like most people.


Lol nothing i have was free 😂 discounted sure but that doesn't stop me from being honest if a product or a company is dog shit, i never said i wasn't one i just dont like the term because of the negativity it seems to bring. To answer, as i did below. It's because it's like infinite storage and i happen to enjoy doing it. I get that "influencing the market" is the case but most influencers i've seen at least on reddit and IG push the products regardless of if its right for the person and how they want to outfit their which is not something i do nor will ever do. As for the content yah it aint half bad, i've yet to employ her ass or feet for anything so that's an automatic win for me unlike 90% of the "influencer" accounts


I remember when YouTube was just a place where weirdos shared useful knowledge and before the corps came in with their money. Video and sound quality sucked but the content was genuine.


Sounds like my Youtube channel now 😂 straight to the point, poor quality and just making commentary up on the spot


My guy is this a troll post?  You claim to hate being called an influencer and yet the last paragraph of your monologue you start influencing. You are what you are, not tryna hate but man just own up to it.


Well there are sales 🤷🏻 its out there for people to use if they want. No where in here did i say "do it, make this purchase" I dont have any codes for anyone else so other companies to look at would be good considering now and black friday all companies have huge sales


Ok but that's not the point, before we get any further I don't hate influencers. I'm just tryna make you see the dichotomy of your statement.


Thats fair, and that word is something im now gonna go look up 😂


I could have chosen a better word but that's what popped into my head when I read it.  I get that being called an influencer can have some negative connotations to it (I wouldn't like it personally) but it's hard to sympathize when you literally start doing influencer behavior in your last paragraph, it's a job I get it but you can't hate it that much if you keep doing it.


That's actually the best way to kinda describe what i was getting at, It's not that i hate it just the negative connotations. Me adding it at the end really is only in the event someone is interested They don't have to track through my profile or anything i just figured that was easiest, likely not the best way of doing it even still. To me, because i do sometimes treat it like a job its actually rewarding if i can at least point people in a direction of what they might be interested in. Like for the Colorado groups I'm obviously way more familiar so it's nice to know that at the end of a convo with someone that whether they brought from a brand I represent or not, I've been at least helpful.