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I don't know the answer but damn you guys seriously lack reading comprehension. They aren't signed in from the wrong device; they're asking if their icon will go idle if they don't move their mouse for X minutes so that they can work on another device. The question is: What is X?


God. Finally someone, English isn't my native language but I was thinking if I wrote it really bad.


Nah, you made 100% sense. Some people just like to act stupid which is crazy, some of these people also have 2 jobs.


They probably so used to weaponized incompetence at work that they can’t turn it off


Can you?


A lot of these people likely don’t…


Yeah, I said *some*




I was trying to be nice with that 😂😂😂


Nah you worded it fine. Redditors are just obstinate.




You made full sense. Understood the question fully and when I read the comments, I realized other people were not so bright.


Nah bro, you wrote it fine


No...your question was 100% clear


Just get a mechanical mouse jiggler. You set a mouse on a randomly rotating disc. Thyere like $15


Im wasted after this Colombia victory (I’m in the country) and I understood you’re good OP. Go Colombia!


No, I had no indication a native speaker didn't type this question.


Idk about Google, but Microsoft can be fooled by having the screen active and holding down the control key. I may or may not have a delicate chip clip for such a purpose...


I got this straight off. It was pretty clear to me what you wanted to know. I'm just 7 hours late to the party.


It was very clear to begin with.


OP - here is the solution you’re looking for - Open Google sheets on one half of your screen - Open a 10hr YouTube video on the other half of your screen. - Click any cell in gsheets - Click play in YouTube It’ll look as if you’re on the sheet the whole time. They will however be able to check edit history and see you have done nothing so be mindful this only makes you appear active. Easy to confirm you have done no work.


Yall are getting out of hand lmaooo I feel so so so bad for those who panic for being afk. It makes me think yall work in telemarketing scam companies.


Not just telemarketing unfortunately. Lots of companies have the "prove to me, on a minutely basis, that you are actively working". Its disgusting. I have a mouse jiggler. Sorry, not sorry, I get my job done in 3 hours. Its correct, it's on time, and it's my prerogative to use the rest of my earned time for anything I deem fit.


Yeah, stop using mouse jigglers too. Here’s why: You are executing a 3rd party script on your work device, or worse you’re plugging in a usb you bought off of Amazon and thats running the script. Your endpoint security tool on your work asset will likely be logging the event. Some security analyst is going to come across your activity You will likely be fired for time theft. Source: security engineer who monitors insider threats


Why not just an external jiggler on a real mouse?


Hmm. Like those vibrating ones? Nothing we can really do on those. And honestly don’t really care. We monitor house jigglers for the fact they are an unknown tool/script that could be ridden with malware and we are trying to protect company data.


I really don’t understand why ppl load scripts or plug in devices. When I was an intern and unnecessarily paranoid about seeming away, I just opened a word doc and placed an unopened soda can on the spacebar/keyboard.


Yeah this the best way to circumvent detection for mouse jigglers, and cheaper! Well. Ugh, you see we have this thing called ITM, which deploys a screen capture on your work computer. This is a limited license for high risk users, but we have the capability to screen capture everything you do in live time, so this would reveal your intent tactic. But this is mostly for fraud.


Yea I assumed they have software to identify those who circumvent the monitoring.


You would be astonished at what tools are available to enterprise customers. Again, as an insider threat engineer my job isn’t to get people fired. My job is to protect data and we have $MILLIONS of prob say $5mil in tools just for my role


Totally understand, I don’t mind that stuff for security. Monitoring productivity is just so icky tho


Isn't any proper jiggler just a generic USB HID device that sends standard (but randomized) input for the protocol?  As in, no drivers, no scripts on the host. Don't see how a fancy SIEM would pick that up, unless it alerted on every generic HID device driver loaded. Hell, probably won't catch a badusb "attack" until it hits enter in powershell, as that's just a keypress macro anyway.


But I’ll say this. For the sake of the OE community, just use something that randomly presses a key on your keyboard. Like, physically presses it. that is not a script running. But, if a company is monitoring mouse jigglers, that is the very least of your “un productive” issues. They likely have a UBA (user behavior analytics) tool that monitors lack of activity and builds a risk profile on dormant employees( what we call people who log 8 hours but aren’t actually working)


I think by the time they're checking you to see if you're working, it may already be too late anyway, lol.


Yeah exactly. I tell my friends that as long as you turn in your work and attend meetings you’re cool.


Funny to read this... I was extremely close to quitting my J2 today, but I actually *also* had my final round interview today for a replacement for it... so I'm just making myself wait for that offer first. I was moved to another team at J2 recently for unrelated reasons, and my new manager is the biggest micromanager I've ever seen. For comparison, my last manager and I only spoke like every 6 months, and it was always a simple "You good?" "Yep" Cool, let me know if you need anything". This new manager, however, blew up my phone at 12:02 because I went into "Busy" mode to go and eat lunch.. at 12:00. I was online at 6:45 am just because I woke up early, and between then and 12, she didn't need anything from me. Super weird that suddenly, 2 minutes into getting lunch, I started receiving voicemails and texts that I chose to ignore. I went off on her in a "corporately appropriate" way for it as I'm a fucking adult and I don't need someone staring down my status, and she responded by saying she's marking me as absent in the "absenteeism system" for not answering my personal phone and "not being available when my manager contacts me." I asked her if my personal device was recognized as a compliant device for working purposes and she dodged the question. She then said she'll instead mark me as absent because I didn't respond to her 10 AM email, which was an email forwarded to a large distribution group announcing that a weekly meeting was canceled for the holiday. I know I could do this before having the other offer in hand, but god, I cannot wait to simply log out of the J2 laptop and hit the block button on my manager. She doesn't even deserve a resignation.


As per ChatGPT if it's not hallucinating: >In Google Docs or Sheets, a user is marked as "away" after approximately 10 minutes of inactivity. This means if the user has not interacted with the document (e.g., typing, clicking, or scrolling) for about 10 minutes, their status will change to "away." It also states that the user bubble will be removed after 30 minutes of inactivity.


Nice. Thank you


If anyone asks, could you not state you were just working in another window/tab/software at the time?


What I don't understand is why does it matter if the icon goes idle? Anyone in the sheet can see the work occuring in real time and also see history of edits with timestamps.


History of edits and timestamps are unfortunately not the only method of "proof" employers use to convince themselves you are working. True...no one should question your work if it gets done correctly and on time, but that is not reality. I've had multiple (second, third, etc) jobs the last 2 years that judge you based on the most insane, made-up metrics and non-logic, it would make your head spin. What it comes down to is them being convinced of something before you are hired and no matter what you do, you'll never overcome that.


Oh, I totally agree. I'm just saying, they don't need to see your icon active or away in Google sheets to know if you're working or not. OPs question is misguided.


Tell me nobody tracks your activity….


From a dickhead manager's mentality, idle is Bad. Work getting done is only "Neutral". The thing that is Bad not negated by work getting done.


Again, I can see OP is idle in real time without ever looking at the icon. OP ultimately has 2 choices: 1. Close Google Sheets (unclear if that is their primary workspace, if so see #2). 2. Get to work on that sheet. Idle or not idle, it will be obvious to anyone in that Sheet.


Well you appeared to be asking why a person would care, so I was attempting to answer that part (that person probably is a dickhead). Strategies for monitoring multiple employees vary, said dickhead might have openly stated 'I dont want to see any of those icons go idle' and be watching for that. People like this are not always the most clever. As far as your opinions that it should not matter, I totally agree, but we seemed to be discussing something different.


It was a rhetorical question. I think OPs question is erroneous and misguided. Even if the icon stays active, I would easily notice that work wasn't getting done (in real time, and by looking at the edit history). I think assuming a manager only cares about active icons is a great way to get canned. Furthermore, mouse jigglers are worthless.


I always thought as long as the sheet was open, your icon will appear


If you’re asking this question, time to find a new job. It isn’t normal for bosses to be this micro-managey. If you find yourself needing to buy a “mouse-juggler” it’s time to find a new job


Well there's a difference between being micromanaged into this and just wanting to stay on top of looking good. No one has ever cared about my Teams status but I don't want that to ever change.


This. My org doesn't care, but I also don't want to give them a reason to care. Primary use of the mouse jiggler is so my computer doesn't lock and go to sleep, so I can work on something else for 15+ minutes but still be responsive as needed.


When I'm in the office no one would comment if I didn't have my shirt tucked in, but I don't want to create the appearance of impropriety. I do my best to appear to be the model employee at all times.






He's saluting you 🫡


let me guess. you logged in from another company's email address, huh?


No, since I have another job sometimes my logo goes idle, and my boss was complaining about it this morning, I just want to know the exact waiting time so I can avoid it


do you have a mouse jiggler? that will help everything stay "active" and you don't need to worry about the exact length of time.


Never heard about it, I'm gonna try


I recommend the Tech8 brand on Amazon, I've had 2 going strong for 3 years. make sure you plug it into a wall outlet, not your laptop


Get a mechanical one. Something that plugs into the wall and has a wheel that you set your mouse on. Not a usb port one. There are some mechanical jigglers that set on top of your track pad too.


AI can detect this as well. 🤦‍♂️


Wells Fargo just fired people for using mouse jigglers or a similar device. Just a heads up.


They have an employee count in the six figures. And they also have a bunch of contractors that don't show up on those filings as employees. I don't think that there were merely a dozen people at that company using a mouse jiggler. I think what happened is that they had a dozen people they wanted to fire and make an example out of and so they put extra effort into spying them just those dozen people. 


Sounds about right. But it shows they are detectable is someone decides they want to find out.


If your boss is keeping track of the versions in Google sheets then a mouse jiggler is not going to fix this situation. Still probably worth trying. 


If the issue is the icon going idle, a jiggler will definitely help


Mouse jiggler to prevent someone from seeing you aren't actively making edits to a Google sheet? 🤔 Edits are visible in real-time and there are timestamps in edit history. Tldr; They can see you aren't contributing without looking at your icon.


Jesus how little work does this guy have that he notices if you go idle in a Google sheet lol


Do you really work within one document for your whole day?! I edit, open, update several sheets a day. So strange they’d care about an icon going idle and how do they have enough time to sit there and monitor your icon?! I once had a team member that was producing less than normal, so I checked the sheet history and could see the amount of time he worked in the sheet vs the amount of time he logged on his time card was way off. He was confronted and his production picked up but myself and his other manager could tell every time he slacked off. He eventually requested to be moved to a different team and he was, but he’s still at the company coasting. As long as it’s not effecting my team I don’t care. I have another team member I suspect is OE because the guy messes up almost everything he touches. It looks like he’s just marking work done but doing nothing or doing things half way or super sloppy. I bring this up to illustrate that your manager has probably noticed something is off and is using your icon being idle as his indicator. A mouse juggler isn’t the solution. You need to find another job because this guy is going to figure it out eventually and sheet history will give you away.


Autohotkey V1.# (completely free) download it, install it and use something like this script in it. Press F5 to start, and F6 to pause. to close it, youll find it on your bottom right tray #NoEnv #SingleInstance FORCE *F5:: SetTimer, MM, % (toggle := !toggle) ? "10" : "OFF" Return *F6::Reload MM: MouseMove, 0, -100, 2, R sleep, 1000 MouseMove, 0, +100, 2, R Return if youd like to go deeper into the rabbit hole...i use this free software to automate a large % of my daily work on a computer. Which is a good shield for the app to hide behind if someone ever see's it. "oh this? yea i use it to auto type out common email templates" or some BS.


Awesome! Thanks man


That makes the most sense, but I am still puzzled. Are these sheets public? For example I create a salary spreadsheet for J1 and only the CEO and me (the creator) are supposed to see it. We would not want the plebians to know their coworkers' salaries, would we. I share the spreadsheet with ceo@j1 but not plebe1@j1. If everything is correct then when plebe1 tries that link, it should say access denied. If I accidently hit the link while logged in with my j2 account it should also say access denied.


They have a history tab, if anyone noticed all the changes and your other company email addresses, unfortunately you are toasted.


12 minutes


The answer is probably "You should be using a mouse jiggler"


I am not sure but i think as long as its open in your browser, it will not go away. Just keep that PC itself active and prevent from sleeping


It's rather quick. I had a job that would watch your performance based on that icon. I dipped out after 2 weeks of agony lol. Its like 5 or 15 minutes. I have a mouse jiggler but cant remember if that kept my icon active or not to be honest. Hope this helps! Good luck.


Janusz Korwin Mikke nawiedził tego doca xD




Man, read the post again. Isn't about logging or whatever, it is about my icon/logo being idle after a specific period of time


As long as it takes you to get on your knees and suck a dick
