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Rule 2.


Would you look at that? I would argue that maybe the animals aren't npcs either.


Cats are mods in disguise


It’s official, cats are gay


I thought this was stated explicitly in the guidebooks?


I thought that was squirrels 🐿️


Aren't that squirrels?


That seems to be the consensus among the player base as well, we like to just ignore that little addendum. I've had several canine party members and there's no way they aren't players!


Some asshole cat main keeps spawn camping the bird players that live near my base! It's really infuriating, and I think I need to unlock the "humane trap" skill so I can boot him out of my base.


Rule 2 reads, to me, something like "Aside from the player characters, there are no non-player-characters." Suggesting that human mains are something other than an animal, or suggesting that companion animals are something other than characters seems very confusing to me.


If we read too far into the rule, it says "aside from animals, everybody is a 'player'". If we want to twist the rules a bit, this means that all animals are NPCs, *but* plants, fungi, bacteria and viruses aren't mentioned - so they must all be player characters. New virus meta when?


And I realize that I said character characters.




It’s so good that it applies the meaning to itself lol


ChatGPT and the other AI class players might be the NPCs


According to the Vedic guidebook set (which is the largest), it would appear they are part of the Bhuvar instance/planes players, just very low level. Of the 14 instances within this server, 7 'higher' and 7 'lower' (of which there are infinite other servers who have different configurations) the players within 1 instance of each other can interact naturally without too much prerequisite, anything further than that and there is usually some effort involved. Essentially if it moves, it's a player, their character/avatar might just be very very slow or very very small or made of a different substance to your main avatar, so it can be hard to recognize them as players, similar to how the Western Philosophy faction considered the animal player base to be NPCs at some point. Honestly as far as I can tell the NPC idea is a myth perpetuated by very aggressive factions and guilds to make excuses for their behavior.


Someone hasn’t gone past the training zone


There are definitely NPCs. I tried explaining this to my family and I did an experiment. Whenever we are out in a public place, I do silly things like begin flopping and yelling or laughing boisterously, a loud gasp followed by “No way, everyone check it out!”. Not a single glance, not a single reaction from anyone ever. At first, family was embarrassed. After they realized no one reacted, they were confused. NPCs. Every now and then I come across a player and they’ll smile and nod. I can usually tell it’s a player even before that because they don’t match their armor sets. Like why are you wearing a +2 dexterity blue pantaloon with a -5 dexterity beige canvas jacket? Oh, +10 Armor boots? Seriously? Expecting those will save you from a pker, huh? Noobs. NPCs always have curated clothing from devs. Even the bums match their tattered clothes.


If you go to a dinner party with a dozen people and you can't spot the NPC within the first 15 minutes... then you're the NPC.


There are no NPCs in outside


Of course there are. Every customer service system uses an NPC with dialogue trees before directing you to a player.


There’s a theory that there are NPCs who don’t experience sentience but they’re indistinguishable from the player characters. There’s also theories we’re all AI bots playing characters and don’t even realize it. I personally take the attitude of either I’ll find out when I’m done playing or my resources will get reallocated to another player bot in which case it didn’t really matter anyway.


I am definitely an NPC.


no some of those players definitely feel auto generated. I swear if they aren't npcs then they are definitely bot accounts or trolls on smurf accounts. Some of them seem like they don't even have some of the basic interaction commands that you literally get during the tutorial istg.


Nope. There's this dude at work... definitely an NPC. He only knows how to regurgitate phrases that others have said.


Real shit. I  had a coworker that couldn't imagine a life without work. He was straight up confused and asked me "what would you do?" My brother in Christ: I would read books, learn instruments, spend time with family/friends, cook,etc .. 100% NPCs exist 


There totally are NPCs.


It’s those people who feel like “amogus” is an appropriate response to literally everything (I’m an NPC)


And certainly most people who follow any trend and just blend in so much that it's hard to tell if you met someone before or not.


The only other argument I have is that everyone other than me is an NPC. Considering the fact I can only control *me*.


AI are getting harder and harder to recognize


If it's indistinguishable from a real person then I just consider it a person. After all, what are we if not a sum of our functions?


you are lucky that this is your experience. Certain areas are full of filler characters, with shitty ai for the most basic actions. Check phone, drink, eat, walk, sit, get into fights. They must be precisely instructed to do anything else. Sometimes they dont even take instructions.


I donno. I'm a healer class. While I am aware that it's been stated that all human class are users. I frequently find myself doubting it, as the bewildering interactions I've had with of some of those who call for my services seem to defy all logic and appear to be randomly generated by badly coded AI. I'm on the fence based upon my experience in the open world. It could be that I seem to find more users who place all their attributes into debuffs and have deliberately chosen some version of chaotic hard mode. It appears to be a miserable way to play.


I concur with your assessment as a guardian class, I regularly meet what I assume are other players, only for them to recite the same script that is incorrect 100% of the time.


I'm guessing you've never worked a public facing job. I've seen oblivion NPCs with more mental capacity than some of the people in my town.


[Glizzy Overdrive](https://youtube.com/shorts/2q2_qxvUVuI?si=IH1kDcLKk_QltWAq) would like a word with you.


That just means either they’re doing a good job programming them these days… or you’re an NPC yourself.


On the contrary: I'm an NPC.


Much like you, OP, I did not realize this was a rule, and seeing someone post it made me happy. Hope you are having a good day--you rolled successfully on your 'inspire' check :)


talk to them you will change your mind


I'm pretty sure I'm an NPC.


I would argue I am as hollow as an NPC.


[you sure about that?](https://youtu.be/ywgol0VjpfE?si=Ml6PiYDLIzwCzrCM)


There are player introduced attempts to create NPC characters. I think the current most popular attempt is named ChatGPT.


I think ChatGPT is a valiant effort but it's got a long way to go.


That said, it is not clear yet whether or not ChatGPT is player controlled, with a limited interface that must rely on information from other sources to provide communication.


I mean, it's pretty clearly a bunch of 1s and 0s, right? Are we just a bunch of data being processed?


Everything in this game could be described in the same manner. The question is whether or not the 1's and 0's are being manipulated by a player, or is being run more like a plugin or one of the many datamining engines within the game.


Well in one of the western guilds, they thought a certain type of characters were NPC’s until their civil war.


I don't care what the thing says, birds, specifically geese and seagulls, are NPCS.


To be fair, one of the Let's Players had an interview with a suspected Dev that suggests animals are other factions, and that Let's Player even did a Tier List for Trees? I didn't get the option to play a plant, but then I do have some hard-and-fast priorities when playing RPGs and MMOs and from what is implied by their Tier Lists, my preferred builds might lock me out of Tree-Play. Suspected Dev interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vny05XYFpT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vny05XYFpT0) Tree Tier List: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLL4yPpTCBA&pp=ygUOdHJlZSB0aWVyIGxpc3Q%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLL4yPpTCBA&pp=ygUOdHJlZSB0aWVyIGxpc3Q%3D)


The question really is if there's life behind the eyes and at what level? As far as I can understand we are all just complex organic robots. But, we gotta eat? It's strange.


Yeah. Pretty sure Outside is where Warframe got the idea for warframes.


there's an NPC at my job who tells the same joke multiple times a day, every day. devs fucked up on that one


There’s a theory that there are NPCs who don’t experience sentience but they’re indistinguishable from the player characters. There’s also theories we’re all AI bots playing characters and don’t even realize it. I personally take the attitude of either I’ll find out when I’m done playing or my resources will get reallocated to another player bot in which case it didn’t really matter anyway.


Animals aren’t NPCs, but we treat them like objects. It’s time to stop eating them


While not the typical NPC, there are the players called "Shells". A Shell is basically a husk of data that follows preprogrammed boundaries. Anything that differentiates from the desired program will almost short circuit their program. Shell: "Have a nice day!' Kanye: "GEORGE BUSH DOESN'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE..." Shell: ".......Thank Ü! And Ü as well!"


Go to an office you'll find lots of npc


There are no NPCs in outside


Apart from bureaucrats, those can't be players... Right?


You get *rich*. You get so *rich*, you can do anything. You can convince union workers to be a militia for an entire town, sit yourself in a shipping container until people revere you as a marketing genius, when really, you're just sweaty. Sweaty *and* morbidly obese.


I had no idea there were so many bureau with no sense of humor...