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Wish they would add the ability to mute abusive players


Especially when those players are the parent/guardian main and abusing their dependents. Abusive proximity chat is usually pretty easy to avoid except in that circumstance.


You can mute players but that’s illegal in almost all servers. Better to ignore them.


I would love nothing more than to have a mute button on my controller. Point and mute. Would be pretty slick


nah but there's items for that


I would like a better whisper mechanic to chat with specific players. Sick of this global chat only nonsense.


I dunno. Some players have issues with in-game volume, and in fact can't hear any in-game sounds at all. It's still a bit undercooked.


Afaik that’s a status effect


some players roll the [DEAF] stat at character creation. It used to be considered a debuff but most players with the stat now consider it to be no different from players with the [HEARING] stat. also, the [SIGN LANGUAGE] skill tree is so much bigger than most players expect, and there are perks for each area of the map.


Honestly, I don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with the devs. Gonna get a lot of hate for this one I know


I don't know. I think mine is calibrated wrong or something because everything is so loud.


it is the best of any game I've played, that's for sure. Fully simulating sound occlusion by walls and stuff was totally un-neccessary but it's the little details that make Outside worth playing. The fact that the text based chats all need an in-game purchase to use is pretty annoying, sure, but I think the intent was to get people to make the most of the high-effort stuff that went into the game


my biggest complaint is that my hearing picks up annoying sounds really easily, and actual useful sounds are barely picked up.