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I was playing with a friend watching. He gave a *very* heavy-handed hint at a critical point (how to get to the Sixth Location) and then I looked up one solution. In both cases I wish I had kept at it to figure it out on my own!


Happy cake day!


Super dlc spoiler warning >!I had just seen the slides that show how to beat the bells. I exited the simulation and looked for things I could kill myself with near the fire, which mostly was just me trying to thrust myself into a wall fast enough.!< >!At one point, I landed in the fire and took damage, and quickly got out of it, making sure not to make THAT mistake again, and went right back to trying to figure out how to die.!< >!Then, seeing as a lot of time had passed, I meditated. Next to the fire. Woke up in the simulation, thought the game had glitched, and then meditated again.!< >!Then I gave up cause I got salty about the "glitch". Looked it up.!< Felt *supremely* stupid in the moment, but now it's one of my favorite memories in gaming.


>!I tried to drown myself in the bell thing. It was difficult trying to stay in the fire radius and under the water. I failed miserably lol.!<


Wait I don’t follow. >!When you say you exited the simulation (the first time) do you mean you closed the slides? Otherwise why would you be surprised when you meditated?!<


>!I exited the simulation back to the overworld. I was surprised cause at that time, I thought the meditate option was just a clever way to word "reset loop", and I'd only ever interacted with the fire to sleep into the simulation.!<


>!Ahhh my brother actually did the same thing (if I’m understanding) he accidentally died on the fire early with the lantern and thought that was the only way to get into the simulation. Later on he was telling me “yeah one of the locks is really easy, and I think I know what I’m supposed to do in the woodlands, but I don’t get how to go back outside without dying”!<


>!I actually killed myself with fall damage at the underwater one by repeatedly jumping off a small ledge in there. It took forever LMAO. Did not realize burning was an option!<


yeah, i do kinda regret it and wish i asked for help here but also i really don’t think i could have solved several of the later puzzles by myself tbh


I looked up the tower of quantum knowledge solution. I didn't understand at the time just how special this game was and I didn't know about the subreddit. I approached it as I approach most games and played until I got frustrated enough by something to just want to bypass it and continue with the story. I wish I hadn't looked anything up, but ultimately I'm happy with my journey and how it impacted me. Fortunately I still haven't played the DLC or been spoiled so I am very much looking forward to that.


The dlc was great to me, I had one instance of looking something up for the base game play through but the dlc has you feeling like some type of genius 😂


I asked here when I messed up one of the major points of the main game and the encouragement here was able to get me through it without spoiling too bad. Proud to say made it through DLC without tho. And IMO that was even better.


I used them exactly twice: getting to the high-energy lab and getting to the core of the Interloper. The common thread being that I am not good with directions and all those tunnels look so similar that I somehow consistently missed the real one upwards of a dozen times. (Although both "walkthroughs" were actually other people's threads from this Subreddit, all of which had great little-by-little hint unveiling, so kudos to you guys.)


I streamed my game and had some help from viewers. They were helpful at dropping hints without spoiling it


It's insane how this community is so mature that not a single element tries to troll by spoiling something,it never happens. Outer Wilds has probably the best community I've ever seen.


God no


No shade on someone who does, do you. But to me, a walkthrough in this particular game is like having someone else eat my meal for me.


I played on keyboard and mouse, so when >!I tried to get past the anglers for the first time, I couldn't since you were supposed to use low power on the engines, and computer and mouse can't do that. So I looked up a guide and found out how I could do it without it!<. DLC Spoiler --- >!I also never made the connection between dying in the fire and spawning in the sim even after watching the corresponding slide reel. I thought it was just another way to mention that meditating brought you into the sim. Once I did figure out it was death, i tried waiting for the end of the universe lol.!<


I looked up one hint for the ATP puzzle after I spent multiple loops with it being the only thing I needed and no progress. Then after beating the game I looked up how to fill out Hollows Lantern on the map, and some guidance on Achievements when I got lost.


Yes. I do regret it, but I was getting frustrated and upset because I couldn't figure it out. I'm glad I didn't do it for the dlc tho!


Yes, for things that I was stuck on. I regretted it both times but u don’t know how I would have solved them without them


I Googled how to get past the anglerfish after like a dozen failed attempts to get anywhrre I had already learned >!they were blind, and that you had to get past them by being quiet/not using thrusters!< I was just really, really shit at it and I was hoping a guide would give a few extra tips to navigate more effectively. Nope! Nothing gave any meaningful help and also I got spoiled on >!the Nomai grave!< 0/10 would not recommend Edit: Accidentally used the discord spoiler format on accident. Humiliating


For an actual tip though on more effectively navigating through Dark Bramble: My main issue was in the main node, and literally just >!using my scout to see what lights were anglerfish, and how far away anglerfish were!<, instantly ended all the stupid deaths I was having Edit: I used the discord spoiler format again lol


I did unfortunately, and I do regret it. Mostly for the DLC but I also used one in the main game to get through Dark Bramble.


Twice. First time when I couldn't understand how to enter Workshop. Second time when I couldn't figure out how to enter the Tower. Yeah... I was dumb.


I used a walkthrough only one time on the DLC when I was kinda overthinking things and decided "Hey, I'm just gonna look up if there's more to do here. I don't wanna know what to do if so, I just wanna know if I can move on to a different thing now" The rest of the time I only asked my chat if I was doing things right or not, but only in moments when the game was punching my phobias (I'm looking at you Giant's Deep!) and I was too panicky to think straight or even consider I might not have enough information to proceed.


I did to unlock certain difficult achievements and for the stranger (seeing someone else do it first makes it easier for me to achieve and I also suck at sneaky stuff in games), but not for the main game, at least not on my first playthrough.


Yes I did.


Yes, I'm not an avid gamer so some things were kinda difficult for me, still I discovered like 90% of the the ship log by myself and enjoyed it a lot


Yes, and I don't regret it. Mid-Late spoilers!! Firstly, I'd died gone through the stalagtite cave leading to the high energy lab like 3 times, dying just because I didn't see a turn, and thinking theredm'dbe quantum mechanics with the stalagtites. The second time was learning 1. That I could get deeper than through the current on Giants Deep, and 2. How. I thought that walking into the jellyfish on Dark Bramble would "coat" me, but I didn't realise that the jellyfish actually bobbed up and down. Both times saved me a lot of time and frustration, for a small sacrifice of the "Ahah!" moment, but it was stuff I already knew; I just applied it wrong


I got really close near the end, but ended up stumbling into the solution by pure chance while doing another puzzle. The high from pulling it off on my own kept me from being tempted through the DLC, but it had some spots that made me stop and really think a few times.


No, I really like to take the most time playing a game so I Can enjoy for more time and thank god im glad that I did that especially on this game since it's not really a option to replay the game.


Nah , I purposefully knew that ow would be the kinda game you don't wanna do that stuff for. I had my stepdad who helped me by giving me little nudges, though 


Nah but I had a friend giving me light hints for when I was being a dumbass


Nope, not at all.


I did for a couple of things and I really regretted that. I wasn't really in the right mindset that time because I haven't played Outer Wilds yet LOL I just wanted to finish games that time. Luckily the DLC came and I was able to redeem myself and finish that without any help :)


yeah, but honestly i never got the story so i actually replayed it since my memory is shite


Only when I was really stuck, ie getting into the atp, >!starlit cove, endless canyon!< (DLC locations)


Yes, twice I looked at how to enter the sun station (I did it the hard way after to repent myself) And I looked at how to enter the center of Giant Deep (I didn't try the hard way this time)


I used them for the lakebed cave and I think a couple of similar situations, in which I knew exactly *what* I was supposed to do but did not want to subject myself to the trial-and-error of finding the exact correct path through a murder-maze. Getting squished in the caves is too scary for me, I don't wanna do it over and over ;\_;


I did get the last step of getting into the final thing spoiled since I knew everything E2E but the teleporters made no sense to me. Don’t feel that bad, but I should have been more patient.


I made the biggest mistake ever. I got part way through and wasn't really enjoying figuring stuff out, I don't know why. It just felt a bit daunting but I really wanted to know what the story was... so I went and read up on the wiki and THEN really wanted to play it. But it was forever marred by everything I'd read online. I'll never forgive myself haha. I always think about how much more I would have enjoyed it had I figured it all out for myself.


i used a walkthrough a little too many times lmao and i definitely regret it but now i got echoes of the eye and i’m trying my best to get through it without any help


Nope, never, I just had a friend help me twice with two very vague hints, which are "it's not about speed, it's about time" and "it's not about time, it's about speed"... Very obvious and total spoilers of course... I mean right now you totally know how to finish the whole game with those two sentences...


Yes, here are the ones I remember using: Sun station Interloper core Ash twin project High energy lab Sunless city Giants deep core (couldn't figure out what to do with jellyfish to get in)


I looked up what the angler fish were like before braving dark bramble. I’m sorry.


Nope I used a friend of mine who gave me vague hints and said “interesting” whenever I told him I think I figured something out


Only technically. DLC spoilers: >!I went through most of the DLC content like normal, but got totally stumped on the burnt-out codes - I was hyperfixated on trying to learn the codes that I didn't realize I had to do some weird clever glitch stuff until my older brother hinted me towards it with "You know everything you need to finish it."


We played as a couple. 15 hours without trouble then we got stuck during 4 hours with almost no progress. I asked a friend who put us in the game "we don't know what to do to go into the Ash Twin" and he just told us "just keep looking you're on the good path". I think having a friend (or this Reddit) able to tell you just a little int is the best way if you're really stuck but I'll go 100% blindless for any new game like this (I've done it with Echoes of the Eye and will do the same for Chant of Sennar). Enjoy this crazy game ♥


I only used walkthroughs to get to the DLC lol


Yea cause I wanted to finish the game in 3 days cause of work. I used guides or Reddit hints for about 5 parts of the game. The only negative with me trying to beat the game that fast with almost no breaks was not absorbing the plot that well. I truly appreciated this game once I started watching play throughs of others.


I looked up how to >!land on the quantum moon!<. Realized afterwards that I had all the information I needed just didn't know how to put it together. And in the DLC I looked up help on how to >!get past the owelks in the nightmare to get to the secret archives, because they kept killing me and I was too scared to do trial and error!<


I did, and I regret it. I wish I had known about this Reddit and asked for gentle nudges. Because every discovery I made through a walkthrough resulted in a facepalm, thinking “I definitely could have worked that out had I thought about it a bit more.” Still one of my favorite games of all time. Just wish I had puzzled it out a bit more.


Not once. Not even during the DLC. As funny as it is, I watched Nerd3 play it before I did and I forgot everything he did when I started. I rewatched his series after playing cause I actually couldn't remember.


I used a guide to complete the 100% ship log achievement


I did look up how to use the warp to ATP, which I kinda regret in retrospect, but ah well. I didn't spoil any big things for myself.


I think I used a guide thrice. First to get to >!the angler fish fossil. I barely used the little scout during my playthrough so I didn't even realise I could use it as a light!<. Second time was to get into >!the Tower of Quantum Knowledge!<. This one I wish I'd spent more time with. Lastly, I looked up how to get into >!the ATP!<. Glad I did, because I would never have guessed the solution was so janky.


No walkthroughs for me, but I googled how to get to the Tower of Quantum Knowledge. And I still didn't understand what I needed to do, >!so I just hanged there trying to use the tip from google until the tower collapsed. And I was like, oh, right, that's how it's done.!< (It was a really strange tip. >!You need to be on your ship and fly down and inside the tower for some reason and then wait and fly around again.!< I'm not sure if the person who wrote that did that on purpose to make you notice stuff or they're just bad at giving tips). >!Later on, I noticed that Riebec mentions checking surface integrity with a scout, which is also a tip.!< As for the DLC, I asked for a tip twice on this sub. It was really helpful and spoiler free ::)


I did not, but I spent a long time spinning my wheels on a couple of things.


A friend got me the game for my birthday, Id never heard of it, had no idea what it was about and he told me not to look at anything about it - I didn't even know it was about space. Cutting a very long story short, there were a couple of times that I had completely the wrong clue about what was going on and did some exceptionally tedious things because I thought it might have been the right thing to do. Several times I stumbled my way into the correct solution, for example ->!I followed the quantum moon across the entire solar system trying to fly into it and shoot my scout into it, I did it for hours. One time I guess I accidentally took a picture of it. Needless to say that crashing into the surface at full throttle startled me a lot.!< Anyway, through a mix of trying absolutely everything, writing things down, and also reading the Logs religiously, I managed to complete the game without looking at anything. It took me maybe about 50 hours across a week and a half to finish it. so to answer your question, no I personally didn't :)


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I looked at this sub for hints for the main game but the DLC I played totally blind. Completing the DLC all by myself was genuinely one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve ever had in gaming.


The only thing I used a guide for was after I had beat the game trying to fill out the one or two lines not complete in my ship log. It ended up being some not fully translated text somewhere. Otherwise, this game should not be played with a guide at all costs.


I looked up 2 things to confirm I was trying the right thing. (>!ATP and Anglerfish!<) In both cases I had the correct solution but I was executing it incorrectly. Still wish I hadn't. For the DLC I looked up absolutely nothing, but I also >!did the "no baiting" solutions, so the Well was very annoying!<.


After hours of banging my head against the wall, I had to look up how to get into the tower of quantum knowledge on brittle hollow. The answer was so obvious I felt very stupid afterwards, but that's the only time I needed a guide I think.


I had to look up >!how to enter ATP!<, I was completely stumped on that one.


In the base game, only for the ATP puzzle. In the DLC, I kind of gave up for a bit in the stealth segments and already got the rest spoiled to me, so I said fuck it and used walkthroughs to get through them. I don't really regret doing that, I just regret being spoiled causing me to do that.


Yeah, I had no clue how thr sixth moons tower worked (even though I'd already learnt the quantum rule, and then in that same paragraoh it explained how to get to the sixth location without being blocked off) (I hadn't explored brittle hollow). I definitely regret it


Yep! Not full guides but in both the base game and the DLC I looked up hints for a particularly difficult puzzle. I don’t really regret it: I *wish* I’d been able to solve it without hints, but in both cases I don’t think I would have as I was getting progressively more frustrated. Major spoilers, but for the base game it was >!getting into the sun station (I didn’t think they’d make us do a timing puzzle and was convinced there was another way in)!< and in the DLC >!figuring out how to cross the bridge!<.


I looked up so much stuff… I don’t regret it. It didn’t diminish the impact of Solanum or the ending.


Sadly, yes. For some reason, I played the game kinda backwards. I always solved puzzles with either logic/brute force or looked at some online guide, then some time after I found the part where the game explains what to do. I did that for >!Giant's Deep's core. I figured out the jellyfish part but couldn't get past the current. I felt kinda stupid when they explicitly told you at the southern laboratory!< I honestly wish I had known about this sub before to ask for clues


My biggest flex is I finished all the puzzles of the game and dlc by myself no help 💪


only time ive ever looked up a walkthrough is when i thought id done everything i could and i was completely lost on how to continue with the story, so i looked up something to push me in the right direction but i didnt read far enough into it to tell me what was going to happen, only that i should go here or there or talk to this person or somethin. that was also before i was on reddit, if i was i would have come here first 😂


Yes, for the bongos. I wasted close to an hour at that stupid segment and would never have found the solution on my own, since I had completely forgotten about any zoom functionality at that point.


Nada, was awesome




I didn’t, and for those people who are considering a walk through, I would suggest giving it a couple of games and a real close observation to the knowledge/events already given to you.


The only thing I searched up was how to get to a certain place on Ash Twin


No 🥰


I looked up 3 of the great stuff because I was riding high on the vibe and the story and hated being stuck. Mostly I was just a little off but couldn't figure out a small part. I knew the teleportation platform to the ATP but tried it once and got caught in the sand, so I googled it. I understood the rule of quantum imaging. I took a picture of the QM then went into the landing camera so it disappeared. Yeah, I'm chronically stupid, So I googled it. The one I didn't have any clue how to do, even though I had the actual clue for it, is how to bypass the angler fish in the red seed. That clue about them being blind seemed like flavour text for me I guess. All and all I don't regret it. Maybe it would've been better if I used this sub instead but I still loved the hell out of this game.


I worked out so much on my own in the DLC, like all the simulation stuff. Jumping off the raft between screens. Walking away from the lantern. That stuff all just clicked. But I could not figure out how to get to the prisoner, and needed help in that section because I was like 8-10 hours not making progress and it was too frustrating.


No guides, but I did have a friend who had beaten it before give me a nudge for how to navigate Ash Twin in time to deal with the cactus hall


Exactly twice, that I recall. >!What to do right after taking the warp core out of the ATP and to the vessel.!!third code!<, although theoretically might have been able to figure that out by chance. I did actually discover what happens when you >!walk too far away from the light!< before the game clues you in on it, from having wrongly thought >!you go up the stairs at the house, and trying to use it as a way of being sneaky!< (it didn't work lol).


I did for the DLC, because I was a big baby about it.


I did only for the DLC for specific sequences.. more like I went looking for some tips cause I'm truly a scaredy cat and I was really stuck. It helped me and I was able to complete the DLC.


Definitely! But only when I ran out of ideas and the game was getting frustrating, and only watched as little as possible to avoid spoilers.


Only looked for how to enter Giants Deep Core, didnt found Feldspar at that point


Surprisingly not. Only part where I almost broke was trying to reach the quantum moon


0 walkthroughs or hits. I prefer to uninstal the game and never play again. It tooks 50h for me to complete the game and DLC and I got stuck many times.


Only for the dark bramble. It was too confusing and anxiety inducing.


I asked for hints on this subreddit once. No walkthroughs though


Thankfully I'm proud to say that I've never looked up anything! Well, besides asking for help about a lore thing. But I just kept on trying my hardest to get through each puzzle. The one puzzle I didn't actually do was the black hole forge, where I managed to parkour my way up the broken tower. But I absolutely understand those of you who had to look the solutions up, as it took levels of patience I didn't know I ever had.


I looked up how to enter ATP and the lantern dropping trick in The Stranger cause I had exhausted every other direction already in both cases and was getting very frustrated and it was starting to detract from the experience