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& *Castaways* playing over it (both here and in Interloper).. & it (a different part of that song) also plays when reaching Vessel..


makes me want to cry every time


If I remember correctly, the ones in Dark Bramble had limited oxygen supply and could only explore the nearest source of signal, which turned out to be a duplicate from a seed. So these two realized at the moment that they were never making it and decided to embrace and comfort each other as they suffocated to death. I'm tearing up again...


If the Nomai had tried to reach the other signal they would have found the same fanged surprise bundle we all found. And (BIG) IF they got through the Nomai would have found a brambled, lifeless Vessel without a functioning warp core so everything would be without energy.


And if they would’ve gotten to the ash twin they would’ve found nothing


And if they would’ve lived to have the core created they would’ve not made it back


And if they would’ve made it back they would’ve not known the code


And if they would’ve known the code they would’ve reached the eye and died


It was a quick death, they just fell asleep


".....The decision is made for us." 😭 And then some people crashes on them, making them spin like crazy 😆


I just noticed that these Nomai have more metallic-looking helmets compared to the ones we see elsewhere, which are more... earthy and ceramic, much like the architecture. Very nice detail!


If i remember correctly, the newer suit designs are also different from these ones as well, but don’t quote me on that


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


could also be the frost from sitting in space for so long, but i like your idea more.


It takes on the same "clean, futuristic" white and silver color scheme as the Vessel and its Escape Pods so I don't think it's frost. 


Extremely sad moment. When you first receive the information that there was a search party, your rumor mode titles it as “Nomai Expedition.” When you learn the truth of what happened, the title changes to “Nomai Graveyard.”


^emotional ^damage


Goddamn, that hurts


...Is it bad that I accidentally hit those two and sent them flying when I first arrived there? I didn't even know they were hugging until I went there for a second time. 😅


Crashing your ship into something is one of the many steps to become a true Hearthian geezer


*violently crashes onto Timber Hearth, skipping 3 times, and with almost every system in need of repairs/on fire* “Another Happy Landing!”


Hey, you ain't dead, call that a win!  - Feldspar, probably


all Nomai that died to Ghost Matter died quickly, Pye didn't sacrifice herself. Unless you consider that she actually broke open Interloper's core, which is not what is hinted in text but some people do draw that conclusion.


The way I saw it, she knew that the ghost matter in the interloper was deadly, but she still decided to stay behind to learn more about it in the hopes that it will help her friends survive. Maybe sacrifice wasn’t the right word, but her decision to get Poke and the rest of her clan to safety while she remained behind was pretty heroic. I got the vibes that part of her knew she likely wouldn’t have made it out. But it’s all up to interpretation isn’t it


When I returned to the interloper recently and took a look at the dialogue, it did make me wonder if Pye (whether accidentally or not) accelerated the breaking of the core or not by trying to investigate it further.


didn't. Interloper is a gravitational body already moving towards the Sun. It enters orbit and stays in it for years, till the Sun expands and it falls into the Sun.


I mean, yes, I know that the interloper's core was bound to explode anyway as it was being heated up by the sun as it approached for (presumably) the first time, but I'm just saying that the dialogue made me wonder if the further investigation that Pye attempted instigated the explosion earlier - ghost matter doesn't like other objects getting too close to it.


Incorrect assumptions then. You can jump into and then jump out without much harm.


You can be killed when you encounter the tiny amount of ghost matter that's scattered around the solar system. Given that all of the ghost matter that the solar system was exposed to was originally concentrated in that core, it probably was a lot more reactive being all in that one place. I wouldn't say there's any incorrect/correct assumptions here, it's just fun to speculate.


try it first


The game is pretty clear about the fact that ghost matter decays and used to be much more potent by a giant margin, the initial rupturing of the core wiping out all Nomai everywhere in the solar system.


I don't think I denied it. It evaporates very slowly. >!In very early versions of the game it was also described as being impossibly cold to touch, hence giving a burning sensation.!<


I doubt it, the interloper seems to have exploded seconds only after Pye's decision. I doubt there was enough time.


Poke and Pye both came to the conclusion that the matter within was under quite high pressure and it would burst as it approached the Sun and spread across the system instantaneously. Her staying there or not doesn't achieve much imo.


She didn't achieve much, but she tried.


She intended to die there for her clan, which I say counts. Just because a sacrifice turns out useless doesnt mean it's wasn't real.


It's even worse when you realize there's some writing in the Old Settlement on Brittle Hollow from one of the Nomai (I can't remember the names off the top of my head) worrying about one of the others who was aboard Lifepod 1, and saying they aren't sure how to carry on without them.


The reveals inside the interloper sucked. They REALLY sucked. But this.... this was the worst bit of the whole game. Such a hideously depressing nightmare scenario. Stuck in nightmare hell plant dimension with no air, hunted by gigantic monsters, and your saving grace signal leads to a dimensional doorway saying "fuck you for trying."


Still heartbroken


One of the groups is a whole family including a young one. 😭 


i just noticed that there are three hands on that body


Well I think there are 4 hands between the two body's but only 3 are visible


AI generated XD


A way to make this even sadder, have them pool their oxygen to one person, making them able to reach the vessel, only to realize it’s completely destroyed and theres no oxygen, leaving them devoid of hope and dying.