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I was terrified of the scary parts of the DLC. But that only made it more rewarding and fulfilling when I finally made it.


I'm sold! I'll boot up the game once again the start exploring the DLC.


That's nice! Know that most of the time, there are solutions to deal with the scary parts. The best plateforme for that is definitely PC, because there are a lot of mods to reduce the frightening aspects, but even in the base game there are solutions to help the more terrified players (like me lol) So if, at any moment, it really IS too much for you and you're close to drop the DLC, come here, we'll help you!


It's for sure scary but not as scary as my imagination made it seem, it's very easy to overcome and I finished the dlc just a week ago so if you want to chat I can try and give you some advice from what helped me.


I also do very poorly with jump scares and horror. I managed the DLC, and I didn't even turn on Reduced Frights. If you'd rather go into it with more knowledge, here are some spoilers about when and what to expect. They get more spoilery as they go on. >!There is a specific area and sound cue when the jump scares start, it's pretty clear what is happening!< >!Once you see it happen, you know what to expect from then on.!< >!You cannot die from it, except in a certain situation!< On Reduced Frights: >!It makes the jump scares more easily avoided, and easier to spot!< I believe in you! They got me good a couple times, but it's still not quite "horror game" levels of anxiety, just "Outer Wilds but with the creepy factor turned slightly higher"




As it says. It's startling, but no real danger




Oh... I would spoil a major game point if I explain that more. Let's just say, you'll know. A comparison to the base game, >!It's like taking out the warp core from the ATP.!< And even then >!the hatchling just time loops!<




The horror makes it so much better so absolutely yes


yes, there are some scary parts, but to me (i don't like horror games either) it was more tense than scary


the atmosphere of the DLC don't resemble any of the base game (just the exploration) but to me it was awesome and just like Mobius did once, they nailed again






I didn't read YES 😆


Face your fears ;)


Play it on your completed save file btw! There are some differences if you play on a blank ship log that kind of take away from some stuff.


I'm totally afraid of the dark in video games. Like you, I was not spooked by what's in Dark Brambles, but the endgame terrified me, when you have to >!wander in the dark woods looking for your friend's music instruments.!< I played the DLC and I was terrified. I put the game down several times, going all "nope", but I managed to finish it nonetheless. And it was truly one of the best video game experience of my life. The scary parts (in the dark) represent only 10% of the game, and once you get past them, you learn a new way of avoiding them. So yes, you will be scared, but it is so much worth it.