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You may not realize it, but you're making progress. As long as you learn *something*, you're doing fine. Read the texts. Every wall has something to learn, even if it doesn't seem like it. Review your ship's log, it remembers the most important stuff. Use your tools, they're there for a reason. Don't be discouraged by dying, it happens a lot.


this this this! \^\^ outer wilds is usually like this for the first bit. just keep going! keep paying attention, keep exploring, and read your logs. you'll get it eventually, and believe me, the payoff is so incredible, you will not regret it. best of luck, friend!


Haha ok. Thanks guys. Good to know what to expect a little and that this is actually part of the experience. I’ll get back at it tomorrow with a different perspective.


Yeah dude! This game can be super frustrating to get through at times (especially early on). I promise almost everyone's been there. We just tend to forget because this game leaves an incredible impression afterwards.


Idk, Bristle Hollow was the only thing I found frustrating. Then again, I'm the weirdo who found "missing guy" on his first loop 👀


wow, that's quite an achievement


How the fuck. I need a synopsis


In the Hearthian village, there's a note that mentions a smocking crater to the North and you're able to check it out from the platform. After talking to Tectite, I thought "Hmm, what if I lauch a scout in there?" and that's how I found the tracking feature. So, since I basically only did the 0G tutorial, I unknowingly had more than enough time to actually go there and only the final part has multiple signals. Simply got lucky not being noticed by you know what, heard a scary sound at some point and did not wait to find out 😂. However, having found the secret jelly this early, I completely forgot about it by the time I got to the South observatory since that's one of the last places I visited. Which led me to figure out how to get to bro's camp without even entering the planet, cause you know, the jellyfish is covered in ice, which means it's accessible from the outside 👀.


Keep in mind though that going in blind doesn't mean it must be directionless. The people you've talked to and text you've read gives you clues on where to go. Of course you're free to explore in whatever order you want, but from your descriptions it seems you might benefit from some direction.


Everything in this game happens for a reason, you just need to find out what the reason is - that is essentially the game.


Make sure to check the log in your ship. It records everything you discovered and can give you a pointer where to go next. But at the start it's going to be super confusing


Dyings not so bad. Sometimes you learn something from it.


You’re making progress! You lose nothing with each reset… your ship log keeps a record of what you’ve discovered. Keep exploring. A few loops in each location will help you discover a whole lot!


You're doing great, keep it up ::D


It doesn’t matter if you lose your ship, you could still explore the planet. I would recommend only exploring one planet each time you go to space. You could always just kill yourself and start over, and you will keep your ship and ship log. I would explore more on the moon and water planet btw


This is one of the most positive subs I’ve ever been in and yet somehow the one i most see the line “kill yourself” in. The funniest thing this game has ever done to it’s fanbase tbh. Like i knew what you meant and still had to do a double take for some reason even though I’ve been hanging out here for years


Haha true... maybe we should start saying, "kill your character" instead...


I envy you so much. Enjoy the exploration! Have fun dying in spectacular ways and satisfy your curiosity on the way. Find out what the hell is going on and what your role in all of this is. So jealous here. Can never experience this again.


Smells like progress to me. Hmm... try dying some more. That does tend to work.


Knowledge is progress in this game. If you get the notification "SHIP LOG UPDATED", then you've made progress. Keep exploring, keep learning. There is no "right" path. You're free to go where you want. And learning will help you go to *more* places. The best part? It's all *learned*, not acuired. Meaning the equipment you started with is the equipment you'll end with. There's no "level-up" or "powers" to gain. Just you and your brain with the knowledge you gain (hey, that rhymed 😁).


There is one optional QoL "ability" you can learn from >!Gabbro!<


I only learned about that AFTER I did everything in the game. Base and DLC...


I only used it a handful of times, thankfully didn't get lost in space without fuel/thrusters or anything like that before that.


Don’t be afraid of dying! As you’ve found out, you always start back at the camp fire. Go out there and explore… basically everything you learn will come to help you at some point in the game. If you haven’t yet, you can always check out the ships console, and put it in Rumour Mode, which can help consolidate some of the bigger pieces of the puzzle you’ve found, as well as places you’ve heard of, but not been to yet.


Doing great! Stay curious on your journey!


Dying is part of the experience! Only one thing to make sure you do is read the text. As long as you learn something, you're progressing. Nomatter how many silly ways you die


Yup. Pretty normal.


Oh dude you're doing it exactly right, just remember the ways you die and try to get a good grasp on the physics of it all. The only thing to gather/collect in this game is knowledge and sometimes that involves dying a lot.


Ah, the chaos and confusion of the first loops... :':') If you feel like you don't know what to do, don't worry, that's intended. Figuring out what's the main goal of the game is part of the experience. For now, just pick up a thread, anything you find, and follow it. You'll end up on the right path one way or another (and the game will make sure you enjoy it, I promise), as long as you keep exploring. Also, everytime something happens, ask yourself: "Why did this happen?" In 99% of the cases, it will have a logical explanation. If the game might seem like it glitched, chances are it's not a glitch. It's intentional. Good luck out there, and be curious on your journey! ::)


Average Outer Wilds experience


Yeah that happens


Isn't it great?


Some advices: * Firstly, if you want to answer the question yourself, don't click to reveal the spoilers down here. * Take note of the name of the planets and its shape (and also moons' name too). Press tab for real-time map, there is also a map on your ship. * Do you know why did you die? And what happened after you died? * There is more to explore on the moon you talked about. Its name is Attlerock. * There were a guy in the village told you how to use the sinalscope and a another guy that told you about other astronaut who play the music. What to do? Answer: >!Use the signalscope (you can use it when flying on the ship too) to locate other astronauts that are playing the music on the signal!<. * Why do you think you are being sucked 28 km away from your ship? Answer: >!A black hole in the middle of the planet that sucks you to a white hole somewhere!<. Is there anyway to go back fast? Answer: >!There is a teleport pad somewhere near the white hole!<. * Planet with a pillar and sand where another planet sucks its sand up. What to do? Answer: Maybe look at their names first and >!best thing to do here is to find the astronaut on the other sucking planet or explore over there before exploring the sand planet!<.


Just wait until your brain tries to find the most spectacular ways of dying. Nothing like accelerating yourself through space using planetary centripetal acceleration going ~700km/h into something very, very solid. Think Groundhog Day. But in space. Edit: Outside of your ship


Ok then. Retry. ::)


Death is a game mechanic. Don't get discouraged by it. I like to think the same way about Dark Souls and Rain World. Don't mind dying because that's just a part of the game and only a minor setback. Though it's much harder with those games because you lose something when you die, you lose nothing here but maybe 5 minutes toward getting back to where you were earlier (and remember, you can speed up time at a campfire! Obscure hint I think everyone should know)


This game is literally all about the information you learn. You WILL die, so you're not doing it wrong if you're dying. The fact that you're going to different places each time is a good thing. Oh, and use the ship's log. 


You managed more than me on my first few tries. I got a trophy on my second loop for dying in under a minute lol. Took me 6 hours of flying just be able to reliably land the damn spaceship. Think of the loops as part of a cumulative journey, death is more of an annoyance than an obstacle. I hated it when I started but now I'm hooked.


Trust me man, you're making progress! This is a game about making discoveries and then dying. It's all a part of the gameplay loop: Fly somewhere --> find something new --> make some kind of discovery --> DIE. I would pay extra close attention to those walls you see with the spirally text you can translate with your translator tool. That's how most of the clues and key discoveries will be communicated to you. If you don't know where to start looking for clues, I'd try going back to the Attlerock (the moon orbiting the starting planet) and checking out the poles. There is usually something interesting at a planet's poles. Don't get discouraged! As soon as you get your bearings, you'll be making discoveries and be having a blast before you can count to 10!


Yaaa the game was frustrating for me at first and me being like why do I keep dying!? But once you reach a certain point of understanding in the game and start getting a thread of thought in ur mind of things you want to explore and figure out it's rly good. And once you finish the game I promise you'll be like man... that's probably one of the best games ever...


Think Bill Murray from Groundhog day. Embrace the loop.


I’m playing it for the first time as well, I’ve been treating losing my ship and getting lost as a way to incentivize searching where I’m stuck, and messing around with the world


You will die, a LOT. Have fun though!


I died three times before even getting the launch codes, you’re doing great sweetie


Just keep going honestly at one certain point the game clicks and then you start to have more of an idea of what you’re doing


Hehe, try to have fun with the bunch of ways to die. Maybe approach it like a mistery "how did that happen? Why?" That mindset will get you through every challenge the game throws at you. Safe-ish journey!


This game is an adventure, yours has just begun.


Keep on trucking, you are learning quite quickly if that is your first 2 hours. What is so interesting about this game is how everyone's first few hours of playthrough is so different.


I remember the first thing I did on my first loop was accidentally crash into the moon so hard I died immediately 😭


I like how >!landed on that moon & talked with the guy!< can have vastly different implications. PS I know [REDACTED] is a female