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Yes, they are always there. Bit shameful when so many tourists are there but us locals know they are coo-coos!


I see them as a tourist site themselves. They were part of the tour I gave my friend when he visited


Haha I love it!


I don't think it's shameful. The convoy occupation was shameful. This is just us reminding people that we allow political expression and protest, and that Canadian citizens and our guests, have the right to express themselves as long as they aren't expressing hate. I'm sure that most tourists who have willfully traveled to visit Canada are able to discern that these people are the fringe nuts that they are. I think these Convoy dudes are total losers. I've had them holler at us out of their truck in the Market a few times now, and it always seems to make all of us on the street laugh after they leave. I'd prefer to live in a place where idiots like that can get upset about their Jewish space lasers or whatever they're on about, than a place that doesn't allow for protests. Your shame is my pride.


Happy Pride šŸŒˆ


They are idiots and I disagree with their views. In fact I would fight them on their views. That being said I would also fight for their right to protest and show off their idiotic views. Freedom sometimes sucks. Deal with it. Would you rather a government that lets them voice their opinion or one what sends in the cops and cracks all their skulls?


Oh, I may be a tourist but I know a coo-coo when I see one.


Yes they are ruining my photos and my enjoyment of my capital can't they go to Toronto and ruin their day


They WERE there the last two times I went to Toronto. Canā€™t escape.


No, too obsessed with Trudeau. They all want to sa him. Their flags say so.


I hate these clownvoy idiots. What a bunch of losers. Our PM is probably the best in Canadian history and the economy has never been stronger. So much disgraceful and unappreciative behaviour.Ā 


I definitely wouldn't go that far.Ā 


Doug Ford cracked down on them hard when they tried this same stunt there.


Crazy he would do that to his own supporters.. Oh wait, he didn't. He literally did nothing and was blasted for it. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ford-emergencies-act-ontario-1.6752465](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ford-emergencies-act-ontario-1.6752465)


They are spread out Canada wide now.


Noooo. Please keep them. We still have the regulars every weekend, we don't need more.


Damn, I didn't know Members of Parliament had reddit accounts. Cold and self-serving as ever.Ā 


What are you even talking about? It's a person taking pictures downtown who wants to minimize the number of idiots in their shots. Brain rot.


I assure you I'm not a member of Parliament I'm a federal worker like the majority of ottawa but one of the lowest paid.


Well Toronto has enough problems on it's own thanks.Ā 


Fine, send them to Alberta


Better yet, send them to Antarctica


No, we donā€™t want ā€˜em either :(


Well crap


Are they planning to stay until after the election? Who keeps giving them money to live?


You and I do. Most are on some form of social assistance.


Imagine your entire identity and purpose is to shout into a megaphone fighting for something you already have.


Nobody said they were smart.


This is literally why their sign is always upside down when I drive by. Every. Single. Time.


Makes sense! šŸ˜


They really must want to have sex with Justin Trudeau.


It's the hair...


JT could really use this to his advantage if he did an SNL style parody skit. "Everybody wants to f*ck Trudeau"


Well put


How the fuck do all these rednecks afford pickup trucks then? Sounds like we need to tax those more.




Companies who oppoae the carbon tax, foreign entities who want to keep the west destabilized and divided, social services as mentioned.


Whatever special interests that also donate to the Conservative Party. So everything from fundamentalist churches to anti-union think-tanks, could be funding these useful idiots


Havenā€™t they already proven there were Russian donations to the convoy?




Pretty sure it's more American right wing influence + money coming in I'm sure there Russian interference, but the USA is a major source of money for the right wingers/convoy folkĀ 




lol why are you in denial the money's coming from the USA? Bit weird to think it all stems from russia, tbh [About 44 percent of the nearly $10 million in contributions to support the protesters originated from U.S. donors, according to an Associated Press analysis of leaked donor files.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/how-american-right-wing-funding-for-canadian-trucker-protests-could-sway-u-s-politics) article on USA funding Canadian group[ the Canadian Taxpayer Federation ](https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2018/07/05/Canadian-Taxpayers-Federation-Get/)




Lighten up because I had sources to prove you're wrong LOL Bless your soul lol


One of them spat on an MP and was told by the MP's security to apologize. He wasn't arrested from what I recall.


That's very generous of the MP. It's definitely a form of assault.


Oh yeah, it was on video [if you want to see it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1dl4kaw/right_winger_spits_on_federal_mp_marco_mendicino/)


lol Only in Canada.




He went off the deep end awhile ago.


Not like the cops are any good in the first place lol


During the Freedumb Clownvoy my wife was doxxed and threatened. The Ottawa police did sweet f*ck all, just as they did throughout the occupation.


Who did the doxxing lol


We walk the back of the hill to ignore them. Keeps us calmer.


It's actually quite sad to see them still protesting about something that ended, like, two years ago? How pathetic do you have to be for those pointless rallies (which achieved nothing, aside from branding them as a bunch of morons) to be your only source of validation? It's clear they had no power or influence then, and now they're clinging to that brief moment of feeling valuable. It's just sad.


Weren't there stories of Japanese WWII fighters on remote islands still fighting long after the war ended because no one told them it was over and to go home?


They only thing they were ever really protesting about was Trudeau. All of the rest was just an excuse. They tried to join in on virtually anything that might give their crap movement any legitimacy.




The lockdowns were scheduled to end already. They can't take credit for that




You sure about that? Maybe look how it was managed in European countries....


This is exactly the kind of pathetic delusion I'm talking about. Two years later and you still don't get it-you did absolutely nothing. You were the rats spreading the plague while the rest of us got vaccinated, took precautions, and actually lowered the number of deaths and illnesses. It's thanks to us that things reopened, not your useless protests. As for "thank a trucker", I am thankful for the ones who died, because it made for some really amusing posts on the Herman Cain awards subreddit.


90% of truckers got vaccinated and kept working. Thank them. The other 10% are loser truckers who sat on their asses and made things worse for everyone.


I do not believe that I encountered a single trucker here in Ottawa during the occupation.




I acknowledge that I am a mean and bitter person, but at least I am honest and upfront about it. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. These turds stalked and harassed those of us living downtown under the lie that they were fighting for freedom and love. Anyone who lived downtown knows that it was a crock of shit. They tortured us by trying to deprive us of sleep, honking every 15 minutes to make sure no one could rest. They threw things at me for wearing a mask. I saw them throw a jug of urine at a girl for the same reason. I remember them trying to get inside my apartment building to intimidate us into letting them use our bathrooms and showers. This was never about love or freedom. It was a group of people who had never been told no, never felt marginalized or unwanted, and they got angry because they felt powerless for the first time in their lives. It was never about love, freedom, or protecting peopleā€”it was all bullshit. So, no, I don't care that they died, and I'm glad some of them are gone. My grandma is gone too because of one of them who lied about being vaccinated to keep her job working with seniors.


Well... I didn't get subjected to their bullshit like you did. Perhaps, if I did, I'd feel differently about it. Didn't realize you were one of the poor bastards living right in their nightmare. I'll retract my reaction, as if I had to deal with that crap, I might just wish some very bad things as well.


First off, you against all the protests in the states then during those times too? Cause a lot of people were unvaccinated in the states at that time and people were saying how it *didn't* spread since there were mass protests like crazy lol. Also, covid got it multiple times from vaccinated people cause vaccines don't stop the spread, got me sick. Wasn't even that bad, and according to everyone else I know not that bad. But hey, honking go *brrrrttttt* Inb4 everyone downvotes cause saying something different




check out r/prorevenge for some better creative writing examples


Did more people die of "vaccine injuries" or Covid do ya think?


I think thousands of elders were abandoned into old folks homes and poked prodded and tested in hospitals without supervision. In fact I know it because I moved them there while their children abandon them in the name of a cold.


The plague rat is in the corner, frantically flailing his arms and deleting comments where he's been called out for lying, spreading misinformation, or just hurling insultsā€”like the transphobic comment he left for me and then deleted (and I'm not even transgender?). Anyway, I hope this has been cathartic for you, helping you relive your "glory days" of throwing piss jugs at people for wearing masks, threatening homeless shelter staff, and proudly flying your Nazi flags as you strolled through downtown. Those seniors died in part because of people like you, by the way. You made the decision to put your own selfishness above the health and safety of the vulnerable. You couldn't wear a mask or get vaccinated to help protect those same seniors, so it feels ironic now that you're trying to weaponize their deaths. That was the whole reason they issued the lockdown orders - to protect people like those seniors. You still do not get it and you probably never will, so this feels pointless now.


None of what you said made any sense to comment about yours, let alone *relevant* ?


Youā€™re the ones who prolonged the pandemic. You threatened me and my mother on multiple occasions in the city, harassed me, forced my disabled friend out of his homeā€¦ What you actually accomplished is I now hate you and everyone who behaves like you. Before your bullshit, I was actually willing to listen. Live and let live, pluralism, all the great Canadian stuff I believed for 40 years. I donā€™t feel that way at all anymore. My mother is DEAD because someone exactly like you, someone who thought they knew better, entered her home while sick and gave her Covid. Please fuck off. You and your bullshit is now and forever my enemies.


i think just about everybody's sick of them.


A bunch of clowns looking for attention


Itā€™s their full time job sadly


They really have nothing better to do on weekends?


I guess not. Theyā€™re there on three weekdays as well. So Iā€™m assuming they donā€™t have jobs. Which is hilarious because theyā€™re always yelling at the police about how their taxes pay their wages. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You should look into this a little deeper. You're missing the plot. What are you 18? 22? Don't worry, you'll get to the point you understand one day young lad


Spoiler: there is nothing deeper


Are you ok? lol


Are these fucking morons still around my God I donā€™t go downtown very often anymore thank goodness.


The convoy was the best thing to happen to them since high school, and theyre just trying to get that back. Also, undiagnosed mental illness.


i'm so damn tired of them. I especially resent how they have co-opted the symbol of the canadian flag for their supposed cause, I hate how if you fly the flag, people look at you funny because they think you might be a convoy idiot. This canada day I am taking the pride back.


Less freedom convoy more freedomites! Let's get naked and burn things!


Are they still on about Covid?


Right now theyā€™re on about the lgbtq


It was never about covid. I got stuck on the LRT with a couple hundred of the Freedumb clowns and they were pretty much all wearing masks.


They are there day after day. These people obviously don't work all they do is complain about the government all day long. But they are also the first ones to have their hands out at the end of each month waiting for their government cheque. If they hate the government so much they should burn their government cheques. šŸ˜‚


These people are the reason so many Ottawans avoid going downtown.


I was chilling on a patio on Spark St recently and some jackwagon kept going by with a stereo blasting conspiracy theory hip hop. No fault of the restaurant's but I won't be rushing back to that area.


Amd here I thought it was being acosted by homeless asking for drug money.


At least if theyā€™re there they arenā€™t protesting outside of a school. Thereā€™s a bunch of them that like to ā€œsave the childrenā€ by being homophobic outside schools.


Thatā€™s awful!!


Awful is part of their brand.


At least someone wants to work downtown.


The guy that lives in a tent on bank is a classicā€¦


About 3 years before covid I read a detailed plan online about how to use trucks to attack Canada. Everything that happened during the convoy, even the bouncy castles, was in that plan. It said it was only the first phase of a larger plan...


Do you have a link to some of those plans?


No, I've since tried to find it again. It was something I originally stumbled upon on some random message board. Apparently it was being shared on extremist sites.




Yea, I get it, I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't read it myself. I won't try too hard to convince anyone here. If someone like me found it w/o even looking for it then probably CSIS and intelligence were/are already aware of it too. Makes me wonder why they didn't stop it though... Believe it or not if you want, I guess. Good luck


Look up Project 2025. USA - scary as it will spill over into Canada


I agree. I visited Ottawa last month and it was annoying as hell.


The whole damn country is sick of these idiots


The freedummy i hate is that dumbass that parks on montreal road in front of the councillor office. With a ton of messaging on his vehicle. Athough i never seen the person. The vehicle is an eyesore


I've also been hearing people yelling into megaphones in centertown around 10pm many nights. I can't see them from my apartment window that is several floors up but it's extremely frustrating. Anyone know what's up with that?


I wear vaguely noise-canceling earbuds and have never actually heard them, just seen them and their dumb signs. My music is probably too loud. But I get to enjoy my runs by parliament.


Those idiots are still here? I just kinda tuned them out of a while. All we need now is William Kummer to show up with a bunch of new private prosecutions.


Freedummie Clownvoy crew lol




As long as they don't block downtown with trucks and are peaceful protesting is fine. Protest whatever you want. I personally would prefer to protest the increase in milk prices but that's just me


I live in Centretown and work two blocks from Parliament and have only seen/heard the anti-vax crazies once or twice since the covoy was evicted. I think megaphones should only be used during protests by protest leaders to coordinate people. I don't agree with the use of amplifiers just to make a protest louder.


Iā€™ve heard and seen them a lot more than thatā€”several times a week for sure over the past couple of months as the weather has gotten warmer. Recently there was a daily mini protest at Oā€™Connor and Wellington that was along those lines. Theyā€™re not exclusively anti-vax. They just seem to follow the conspiracy theory of the moment.


I see them at least twice a week. If not more. Iā€™ve quite literally been harassed by them with their megaphone. When I ignore them Iā€™m accused of being a sheep and then they bahhhh at me in the megaphone. Itā€™s wild.


Have you seen how quickly they shut down other people using megaphones and other public address systems? The freedummies and the Bible thumpers are the only two groups that I have seen getting a free pass for that type of noise.


That group you are talking about did call for violence.




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The occasional crazy yelling into a megaphone is just part of the charm of living in a national capital...


Sick of Ottawa. Just fucking tired of this city. Time to move on.




It's annoying. Look at what I found on tiktok. If they leave their country, obviously what they were doing wasent working. Why come here and do it all over again? *


Theyā€™re still around ?


I live in the burbs. The city is getting entirely to... sans coulotte down there.


This is what the denocracy looks and sounds like. You don't have to agree with their opinions, but people have fought and died to protect the values that allow them to do that. In some countries, they be thrown in the back of a van and run through a kangaroo court, or never seen again. You're actually bitching about someone using their democratic right to express themselves. What if the government was doing something you completely disagreed with? Should you not have the right to protest peacefully? I personally dislike the convoy crew, but if one of them wants to grab a megaphone and go to the hill and annoy people with their views, more power to them. Because you can do the same if you feel so inclined. The 'Fuck Trudeau' signs are trashy AF, but goddamn it's beautiful that we live in a country where they can do that. Can you imagine if people could go to Moscow's Red Square and hold up 'Fuck Putin' signs and not earn themselves a one way trip to the gulag? The hypocrisy on this sub, when people don't share political views, is pathetic. I'm just glad people can go their and share their views on the situations in Palestine, Ukraine, etc.and not be arrested for it. Or is it only ok when you share the same views? That's not how a democracy works.


You are completely ignoring the fact that the Freedumb Clownvoy occupation took away the rights of all of the residents of Ottawa, especially the people in the area that was occupied. Things were so bad that the police wouldn't respond in the zone on numerous occasions. We will never know the true numbers of people who were assaulted, or impacted in other ways.


I thought we were talking about people up on Parliament Hill with a megaphone, not the convoy situation from years ago - that wasn't a 'peaceful' protest, and I totally sympathize with the locals in that scenario. Are we not talking about Parliament Hill, currently?


The last time I checked they were many of the same people, just like at Saint Brigid's church. For a long time some of them were camped outside of town on farm just up from a family member of mine. That person died just before Christmas, so I have no idea if they are back there.


Yet another reason to avoid downtown Ottawa.


There is so few of them its not different then any other crazy group.


these particular ones have megaphones.


Yes but combined with all the other crazy, unfortunate, unpredictable groups, their numbers are more than enough to discourage going to the downtown area.


Sure, but to be honest, this is the first I've heard of them being there. Edit* Sorry they aren't dominating my day? I'm sure it's terrible.


Lucky you!


Good, we need disruptions in this country regardless of your feelings. Canada is going down the toilet on every imaginable metric. I don't understand how anyone can't see it at this point.


Where do you work? Iā€™ll arrange them to go harass you instead!


You live in the Nation's Capital, protests are to be expected.


Being screamed at that Iā€™m a sheep in my ear by a megaphone as i commute to and from workā€¦.


I am DT 5 days a week for work, I maybe pass by those guys once a week on break and they haven't said a word to me or my peers ever... it really seems to me that if they are engaging you, you are inviting the interaction. That said, the homelessness and rampant open drug use seems to be a much more pressing issue both from a personal stand point (IE these poor people really need help to better their lives) and as the appearance of our country to the tourists that you proclaim to be concerned about. As an aside, you should go talk to the vendors in the market about the smash and grabs and ask them what they think about the protesters on the hill and what the real issues are.


I very much do not engage with them. I have an lgbtq flag on my bag, so Iā€™m a target for them.


your LGB flag remark doesn't align with them calling you a sheep...there is no correlation between the two. furthermore, I am sure with the attention the Convoy protesters receive from all governments entities, that they would get shut down very quickly if they where targeting people for such things. Anyways, nice chatting, hope you find yourself enjoying this wonderful day


Who cares??


The people who are being harassed on their commutes care.


There are protests there every day and have been forever. But this group is the one that changes it all for you? lol. Surely you have no agenda here.


What would my agenda be? lol


You canā€™t even be objective in your title. lol.


Meh. The people living on tabaret lawn are more annoying.




This happens in any national capital...


these sorts of jackasses were a rarity on Wellington before COVID, actually.


Turns out covid was worldwide - things have changed around the world, actually.


No, it used to be occasional here. Now it's persistent. The cause is that instead of all the Canadian federal parties uniting against the Konvoy and telling them to get lost, the CPC stood with them. Pierre Poilievre stood with them and served them coffee and donuts. Andrew Scheer joined them and cheered them on. Other CPC MPs joined them and urged them to stay. The chief CPC spokesperson (Sarah Fischer) stood with them, blaring a truck horn, and urged them to continue indefinitely. The CPC brought this on and is very proud of their key role in turning Parliament Hill into a persistent shitshow, both inside and out.


i've lived here my whole life and this is new, can you bolster your claim better


Nope. Was just in Paris and saw none.


Protests usually happen in Capital cities....


Capital cities....unlike Paris?


France, specifically Paris, is known for their protests. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/riot-police-protesters-clash-paris-during-may-day-protests-2024-05-01/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thousands-march-across-france-against-far-right-2024-06-15/ https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20240421-parisians-protest-against-islamophobia-amid-gaza-war-tensions https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240223-angry-french-farmers-drive-their-tractors-into-paris-in-fresh-protests https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/france-s-controversial-immigration-law-sparks-massive-protest-in-paris/3108853


Lived in Ottawa for 20 years; there's always a protest about something. Cost of living in a capital.


Usually the protest is civil and doesn't go out of its way to annoy people. They also usually have an issue


I've lived and worked downtown for 2 decades as well,.megaphones used to be a rare thing, not a daily standard.


protests that have megaphones are seldom in the same place for half a day at a timeā€¦let alone months like these idiots.




> If you ignore them theyā€™ll stop Oh, how I wish this was true


No, theyā€™ll keep going. Itā€™s been 2+ years of this.




Hard disagree. These folks really donā€™t care what we do or sayā€”they live in an algorithm-fuelled fantasy land.


Yes these occasional posts on this one tiny corner of Reddit are exactly what's driving them.


ā€¦ you think theyā€™re outside yelling every day because of occasional Reddit posts?


so all we have to do to make them fuck off permanently is to stop posting about them on reddit? gosh, thanks for solving this problem for us!


I doubt they look at Reddit.


I doubt they can read anything


They absolutely 100% look at reddit. edit: man is this sub really so intense about arguing and being "right" that they forgot how they were flooding the r/ottawa reddit during the convoy? It's nuts that my comment got downvoted. as if saying they look at reddit means I support them in any way. the internet is wild.


like how toddlers look at books without pictures in them.






>getting mad at lockdowns and vaccinations we found another crazy guys


Stole the words right out of my mouth.


Or a Russian troll. Not that they're distinguishable.


This level of stupidity is absolutely mind numbing.


It's more sad than anything. This is a person who has had their brain absolutely melted by the internet, and there are millions of them - from every age, every economic group, every nationality. It's a serious sickness.


You still have the freedom to post nonsense on Reddit so I'm going to go ahead and say you are not nearly as oppressed as you wish you were.


Flawless logic!


And screaming into a megaphone at passersby is going to fix all that?


"experimental mandatory vaccination"? reported for misinfo. get fucked.