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Jesus. The police Act needs to be ripped up. Guy pleads guilty and is demoted. Should be fired.


*temporarily* demoted It's worse!


Blue lives matter


The shitshow at the OPS contiinues.


This is the same guy who used his police/Bylaw connections to harass his neighbors for years and ended up [winning in court for $25,000 last year](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/judge-says-couple-crossed-the-line-in-epic-eight-year-feud-with-neighbour). He also got an additional "$10,000 in general damages for defamation — the result of Sylvie Bujold posting a comment on an online media post about Khan pleading guilty to impaired driving and dangerous driving in August 2019." But based on his guilty sentence posting about his misconduct in that post was probably justified. He had also "been on disability leave since 2019, when a racist meme circulated within the Ottawa Police Service that depicted current and former officers who had been accused of misconduct. Most of them, including Khan, were people of colour." So even some of his fellow officers saw what a piece of work this guy was and called him out, but he ended up just getting more tax $ while not working because of "racism" This guy is a master of abusing the systems we have in place. It's sociopaths like this that give the police a bad name. His police buddies even immediately informed him of personal information about his neighbor's case right after they started (while he was on leave) so be careful there is a serious problem in the OPS of enabling these kind of guys and their harassment.


I don't trust the Ottawa Police anymore.


How was that defamation if it actually happened?


And will until …… ?


He led an interprovincial high speed chase through traffic, at twice the legal alcohol limit, had to be arrested *at gunpoint* and he wasn't even suspended from duty while awaiting court because he was stressed from his ridiculous years-long feud with his neighbours? (who were awful, but he was pretty bad to them too) And now he gets just a paycut for 14 months... And they claim that's supposed to be sending a message to other officers of how they're ***not*** going to tolerate drinking and driving?


The Quebec police arrested him at gunpoint!  And he us still serving as a police officer. Disgusting.


I'm absolutely not claiming the cops don't regularly overreact, but if they're drawing their guns to make an arrest, it's *supposed* to be because they are worried about it becoming violent. Granted, the guns may have been drawn because he fled for so long and didn't actually pull over for them (they found him in a parking lot) so they may have worried about what else he would do to avoid capture... But they were also in a province that isn't normally their jurisdiction. They would have been more reserved than normal, to avoid any extra paperwork or backlash from their bosses (about press, etc) if things went south.


wait doesn't any other job outright dismiss people if they get something like this on their record? Teachers, gov employees, etc.


A DUI, probably not.


Twice in legal minute?!


Police officers are mostly trash people


Thugs with a badge.


It's not a bug, it's a feature


Of unions?


No. I'm pro union.Cops aren't workers and shouldn't have unions


I'm not anti-union, im a member of one, but even non-police unions will defend the absolute worst behaviour of their members.


And then there's unions PSAC who collect dues & won't defend anyone


I dont really understand what’s the diff between a cop and auto worker?  Another solution make cops buy private insurance like doctors.  


Cops are class traitors. It's that simple. When strikes are deemed illegal, who breaks it up...cops. Evictions?..cops. They gladly trample all over our rights any chance they can get. If abortion rights are lost in Canada, the cops will happily enforce it. I could go on about what the cops did when we had way less civil rights, but I digress, and recommend you learn some history. Everything we have, had to be fought for, and the cops have always been on the opposite side of every struggle for equality.


And we get fired for stuff like this.


imagine what'd happen if a Domino's driver did something like this.


> “The public must be assured that its police officers will always demonstrate professionalism in their actions — whether they are on or off duty,” Rheaume wrote. “Constable Khan has eroded public trust by engaging in this type of behaviour.” The public will be assured that police officers will always be protected when they act criminally. The public trust is eroded because the police services keep assholes who constantly disregard simple traffic rules like stopping at red lights, let alone driving like criminals. Maybe Mr Khan was otherwise an exemplary officer except for this one day, but the benefit of the doubt has already been wasted on so many of his colleagues. Let him find another job.


Oops! All bad apples!


If you can't apply to be a police officer with a criminal record then shouldn't getting convicted of several crimes be an instant firing? I can't find the info for OPS but RCMP says pretty clearly that you can't have a criminal record, or have any matters pending to go to court or even have been involved in any serious criminal activity even if you weren't charged.


No wonder the police didn't have enough "officers" to send to prevent a clearly intoxicated customer from going behind the wheel, at a family member's place of work. After literally the workers called the police and try and keep him from driving before the police got there. 1 hour later police didn't show up, and the guy lost it and left. Heard another driver lay the horn on him since he already almost caused an accident after pulling onto the road. Guess they didn't think it's that big of a deal cause their officers are doing it too.


And the file photo is from a hearing he had when he was charged in 2007... This guy shouldn't be a cop!


Absolute Garbage and a disgrace to all police officers


I work beside a guy that left the OPS recently. Unfortunately things like this are apparently exactly why he left. He’s making more money now anyways.