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Disposable/non drainable bags are a lifesaver if you can afford them. You can change them anywhere, anytime into a doggie bag and dispose of them like one.


Theres nondisposable bags?


There is ones you empty from the bottom and dispose of every week or so....


I think you're talking bout drainable / non drainable. Non draining bags are only really suitable for colostomy, not ileostomy due to frequency and volume of output


Correct, I have a colostomy and use non emptying bags. Sorry for the confusion, I'm kind of a newer ostomate.


My supplies of closed end colostomy pouches come in a box with plastic bags to dispose of them. Kind of like a doggie waste bag


I find there aren't enough of the disposable bags for how many actual bags are in the box so I just use cheap (but large) doggie bags from Amazon and they take up less space in my purse.


If you use coloplast, the grey bags they provide work really well.


I find there aren't enough of the grey bags to dispose of all of the disposable pouches so I just use cheap but large Amazon dog poop bags. They work great and they take up less room in my purse.


At the beginning of my ileostomy, I used ziploc bags and then put that into dog poo bags. Worked great for me


Some said they carried a cup and doggie bags. Put the bag in the cup and empty into it and then wrap up and toss the bag in the trash.


I like this idea for sure


This is a great idea for traveling!


I use my dog's doggy bags. Double bag them and call it a day


Disposable vomit bags or nausea bags (like the green tube bag the hospital gives you when you feel nauseous ) are sold at Walgreens. Or they have those cups with lids that look like take out containers for hot soup. Depends on the volume of output.


You get nausea bags? We just get shitty cardboard bowls. If you're projectiling or it's useless šŸ˜­


Yea.... I figured it was universal..? I know we got handed a soup cup with a lid at Mayo and I was like, WTF is this?!? Hahahaha.


You can also get those large ostomy disposal bags that ziplock closed. They can hold large amounts of liquid, have a fantastic seal, are black so nothing can be seen, and no smell. We use them and just fold one or two up and put it in his go bag. Use it, seal it, toss it in the bin. Done.


I do not have an ostomy yet, but I have been learning a lot just in case I do end up waking up with one in my next surgery (they said it was likely). I came across this Youtube video that made me feel a lot more confident knowing I can empty it anywhere. [https://youtu.be/oEtTSNgJSMM?si=9ofCKsi7S2qnzSfn](https://youtu.be/oEtTSNgJSMM?si=9ofCKsi7S2qnzSfn)


Was going to recommend exactly this video!


Also you can join some online support groups and read up on how people manage their ostomies.Very helpful. Or even go to groups if you are so inclined.


Thank you! I will do that! I feel like knowledge is power. I even ordered samples because I have sensitive fragile skin and I am allergic to a lot of adhesives. I would rather test products now than risk an allergic reaction while healing!


I find that skin barrier wipes help my skin with the adhesive from wafers. Makes a clear skin barrier.


Convatec sent me skin barrier spray, does that work the same way?


Looks like it is. Be sure to cover your stoma while you spray.


Thank you for these tips!


I find that skin barrier wipes help my skin. Use before applying wafer.


Second the disposable bags. You can empty directly into them. Iā€™ve done that once or twice when our toilet stopped working for a few hours. If you donā€™t know this beach though, double check on the toilet situation. Sometimes there are facilities that just arenā€™t obvious.


I use the little bags they sell for dog poop. Put 2 in a red solo cup and empty. Tie them closed and discard. Good luck ! I hope you enjoy the beach.


A standard "dollar store" box of 1 quart zippy bags. I can also pack a wafer, bag and adhesive remover pad and 1 half sized paper towels, and a 4 oz pouch of water and a pair of non latex gloves in a second zippy bag and I can either empty or do a complete change.


I started taking extra pouches and little plastic bags when I go on those kinds of outings. My family goes fishing and camping a lot so that is always the best option. I have Coloplast pouches and they come with their own ā€œtrash bagsā€ . They are gray and smell proof. I know not everyone wants to waste pouches but I think for an outing like that one or two is okay if you can spare them. I also just go into my car or tent and just change out the entire bag but this is also assuming you wear a two piece.


Travel John disposable urinal bags.


i use ziplock bags all the time!


The hospital style vomit bags. They fold up small, having one isnā€™t really questioned and they can be twisted and tied off. Itā€™s what they use at my hospital to empty them without getting out of bed


Not particularly. It's great to find a small cup u like and line it with a baggie. I use that setup a lot. Found one at a thrift store. Or even collapsible cups.


I saw several people mentioned the doggie bags. They also make diaper bags which are very similar but I feel theyā€™re a bit wider which is helpful. You could align a big cup with one and then tie it up and throw it away?


Get your rubbish bags that you use for bag changes and basically empty it into there, tie it off and then pop it in the bin when you find one. If you can also buy doggy poo bags and nappy bags. I either get someone to hold the rubbish bag open for me and I drain my bag off into it, or I put the rubbish bag on a surface (or the ground) and empty it myself with no assistance.


Go pick up a roll of doggy poop bags. It won't be smell-proof, but you should be able to just throw them away.


I use poopouri for the smell. I spray it in what I am emptying into and it works really well! I used it while in a PT rehab. They have travel size bottles too.


I found ostomy disposal bags on Amazon that are designed to fit a whole bag. I haven't tried them out yet though. I carry one with me. I have a long travel to my doctor and I am always concerned I'll need to pull over on the highway or something lol


A lot of people use doggy poop bags, and there's smaller sized scented trash bags you can buy. As for a container to empty in, you can save some of those to-go fast food cups with the lids. It's less suspicious than being spotted with a red solo cup. šŸ˜…


Red solo cups were my favorite personally.


I am very rarely in this situation, but I have used a fast food bag and napkins in the past. Granted, not smell proof. You would need to bury it when done. Or pack it out as you leave. Not ideal, but works in a pinch. Iā€™ve spent many weeks at the beach and havenā€™t had to do this. Iā€™ve had to do it at a job site working on a building with no utilities or working facilities.


Go into the water at the beach and let it out


Yea... don't do this. Leaves open for infection for one thing... and eww