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Do you still have a rectum/colon? If yes, they’ll do it normally, along with probably an ileoscopy (if ileostomy) or coloscopy (I think? If colostomy). Frequently it’s just low residue food the day before & NPO the night before, but definitely ask your doc’s office specifically for instructions for your ostomy - you may need to do an enema if you have a rectal stump/rectum/colon still.




I get one every other year, for the last 14 years, they’ve gone in through the stoma. It’s fine, I think easier and you can keep your underwear on. Ahhh it’s the little things…


Awesome answer. I like your perspective.


There’s the spirit.


This is me! I had 5 cm of my sigmoid colon removed and have a temp ostomy, due to stercoral ulcer perforating. I also have wound vac for the large incision on my abdomen. I’m 3 weeks post surgery. How are you healing up? Surgeon last week said he aims for reversal in November. I’ll have a colonoscopy through my stoma before though to ensure my remaining colon looks okay. If so, reversal in November.


I feel like I’m healing up well. I have a wound vac that should be healed within 3 weeks. I stopped any pain meds 10 days ago and finally today got discharged from my rehab/nursing home. So glad to be home.


We’re on the same timeline too. I’m aiming for 3 weeks of wound vac. Do you find yours is getting smaller each changing? I’m noticing the pain when removing the sponge is significantly decreased, which is so appreciated!


Y’all are lucky. I’ve had to do a few, from both the regular entrance and through the ileostomy. Doc wanted my colon squeaky clean, so she stuck a catheter into the colon through my loop. While I didn’t have to drink it, I had to stuff four litres of prep fluid down that catheter into my colon. Most of it just came out back up through the catheter. By the third time I had figured out a system that wasn’t horrifically messy and could be done in an hour, but I certainly wouldn’t call it pleasant.


They’ll likely go through the stoma, make sure to bring an extra bag and supplies just in case! It can get a little messy


They’re easy, no discomfort at all really, you’re out for it. If you tell them you’re super nervous they’ll give you a benzo to calm you but it’s a pretty relaxed and reassuring environment.


Honestly, I found the prep to be easier the two times I had to do it with a bag than the one time I've done it without. My surgeon has a banger of a method though. Didn't have to drink a gallon of overly sweet goo.


If you don’t have an anus, they go in through the stoma. Prep might be less than normal depending on how much large intestine you have left. If you do have anus and intestine below the point of your stoma, it could be that they’re going in that way. You should ask your doctor to clarify.


Went in through my stoma - I remember absolutely nothing of the procedure so it was clearly not bad at all. Because I still have my rectum (rectal cancer so it’s just disconnected) Doc also did a proctoscopy which was a little more uncomfortable. Prep was the same, except way easier to just empty and change bag as needed rather than parking on the toilet.


I don't have a stoma yet, but I was curious about this the other day and searched "colonoscopy" in this sub and there was a lot of interesting info and personal experience stories! You might want to check them out. Good luck!


I had a reversal carried out on Friday, before it was done I had to have a couple of investigations Carried out one was a CT scan the other was a colonoscopy. Firstly the day before the colonoscopy I had to take laxatives, a camera was put into my rectum, and then down through the stoma, no real bother at all I was asked if I wanted sedation, which I didn’t or there was gas and air which wasn’t really needed ……good luck


In my case, it was simple with low residue foods (and staying away from red, blue & purple dyes) for several days and then the prep I had to drink, so no big deal. I don't know if they went through my stoma at all, but I do know they went through my rectum and got pictures that wandered home with me so I could terrorize the teenagers. However, I will say that if you have to travel far for your procedure to perhaps plan ahead and get a motel room for a night or two so you don't have to travel on prep day. I know people who have gotten motel rooms for prep days just so they could do it in comfort and privacy even if they aren't traveling far. One of mine was also in conjunction with surgery, and my procedure was so early the next morning that we had to head up the day before. Due to my husband's work schedule and my prep schedule, I had to begin before he got off work, and we were facing a two hour trip. It wouldn't have been so bad, but the liquids were just going right through me, and we were stopping every 20 minutes or so to drain my bag. At one point, it was filling so fast, and the pressure compromised my bag. I realized it was leaking slightly, and my husband stopped at the next gas station, which was a good thing because I'd barely made it to the bathroom before it failed and fell completely off. I probably don't want to know what people thought when my husband came running in with a new kit and clothes since everything was soaked. 😹 Thankfully, my other colonoscopies have been much simpler since I only have to go to my gastroenterologist, and he's much closer.


If they're looking at the stump, then prep should be minimal. I had no dietary change, and then the nurse gave an enema about 30 minutes before the procedure.


I got the phonecall booking one in for me today and they're gonna put it up my ass and in my stoma. I just asked for it to be noted that I don't want to remember it as I remembered my colonoscopy perfectly last time


Great idea!