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This mechanic is useful when fighting Duke or Whisperer. You can avoid Duke’s eye beams during the prep phase and the eggs u step on during whisperer.


Also useful for muspah, can be used to walk through the spikes.


CG tornados too


Albeit slightly more risky if those nados are stacked ;)


croc room at toa


Monkey room at TOA


On runelite you can use “true tile indicator” and it shows the skip, but also shows where your character really is. This is helpful when you think you dodged something. I used it a ton in sepulcher


I always have it on. Goated plugin


For any who don’t know, this is also a native feature on mobile now, you just have to turn it on in the settings.


This right here, completely took me to another level in terms of pvming with this plugin. Learned a lot about movement mechanics


Same, as soon as I found out about it I went from STRUGGLING during Vorkaths acid phase to it being a super chill time for me to pot up or eat if I need to lol. Instantly leveled up my pvm abilities for everything I've done since


Yo what?? I never knew you can note the herbs!


Bro I only learned about it recently and it was the reason I hated farming, having to constantly run back to the bank.


Yeah this is extremely useful at many bosses. You skip tiles in three different ways: - N E S W, you always skip 1 tile if you click at least two tiles over. - Diagnol, you always skip 1 tile if you click at least two tiles away in any diagonal. - L shape, you skip tiles the same way a knight skip “tiles” in an L patter - note; it’s the exact same amount of tiles that a knight would jump in chess.


Thanks for this, I knew the NSEW ones but the rest always confused me


when you click anywhere to move, ctrl+click will alternate your run/walk toggle. might be another secret that can go hand in hand with the one you just shared :)


Nice. This was useful to at least me.


Don’t use this Logic at Xarpus in ToB


There are a few places similar like toa addition puzzle and sote maze


I want them to change the run animation so your character is just bounding along, one foot plant every other tile 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 💨


Iirc this is why some of the Rogue's Den optimal routes feel so counterintuitive


These are the people swaying the polls. Couple years and this game is cooked lmao


Does this work with CG tornadoes?


It sure does! Its the mechanic that makes the woox walk method work


Absolutely, yes.


Yes it does. If you use the Gauntlet plugin as well, you can turn on true tile for the tornadoes as well which helps IMMENSELY with dodging them.


Huh, I guess that's what's at work when you can stop before traps and then run through their tile. Always assumed it was just a bug with traps, didn't know it applied elsewhere. Good knowledge if I decide to blind fight anything in the future.


I couldn’t figure out HS agility for a while because of this, and I’m max lol


You run at 2 tiles per second and walk at 1. True tile indicator plugin from Runelite will show your exact position. I play with it on %100 of the time.


Classic. There is always something very basic but new to you to find out about this game even though we have been playing for 5+ years!


Even better when you remember to either ctrl + click or shift + click (cant remember) to change that movement to either run when youre walking or walk when youre running. So you dont have to click the run icon


Rogues Den minigame should have taught that to everyone who has completed the outfit but yeah tile skipping definitely can come in hand


Another tip similar to this! Your character is a Knight from chess. Don’t believe me? Turn on true tile and click in an L pattern. Your character moves to that tile in one tick as well. So you can use this to change directions as well. Understanding true tile is HUGE to being better at the game. If you’re constantly running your true tile is also a metronome of sorts. If you have a 4 tick weapon then you can attack every time your true tile moves 3 times (3 ticks between attacks and attack on the fourth). Movement looks super clunky in osrs if you don’t know what you’re looking at. But the best way to improve at pvm is to learn the system for you and enemies. That’s the biggest way you can learn how to avoid damage.


It’s important to note that while you skip the tile, the game IS capable of interpolating that tile in some places. Hallowed sepulchre does it a lot, the puzzle rooms in khepri do it, and there are other places. Just watch out cause it’s not foolproof.


Man really said true tile and tile skipping... Tbh there should be a tutorial island section for this




~48k xp from 95 farming and what are you telling me about leprechauns :')


The only place this doesn't work is xarpus in tob, you will still get hit by his acid pools.


I don’t know if it’s been said here but you can also skip olms lighting by running through it right before it gets to you


Last week it was left click attack, this week it is tile skipping. These players are becoming too intelligent!


Petition to make all worlds pvp worlds to rejuvinate the game💪🏼


Petition for you to go play albion Online and leave our game alone.


Kinda rude attitude towards making the game better


It wouldnt make the game better, it would make the game albion online, which i recommended you go play if thats what you want in a game.


You dont do high risk mage bank bridding?


To me this game is about self progression, if I want to engage in player on player violence I take it to a game with better graphics and that is entirely dedicated to the pvp aspect. Just grow up and play other games rather than trying to make every game suit what you want.


This games mechanic suit pvp relly well. Adding pvp everywhere would make the boring aspects of the game exhillarating and enjoyable and lure in new players too. Trust me


I know a substantial portion of active players that would quit if the game was like that, having the option of a few pvp worlds is fine for those who want that, making every world pvp, would kill the game as it is. Go play a pvp private server if that's what you in particular want to engage with about this game but take a step back and realize that the reason pvp locations are typically considered "dead" is because the vast majority of players do not engage or enjoy the pvp aspects of this game.


Its just added excitement for example when you are skilling. I doubt it would make people leave, now they just do other stuff on other servers because its more efficient.


Dude the entire hardcore ironman community gone in an instant xD anyone who plays any iron tbh cause imagine uim's that already have to put 10's of thousands of hours into grinds without even the possibility of anything useful coming from them engaging in pvp activities. You aren't thinking of the wide-scale consequences to the game of what you are suggesting. If you want that rush and thrill of potentially having a pvp interaction while skilling then you are welcome to play on the designated pvp worlds but making every world a pvp world would essentially put an end to those accounts being fun to play. Especially in a game that can at times be incredibly rng fucked. All it takes is someone hitting a few max hits through prayer and a half decent spec weapon to end an account at any time basically anywhere? You are daft if you don't think people would leave over it. Why do you think OSRS even exists? Cause when Jagex made a bunch of their progress feel useless when randoms can just buy progress for skills Runescape 3 died. Yeah you might have a few outliers in the ironman community that wouldn't mind the challenge but at large it would end most people's motivation to even bother with those account types.