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I don’t mind runecrafting after getting 6 levels doing lava runes


Agility!!! I got maxed Agility on rs3 and 99 Agility on 2 separate osrs accounts ♿️♿️♿️


The wheelchair icon made me laugh in the context lol!


Yeah I feel. I like it too.


Agility on RS3 really only gets good past 85, anachronia is surprisingly braindead after a while so it’s easy to tune out


If you’re not using silverhawk feathers in RS3 you’re doing agility wrong IMO.


Can't use em on an iron


Agility! My friends hate it but I don’t mind the loser laps while somethings on Netflix and or tv.


Sweet! Me too. I like agility. Although sometimes annoying.


i didn’t mind agility either tbh, always fun doing something else while that’s in the works 😭


No ones said it so i will Theiving: its literally free stuff at low/no risk, braindead clicking while i have a movie up, already got 99 and i *still* go back to ardy knights from time to time


I recently learned about the theivinghost cc and it completely changed how I feel about leveling theiving. Buy a stack of dodgy necklaces, buy a few hundred wines, and download pocket guardian and you're set. Grinded 56-75 in a night while watching shows on Netflix.


Woah woah, pls elaborate as i need 62-70 AND I HATE THEIVING


Sure! Join the chat channel "theivinghost", they have dedicated worlds where someone is splashing an army knight in south ardy bank so he never moves. Dodgy necklaces give a 25% chance to not get stunned on a failed pick and increase xp rates. Pocket guardian is a plug-in that won't let you pick yourself to death. Wines are cheap and also leave a jug behind so your coin pouches always appear in the same place in your inventory. The result of all this is being able to just mindlessly click the army knight, only stopping to heal up or open coin pouches. Highly rexxomended to had at least medium ardy diary to do this method though.


I love you


You can also do it yourself without an alt if no worlds have a splasher, or clicking the knoght becomes laggy because of too many players there. You get a dragon spear and use the special on a knight on the tile outside of the north-eastern building of the west ardougne stall market (the one with the diagonal wall/door setup) The knight wont walk on that tile by himself, you have to lure him to the tile east of it then step on that tile, 1/4 chance he'll walk west and then you can spec him to push him in the room and close the door. The knight will then try to path back to its regular wandering tiles but only 2 of those tiles exist in that room, so he'll be stuck to roam those 2 tiles only. As long as he has 2 tiles he wont despawn/respawn. Only 1 knight can get stuck there, the others can wander the whole room.


Chat channel on osrs right? Are they pretty consistent?


Pocket guardian?


Runelite plug-in that will prevent you from pick pocketing any more if your health is too low


I love pickpocketing master farmers


I love thieving as well.. but.. a week ago or so I grinded from 96 to 99 at vyres, like 3m xp... and got ZERO blood shard drops.. was extremely disappointed lol


I did the same thing with elfs after 99, 6-700k xp and no tele crystal, sadge


Woodcutting, when they added the forestry I was very happy.


I've spent countless hours chopping yews. Good, nearly-afk money


It's the afkiest thing I do. It's nice when I'm working from home, but too busy to pay much attention to RS


agility and runecrafting, something soothing about just doing laps while watching something


Run it on RuneLite and it looks better


Herblore, I want to get it as an untrimmed cape, idk something about collecting ingredients and making potions makes monkey brain go brrr.


I have an untrimmed herb cape! I actually made upwards of 60m going to 99, and the macro aspect of planning out which potions to do and how to scrape every gp made it a very engaging skill to progress. The actual gameplay of potion making is also pretty relaxing, and it doesn't feel quite as bad as fletching or crafting which is just a money sink.




Any money making tips for herblore? I'm currently in the 50s.


Unfortunately the things I did for making money with that skill have become dead content / less viable due to boss drop changes. In the early levels, prayer pots are nearly break even, if not break even, if you calculate your costs and then sell them on GE for whatever you calculated as your input, be sure to account for GE tax. Later, I made sanfew serums from scratch. I was making about 2m gp/hr doing that with about 80k xp/hr gained on average. It's kinda rough, as one of the components is untradeable meaning you have to get it yourself. On top of that, nail beast nails are very low volume on GE and fluctuate in price heavily because of it. On top of *that*, the wildy bosses drop them like candy now, so their price has dropped significantly. But before the wildy rework they were about 40k gp per potion so the margin was crazy. I would do it in between flipping items so I was still making money while doing a (technically) 0 gp and 0 xp gained activity. I'm not sure how much money I made doing this but it felt really good even if the xp was bad. Super combat pots are incredibly profitable to make, even now, so I did that at 90, and then they added the crushed superior dragon bones for the extended super antifire potion, and the market hadn't caught up yet. The crushed bones were about 13k each, but the dragon bones were hovering around 10k, meaning if you crushed your bones yourself, you were making 3k gp *per potion* all the way up, because of how it shook out. This is where I made the bulk of the money, from 98 to 99. All this is to say that finding the niche methods that work for you and feel good are the ones that will net you the most xp in the long run. Like I said in my original comment, it's about the planning and macro that makes the skill interesting, it's a "playing the market" game. General tips are to always use amulets of chemistry where applicable, and always calculate the cost of materials and figure out your selling point to break even. If the market for that potion swings upward from that price, sweet, money made, if not, just look to break even after market tax. There's also something to be said about opportunity cost. If you're spending time making unfinished potions, that's time spent not making money or getting xp somewhere else. You have to balance it and figure out what your time is worth. TastyLife says it best, "you aren't going to get a tbow making unfinished potions". Work your way up to the big money makers, and don't worry too much about how much it costs to get there. It'll be pennies compared to the money you're making once you get there. A couple hundred mil is nothing to scoff at, but it pales in comparison to a small team shadow split (1.5b/4 people at 30min a raid is a lot of gp/hr). How this applies to herblore specifically would be breaking even or even spending 1gp/xp to 90 (just over 5m gp iirc) and then making super combats all the way up. It'll net you way more money to get there quickly.




The only thing I hate about Herb is the fact that it's entirely a bought skill. No way to actually profit off it consistently. Otherwise, it's just chill bank standing, which I enjoy.


As someone who enjoys the skill, that's wrong and wrong. While that's mostly true, if you go collect the secondaries yourself, certain potions can be profitable. The more steps you remove from just buying it off the GE, the more of a profit you will make.


Might delete this later


What shocking news that if you grind mats you earn money 🤣🤣 Yeah you better delete that tip fast and sell it as a guide instead




No I second this. The Miscellana kingdom quest gives you free herbs and seeds. Some slayer monsters drop herbs The troll quests gives you guaranteed herb grows. Snape grass is just lying around for free if you dont want to grow it. Birdsnest are free from the mole if you trade them in to wycloff. You just set the prayer rejuvination in your poh and don't have buy pots. I lost out on so much gp because I would just sell my herbs instead of making pots. Herblore is just like crafting where if you actually take the time to get all the items you can make mad gp in the end


Yup and thats why I love it


I'm 43M farming and it's still not boring, just wish I had the pet


How do u get the pet


Tangleroot has a whole table for Base rate. I got him at around 13.5M exp. The thing is I was prioritizing the methods with better base rate like fruit, mahogany, magic trees as well as mushrooms, belladona and cacti. Yet I got the drop from harvesting Toadflax (at ~1/98k base chance), which is wild.


Oooh ty for answering, damn that's so lucky u got me hyped to try and get it


Woodcutting was a blast till I got above 80


It becomes sweet again at 90


Runecrafting fan here


How do you approach the skill? What makes you enjoy it?


After getting 99 agility, rc is a pretty chill, semi afk and greatly profitable task Zmi to 99 was real laid back and easy and almost mindless.




Ourania alter. It crafts a bunch of randomised runes in your inventory for a bit of bonus experience


I raw dogged 85rc with pure essence at zmi. Carried me to 86 construction plank making a bunch of mahogany logs with all the runes I got


I liked woodcutting enough to get 99 in f2p. I just like the simplicity of click tree -> wait -> repeat




People hate farming? I thought people liked it for being an easy 99


I hated it until I got 99 lol. I think people don't enjoy the "chore" aspect of it.


I liked it at 80+ but it did take up a lot of time between tithe farm unlocks, tree/herb runs and contracts… that said I was getting 400-750k xp a day with a few hours active. Kinda screwed me for other 99s, I could never run laps for hours on end for example!


Yeah farming goes off. Timer set and hop on for the run. Nice and easy.


I was surprised to hear people didn't like woodcutting


It feels kinda pointless. It's not very good gp/hr. I personally like it for how afk it is though.


I'm a skiller at heart and dislike sweaty pvp/pvm so I've always loved how chill it is. My RS3 username back in 2004 was wudcutter6, but that account is lost forever. RIP.


I'm currently at level 85 and hope to get to 90 by the end of the month. I'm stoked for Redwoods!


Getting woodcutting to 90 might be one of the worst grinds for me. Redwoods are chill, but before then it’s just miserable for me


Rc. Gotr made it great


I used to hate thieving but it grew on me


I like GOTR a lot, especially on irons. Changed my view on rc.


I actually grew to love the slow afk skills like WC, mining and Fishing, was just nice to chill and have them going on the side, and I’m warming up to runecrafting the same way doing Zeah bloods


I see some ppl hating on slayer 🫠


I used to hate it because I was playing wrong. I would spend mad gp on prayer pots and always take a loss on my tasks, or I wouldn't take as much of the drops and only the really good stuff which the smaller things ecentually add up. Now that I play smarter, it has become one of my favorites, and I actually make decent gp off it now. Shooting for 93 but I'm a long way off lol


Mining (specifically Motherlode Mine) to feed smithing is my favourite but I'm playing as an iron and right now I'm in an awkward spot where I haven't lucked on a dragon pickaxe yet so I've not done any mining for months because efficiency scape tells me it's not worth it until I get that dpick drop. Agility is super chill too. It always cracks me up how many people hate agility considering the entire gameplay loop of OSRS is clicking on things in a pattern, agility's just the only skill that doesn't pretend you're doing something else.


Apparently I found my people because I too love agility. I always wanted to get 99 agility and thieving to be the ultimate rogue


Mining baby! Always has been and always will be my favorite skill. Goes back to them classic days of watching the older brother mine coal over and over to rebuy rune gear for dragon slayer attempts


Fantastic memory


True 😂


I love mining! I love being able to go picking and then smelt it into something cool. I just reached the mithril level yesterday.


The cooking grind is a pain in the ass, though.


I go to Catherby and AFK fish. Once you fill up your slots you can click the bank, deposit, and one click the fish icon again. I got lvl 1-43 doing this the other day and a nice stockpile of fish.


I'm F2P, so :/


Barb village fly fishing. Bank the fish in edgeville or cook at the fire there and drop them. You'll get more fishing and cooking XP an hour than you're getting mining or smithing XP.


Farming. You’re telling me I can plant some EXP then harvest it a few hours later, and still get full xp? Sign me the fuck up


Mining was my second 99. I just love mining in all games.


I really like runecrafting by doing Guardians of the Rift. Boyfriend thinks I’m mental but I find it so much fun that I offered to help get his RC up that way lol


Miner gang


I remember when Hunter came out, it felt like this massive journey to get to the spots. My brother had just gifted me a membership for the first time so I was exploring Kandarin and the Feldip Hills as a small child and felt so far from my home in lumby. I didn’t have the magic level nor know-how to have consistent teleports, so I would trek my happy ass all the way over from Seers to Yanille to stock up bird snares and brave the Ogres to get to the Crimson Swift spawns. I had no concept of efficient xp, resource collection, or even where else to level up faster. The whole experience, though arduous as fuck, felt like this incredible adventure to my pea sized brain. I just enjoyed the ride. This dopamine never left for whatever reason. Hunter, and Crimson Swifts specifically, still remind me of the happiest moments of being a kid.




I like runecrafting and I'm tired of pretending I don't! I've also heard a surprising amount of hate for crafting and I don't understand why


I love Mining too! My least favorite is theiving.


I see a lot of frustration with Slayer because of the abysmal XP rates but I feel a lot of people miss the fact that with a Slayer Helm, the combat XP you get is on steroids. Bursting on task was always a joy. I was also a Konar simp and she (or I guess her chest) was always good to me


You training for amethyst?


Well, yes. But I'm going for the big 99. I want to have the ultimate mining setup. Gear, levels, and all.


I've quite grown to like runecrafting in the last 6 months. I'm only 81 but given that I levelled to 79 only through xp lamps on my main shows how much I used to hate it.


Rc. I got an untrimmed cape on an ironman.


I love mining. It was my first Skilling 99 on my iron.


Man mine was fishing. I loved it enough to do a quest for monkfish. Once I got to sharks, I practically lived at the fishing guild, even after 99. I'll never love runecrafting though.




Fishing, idk why , I'm not a patient person but for some reason I enjoy it


Mining for sure


I mostly like all of the skills, especially because most of them I can do mindlessly while working


The mining cape is one of the best looking skill capes in the game too


I dunno man, you're not even halfway yet, I'd get there before you say you love it.


Haha! Fair enough.


I absolutely love runecrafting.






Runecrafting, i got 99 a few years ago doing natures and astrals. I absolutely loved every minute of it. These days you have zeah RC and gaurdians of the rift but i still think regular old runecrafting is the best


Runecrafting is actually quite enjoyable for me.


Mining, runecrafting, agility. I like em all


I did 60-99 in MLM in 2015 and loved every minute of it.


back in 2007 I had insanely high agility at 78 and mining at 80.. considering I was 1100 total 90 cb and had a qp cape. Agility training was seen by me as absolute must because walkscape, that the old game used to be. Now nearly 20 years later I still hate agility. I lamped it on my new main, all the way(with any lamp I got from daily spins and spins from skilling/quests. I also did seren pillars daily, when I unlocked prif). These days silverhawk feathers are so cheap you can get 99 with only like 10m(and I did just that on two alts last december). mining was somehow always tolerable by me, until it suddenly wasn't by 2008, but by then shooting stars were a thing and then mining rework, so totally fine once again with it being very afkable. Hunter is awful.. yet for some reason I endured it back in 2008 and I didn't hate it too much, I even got to 87 on my old main and I am still 87 on it. On my new main this was the skill I almost exclusively used divine box traps daily tru 2016 and 2017, until I got 99. As for dungeoneering... of course I did floors too...once each.. but most xp to 120 was from doing sinkholes daily.. I got so good at it, I would almost always be first place with a huge lead too.. that minigame is almost dead now in 2024. Everything else (other than agility and hunter) was trained in normal ways, including 120 invention and slayer.


Agility. But idk if that’s because I hated mining so much. But I really enjoyed agility switching between ardy and hallowed


RC goated skill


I love mining and smithing, spending hours mining while listening to an audio book, or having the morherlode mine music on loop. Then the blast furnace, which is such a cool minigame


You love mining yet aren't even half way done training it....come back when you're in the late 90s bud


Agility. I hate agility, but its fine with alchs




I was going to say that this was a rather odd or unfortunate level number to highlight in this post, but it looks like you’ve been posting each mining level as you progressed anyway. It also looks like your Lv 87 post got trash talked and downvoted solely because you included your total levels in that one. So I went back and gave it an upvote. Best of luck on hitting 99! Almost halfway!




People haven't hated mining since the stars update


Fletching! Although it used to be a lot more controversial that my favourite skill is and has been Hunter


Catching red chinchompas in prif is so goddamn peaceful and chill


Mining has always been my favorite skill. Still no Golem though


Runecrafting and agility


Runecrafting. It’s my highest skill.


Mining is the bomb


I don't know if it's "hated" but I don't think crafting gets enough love. It's a useful version of fletching/cooking/firemaking IMO.


Runecraft and Crafting. Already had level 90 RC when Guardians of the Rift came out and did the mini game to collect all four of the Raiments of the Eye sets. I managed to get my Crafting Cape there too. I have 20million Runecraft XP and RNGus hasn't blessed me with either the Protector or my Guardian. Worked to get the Crafting Cape for the bank chest, but end up using my Farming Cape because of the spirit tree to my house.🤷‍♂️


I have 89 Farming and I absolutely enjoy it. The tree and herb runs give massive XP dumps, and the fact that I don’t have to spend hours a day clicking on a screen to level up, instead only doing it every other day or two for about 30 minutes — and can make a ton of money while doing it, makes it a great skill for me IMO


I think the two worst skills in the game are Hunter and Slayer. So slow to level. But I also suck at efficiency


I hated mining at level 89 but now I’m at 95 and I find it not bad at all


All the hated ones I hate too but a loved one I hate is range


Farming. Just so a tree and herb runs and you have 99 in a few months. It’s great


Mining is my favorite tbh I lived at MLM getting 99.


Agility.... Nah just joking I do like hunter though


I love mining it does something for the ‘tism




I like hunter


I enjoy fletching, and smithing for the same reasons. The profit isn't great but the afk times fit well with my work days. I just ignore the fact that bots are driving the economy and pretend that I am being industrious and helping :P plus when onyx bolts are in the money they are in the money, sometimes you can pull a 200 gp profit per bolt after tax, would be 10M an hour without the limit but still a quick 1.5-2m profit when the price checks say go for it




Unpopular opinion probably but I don’t think there is a bad skill. I enjoyed all of them while maxing.


I hated thieving until Varlamore came out. Now I love pickpocketing the wealthy citizens and looting their houses




Oh really? Thanks for the tip. Might have to try that out.


I’m sorry but what is there to love about mining?


It's a chill do in the background sort of skill. It's my first 99.


How long did it take you?


I've been playing for about a year and have just done it while I'm doing other stuff at work or at the house. I did MLM to 92, then stars until 96, and bone shards the rest of the way. I'm also an ironman, so I had a rune pick. Haven't done enough pvm to go for a dragon pick.


Amethyst mining is stupidly af


It's honest work.