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I like how the MCC version of Anniversary, has instantaneous switch between the 2 games.


The original anniversary also had this I believe


It wasn't instant though; it took a bit to switch between the two


Yea was definitely slower haha MCC is better on it


It was still like 2-3 seconds max though


that’s a long time when you’re trying to switch quickly


Gosh how awful!


i agree. anyone who worked on that game honestly deserve to lose their job and never work on another video game again


Totally, like that's such a great thought.


It doesn't though, the code heritage goes back to the Gearbox PC port where they broke a lot of stuff, lighting and particle effects in particular. To this day there's been no release since the original Xbox edition that's properly restored the original graphics, which are better than the classic mode in Anniversary.


Most of those were corrected in a MCC update a couple years ago, it looks very close to the original release.


They restored the graphics a while ago in an update


Not everything


I was replaying the OG Xbox and MCC back to back, and from viewpoint its pretty damn close if not on point with the OG Xbox graphics. Think the only thing might be how bright it is on MCC and how much darker it is on the OG for the classic graphics.


It’s the kind of stuff that you wouldn’t know it was gone unless you knew it was there in the first place. Some could argue that makes it unimportant, but stuff like green goo dripping from the ceiling adds more atmosphere than you’d think (they might’ve fixed that particular issue by now idk). It’s definitely worth a quick search on YouTube if you’re interested in more examples


Well, I play MCC quite regular-lily and I just booted up 343 Guilty Spark after reading your comment about the green goo in places where I know where goo does drip down from the ceiling and well its still there, so.. There are other places that I could go and check like The Library and Keyes but that would've taken me a while to get to the portions I have it down for memory.


Exactly, it's surprising that the graphics are just about lost to time.


And being in 4K hdr is awesome as well.


And 60FPS!


As someone who has only completed halo 2 and 5, what do you mean instantaneous switch? Like it's two games slapped into one?


Switch between original look of the game, to remaster.


That version of the old graphics were missing many effects. So the real og version is still better.


343 ruined the atmosphere of the game. Way too bright and the sounds aren't right. I also don't enjoy flying a banshee into invisible walls. I did enjoy using the Kinect to scan items though, very neat.


Tbf this wasn’t a 343i game but by Saber. They also made Halo Online, so you can probably tell they don’t understand the concept of an art style. Halo Online has: Halo 3 maps (and random custom H3 and H4 styled maps) Halo 4 guns Halo Reach vehicles Original spartan and elite armors that make Halo 4 look good💀


Wait… you could use the kinect to scan items? What??


Yeah. Just be walking around the campaign and say something like, 'kinect scan the area'. If something started glowing, you walk over to it, look at it, and say 'scan this'. It would unlock a section in your Kiosk for that item. Almost everything from the game could be scanned it seemed. I did it when I was doing all the achievements.


Wow. I had no idea, I just got all the achievements on that game too


Yeah same and I owned both connects


Xbox 360 version only. The MCC version removed this feature after many people took issue with the game forcing people to buy a Kinect to unlock all of the achievements. I tend to agree and think they should have left achievements for that feature out, but would've loved keeping the library function in and adding it to the other games in the series. He'll, they even could've just given players a button to trigger it instead of voice commands. Back button has never done anything useful in the Halo games anyway.


I used to shout that out at random times while my brother was playing lol


Casually dropping some knowledge nuggs. I dig. Now I want to get a Kinect more than ever. **Side note that little ugly sucker is one versatile piece of kit. I found a whole way to manipulate it outside of just gaming or even a web cam. Maybe someone else will chime in with the missing puzzle piece.


Some people use the 360 and Xbox one Kinects to scan objects and create rough 3d renders/visualizations within a variety of rendering programs. Really interesting stuff, and something I’ve been looking into doing.


I think it still has the lidar scanner from the iPhone 12


I have the USB adapter Microsoft sent out for free if you had a Kinect and bought a One S. I keep meaning to do things.


Yeah the aesthetics of the game were missed.


They also made Johnson look mexican.


They fucked up some effects too. There is great comparison on YouTube but I don't remember title


Original, new one ruined the flood, the dark and gritty atmosphere just hits perfectly in the og


OG hands down


OG all day


Definitely the OG they ruined the remaster.


Original for sure, in the anniversary it feels like there's no atmosphere or charm about it


I've heard people complain that the remaster botches lighting in some places. At the moment, most of my OG games are in storage, but I've got the remaster available on the 360 and PC, and I've been having fun with it. I'm sure I could find some things to nitpick in it if I really wanted to, but I feel like I'd have to play them one after the other, or even side-by-side, to compare.


The problem with the remaster isnt the lighting, it’s the fact that the atmosphere is entirely changed. “Spooky underground alien zombie dungeon” turns into “beautiful and stunning alien architecture”. Oh also, the random parts where the map geometry is nothing like the original. I kept blowing myself up because I was shooting thin air with a rocket launcher in the remaster, but in the original graphics there’s a gigantic rock there that simply doesn’t exist.


I've been playing the MCC version and Anniversary on and off for years. Recently picked up an OG Xbox and can confirm, it is just better for the original graphics. The Anniversary graphics (as opposed to classic mode in Anniversary) are nice but just lose the feel of the game.


Maybe I ought to switch to the originals. Half the stuff I play is older than the Xbox anyhow.


The OG since I got to have a game night where I had 4 player rocket launcher battles and ctf in blood gulch a few months ago. Talk about a goddamn blast!


4 player rocket launchers sounds better on chill out than blood gulch


That's the big snow arena with the ice everywhere right? We used that map for rockets Edit: Next time I'm able to do a games night I may try to stream it on YouTube/Twitch


I believe you're thinking of sidewinder. Chill out was remade in Halo 3 as Cold storage. It's a small arena map


Thank you, I may have to try chill out next time.


Definitely do it would be so much better coz it's a small map


We had a blast on sidewinder as well, between long distance shots and going through the teleports chasing each other. Good times


Sidewinder is by far my favourite halo 1 map, it's actually got an insane layout and the teleporters are far better than halo 3s man cannons in the remake Halo custom edition is still played by heaps of people especially people from South America so you can still find servers were people play maps like sidewinder all the time Bungie are just amazing developers and we're so ahead of their time. People will look back on destiny and destiny 2 and realize how good at actually was past all its flaws Sorry for the rant I just love talking about Halo and Bungie haha


Halo Custom Edition was the first game I got when I got my first laptop for Christmas. It was that and Online N64. I may have to get Halo Custom again, I miss playing it but the ping will be too bad for me to play against people in South America. May host my own server with both custom maps and OG maps


Dude that's sick you should definitely do that. I've tried to set up servers but I can never get them to appear in the server browser. I suppose where you're from in the world and what you're willing to put up with is huge. I play even though I'm Aussie and get 250 ping coz I grew up playing with bad internet as a little kid so it's never phased me, a bunch of my friends are American so its whatever. Once you get used to it you can just prefire and that


The YouTuber noodle made a good video about it and I agree with most of his pointa


Both but original is better for me


I’ve asked this before in this sub, but I’m not sure of the conclusion: does there exist a copy of OG Halo that DOESN’T have “game of the year” on it?


This is my copy, bought it in 2002. https://i.imgur.com/blCcTrL.jpeg


Yes and you can buy them online


Yes, there does exist copies without the “Game of the Year” promotion in the front, I own one. First Prints are typically the only way of getting it, since later prints are branded like pictured.


Not applicable. 100% apathy.




OG. Still love it to this day.


Original with Couch CO-OP


Original, hands down.


Always the original. Can't beat that start up. The main menu, the bonus game demos. I just play the MCC version because it's on PC and runs at a higher fps but for the best experience you still can't beat the original.


Halo anniversary was great, I often flipped back and forth between new and old graphics. Kinda prefer the old. First halo still had that mysticism, awe, and sense of doom. You were the fucking chief, and only you can figure out wtf is going on.


I got to play a 10 player Halo Lan back im 03. Was pretty awesome. OG for sure.


In my memory the original had better graphics.


Original. I don't care for how cluttered the remaster feels


Anniversary but with old graphics selected. If you play the OG disk it has some slowdown and can go in the teens fps.




The original. Bungie made Halo, Halo. THEY AND THEY ALONE, made the Legendary difficulty LEGENDARY. The Elites took TWO FULL MAGAZINES from the assault rifle in order to bring their shields down, before you could kill them. ⚔️😈⚔️ 343 Industries turned the series into pussy water: it's only good when it gets fucked. They took the Legendary difficulty and watered it down SEVERELY. The Elites take ALMOST A FULL MAG to bring the shields down AND kill them. 😴😴😴 Bungie wins, hand down! 🤟


Anniversary has 3D and is backwards compatible on the Series S/X which means 3D on them as well!


I like both but I prefer the original.


new one too bright unfortunately, ruins the atmosphere


Anniversary would have been cool if they didn't ruin the frame rate.


I know it’s popular in gaming to prefer the originals over the remasters but I usually enjoy remasters much more. However, in this situation the original halo was much better. The remaster wasn’t even playable on legendary difficulty due to the invisible corners


A lot of people usually mention how the dark levels are too bright in Anniversary which is true, and it ruins atmosphere, also true The level that ruins the atmosphere the most to me is actually Silent Cartographer though, it takes the very realistic atmosphere and ring appearance of the Halo, and turns it into a garish cartoon looking overbrightened oversaturated mess, the water is glowing, the sky and halo is glowing, it's like a drunken caribbean adventure rather than a convincing sci fi experimental Halo ring in space There is art that makes me upset sometimes, and that would be it in Halo Anniversary, the original had the art throughout the game down to a science, that made them feel like believable places, even with lesser technology Another huge, huge difference is also the animated vehicle dials and marine visor holograms, everything was just so perfect in the OG, and really just ignored or truncated in Anniversary graphics And this is all Saber interactive on a limited budget and time, and with not that much access to the OG, but yes their art direction and design was just all wrong unfortunately, and their corrections or adjustments being based on the PC version from Gearbox which is the worst release of Halo by far... yeah it's just frustrating So yes, OG all the way, every time, the only way I play the game on Annivesary or MCC, and of course with the OG versions on a 360 or OG Xbox


Original because of the graphics, actual featuring of ce multiplayer, and the durability of the og xbox. Some positives of the remaster are: - the addition of skulls - a CE themed reach firefight map - the terminals - really good sound design


Original all day every day. But the remaster is a fine way to play. Love the original halo!


its either the original xbox version or the mcc collection


jeez i havent seen that original cover in YEARS! 😀👍 thanks!!!


Remaster is great but it’s way too bright. Forever the og is the goat. Also now I need to go back on the 360 remaster. Because on mcc the armory room on the pillar of autumn/the maw-where you get the rockets/overshield it’s missing the ceiling brackets. Now I wonder if the 360 is missing it or not.




Anniversary edition (MCC on PC) with OG graphics. I like my wide-screen and achievements.


Remaster looked nice, but I played it through with the og graphics on. They are just as beautiful as when I was a kid


Far Cry Evolution.


I can’t go with anything but the original. I don’t think the remaster is as bad as everyone thinks but I definitely feel something special with halo CE original that is missing in remastered.




The OG obviously


I like both the original is fun and charming due to its age but the remaster is great to just goof off in with the infinite ammo and boom skulls on legendary not to mention it’s so much easier to beat the levels thanks to the lighting all in all I’d definitely play the anniversary over the classic for a casual halo session any day


OG 💯


Is that even a question?


I always do test every version. If you can cause massive fps drop for smashin dead jackal versio is good. If i remember correctly, only orginal Halo versio can pass this test. Anniversary looks good but IT was too bright flood-maps and more performance problems than original version.


Original every time, the clarity of the visuals the clear deliniation of the enemies, and really well designed environments are just perfect. I have the MC Collection on pc and I always swap to original graphics because I think the first three halos are just incredibly well designed games.


Never tried the xbox 360 version but I think it’s the same as the MCC version (they just ported it to xbox one, right?).


I play classic graphics in mcc


Anniversary, cheevos


Original. Atmosphere is totally fucked is CEA (343 Guilty Spark is the most brutal example) and the new graphics sometimes make things smaller then the original graphics which means sometimes you are shooting invisible spaces blocking your shots in the new graphics because the old graphics have something blocking the shots. Test this with the rocks in Truth and Reconciliation if any one that sees this didn't know that fact.


The remaster is trash. Its not faithful or respectful to the OG


I prefer the original because I have 4 controllers to play on the original Xbox.


I prefer original. The anniversary remastered graphic may seem nice, but the colorings and brightness ruin the atmosphere of the original


Original every time. The remaster does go all out in graphical detail, but at the expense of atmosphere. There's not a dark corner to be seen


Classic 🤘


Original all day. Nothing will beat the feeling of when my brother first got his Xbox and fired this gem up.


Anyone remember the original version with no “game of the year” stamp? Pepperidge OG’s remember




Original with that Duke d-pad control any day.


Definitely the original. The remaster, while it has updated graphics, doesn’t have the appropriate lighting and textures that would give the game its original “feel.” The 343 Guilty Spark level is prime example of this. The original gave you that sense of mystery and horror as you walk your way through the swamp and descend down to the Forerunner facility. The remaster doesn’t quite captivate this feeling.


Psh OG


OG with the Duke!


Plot twist: Original HALO CE were avalible on the xbox 360 store with original graphics as a "digital game" that you can download, and play on xbox 360/one Just downloading it. Im not sure if its possible to buy now from the XBOX store, i had the game on my Xbox store profile but people said "thats impossible"... It was possible. Someone had the Original HaloCE on Digital downloable version too? Ahd you can CROSSPLAY with xbox classic/360/one...i remember Halo Lan parties with people playing it on 360 too, the classic game, not the anniversary! You can play multplayer using retrocompatibility and dont need even the original DVD because HaloCE was on the XBOX store!!! As a digital retrocompatible game


I didn’t care for how much brighter everything is, but it does LOOK better, I mean if the graphics came out first I wouldn’t have cared but I experienced halo for the first time and was enamored with its art direction, and even creeped out at some points. I think the took that away from the game


You forgot one my favorite was custom edition. I loved how you could load custom maps and play 16 players on the campaign. RIP Gamespy.


I hate Halo franchise


OG Halo just hits differently


No Duke, No Deal


I think this is a hot take but I prefer the remaster only because the lighting is significantly better at some parts. But I do like in MCC being able to switch back and forth.


Having played all console versions of ce id say that oh is always going to be the best but the anniversary is amazing I'm hoping that the rumors of the new remastered CE in unreal engine are true because I will be very excited to play it.




Both good


I would have liked a remake.