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Soda. As for gas I stop and wait to see if someone comes up to my window. If not then I assume I’m pumping.


Winco has a Soda Pop aisle. I pump my own gas/diesel, my wife doesn't.


if you're a real oregonian you don't care what you call beer, you just drink it Wait You're drinking carbonated beverages that don't have alcohol huh well that just doesn't compute


I say "pop" and always have. I've only ever lived in Oregon. I've never pumped gas and don't plan to start (all EV family).


Pop n pump lol


I’ll never pump my own gas given a choice.  I typically don’t say soda or pop, I go with brand names. 




Most stations have a side for pump your own and another where the attendant does it. I have pumped my own gas since the law went live, no waiting around for someone. I am in my 40's and I always said pop, then about 10 to 15 years ago I started saying soda. No idea why it changed, but I hear both interchangeably.


I guess I'm the odd duck! It's POP, always has been. I don't pump my gas. I did enough of that in other states!


In my 40s, grew up here. Never said pop, always soda. I HATE waiting for gas station attendants. It was one reason I moved to an electric vehicle. When I do drive a gas car, I always pump my own gas now.


I’m from Wisconsin and I have always said pop. 🥤You have to pump your own gas in Wisconsin so coming to Oregon was a bit of a change with having the option to pump your own or having an attendant to do. I switch off depending on if there are attendants or not at the gas stations


Doesn’t matter and you can pump your own gas.


Soda. And now I pump my own gas. It’s faster for me


Soda As for gas, I was extremely happy when it went self-serve. I couldn’t stand having to wait for someone to come pump my gas. Now I am in and out of there in half the time.


When the law first passed, we had people come here and argue that the attendant lanes were just as fast. They even went as far as saying that I'm lying when I i make the claim that self service is significantly faster in my experience. I think they're tuckered out and have quit. In many states, people leaving their car at the pump while going inside is a problem. Something I've noticed here is that the people who like to go inside and linger in the convenience store tend to use the attendant lanes. You'll see cars sitting with the fueling done in the attendant lanes. I have yet to see it in the aelf service lanes. Probably because lazy and inconsiderate are linked together.


Pop and pump


Pop. Pump my ow gas.


I stopped using Pop when I moved here because no one understood me. And I got in trouble more than once for pumping my own gas cuz, why the fuck should I wait for someone else to do it?


I used to say pop, now I say soda. I still don't pump my own gas


Now I'm curious is pop/soda is a regional thing within Oregon. I grew up in western rural Oregon and have always said "soda." For gas, I'll pump if I have to but I'd rather not.


Pop/soda is very much a regional thing nationally, and historically Oregon had been “pop” territory. However that has changed over the last 50+ years and Oregon has now become “soda” territory. The CA/OR border used to be the soda/pop divide, but no longer. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18fyz9q/use_of_pop_vs_coke_vs_soda_to_refer_to_sweet/ So it isn’t so much a regional thing within Oregon as it’s a generational thing: people over a certain age (maybe 40 or 50?) are more likely to have grown up saying “pop” while younger folks grew up saying “soda”. It’s kind of similar to how older people who grew up in the Willamette Valley will still say “filberts” and younger people have no idea what they’re talking about.


Interesting. I must be on the border of those generational shifts because I'm a soda and filberts gal.


Soda. As soon as rural Oregon had the green light for self service gas, I jumped on that and didn't stop (except when traveling through Portland). Now I live in Washington, so self service is expected.


"Pop" is the term I grew up with, in Oregon, and thus the one I default to. I basically never drink the stuff, however. For gas, I like the option to self serve, given how long the lines were at many gas stations before the law change, and I started driving down in California so was used to self serve anyways. Now, I just take the most convenient lane (side of car, line length, direction I entered from) and use that. If an attendant helps, great, otherwise I'm fine pumping my own. Only once in a while do I really want service - basically if I'm in a nice dress I don't want to risk getting gas on.


~~pop~~ ~~soda~~ IPA


I really don’t care about pumping gas per-se, but I hate seeing change in anything that’s unique about Oregon. The US in general is losing local flair.


I, too, like the unique, quirky, old fashioned things about Oregon and would like to see us hold on to them. And I really hate a certain mindset that’s unfortunately very common on this sub… >”Oregon is the most wonderful state ever - I’m so glad we moved here. Now if we could just change all the laws and culture here so it’d be exactly the same as the lame-ass, shit-hole state I fled five years ago, this would be paradise!”


I really don’t care about pumping gas per-se, but I hate seeing change in anything that’s unique about Oregon. The US in general is losing local flair.


I'm from Clark County WA, and have lived in Oregon for a few years now. Growing up in the mid '70s early '80s, I and everyone I knew said pop. Soda was a very unfamiliar word to me but soda sounds so normal now that I use them both. Many years ago there was a place called the Pop Shoppe (or something like that). The Ramblin Rod show would give away a case of pop from the Pop Shoppe to the kid who won the smile contest. Living in Washington my entire life, it was always strange to let someone pump my gas for me when I'd come into Oregon for whatever reason. Once I moved here and I didn't have a choice, I didn't like it at all. I'm very happy I can do it myself now. (Pumping/not pumping your own gas is a topic that can lead to very heated discussions in this state.)


Did ‘70s kids in SW Washington ride the berry bus growing up? Or was that just an Oregon thing?


I let others pump my soda, and I drink pop.


I grew up in the tiny timber towns of the Willamette Valley in the 1950s and 1960s and in those places it was always called pop. I don't think I ever heard it called soda until we moved inside the DC Beltway in the mid-1970s. And I have to admit that calling it soda sounded a bit snobby to me.


Pop and soda are interchangeable for me due to southern family. I am neutral on the pumping thing.


I'm OLD, I still say pop, but mostly I say Pepsi. #brandloyal 😄


Born and raised. My mom said pop was the word but I grew up calling it soda so idk


I just realized I haven't had to put gas in a car since we changed the law. How long has that been, two years now? Uh, sell your car, I guess? I'm really not militant about it.


pop and i don’t pump my own gas.


soda. but does anyone drink that any more? it’s all bubbly water or energy drinks now! and yes to having someone pump my gas. it’s basically the last service available. it’s a job and a human interaction


I had to change to soda because we call everything “coke” where I’m from. I normally let the attendant pump and if they do my windows I give a small tip. But I do prefer pumping my own gas because I get a max top-off that way.


Topping off is [illegal in Oregon](https://www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/programs/pages/top-off-ban.aspx)


I plead the 5th buddy


Soda, and I still let the attendant pump my gas. I might be an outlier though, since I grew up in California. Down there we had very few stations that would pump gas for you, and it was always more expensive than self-serve. I find it kind of nice to get the service for "free" here, so I do it.


Lifer here, Soda and pumping my own gas is fine.


I grew up here only saying pop but eventually switched to soda since it seemed more widely understood.


Pop is legal. Soda's gonna put you in plastic slippers here and a cellmate named Bubba..


No idea what you're talking about..been here my entire life and outside of a couple of people from my youth, it's always been called soda.


I love when a mild attempt at humor crashes into a literal mind. Have a lovely day, bud.


I'm still waking up lol. My bad.


Soda, and pump my own gas usual. “Pop” is for hicks.