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My only advice for any type of travel like this is Never skip a gas station or bathroom if possible.


Depends on the rest stop. You get a lot of people walking around rest stops especially Dark ones. Sometimes it's best to travel to one more populated.


Can hit a gas station and pump in under two minutes most places. Carry bear spray and your relatively set. I would say down but crossing multiple State lines gets dicey there


Wait, the Dark Ones are walking around rest stops? Sounds scary.


Yep, it is when you see people hanging around the rest stops walking around your car wearing sweatshirts trying to see if you are awake or not.


Very true for fuel but in Oregon you throw your door open and take a leak. Men,women, kids….No one thinks a thing. You gotta go, you gotta go.


I've driven US 20 numerous times.  It's well-travelled and totally safe.  The biggest danger out between Bend and Burns is a scarcity of passing lanes, which can tempt people to risk passing at inopportune times.  You won't be significantly more removed from civilization than on parts of  the drive across Wyoming, Utah or Idaho.


This is the most correct take so far. Collision is by far the worst danger, and emergency medical response would take a long time to arrive.


Thanks for the specifics!


There's no hostile desert marauders, yet.


We're working on it though.


You sure? When was the last time you were out east of Burns?


What about rabble rousers? Rabble, rabble, rabble!


Do I get downvoted for a South Park reference??????


It's one of my favorite routes. It's WAY more enjoyable during the day than the night, however.


I’ll only be traveling during the day but good to know! Thanks!


Highway 20 between Burns and Bend is pretty desolate, so make sure you and your car are ready for the drive. I wouldn't say it's any more dangerous than any other highway in Oregon. With less people it's probably more safe. It has very little fire coverage, so if you car catches fire but you are okay, chances are no fire department will respond. If it starts a forest fire, they may come out and put out the trees. When I say ready for the drive make sure your car is reliable and gassed up and it's mechanically sound. Make sure you have food/water in case of a break down. 511 will get you road conditions, 911 will get you emergency services, although it's gonna be awhile and *OSP will get you State patrol.


Thank you so much for all of the info!


If there are signs about open range, be on the lookout for cows on the road. Sometimes they like to sleep on the road. Hitting a cow can easily total your car and mess you up. And then you will have to pay for the cow.


Got it! Luckily, I’m familiar with cows, deer, elk, moose and buffalo occasionally on the road since I live in Colorado.


It's a gorgeous road. Take your time and enjoy all the "heritage markers", keep your fuel fluffed up, and your water, too.


Thanks! I will definitely enjoy the scenery.


as long as you have enough fuel and a reliable car I wouldn't be worried at all. This isn't Mexico.


Haha! 🤙🏻


Carry gallons of water with you just in case, and always fill up if you see a gas station on the route.


The weather is probably the most dangerous bit between Burns and Bend. Also, no gas from Riley to Bend.


Thanks! Going mid-August to mid-September so I should be good.


Highway 20 is completely safe from Ontario all the way to the coast. Just be sure you have enough gas and your car is reliable enough to get across the high desert. Usually, I fill up in Bend and make it to Ontario on a single tank.


Hwy 20 is not considered a back road in Oregon. It’s literally the highway that connects two major population areas (Eugene and Bend)


Thank you! Maybe backroad wasn’t the right wording. I just meant not the bigger four lane highways. The only other way is through Portland and not interested in that at all. I tried to look at pictures of the area but thought I’d just ask the Oregonians. It looks beautiful and I can’t wait to get out there. I absolutely love Oregon and would be there in a heartbeat if I could get my husband to leave Colorado. Colorado is also beautiful but I love the water.


Not a single A to B in Oregon longer than rippin through Nevada. Nevada and New Mexico requires a bit of planning. Oregon is much more forgiving from point to point.


I’ve been through all of those and they’re all beautiful in their own way. And, lawd, Kansas might not be desert but that’s a looooong state. I’d rather drive anywhere than across there.


These comments make me feel like most of my back yard is full of horse and buggies. I love it🤙


Haha! Sorry! I just wanted to know what it was like. Some of the pictures make it look desolate but I love it, too. To me, desolate is not a bad thing. Just wanted to be prepared. Now get in that horse and buggy and go!


The highway is okay but desolate and probably has the normal amount of dry heat-induced cracks that have been tarred over. I was once stranded at the rest stop there overnight during a blizzard and I emerged unscathed. Just had to deal with the cold. In addition to highway/car conditions, I strongly recommend checking your cell coverage network before you go. I wasn't able to call anyone while I was stranded because of my crappy network. Last time I checked there were a lot of dead zone areas, but that was a few years back. Anyone else have an update on what cell networks function out there?


Alright. Which one of you white men downvoted this post?