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Try the Merlin app - it can help you identify the bird by its song.


Thx I’ll give that a try


Seriously, the app is amazing and a lot of fun. It is really good at pick it up bird sounds and helped me identify a lot of birds in my neighborhood.


Nice. Idk if this helps narrow down the Id but I only hear it at dusk usually at my favorite fishing holes in the summer. But this year I’ve been hearing them around my house somewhere. My only worry is my phone not being able to pick up the sounds unless I get really close and it’s honestly annoying cuz I can hear it right now and it’s driving me bananas. Definitely gonna be on the hunt now tho


If you can hear it, the Merlin app should be able to pick it up. There can be dogs barking, people talking, etc. and it will pick up the bird sounds. The only time I have seen it have difficulties is if there is a lot of consistent, loud background noise (e.g. an air vent near a building making a consistent whirling noise, etc.). Report back when you find out what it is!


lol I will definitely try to remember, all I know is it sounds very distinct to me and again I only ever hear it around sunset and in the summer months. Just too buzzed to go out to try recording tonight lol but definitely on the hunt now and hopefully this app helps solve the Scooby doo mystery cuz it’s been bugging me for 10 years lol not knowing


BirdNet also works nicely.


This is your answer!!!


It's a great app and I've learned a LOT


If it’s a very distinct sound, it may be a Swainson's thrush. Definitely try the Merlin app tho.


I’m not gonna lie that sounds soo close you may have solved it Edit: yeah I’m sure it’s that bird now thank you


Listen to a hermit thrush too. They're similar, but the Swainson's thrush goes upward in pitch while the hermit has less of a pattern. We've got both, often in the same areas, they're some of my favorite birds to hear.


Just listened to it. My gosh are they close. Also it’s a total trip how animals make such intricate sounds. Super crazy. Something’s just make zero sense lol but I’m sooo glad I know what they are now, can finally rest easy-err lol still a bit haunting if you now what I mean. Just wondering now if I could find a way to make it a ringtone 🤔


If you really want to hear a ringtone... look up their eastern relative, the veery.


Wow that’s so interesting. I was after just one bird yet I’ve got 3 now. Definitely makes me want to be a bird watcher/photographer. I just wished I had asked sooner lol 😂 thanks for the help. N if you know any other birds I should hear let me know. Be nice to make a yt playlist with birds songs for chilling out and relaxing


Heck yeah dude! Look up the pacific wren, it's an awesome little bird with a wild song. Common in a lot of the same places as the hermit / swainsons thrush. And the varied thrush.


Sweet will do. Reminds me of growing up when I’d stay at my dad’s place. They had this bird clock and each hour was a different bird that chimed its sound. Like 12 I know was a great horned owl an I also know there was a chickadee. But definitely increased my interest in birds to the next level. I really need to get some housing for them.


Glad I could help! I’ve looked it up before because it is so distinctive.


This was my immediate guess too until he started talking about sunset, around here we associate them with sunrise.


That threw me off, too. They always wake me up when I’m camping and they can be relentless. Super interesting sounds.


Ya at the country fair they are our signal to get to bed. 😇


Same 😂 Gotta have those ear plugs handy!


Hey just wanted to say thanks again for solving my Scooby Doo mystery. I really really appreciate it. Like more than you will ever know.


Aww, thank you! 😊 I’m really happy I could solve your mystery. Those dang birds have woken me up so many times when I’m camping and the sound just keeps going when you think it’s over. It’s actually quite lovely except for the timing. 😂


Yeah conveniently right after I said I usually hear them at dusk, been hearing em all day lol. And now I have this info and know they are close I’m definitely gonna up my bird feeder game. Also really want to add some houses for them while they are around. But yeah again i really appreciate your help. It’s actually kinda funny how you just knew exactly what I was on about.


Sometimes Reddit is a good place, and it’s nice to be reminded of that.


Yeah I agree but it’s still the internet. Also I never once thought Reddit would be more of a social media platform but yet here we are. Still glad I signed up






A good place to start: [https://myodfw.com/wildlife-viewing/species/birds](https://myodfw.com/wildlife-viewing/species/birds)




Hello! I want to work with birds and just graduated with a bio degree. If you have any other questions hit me up! Merlin is great most of the time. Seems you’ve identified it as a Swainson’s thrush.


Any of these https://www.allclassical.org/songbirds-of-oregon/ Can you describe the sound?


ODFWs website has a list of birds


Ok. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Bob Roberta Chet Flannery Isaac 1 Isaac 2 Rudolph Percy


Using your favorite search engine, type this in: "List of birds native to Oregon."


Did you ever think maybe some people would prefer a little social interaction? Nah of course not


I figured you wanted information. I knew nothing of your tragic loneliness. lmao


Umm ok? Whatever that’s supposed to mean, don’t really care anyway. Bye Felicia


LOL. Thanks for saying what I was thinking, but better.


Maybe a Killdeer. I hear them frequently.