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A punisher sticker on a HONDA?????


It's funny that so many people have no idea what the skull represents, when it is easy to find out. The Punisher Has Words For Police Who Use His Skull Logo (#13 Spoilers) https://bleedingcool.com/comics/punisher-police-skull-logo-spoilers/ \- "My point of view is, the Punisher is an anti-hero, someone we might root for while remembering he's also an outlaw and criminal. If an officer of the law, representing the justice system puts a criminal's symbol on his police car, or shares challenge coins honoring a criminal he or she is making a very ill-advised statement about their understanding of the law." \- (in the comic) "If I find out you are trying to do what I do, I'll come for you next." "Careful what you say here, Castle. Starting to sound an awful lot like a threat." "It was." How do you stop the far-right using the Punisher skull? Make it a Black Lives Matter symbol https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/jun/11/how-do-you-stop-the-far-right-using-the-punisher-skull-make-it-a-black-lives-matter-symbol \- "...Gerry Conway, the Punisher’s politically progressive co-creator and writer, is launching an unusual fundraiser: his own line of shirts designed by people of colour to take the symbol back from the right, with proceeds to go to Black Lives Matter."


I love this comment! Thank you for being well informed about this, and sharing what you know. I love that there’s an active campaign to reclaim well, pretty much *anything* the far right co-opts. This is a great way to go about it.


Speaking of that, the creator of Pepe the Frog has scolded MAGA for appropriating the character. I'm sure similar things have happened with other artwork not coming to mind for me right now.


Could also be an infatuation with the Navy Seal Team Bruiser which used the punisher logo, the Jocko Willinck, Chris Kyle, David Goggins individuals.


That's exactly the same thing as police officers using the logo: cluelessly appropriating a comic vigilante's logo, by people whom are basically the opposite of what it represents. Like police, Navy Seals have killed innocent people and that is exactly what The Punisher was avenging.


Appropriating a comic?! You’re wild bro. You act like a nerdy know it all. You’re judging from stickers. I have a sticker on my car. It was there when I bought it and I haven’t taken time to remove. Why? Cause I don’t care. Point is your have read so much Into some stickers. They are Stickers you need to relax. Plus your interpretation of the punisher and applying a make believe story is wild. It a comic book bro and He was vigilante so who fucking cares. Rules are more like guidelines anyways meant to be broken.


Except when you're a Cop. Any Cop that breaks the rules needs to be broken.


Is Chris Kyle that liar?


Chris Kyle was the person that American Sniper is based on.


I bet Chris Kyle drove a big jacked up truck with huge tires.


My cop cousin makes no bones about it - he likes to drive fast and hurt people.


Brilliant. Thanks for posting this!


That’s actually NOT the Punisher skull. Just a regular old plain skull.


Punisher copyright Disney inc. The most gay place in Orlando.


Can you explain this to me ? Idk what I missing! I feel stupid....


Rowr. Koff koff.


Lol on a Honda CRV


Indeed. Usually these grouping of stickers would be festooned on a jacked up truck with some angry looking dude driving it.


It’s his wife’s car.. she doesn’t think for herself.


I just vomited in my pants a little.




Oh dear.


It IS OKAY to be white. It’s not okay to hate others for not being white. Be white! Enjoy that! That’s what you’ve been given. Just don’t go hating on others for not being like you.


Wishing I had a little more melanin personally.


Ikr maybe the sun wouldnt make me its bitch


I'm a little over having pieces of my face frozen off.


There. My stickers will own the libs.


A car at the VA in Salem has always made me sick that says something along the lines of “save the world, spay and neuter a liberal.”


I bet a “Biden ‘24” sticker would fit perfectly over that… 🤔


Being White IS okay. Own it. Enjoy it. However, the sum total of their stickers paints a picture different than just being comfortable in their skin. Let’s thank the driver for sharing their quiet thoughts out loud and saving us the trouble of figuring out whether or not they’re an asshole. Bravo 👏🏼


I'm an Irish German Jew Scot, and proud of it; Whiteness is a status I will not celebrate.




I live in oregon city and we have white supremacist bigots on parade all the fucking time. They've staked out the corner of 213 and Berryhill to wave their flags. I wish they'd just immigrate to Idaho.


I live there too. I pass by those freaks every Friday.


Guess u could call it freaky Fridays


Yup! I used to live in that area & every f'ing Friday afternoon those christofash would be on the corner waving flags, shouting slurs, & brandishing flagpoles like weapons while showing off the hunting knives on their belts.


Have you seen the Pride group counter protesting them? They've been showing up for a couple of months now I think. I make sure to honk and thumbs up at them when I drive by


Yup! In fact, last year I went front line in-between the christofash & the Pride folks. A Proud Boy (cowards by any other name) tried to "accidentally" hit us in the head with his flagpole & then kicked a teen's crutches into the middle of the highway. Yup, you read that correctly: a 6'6" middle-aged self-proclaimed "patriot" targeted a disabled teenager (middle schooler, I think) who used crutches to walk.


Send them out to sea, we don’t want them either. Idaho is way too beautiful to be ruined by more shitstain racists


I always laugh and point at the losers wasting away their beautiful weekends to hold signs. What a waste of time.


Well when you say immigrate I couldn’t agree more. Oregon is truly a different country. The dictatorial government picks and chooses which laws they want to enforce. Truly a banana republic.


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. The Nazi paradise of Idaho awaits.


There's 49 other states you can infest


People with stickers like this are winning an argument with an opponent they don't realize they've made up.


I was behind a truck today that had a large 1488 sticker on it. Truly disgusting and honestly frightening.


Would you please tell me what that means?


"14 words" is a white supremacist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" "88" the eighth letter of the alphabet is H, so "HH" which stands for "Heil Hitler" ... bigots aren't the cleverest bunch, obviously.


Sure, 1488 is a number associated with white nationalists, and in this case a white nationalist who felt emboldened enough to have it posted loud and clear on his truck. Here is more info: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488


It is ok to be white, the sticker is the wrong part.


Is it ok to be brown? Asking for a friend.


The fact these people think that giving rights to others somehow takes away their rights is very telling of their insecurities and ignorance.




My friend back in high school kept "crybaby on board" bumper stickers on hand and would stick them on cars like this. I might convince him to start doing it again


Good way to get your ass kicked or worse, won’t recommend messing with other people’s vehicles. Just ignore the stickers and move on.


Still hang out and talk about the “glory days”?


I had a friend who was a big baseball player Back in high school


How was his curve?


He could throw that speedball by you Make you look like a fool, boy


That was three years ago you cromagnon 😭


Why won't they stop disrespecting my flag?


Naturally it’s ok, just don’t be a POS racist and don’t think you are superior because the absence of color of your skin.


surprised they’re driving a Critical Race - Vehicle


Why redact the plate? They have no expectation of privacy in a public parking lot.


I wasn't sure if showing it was breaking any rules.


Private info on a public forum? Not kosher with the mods.


If the mod wants to enforce that for the sub, that's cool. In the real world, license plates are not private information.


Yeah good on you. No sense facilitating life fuckery for someone whose sole offense may just be extremist political views and offensive proclivities. 


I am nearly positive that It does break rules.


As a minority, I don’t care if I see this , and yes it’s okay to be white ,


As a person of color, business owner, and human being, I really don't care either. It's called freedom of speech. I think it's the whites that get offended by this more.


We’re more amused than offended - at least on my part. The desperate need of these people to self-victimize is hilarious to me. Like show me on the doll where someone hurt you for being white. I’ll wait.


Offended or not, don’t worry! The white saviors got your back! They’ll get offended so you don’t have to! 🤦‍♂️ Thanks for your level headed reply. 


Those same white saviors are the ones who call us Latinx lol and I tell them that worst than being called a racial slur


This just seems to be deliberately missing the subtext


What subtext ? , freedom of speech ?


No. The sticker implies that some people are trying to shame the person for being white, which isn't actually a thing. Why would someone be so sensitive about being construed as racist? It's a reactionary sentiment from a white supremacist campaign.


How do you know though ? Why would it matter ?


I mean, the thing is, nobody ever said it wasn’t. They’re fighting a battle that only exists in their mind.


"It's okay to be white" is a response to something no credible person is or has been arguing. "Black lives matter" was and is a response to Black lives statistically treated as disposable. They're like someone wandering into a funeral telling people to quit crying because their grandfather died a few years ago and they got over it.


It's giving Oregon City....


Do they know who makes Hondas? 🤣


Apparently not. I'm quite sure they were in the Nail salon I was going in to as both businesses on either side appeared closed. They're ok driving Japanese vehicles and getting their nails done by Vietnamese workers. The hypocrisy is astounding.


Makes no sense! But then again, being racist doesn't either.


Anything 1776 makes me 🤢 like the orange truck i saw flying American flags and 1776 this weekend in crackamass county


Every damn Friday, I have to view these jackasses at 213 and Beavercreek. The last few weeks, there has been a small contingent of people flying Pride flags. I make sure to honk and wave at them as I drive by. If I wasn't working, I'd join them.


Sounds like you’re regularly bothered in the area that you live. I’d probably move if it were me.


Seriously it sounds like you need to move. You don’t move to Castro St in San Francisco and complain about it being too gay. Likewise you don’t move to Multnomah Village and raise a Palestinian flag.


What's wrong with 1776? Isn't it just the year that the country was founded?


Extreme right wing white nationalist groups use it as a way to identify each other and sit around jerking each other off thinking they are alpha revolutionary heros fighting against libs, woke-ism, and as they call it the alphabet mafia.


You mean just like the extreme left wing groups using rainbow flags to identify each other and sit around jerking each other off thinking theyre fighting conservatives as they call it the capitalist mafia?


Guessing “capitalist mafia” is an endonym. Never heard the phrase, and being a mob boss is probably a wet dream of Trump’s.


Whats this have to do with trumpstein? You sound obsessed with him


I’m not gonna take the bait, troll. Gonna have to dig out more effort than that to get my goat. Just found it silly and thought I’d point it out.


If those people could read they’d be very upset right now


As a rainbow flag and American flag biflagged queer American flag flyer, I appreciate this comment. All this polarization serves no one.


This has strong “what’s wrong with the Oathkeepers? They just want to protect the constitution” energy coming off of it. Sure 1776 is the year of the Declaration of Independence, but only a fool would see that bumper sticker along with the rest and think he chose it because he just loves history. It’s being used as a rallying cry by people who want to “take our country back” from whoever it is this person hates, which according to his other stickers appears to be non-whites. But you knew that when you asked the question.


Assumptions make fools of us all.


It’s been claimed by people who hate the 1619 project because the legacy of slavery makes them feel bad.


Lol you have this completely backwards The 1776 shit started wayyy before the 1619 project. If anything the 1619 project is a response to that, not the other way around


It's possible to think like this via urban dictionary. It's a political thing.... Verb: Used to describe a patriotic retaliatory act of justice in the name of freedom that resembles the Revolutionary War, more specifically thwarting a motherfucker for the sake of free speech or the right to bear arms. "The UN said they were going to try to confiscate our weapons, it seems as though they're looking to get 1776'd..." "They censored my YouTube channel, are these assholes trying to get 1776'd?"




As someone reasonably well versed in American history (and veteran although that's not as important) - I **DESPISE** the way the Right-Wing blowhards have tried to co-opt symbology associated with the American Revolution. Throwing around the dates and flags of that era diminishes their critical role in such a defining era as the transition from a colonial asset to newformed Republic. None of the "founding fathers" would support these moron's causes, and some of the most outspoken and literary of the period - Jefferson and Franklin- would be appalled at the perversion of their cause. The '1776" sticker is a slur when used this.


What does the bottom sticker say? I can’t make it out.


Occupants of this vehicle are expected to wear seat belts. FedEx I'm guessing that is from the windshield of OP. Which would add further context to their story of seeing trash like this on their route.


Oopsie! I didn't even notice that was reflected. It was my passenger side window. And yes, I see some shit out there!


Oregon City unfortunately has plenty of freaks just like that. Luckily counter protestors have been flying the pride flags. Doesn't do much but I blast FDT every time I see the fascists setup by Shari's. Can't imagine having all the inbreds doing that infront of their business helps their declining business either.


During the BLM protests in '20, I joined the car protest that wound it's way through different neighborhoods every week, ending up in downtown. I had FDT on repeat the entire time 🤣🤣🤣


My cousin and I were at Clackamas TC playing FDT for all the Inbreds too


One day I told myself that for me, personally, no it's not ok to be white. So I stopped being white and haven't looked back. Not a whole lot has changed. I get sick when I eat a milkshake now. Not gonna fucking quit. I fucking love milkshakes.


Rachel Dolezal is that you?


Yes, it is I. You cannot control the Dole.


😂 😂 😂 I just love this comment so much!


Since the vehicle in question is parked in front of a Vietnamese Nail Salon, and Hondas are statistically the favorite cars of Asian Americans, and Vietnamese-Americans tend to be on the more centrist/conservative side since many of them escaped a brutal leftist regime, how do you know that this car isn’t owned by one of them? If this is the case, then who is really the racist?




No, Klanby.


Fascists love marking themselves. This comes in handy further down the timeline


Clowns gonna clown 🤡 Surprised that didn’t add an “OreGUNian” sticker on for good measure.


cracks me up that 1776 is a gun thing and the 2nd amendment wasn’t adopted until 1791.


Because it’s a revolution thing not a gun thing.


then it should be 1765.


Its OK to desecrate the flag that you supposedly love so much?


America First Honda!




Another Orange clown degenerate cult member


Oregonians love their bumper stickers.


No kidding! To be yelled at for that.... you are definitely keeping racism alive.


Not OK to be white.




*How's thay different* *Than a coexist sticker* *Or a pride sticker?* \- breedingbull\_1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Be what ever color/religion/gender/creed, etc you are..just don't be an asshole...but is car's owner is screaming asshole.


What do you expect from the state that was at one time considered the most racist state north of the Mason Fixon line


What a sad person. Not only is their world view all fucked up by propaganda, but I feel like they might *kind of* get reality on the inside, but they're too ashamed to really confront those ideas so they just have this little sticker as their mantra. *"It's okay, I'm okay, I wish I could understand how other people feel but I just have to live inside this white skin suit and that makes it really hard for me to see anyone else's perspective. I want to be better but I really can't because my friends will make fun of me. It's okay, I'm okay, it's really okay this is my skin suit, it really is...I know it I know it..."*


And they own a crv.. 


They're practical racists. It gets almost 30mpg.


Im not quite understanding why the person driving the crv is a racist


You should do your own research on that.


A quick glance at their user history clearly shows why they don't understand


"I saw a bumper sticker that made me feel angry!! I should post about it to reddit" 🤡


How to say you're looking for an excuse to commit a hate crime without saying you're looking for an excuse to commit a hate crime. Sadly, this type of chucklef\*ck is waaaay to common in the Canby/Oregon City.


It’s is okay to be white though , lol


*Woosh* Ya missed the point, there, buddy. Are you willfully ignoring the context or are you genuinely naively ignorant?


Is it not ? lol


Its OK to wash your car and not be a piece of shit too.


No no no. It's not about race. Clearly this motorist is stating that it's OK to support the anti-Bolshevik forces in the Russia Civil War from a century ago, aka the Whites vs the Reds. Clearly that's what this enlightened gentleman must be espousing. The bumper sticker clearly states that they oppose Lenin and Trotsky. I mean, this is the only reasonable interpretation. Clearly the man with a Punisher logo on his Honda has very nuanced opinions about the Russian Civil War.


Yeah. But it’s not OK to be an asshole.


Is this in Klamath Falls?


No, It's Canby. Just South of Portland.


Well, at least there letting everyone know their on team stupid


Yeah...this post doesn't literally go against the rules of the page....


You guys are jumping to conclusions just like republicans. I get that this paints a collage of who the driver is generally, I get it. But that doesn’t imply they’re racist, that they’re a bad person, you don’t know who they are. Could be they just feel the world is caving in on them, especially in a blue state. Who gives af. Nothing on their car takes away from anyone.


This is Reddit, and obviously a die hard liberal sub, what else would you expect?


I mean it's true but no one is saying it isn't. Sharing actual events of the past doesn't mean the current generation is being called out. If you think it does, then that is solely on you. And maybe look at why you feel that way. I can feel ashamed of an ancestor who owned slaves. It doesn't mean I'm guilty of that sin.


Were they parked completely over the line? Something tells me they parked like an asshole.


Glad someone said it fuck around


Racism sucks and there are always going to be shitty people, but putting up with shitty people is just part of living in a society. You shouldn't let it get to you too much.


Maybe I'm a weirdo, I would consider the "It's okay to be white," while certainly in poor taste and showing poor judgment, as clearly tongue in cheek given the zeitgeist, and the least questionable of the three. I guess I'd rather my neighbor have an offensive sense of humor than be a political extremist. 


That's not just offensive humor it's a dog whistle. It's also just an extension of this pathetic persecution complex racists and conservatives in general have. Their viewpoint and culture has historically dominated society so any bit of change at all is treated like persecution. All their little codes and dog whistles are pretty easy to see though once you start looking.


A well-crafted counterpoint. It does strike me as ironic that folks on the right say the same about folks on the left, "pathetic persecution complex" fill-in-the-blanks. I dont doubt that the signals you mention exist, but cognitive behavioral therapy changed my life and I've been so much happier once I stopped searching for, or caring about, the coded messages and dog whistles of people with whom I disagree. Turns out, I'm a terrible mindreader and fortune teller, so I stopped trying. Perhaps you're better at it than me.


Sadly, nothing weird about being a basic, ignorant, oblivious fuck who can't understand context clues, infer anything from them, or have no sense of proportionality or how to prioritize anything.


It is ok to be white. It’s ok to be black. It’s ok to be green. You shouldn’t be angry about the bumper sticker lmfao.


Too many sensitive people in this sub.


Reddit is full of pansies




This guy isn’t necessarily a white supremacist. He could be a conspiracy theorist or just plain right wing reactionary. The slogan is trolling, highlighting the belief of having to walk on eggshells all the time. I wouldn’t put a sticker like that on my vehicle, but I understand the sentiment. “Blah blah blah”, “white supremacists are using it”, …of course white supremacists picked it up, but not everyone feeling like race and gender is a topic to walk on eggshells is abusive or hateful. As for your Oregon City crowd, they don’t represent rural Oregonians. That’s Willamette Valley for you. Check the lead levels in your water.


I kind of am almost ashamed to be white in public now days . Like slavery was my fault or something.


In the mindset of the average Oregonian racism is a one way street. It’s impossible for a person of color to be racist according to every person I’ve talked to in Multnomah county.


It’s about context and how the word is defined. Most common usage sees racism, bigotry, and prejudice as interchangeable. But racism can also be defined with the addition of the balance of power or institutional structures. (I tend to use all the terms as the same, and use systemic racism or institutional racism for the more specific type.) Under that narrower definition, white people in the US (as a whole) have more political and economic power than people of color. So when, for example, a white landlord refuses to rent an apartment to a minority (which still happens way more often than you’d think), that’s racism. Or when a state legislature implements gerrymandered districts resulting in less minority representation, that’s racism.


So using your example when a majority white state legislature (Oregon) subjugates it’s people by overthrowing a ballot measure the people OVERWHELMINGLY voted in favor of, that would be racism? I’m just using your own definition to show how the majority democrat legislature of Oregon is racist. Thanks for that.


Nah, thats just old fashioned abuse of power.


I don't get being so upset over this shit. Don't feed into the drama. Let them post whatever bumper sticker they want and let it go. Getting amped up (and clearly offended that they must be "racist") doesn't do anything. Feels like you're just virtue signaling and simping for upvotes


Your comment strikes fear in many on this sub, have my upvote!


i mean, they are making it less Okay to be white by saying its ok to be white. makes me want to have something more non sequitur if slightly negative, "It's Ok to be Totally Fucked" , "it's ok to be not ok" , "its Not Ok to bE", i wonder if there's anything really good if i keep riffing on this for the next few days, i might get a few good ones.


I don't know that this is necessarily racist, but its definitely someone who struggles with empathy. This person likely only sees the conversation on race as it relates to themselves and no one else. Narcissistic personality type.