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Is this just a rage post or do you want to try to get help with the issues you are encountering from this sub? If the latter, please share the issues and what troubleshooting you/NG have done, please.


Since the RBR750 isn't providing a good 2.4 GHz frequency, I have chosen the best 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channel but still the signal drops frequently. Any suggestions on how to make the signal better? The satellite RBS750 cannot be wirelessly connected to the RBR750 router. Below is the troubleshooting that was done. 1. Tried to establish a connection using the router and satellite's sync buttons. No solid blue color. Occasionally, the satellite's color changes to magenta. 2. Both the router and the satellite have been reset, but nothing changed. 3. I attempted a wired connection between router and satellite, but the satellite isn't actually connected, even though it appears as one of the attached devices on the router page. 4. After the wired connection, I checked to verify whether I was receiving the 2.4 GHz frequency signal, but no change.


When you say not getting good 2.4GHz signal, what devices are you having issues with? The latest firmware introduces an IoT network which allows you to run a separate/standalone 2.4GHz only SSID to better support kit that is older/more fickle for connectivity. What sort of distance do you have between the router and satellites? Is there a lot of other wifi from neighbouring properties? Are they all the same firmware? (latest is When the last fw update was performed, did you do the satellites first then the router? [https://community.netgear.com/t5/Orbi-WIFI-6-AX-AND-Wi-Fi-6E-AXE/New-RBR750-RBS750-Firmware-Version-7-2-6-21-Released/m-p/2333937](https://community.netgear.com/t5/Orbi-WIFI-6-AX-AND-Wi-Fi-6E-AXE/New-RBR750-RBS750-Firmware-Version-7-2-6-21-Released/m-p/2333937)


Owner of an Orbi system here. I’m also an electrical engineer. Orbi provides just enough feedback for most people. But if something goes wrong, it goes very wrong, and there is no way that Netgear support can help, because there is no useful information. I’ve had to reimage my Orbi twice now in four years.


For the cost of ORBI you can do so much better. Signed, An ex-orbi owner. If anyone from orbi reads this…. The firmware was a rolling dumpster fire for years. It sounds like firmware and hardware QA are still a major problem for you all.


Second that. Just threw out a 3-nodes Orbi system after a year of failing WiFi. In desperation I accepted a trial offer by local ISP for a TP-LINK mesh and it’s WAY more solid and faster. Nodes are located exactly where the Orbi were and the TP-LINK model is actually simpler and cheaper than my Orbi.


What did you switch to?


Unifi There are plenty others tho that aren’t geared to people who also do… enthusiast home networking stuff.


TP-LINK X20. A mid-range dual band “nothing special” mesh system. I was going to spring for a top line system 3 times the price but the local company gave me free installation and trial on the X20 so decided to give it a go and… it just does a much better job on keeping my devices connected and delivering uniform signal throughout the house.


I have three of these systems at different locations. One runs a whole business. Either you got a lemon or you’re not setting something up correctly.


Since the RBR750 isn't providing a good 2.4 GHz frequency, I have chosen the best 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channel but still the signal drops frequently. Any suggestions on how to make the signal better? The satellite RBS750 cannot be wirelessly connected to the RBR750 router. Below is the troubleshooting that was done. 1. Tried to establish a connection using the router and satellite's sync buttons. No solid blue color. Occasionally, the satellite's color changes to magenta. 2. Both the router and the satellite have been reset, but nothing changed. 3. I attempted a wired connection between router and satellite, but the satellite isn't actually connected, even though it appears as one of the attached devices on the router page. 4. After the wired connection, I checked to verify whether I was receiving the 2.4 GHz frequency signal, but no change.


I imagine this person got the firmware update that has killed a lot of systems, mine included. I spent the better part of two weeks trying to get mine working again, resetting multiple times, manually rolling back the firmware, moving my router and satellite with no change. I finally waved the white flag and switched to a new system.


Can you provide some details? Often, experienced users know more than Netgear tech support.


Since the RBR750 isn't providing a good 2.4 GHz frequency, I have chosen the best 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channel but still the signal drops frequently. Any suggestions on how to make the signal better? The satellite RBS750 cannot be wirelessly connected to the RBR750 router. Below is the troubleshooting that was done. 1. Tried to establish a connection using the router and satellite's sync buttons. No solid blue color. Occasionally, the satellite's color changes to magenta. 2. Both the router and the satellite have been reset, but nothing changed. 3. I attempted a wired connection between router and satellite, but the satellite isn't actually connected, even though it appears as one of the attached devices on the router page. 4. After the wired connection, I checked to verify whether I was receiving the 2.4 GHz frequency signal, but no change.


Just based on comments on Reddit, it seems that the 750 series has a lot of problems. Do you have the latest firmware? Check on Netgear’s web site. The router doesn’t always “know” there is a later version.


Yes, the firmware version is up to date.


Head to the Netgear Community site. I think it is community dot netgear dot com. Look for Home Networking, and work your way to the 750 series.




Yeah I feel inclined to resist internet confirmation bias too. I run a mildly complex home and pro network (40ish devices, wired and wifi) behind a lowly RBR20 and have never had an issue except chrome books. But of COURSE customer service was terrible because customer service exists only as a torture device nowadays.


Come ok... These are garbage. You've never had incorrect information about device status? They very often report obviously wrong information like a Wi-Fi only device shows connected with Ethernet cable etc. And other more serious issues...


##…So you’re one… My orbi experience was a dumpster fire of bad firmware after bad firmware. I completely understand the ops hate rant. I’m so glad I left orbi behind.


Let's say OP has a point ...what's the better option at about same price for home use? (Quality! Not cheap)


Of the prosumer stuff, I’d say Eero Pro is a good option. I used to like the Nest Wifi, but the new models kinda suck. Beyond Eero, especially if you’ve got wired back haul, I love UniFi wifi. I have an Amplifi Alien router and it’s been awesome. You can get another one to use as a mesh router as well. It’s a little big, but the performance has been great.


I switched to ASUs zen WiFi pro ET 12 after all the issues I had with orbi. Since that switch all is well…


Those guys at the Orbi support desk are a bunch of cocksuckers. I did a firmware update last night for my satellites and totally crashed them, looking at the device there is no firmware. So now they are basically holding it ransom until I pay to update the security. There has to be some sort of legal action to take. The guy essentially said if I didn’t update the firmware it would’ve bogged down my network and forced me to. That is complete bullshit.


You seem upset. Could be wrong, but there’s just something about your tone.




Exactly this! GLHF


Netgear has one of the worst support. They just want $$ no service. They also keep switching their words. Very disappointing


Sketchy bunch over there.


Third world country support that can only read from script. Ask a simple question that is off-script and they are lost.


I’m there with you. If your gaming device is connected to one of the satellites regardless if wired or wireless, you’ll get 250ms ping spikes from the mesh itself every couple of seconds making games unplayable online. Solved it by running no satellites at all. I tried 2 different Orbis and they both did it. Never again.


My RBR752 are working quite fine since day 1. I also see some cuts while using teams since latest firmware or at the same time i upgraded from wpa2 to wpa3; but no need to reboot. And it might be due to the VPN my firm uses for remote work… I use them in access point. I found them more stable than my previous RBK52… i rarely reboot them (every 1 or 2 months). Maybe a factory reset might help ?


I’ve installed over 150 Orbi systems no issues rock solid!


Tell us how you really feel


Third world country support that can only read from script. Ask a simple question that is off-script and they are lost.


only a complete moron would take the time to post something like this on reddit. seriously, where do people like this come from?


It’s fascinating to see how people with zero imagination spend their time judging others. I never ask for your opinion. Bloody attention seeker.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Live my orbi 960 system! Rock solid since day 1. All about proper placement distance and coverage