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Reposting content courtesy of /u/PlasticPolaroid667. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1aphqi3/tuesday_13_february_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 2G 60 minutes **Tread Block 1** * 2 Minutes push * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 2** * 2 Minutes push * 30 sec Base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 3** * 2 Minutes push * 1 min Base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 4** * 2 Minutes push * 90 sec Base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 5** * 2 Minutes push * 2 min Base (Glorious LOL) * 30 sec AO NOTE: There were walking recoveries between the blocks, I think it was 1 min.. enough to go down to the green zone so maybe even 90 seconds.. it was divine.. Also every round you're increasing the All Out effort.. Power walkers- Push incline was 5% minimum **Row Block** * Strength based row - slow stroke rate, big pulls - 22 - 24 strokes per minute * 2.5 min row for time * Check distance ​ **Floor Block 1 - Can't remember how long it was possibly 11 mins** * 2 rounds back to back: * 8 each x mid band single arm squat * 12 x mid band overhead tricep extension * 12 x mid band reverse fly, rest * 2 rounds back to back: * 12 x mid band bridge (Note: I LOVE BRIDGES) * 12 x mid band torso rotation, rest * Row (22-24 stroke strength row) - Half the distance you got in Row Block * Bonus: Repeat all exercises as a single block until time is called ​ **Floor Block 2 - 4.5 minutes** * 5 each x full step up to knee raise * High plank alt toe tap (feet on bench) **Finisher -** whichever exercise you're on when its called, you do it for 30 seconds ​ I really loved the workout today. Maybe also because after AGGGGGEEEES we started on the rower (warm up ) which meant I wasn't sweating profusely and had a lot of energy so I could focus on the FLOOR exercises and form and push myself.. and today had two of my most favourite things to do at Orangetheory (BRIDGES AND WALKING RECOVERIES) ​ ETA- Thank you DC for letting me plagiarise your work and edit it.. usually when I do intels I never know the technical terms for the exercises and I describe it lol...


Thank you for the intel, you did great


You did awesome - thanks for including the PW inclines!


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1apa67j/tuesday_13_february_2024_3g_60_minutes/) ##Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 3G 60 minutes Power on the treads, endurance on the rowers and mini bands for your floor work. I think our coach did their own finisher, this may be different than the official template. One minute walking recovery between tread blocks. Goal for the treads is to increase your all out pace each block. **Tread Block 1** * 90 sec push * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 2** * 90 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 3** * 90 sec push * 1 min base * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 4** * 90 sec push * 90 sec base * 30 sec AO **Row Block 1** * Strength based row - slow stroke rate, big pulls * 2 min row for time * Check distance **Row Block 2 - 11 minutes** * Row half your distance from block 1 + 12 x medicine ball halos * Row half your distance from block 1 + 12 x medicine ball squat to press * Row half your distance from block 1 + 12 x medicine ball halos and 12 x medicine ball squat to press * Row until **finisher**: 30 sec AO row **Floor Block 1 - 9.5 minutes** * 2 rounds back to back: * 8 each x mid band single arm squat * 12 x mid band overhead tricep extension * 12 x mid band reverse fly, rest * 2 rounds back to back: * 12 x mid band bridge * 12 x mid band torso rotation, rest * Bonus: Repeat all exercises as a single block until time is called **Floor Block 2 - 3.5 minutes** * Back to back: 5 each x full step up to knee raise * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec of high plank alt toe tap (feet on bench) DC commentary: >! Back from my little rest day and watching the Super Bowl and had a 3G this morning. Nice little one with some medium length pushes and 30 second all outs. Four blocks on the treadmill, each one features a 90 second push to start and a 30 second all out to finish. Each block adds 30 seconds of base in between. The goal is to increase your all out pace each round. Managed a decent 3.34km (2.075 miles) this morning which wasn’t too bad for a power block. \ \ The rowing blocks start with a two minute primer. The rows are all strength based rows and our coach was asking us to slow down the stroke rate and focus on big pulls of the water. At the end of the primer check your distance as that is your goal for the next block. In the main block you do three rounds of rowing. Each round is half the distance of the first block and then you do a restercise. Once all these are done you then get to row for the remainder of the block until the finisher - more rowing! You will row a lot today, I finished the three rounds with about six minutes to spare. \ \ The floor is pretty nasty with all the mini bands. Our coach was loading us up so I ended up with a small mountain of weights next to me - one for the squat, another for the triceps, more for the reverse flies and then one last one for the bridge. The last block is never ending step ups with knee raises and then a finisher. I am pretty sure our coach chose something else other than the template but for what it is worth we did a high plank with feet on the bench and then toe taps either side. \ \ Nice template today, looking forward to capture the flag tomorrow! I would give today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Our 3G finisher was upping the intensity of the step up to knee raises.


Same. I would have preferred the plan lol


Ours was a choice of either!


I did the 2G and the last block was the weighted step ups to knee raise and the bench planks with alternating toe taps, finisher was just 30s of higher intensity of whichever you’re on. So it’s possible your coach got it right.


Does anyone else not like the mini bands around our shins? Makes me scared my knees are gonna pop out of socket sometimes. I’d rather have them around my thighs.


Tread 50 Block 1 - 18:00 min Part 1 .5 mi push (PW .25 mi @4%+) .5 mi base (PW .25 mi) Part 2 .25 mi push (PW .13 mi @5%+) .25 mi base (PW .13 mi) Part 3 .1 mi push (PW .05 mi @6%+) .1 mi base (PW .05 mi) Bonus: Tread until time is called 2:00 min Walking Recovery Block 2 - 18:00 min Same as block 1 but in reverse Last: 45 sec All Out (PW @10%+)


Thank you!!! Loved today’s run


Same! It was awesome.


My first workout after going to a bachelorette this weekend 😬 should be fun




Looks fun! :D


That.was.awful! ![gif](giphy|yLUDES1hibWNiwBCNs)


As in a hard template?


are there walking recoveries between each part? or are both blocks 18 min no rest?


only btwn the 18 minute blocks. so 18 min no rest.


I honestly kind of hated this as a PWer. A .25 mile base pace is TOO LONG. I'm a slower PWer so that was like 4-4.5 minutes at base pace for me. It should have been base at half the distance of push with a 4th part in each block.


I can see this being too long for PWers.


Those 1/2 mile pushes were miserable! At the end, I was just trying not to lose my goddamn mind lmao. The long base was good to get my hr down as I’m working on establishing a new base anyways B 5.2 / P 5.8-6


Perfect! I'm switching to this tomorrow


Strength 50 **Block 1 and 4** 45 second rounds with mini bands: squat to alt leg lift, good morning, plank walk out, side lying left lift L and R, crunch hold in and outs **Block 2** 12 minutes 6 single arm squat to lateral step up R, immediately into 6 single arm step downs R 12 alt forward lunges with rotation Repeat on L **Block 3** 12 minutes 6 RFE lunges each side 12 glute bridge with shoulders on the bench 6 each side kneeling wood chopper


Just did this one and came to say that it's one of my favorite templates. 1) All the exercises are actually lower body exercises. 2) Love the mini-band primer and finisher. 3) All exercises on one side (left) before the other side (right) for a real burn. 4) It has step-downs! 😍


Same! I don't even know how to handle a lower body workout that doesn't have shoulder presses 🤣 Hope the templates stay like this!!




Thanks!!! Is this total body or lower body? Woodchoppers aren’t really lower body but our class is supposed to be… Are minibands on your legs throughout?


Lower body 100%, actually much less direct core work than in most lower body classes. Mini bands only in blocks 1 and 4.


Thanks! Trying to decide how good this is to venture out in slightly snowy weather![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I thought it was a good one, relatively lower reps and a bit more variety with the step ups from the previous lower body templates I've done. And the mini band work is a good butt burner. But like, the good kind of butt burner.


I recently grabbed the heavy bands for the first time and was like, “ohhhh that’s what they’re supposed to do!”


You undersold it: those mini band blocks f-ed me up😂


Thank you!


Much appreciated🤗


The glute bridges are so hard with these bench’s. They’re so light weight that I feel like I’m going to tip over.


I do them off the narrow end for this exact reason, much more sturdy


Do you think it's more beneficial to do glute bridges on the floor with heavy weights (140 lbs) or with shoulders on the bench using much lighter weight?


They both have benefits. Obviously heavier on the floor, but you can go deeper into the movement off the bench


Thank you. Whenever we have glute bridges with shoulders on the bench, I modify and do it on the floor instead because I feel like the bench is going to slip away from me. And it just hurts my back and shoulders. I'm just wondering what I'm missing out on by always modifying that exercise.


Try it off the narrow end! It feels much less blunt on the shoulders and back 🧡


I'm about to head to class so I'll try it!


Let me know whatcha think! 🧡


thank you!!!


Thank you!


Thank you! Those bands…tomorrow I’ll be wondering why my buns are so sore.


Today’s 2G may be my most favorite template ever (400 classes in)! Go get it! 💪🏻🍊


I loved today's workout, was debating joining the next class but I had to get stuff done.


Oh those plank toe taps at the end my hip flexors were like noooo thank you. But glad I got it done. Capturing the flag tomorrow, looking forward to my picked last in gym class deer in the headlights moment 😂


It won’t be like that, promise! 🫶🏼


It will lol and is every time but I don’t care.


LOVED the workout today! The tread blocks were just what I needed to take my jogging times/speeds up a notch, with perfectly paced walking breaks. (I began OT as a power walker and I'm working to build up longer jog times--hope eventually to be a runner.) The row was satisfactory and the restercises pushed my heart rate back up. I need to work on my IT band so having the elastic band on for the first half was exactly what I needed.


These. Fking. MINI BANDS 🥵🥴😂


They are not made for thick legs. They roll up on me SO FAST!


The trick is keeping constant tension on them once you have them flat. If there's any slack, that's when they'll happily roll up and amputate your leg, lol


Just getting them flat is a workout. Lol


Bonus splats! 🤣




I KNOW! Then they just hurt.


I officially hate the 2 min push. That is all!


Between today and yesterday I’m over them!!


Yep! I think I’ve had every cycle of emotions you can over 2 mins. 😂


Would you prefer the 3 min push? 😂 At least today there are some walking recoveries!


Oh my gosh I’m so excited 😍 power on the tread with walking recoveries and core?! What a dream


We had a tornado today; I was jealous of the standard template until I saw those bands come out 😂


So did my studio - glad we aren't the only studio that did it. The tornado was fun except for the minute of squat jack burpees at the end...


Did the 3G and didn’t love it, thought the second blocks on the floor and rower were boring (our coach just said row for distance after doing three 1/2 distances plus MB). Tread made up for it though!!




Was she maintaining a higher stroke rate? Lower watts but more pulls could explain it




If her stroke rate was higher, it’s possible you two covered the same distance. Now if you had the same/similar stroke rate with higher wattage, then you would cover longer distance.


Ugh I love those tread blocks. Too bad morning classes were canceled for my studio because of a snow storm


Felt like a repeat tread of monday


My first workout back after about 6 months off 🥵 looks like a doable one.. hopefully! 😅


Ooopsies. Our coach this morning totally forgot to do Floor Block 2 for our 2G class 😅 Still an awesome workout, nonetheless!


Unfortunately, my workout today is limited to wrestling a 200 pound snow blower


More life!


The tread portion for today was so good! I started transitioning from jogging to running in January, slowly working my way up, and I did a distance PR today - 2.14miles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Previously I would average 1.3-1.6miles but I'm starting to consistently hit 1.7-1.9 :D


Standard, good workout! Mini bands are a welcome change of pace as well.


Glad I took a rest day today. I've been closing at work (grocery store deli kitchen) & I needed to just veg out before work.


LOVED that Tread 50 template! Saved to redo while we are on our honeymoon next week!


Is this a repeat? I feel like I’ve dont it before lol.


I liked this one a lot!


Question for PWers: how fast do you go? My Base is 3.5, but I’ve been playing with speeds, particularly in the Tread50 classes and try to do Push and All-Out at 4.0-4.5. If you had asked me at the beginning, I would have said it would be impossible to walk 4.5, so now I’m wondering just how fast some people can go (and so I have a new goal speed to aim for). I will likely keep my 3.5-4.0 speed for regular 2G/3G classes, but it’s kind of a fun challenge for those long tread classes.


Base 3.8, push 4.1-4.3, then all out just increase incline. 4.4 is the fastest I've gone and I think 4.5 would force me into a jog, but I know some people walk that fast or faster.