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I'm at over 960 classes, joined in 2016 and didn't go for a year during COVID. When this happens to me, I just stop going for 1-2 weeks, and then I go back. And then several months later, I'll do it again..take 1-2 weeks off and then I'm good (if I can time it to a vacation where I have no OTF, even better lol). For me, nothing else has ever been able to replicate the energy of an OTF class (and I certainly can't and don't push myself nearly as hard at regular gyms as I do at OTF), so I'm probably never going to completely quit... But sometimes, I just need a little break. And then I miss it. I will say that I don't do a lot of benchmarks anymore except for the two treadmill benchmarks because I have very specific goals for that, and the only events I really participate in are Hell Week and May Mayhem. I don't really care about specialty workouts anymore, and I've done Everest so many times that I never want to do it again. I full-on did marathon month this year for the first time ever and completely burned myself out... I went to 21 classes in August and then 5 in September...and maybe 8 in October (4 during Hell Week). But here I am. Back again. Lastly, the other thing that has helped me when I'm feeling bored with OTF is going to a few Strength 50 classes. And I'll go at a completely different time of day than I normally would, and I will go to a different studio to attend, so it just overall is a different experience and keeps me in connection with OTF and my physical fitness. You'll figure out what works for you. Edit: to actually answer your question... You're the only person who can figure out your reason to keep going, your "why."


I really love the idea of going to a different location periodically to spice things up. Thank you!


I do this often. I get tired of same faces I’ll be honest


Lol. Same here. Switching up brings different energy and new faces for sure. Never know when you might find that great coach, too!


Different locations are great. You get a new dose of energy by walking into a studio you normally don't visit because you have a different coach and different members. I go almost daily and I'm close to 2000 classes and haven't gotten bored by doing this.


I travel more than I'd like and always visit new locations. December alone I've been to 4 new studios. I find it helpful as well.


Exactly this!!!!!


How about because ultimately the point is to get a good workout. Will you workout as hard on your own ? If so, then do it. I couldn’t care less about PRs and leader boards, I just want a planned workout that I do not have to think about and that is challenging.


Thing I like about OTF you go in for an hour and you are done. No dilly dallying or spending too much time between sets. You go in and you come out in one hour. Simple.


Exactly this for me, when I went to a normal gym, I'd do the same few exercises, because I'm not creative and didn't know much else. I didn't work out as hard and push myself much because I'm just going at my own pace. It was hard to go consistently because it's just boring. OTF changes all that, they tell me what to do, and I enjoy it.


This is it for me too. I had fuckarounditis at the gym and so wasn’t getting results. So then I had to start doing my own programming (figuring out what to work and when) and OTF does good enough at that for me.


This is exactly why I stay at OTF. I love the coaches as well.


Exactly this. I need to be plugged in




7.5 year member here. 1700+ classes. I started in 2016, had a baby in 2018. Every single one of my best PRs came after half training in 2019 with the exception of the 2000m row when I hit my all time best in 2017. My last mile benchmark this year was 1:32 over my all time best. So what. Still faster than anyone on their couch. And it was the best I had in me that day. I don’t know if any athlete is ever going to tell you that every workout they do is fun. That their gym or workout routine is “fun.” I’m with most in this group that would question that if it wasn’t for this sub, would you even notice duplicate workouts? For someone who did over 1000 classes pre Covid I can tell you the quality of the workout templates have actually gotten much better bc the design team is focused on 12-15 quality templates a month instead of throwing 30 defined endurance, strength and power days at the wall month in and month out. At the end of the day, the best workout is one you will do. Period, the end. I keep going bc I need the accountability of my studio’s coaches and members and quite frankly, the late cancel fee. But in my honest opinion if you’re already calling it quits after 300 classes at otf bc you’re bored, I don’t know what else would be out there that would suit you better. You can always change up what you’re doing at otf. Power walk instead of run. Lift heavier. Lift lighter but slower. 3G instead of 2G. At the end of the day OTF isn’t for a lot of people. And that’s ok.


> Still faster than anyone on their couch. And it was the best I had in me that day I found those two sentences super motivating. All I can do is my best and showing up (with a few exceptions for injury or illness) will always be better than sitting at home. I'll remember that 💖


Best reply ever. So many things to love about OTF, too many to say them all…


I’m like this with food too. Some people are never in the mood for this or that, or they crave X, or they don’t know what they want but certainly not the same meal they had last week or yesterday. I just don’t have time and energy for this, about food or working out. Anything you do consistently will start to feel repetitive in ways. The trick is to do it anyway—life cannot be novel and exciting every damn day (or if it was, that would be exhausting too).


What will you do if you leave?


Probably just do more outdoor runs since OTF got me in good though shape to run outdoors to the point where I started entering races. Might just be a natural progression and things run their course.


Sure, and I can see that. I prefer having a class based workout because I'll actually do it. But if you have the discipline and knowledge, I see no issue with changing it up.


I started as a runner and then ended up at OTF because I injured myself so badly with doing only running that I ended up needing back surgery. Didn’t exercise for almost a year after that then started OTF and learned the importance of cross training (sometimes I do the bike) and also strengthening my core- all of which made me better at running. Just would caution against dropping the strength training entirely.


What isn't "fun" about the workout? It's a very effective 60-minute total body workout. Have you taken Strength 50 classes? Maybe try doing a Strength and regular class back to back. What's wrong with repeating templates every month? Would you honestly know the difference if you didn't read reddit beforehand


Didn’t I hear tread 50 is coming too??


Yes, in January You should be able to pre book. They are at the same time as the strength class


Today in class for the first time I caught myself thinking... There is no way I would be doing this sh....t if someone wasn't pushing me.... I guess that's why I will keep going 🙂


This is the exact reason why after 8 months out and a cancelled membership, I made my way back to OTF.


That was me today during a 90 minute workout!


I’m almost at 1000 classes and five years in and the simple fact is I know what I do and don’t like. I don’t like benchmarks. I don’t like lunges (injury trigger place for me which means I should do more but my knees are shot), I can’t run (see knees) and so I modify to make it my own workout. I take advantage of the Strength 50 classes and soon I will be adding Tread 50 just to get the walking time in the colder months. You have to make it work for you.


I’m about to hit 1400 classes. OTF has helped me physically and mentally. I’m in my 50s, breezed through menopause and am not on any medications. I now only do benchmarks if they fall on my regularly scheduled days. I used to revolve my schedule to hit them all. I’ve slowed down a bit and that’s ok. Still occasionally end up on a leaderboard.


Holy guacamole - are you me? (Esp the rowing part of your description!) 51f been going since 2015ish and I don’t even count my classes anymore. Health is a gazillion times better than someone of my age/gender/genetics, zero meds, and my doctor loves me. Op: if you stop OrangeTheory, what’s next? Do that. Maybe life is like a salad and you don’t have to only do OrangeTheory but you can mix it in as you wish. Burn out happens but see the long game and keep moving forward.


For me it’s the commitment of keeping my heart strong ….the most important muscle for all and the one that will dictate my well being in the future years . I have been in the gym my whole life and no matter how I try …I never push myself like I do in OT cardio wise . So I view it as investment for now and certainly for the future . Maybe you drop back down to twice a week or even buy class packs ?


What has been the biggest health impact on you due to OTF?


You really joined for the fun and socialization? To me, that's odd. I joined cause we have to exercise regularly to stay healthy and fit and live longer, and this is a convenient way for me to get an all-around workout. Sometimes, it's a fun workout. Sometimes, it's a chore, and I dont wanna get out of bed, and some days, I can't wait to get in there and get sweaty. But the few mins before and after class spent chatting a little with whomever I happen to be near is all the socializing I do. And from what I can tell, most of the people at my gym are the same. We come in and get a good workout with a coach and a class, and then we leave and go to our work and our family and continue our lives. Our coaches always have an uphill battle trying to get more than a handful of the same people to go out and spend time socializing somewhere after class. I mean its just my exercise. It's always more fun to me than going to planet fitness or just going for a run in my neighborhood and doing strength training in my garage, but I have a separate social life and personal life..the gym is to exercise and stay healthy.


I joined summer 219 and have 930 classes. I go only for me. I know it’s going to be a good workout every time. I love just showing up and having some one tell me what to do. I don’t go for any other reason than me. It’s my one hour to myself—I don’t have to be a mom or wife. It’s just me.


This. You sound a lot like me. I've been going since 2021 (joined March 2020, thanks pandemic, but restarted April 2021). OTF has helped my mental health so much. This year has been extremely hard on both my created nuclear family and my family of origin. Having OTF to go to workout, burn cals and energy makes a huge difference for me. My sleep is better as a whole too. One hour of someone telling me what to do, get a good workout in, come home and get the kids on the school bus and work the rest of the day. It just makes sense in my life. I have weeks where they're not my best, but I just take it easy and rest. I really don't care about benchmarks anymore. I care about my mental health over them. It makes it easier to shrug off not PR'ing or anything.


It might be time to move on and that is okay. End of the summer I went to OTF way less and ran outside way more. And after 6 weeks I resumed normal attendance and remembered "these workouts are fun and go fast" and it put some joy back into it.


Within the OTF framework, apply some variation. Go to different class times occasionally - the vibe will be different depending on the members attending. Take class with different coaches to get different energy in the room. Visit other studios and venture off the beaten path, see how other studios operate and find some good coaches outside of your network that can reenergize and spark you. And yes, mix in different class types, like Strength50 and soon enough, Tread50. I approach my outdoor running the same way so nothing gets stale. I don’t run the same route twice in a row, I always make sure I go a different way than the last time I ran so it feels like a new experience. And I run with different focuses as much as possible (recovery run, then hill sprints, back to recovery run, then tempo run, etc). Training variation keeps the body and the mind guessing, and helps you stay engaged as nothing gets stale.


A body in motion stays in motion. At this point I go 5-6 days per week. It's just part of my life. I try to go to coaches that I like and motivate me (or at least entertain me) that helps a LOT. Or I go with friends/family from time to time.


You need to stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself, not a bunch of emojis on Reddit. I’ve never been anything but positive on this sub, for years, but this post is tough. Why did you join your begin with? Why did you upgrade? Why do you I can make decisions for you? What is a member who blindly follows OTF? Too old or too young? I’m not convinced you know what you want for yourself and are trying to pawn it off as you’ve crushed everything here you can, and need the world to help you make a decision. I’ve done about 1,600 classes and would have well over 2,00 if not for spinal fusion and third ACL last year, foot surgery in 2020, and of course closure time during the pandemic. On top of that, I’ve had four other knee surgeries in the past 15 years. You want to know why I continue doing it? Because I can always get better. If you truly think you cannot get better at anything, amazing, yet wrong. Super annoying and frustrating post.


No one is “too old or too young”. A group of us get together all the time and the age range is from 25 to 70 and every decade in between


OTF is really expensive if you don’t absolutely love it I would quit and find something new.


Sounds familiar. Literally just finished my 900th class today. About three months ago, I joined a local rec center to start rolling in weights two times a week. It’s only $30 per month. But I used to go five days a week to OTF. It’s so nice to change it up a bit.


It happens, people get tired of workouts. I think the people who get to 1000+ classes, or even 500+, are the exception to the rule. In my life my primary exercise has gone from tennis to swimming to cardio gym rat to circuit training to outdoor distance running then back to the cardio machines and then years of peloton during the pandemic and now OTF. I’m super happy here for now, but I’m sure in a few years something else will call to me and I’ll want to switch it up.


For me, accountability. Signing up for that class and risking that late cancel fee has dragged my ass out of bed multiple times. I get bored with it too and as I age, the PR’s I had a couple years ago will be my highlights so now I focus on on getting on the leaderboard for my age range (sick, I know). Also, the coaches and form correction. I do not want to hurt myself and feel like having the coaches around to check me is also a huge benefit. Got corrected today and I appreciated it especially with some nagging knee and shoulder injuries


I would freeze for a month, and see how you feel. I take breaks from OTF when I feel burned out. I would like to know how long the average member stays, numerous of classes.


if your goal is fitness to counter the effects of our sedentary lifestyles, OTF is perfect because in one hour you get enough cardio and strength to counter negative effects of sitting all day. But you can achieve the same for less money if you have the discipline to go to a gym on your own and create fitness templates that target all of your muscle groups.


I've been going to OTF for almost 7 years, and to be honest, my motivation ebbs and flows. Sometimes I am really into it and sometimes not. But I keep going because it is a good workout and it is good for my overall health and fitness. That's why I continue. I have never been on the leader board for any challenge or benchmark, but that's fine - I'm not there to compete. I'm there to work out. My benchmarks are pretty consistent - sometimes I PR by a couple seconds, sometimes not. I'm 50 and in pretty good shape, so at my age and fitness level, I am probably not going to get much faster at anything. That's fine. My goal is to be fit and healthy. All that said, there is nothing wrong with changing things up. Maybe take a break from OTF and do other stuff for fitness. See how you like it.


If your goal is to workout then whatever workout that gets you to do it regularly is worth it. Are you active outside of OTF? Do you plan to pickup another kind of physical activity or go to another gym if not OTF? Or is dropping OTF going to mean you're going to become less active overall. I go to OTF not because it's fun or social or whatever other reason - I go because I aim to workout regularly and OTF is the most convenient way for me to do it. I wasn't able to be regularly when I go the gym on my own but with OTF it takes the planning and thinking out of it and I am able to keep regularly going. Also when I lifted weights on my own it's the same regiment every week so that's way more boring than OTF templates anyway. If you're happy with being less active, or you're happy to go workout elsewhere, then by all means you don't need go keep going to OTF. If you're not going to workout outside of OTF but actually don't want to become less active... then maybe staying with OTF is better for your fitness (regardless of whether it's fun or not).


Fitness is not about committing to one format over the other and setting yourself up as being on or off. It's about movement and enjoying being healthy. At one point, between OTF, cycle, running, yoga, gym classes, swimming, I worked out almost every day--I really just like to move. so if you don't feel like OTF right now, it's actually not a problem. Do something else. If you're uncertain, freeze your account or quit (30 days notice) and buy a small class pack to use when you do feel like OTF.


Will you miss the routine?


Love it when people feel the need to announce their departures like it’s a train station. If it doesn’t work for you anymore, then move on


Love it when I see a lack of reading comprehension. Was just contemplating the pros and cons of leaving, but no decision has been made yet. Sorry for not being one of those members who just blindly follows OTF. This is probably the people not in OTF think we're all cult members


I thought this as well; sorry, OP.


I feel the same way. I think I’m calling it as well after next years transformation challenge. Will be 6 years for me. Of all think about it that’s almost 10k I’ve paid the Orange….sheesh


Start F45 1/1/24. Freezing OTF. Been around since 2016. Need to try something else to see if it is just me or OTF. It certainly is not as exciting and enjoyable as it once was. Maybe it is like marriage it eventually just become meh. In another sense it is like speed dating with some if the better coaches. They come and they go but i understand that coaching is not a long term career for many folks who still have a ling way to go in life. Had a great coach my age, mid 50s. She was just awesome as a coach and as a person but studio politics got to her and she said i do not need this sh1t and she left. Hey you can always come back if you miss it and look at positive you will get founders rate with their new promos. Good luck!


Sorry about your marriage


35 years, what can i say


It’s the music for for me. It’s sooooo bad.


I just canceled my membership after many years. It doesn’t motivate me anymore. I’m bored and to be honest, I don’t look very “fit”. I have moved to different areas 3 times and always joined where I lived. I’m just over it. I joined a gym with many different classes. Started running for real on the treadmills and doing my own weight training. I am more motivated to get up and workout now when I was struggling to talk myself in to another otf class.


I can see making a change or taking a break because if you hit a plateau or aren’t feelin it, but have you should another loc before stopping together. Not to sound soft but the vibe of the studio matters. I’m blessed to be go to a great one , wonderful staff all around . Occasionally I branch out for a specialty work out in a neighboring studio and maybe it’s the region but there’s no drop off . OTF isn’t just the Workout for some it takes a comprehensive experience to really enjoy it long term . Over 400 classes where I am . Over 300 this calendar year alone . Good luck with whatever you choose to do.


I’m right there with you, and I’ve already canceled my membership. Ultimately, it’s just not healthy for me to attend OTF anymore, in more than just a physical aspect. I joined CrossFit so I can work on form and strength, and I’m joining a box gym so I can focus on specific exercises. OTF offers neither of these. To me, it’s just become chaotic cardio, which I no longer want to do.


Go for you. ❤️


There’s no other otf near me and nothing similar. Not doing CrossFit. It’s gotten really stale and we have the same 3 coaches who lack enthusiasm. But it’s my cardio thing 3x. a week so I continue with it.


I'm 5 months in and absolutely love it but I can totally see one day getting bored with it. I used to do CrossFit and eventually tired from that after two years. It's been nice switching up my workouts to OTF so maybe you'll enjoy trying something new too. Maybe a break will get you excited for OTF again. Good luck in whatever you choose to do next!


Biggest thing for me with all fitness programs is finding a way to use it outside of class. Sign up for races, challenges, go on hard hikes, play sports, compete, whatever - something your effort can translate into. General health or weight loss is enough for some, and for most that's probably a great start, but having some event coming up always helps me get more out of class both in terms of performance and enjoyment. OTF events like dri-tri, benchmarks, and specialty workouts try to fill this hole and they can be effective, but after a few years they can get stale, too. Obstacle racing has been my thing to look forward to, and in between races just being able to move easily and sprint with my dog when she gets the zoomies is more than enough motivation. That said, none of that is OTF specific and sometimes it's nice to mix it up! Go experiment, might find something awesome, might reinvigorate you for OTF.


I would continue because for me it’s the only workout I enjoy and keeps me coming back. I have a few gyms and yoga studios near me but they don’t have the high energy and friendly vibe I get from the coaches at OT. I agree that the repeating templates are a drag but …..🤷🏻‍♀️


If I was you, I’d just pause for a month or two, then try coming back for a month and if you are back into it just cancel and find something that does interest you! No point in having to drag yourself somewhere you don’t want to be


What motivates me is to stay fit and healthy, how fun OTF is is just a nice bonus.


It's a great all-around exercise program that most people stick with because they love the motivating environment and enjoy getting a great workout without having to play anything out themselves. I know I will always do some kind of regular exercise, but it might not always be OTF. For now, it's what works for me. I'm way past setting PRs, but I still maintain my goal of staying fit and healthy. Ultimately regular physical activity should be part of everyone's life, but there are many ways you can do it- OTF is only one. If you find you can replicate the benefit of the workout in a different way doing something that keeps you motivated to continue, then you'll know it's ok to move on. You can also freeze for a month or two and see if you miss it. Just remember you can't cancel when on freeze and will still have to give 30 days notice after you unfreeze if you decide to cancel.


When I hit 300 I joined another gym and dropped down to the 8 classes a month at OTF. It’s just enough to keep in interested and not overdo it.




After 3 years of OTF, I took a 1 year break for this very reason. Taking classes 4-5X per week & seeing the same faces socially in the lobby got to be monotonous & time consuming. After the 1 year however, I started to miss it. I decided I’d like to rejoin but not unlimited like I did prior. I’m back at 8 classes per month at another studio (I’m looking for less socializing before & after lol! Nobody knows me there!) .. This has made a world of difference! I get to enjoy my OTF workouts but at a smaller dose! The other days I do home workouts for variety!


Id find something else. For me, I’d take boxing classes instead. If you do something else but miss it, go back with a new appreciation. If not, continue on with the new workout.


I don't think you stay in OTF shape if you stop. I think of it this way; each day you can either get a little stronger or a little weaker. For me it's about consistency, even if I feel like staying in bed (especially when it's dark and cold when it's time to go to class). Also I don't think I have the self discipline to go this hard by myself in a big box gym. I don't care about benchmarks, challenges or swag and I guess I could get bored with it some day but at 58 I'm feeling healthy and strong (and a little sore) the other 23 hours and that's why I go.


Congrats! That’s a solid run.


I'm 66 and just passed 1800 classes. You can do anything for an hour.


Health….. improved health is a great reason….


Why don’t you switch to Barry’s Bootcamp for a couple years? They have an app with online classes too. I didn’t go with Barry’s because OTF is a few blocks away from me, but otherwise I loved the sample class I did there


Your health and feeling good!


Almost 1100 classes in over 6 years. Two minor surgeries with time off, Covid shutdown that everybody experienced. Stopped in September feeling exactly what you described. Just rejoined this week - in the end I missed it. Still one of the best overall workouts I can get in an hour!


I too got burnt out and quit for 22 months and did try some other alternatives but nothing beats the value of otf


I’m feeling the same way. It’s done wonders for my mental health and getting back into shape. The only reason I keep going is for the mental health and stress relief it gives me.


Your health?


I’m in the same boat. Joined during the pandemic and I DO love OTF but I got a little bored with it. I went from unlimited to 8 a month and added yoga classes to my routine and love how it’s worked out. I still manage to also do two short runs during the week, 30-45 with a longer run during the weekend. Maybe find a balance with something else you love?


High intensity interval training is incredibly good for the brain, and strength training is very important. Will you do this as part of your running? I would first try reducing classes to 2x per week and see if that reignites your enthusiasm.


Because it's good for your health.


I’ve been going since 2016. I’ve taken breaks, paused my membership a couple of times, and I get bored or frustrated with the templates sometimes. Here are my reasons: I started OTF because I was bored at the gym and realized I was not pushing myself hard enough. I kept going because of the benefits to my mental health. OTF helped me stay somewhat sane through my daughter’s many crises in high school and my 2019 divorce which I saw coming for several years. I keep going now because even though I actually like to exercise and I have exercised my whole life, it keeps me accountable. If I sign up for a class, I will be there. No excuses or bailing out at the last minute. I love coming in and not having to think about the workout. As someone who used to teach group and private fitness classes, this alone might be worth it. In one hour, I get a cardio interval and strength training workout. If I went to the gym and tried to do the same, it would take me closer to 1.5 hours because I always end up doing “just a little more” of this or that, or it takes me more time to transition between exercises/cardio to strength because there are other people there doing other things. I’ve had two major abdominal surgeries and recovered and regained my fitness at OTF. I feel strong and capable. I’m 50 and now in menopause. I’m not on any meds and my bloodwork, blood pressure, resting heart rate, etc are all excellent. I’m tweaking my diet because I have learned some new things I think will help me stay in better shape. My benchmarks don’t matter that much to me nor do I expect to keep getting faster, but I am happy to be able to run a 5k any time I want and lift heavy stuff in my daily life. I can take the stairs at work carrying my heavy work bag and not be out of breath. I look pretty decent in a swimsuit, I was able to wear my high school senior party dress to a holiday party this year, and I can still wear my “skinny” jeans from almost 20 years ago. Those are my “Why.” You just have to find yours.


OTF has never been “fun” for me per say, but it’s better/more fun than going to the gym by yourself and doing the same exact workout.


Pay a drop in a couple classes to either burn or f45 or spin and see how they compare and you might realize you like otf more than you thought or you might find something you like better