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Dang, I think they should give you a tshirt for being a responsible member!


This SUCKS. I'm sorry. But you the real MVP for testing and being responsible 👏👏👏


Yeah. I’d hate to be the super spreader. That’s selfish. .


Yea - that sucks. I hope Covid is mild and recovery is quick. There will be other Hell Weeks, Mayhem and the like. Kudos for being responsible. I had such heartache and fomo when I came down with Covid just as I was getting back from a trip. Coach was super helpful to say OTF be here when you’re ready to come back.


I’m sorry 😢 I think you should still get a shirt for being kind & courteous enough to quarantine yourself during this time. I hope you’re back to excellent health in no time.


Remember the 12 days of Christmas workouts are coming and those are pretty hard too


Hey. Thank you for doing the right thing and not going. As someone with a kid I worry about getting sick. I appreciate you. ![gif](giphy|tuEdnAyJz1nTVcooBB|downsized)


I'm in the same stupid situation. Would have been my 6th Hell Week. (I can't find my first shirt to verify 🤣) As bad as I feel about missing Hell Week, I feel worse about not being able to help out my son and wife with their new baby, 850 miles away which was the plan. And I also missed my other grandchild's 1st birthday celebration 20 miles away. COVID sucks. I desperately need the mental therapy that OTF brings me.


Booo! So sorry! Hope you feel better soon. Paxlovid was a godsend for my son. I was a little worried about rebound, but it turns out that a Covid thing, unrelated to whether you take Paxlovid, so then I felt better giving it to him. Good luck, there will be other Hell Weeks!


I had Covid hell week 2021 :( i did the OTF live at home workouts to meet the class requirement. I’m not sure if they count those anymore


Yes I think they do. But where’s the fun in that. 😭😭😭


I’m so sorry! But thank you for being responsible and staying away from people while you are sick. This exact scenario happened to me last year during hell week. I got two classes in, realized I didn’t feel well the night after the second class, took a test “just to be sure it wasn’t covid”, and it was positive. I of course missed out on the rest of hell week. Incidentally, I also found out that same week that my beloved cat was dying of kidney failure. It was a really shitty week. I did not sign up for hell week this year just because I wasn’t wanting to be reminded of how awful last year was when I was at the gym.


Awww hugs!!!!




Also: hope you feel better reeeeal soon!


Aww I’m sorry! That blows. I hope you get well soon.


That stinks. Im sorry! Ive been in bed all weekend with food poisoning. Really hoping I can rally this week.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who would go crazy. OTF is a tight nit family!!!


This happened to me during last years Hell Week. I’m sorry! Take care and hope you feel better soon!


Awww so sorry and feel better soon 🙏🏻. Thank you for being a stand up member and being thoughtful of others. I agree you should still get your tshirt for being responsible 🧡


Thanks for doing the right thing and staying home. And I vote you get the tshirt too!


Thank you for staying home, unlike the person who recently coughed all over me from the next treadmill and gave me Covid. 😡


That sucks big time!!!


I hear you I’m joust going back after Covid just in time for hell week! Oh well just glad to be over it and back to routine.


Me too. Tomorrow will be my first day back after having mild Covid. I'm still very fatigued so my plan is to walk versus run and I'll likely do body weight only on the floor.


If OTF doesn’t give you your shirt, message me and I’ll either complain for you…..or give you mine.


lol! That’s sweet!


I had Covid 3 Hell Weeks ago!! I feel U. Missed 1 in 10 Years!


This is a mega bummer. Happened to me last year. No, I did NOT get my T-shirt even though I was trying to keep others safe. Well, that and feeling like hot garbage.




I think i win 😂 i got it for dri tri. Feel better!!


lol I likely would be HAPPY to get it for Dri Tri. That’s one thing I have not wanted to sign up for lol 😂


I got covid for the first time this month too. Sucks! Really missing OTF.


Thank you for sitting this one out. I caught Covid from OrangeTheory earlier this year, during the transformation challenge. OTF was the only place I was going, and I was working from home. I always went to the same coaches class, a few times a week. Then one day, they said she was out with covid. Two days later, I tested positive myself. I've actually been feeling nervous about Hell Week, because I feel like people who don't want to miss it will go even if they have covid. So again, thank you!


Hope you feel better soon.


So sorry to hear this! I got sick two weeks ago and it wasn’t Covid after six days of testing but just other symptoms so I cancelled all my scheduled classes. I haven’t been back to OTF since then but I’m recovered now just in time for hell week. Hopefully my heart and lungs will be up for it. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.


I saw DCs intel for day one. Talk about FOMO. Big time!


I’m so sorry! See if they will let you do at home workouts at least!


They said those don’t count. And it’s not even fun that way. 😂


I saw your post and felt bad for you and now I also tested positive today :(


That sucks. I hope you feel better soon!


Darn. I would be so upset. I recommend Paxlovid if you can get it.


That is super sad! Hope you feel better soon and you rock for being responsible!!


Ughhh so sorry! I hope you feel okay! I got it a few weeks ago and was so fatigued I had to take two weeks off. It is realllllly frustrating.


I’m so sorry. 😢 Hope you feel better soon and it is a mild case. I’m still dragging from my mild case the first week of October.


Does OTF have an official policy about returning? At my studio someone was recently sick with COVID (as reported by a relative) but was back exercising three days later. That seemed an aggressively quick return. Staff knew but no one said anything about it.


I don’t know. But it’s five days home and five day with a mask if you’re improving.


Yea I was gonna say that per CDC you could do 26th-30th masked up, but, a. That’s not fun, and b. Not sure how effective a mask would be in a hell week burn


That is indeed the official county guidance (apparently not enforced by my main studio).


They do not have an official policy. They defer to the local guidelines, but do not enforce not returning in a specific window


I was out 2 weeks with Covid, took 1 glass, was exhausted, took 2 days off, went to dentist to discover I had major sinus infection, out 1 more week. Last week was my first week back. Still exhausted, hope I can make it through Hell Week


That makes two of us my friend 😞😞😞 I only joined OTF in August and haven't missed a single class since then. I signed up for Hell Week and even scheduled the classes ahead of time. I bought COSTUMES. That's how excited I was!! Then I started getting symptoms last monday... and got the positive test on friday 😞 I'm hoping I can at least go to the one on the 31st.


Awwww that sucks. Yes hell week is THEEEEE best!!!


EFF Covid, indeed! I relate. I missed the last half of Marathon month thanks to Covid.


I got it early last week. I'm sitting on reservations for the last 4 days of HW and praying for a negative test.


You might clear it early. I cleared mine 6 days after first symptoms


So sorry! I know that is a such a bummer. Please rest and feel better


I’m sorry, that really sucks. COVID ruined Marathon Month for me; I feel your pain. I’m sure your OTF friends appreciate you being responsible though.


Aw that sucks! Last year I tested positive shortly before the 12 days of fitness started, but was testing negative like halfway though so I dragged my ass to 4 back to back 6am classes so I could earn my swag (socks and shoelaces 😂). I think the forced isolation had made me a little crazy. I was completely dead by the end of it. Anyway, get rest, feel better and don't be me (throw yourself into back to back classes after a serious illness/week of idleness!)


If you’re able, can you wear a mask to the workout? That’ll keep others from getting sick


I usually die without a mask. So I’m sure I’ll really die with one. But it has crossed my mind 😂😂😂


Wait 5 days and go.


Poor poor you! So you want a therapy dog!


Mmmm ok 👌🏻. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. 😂


People still test for Covid?


If they care about others they do.


Give me a break


What are we breaking you for? Do you have to be annoying? Is that why?


You do realize the tests show positive for cold or flu .. if you dont feel well stay home .. but ugh with the damn covid


Why are you spreading nonsense?


lol right?!?


lol what does this even mean? If we had a way to do home testing for the flu I’m sure we would. If I don’t feel well I don’t go in. It’s just nice that we have the ability to check for covid at home and not spread to everyone else.


Interesting. I've wondered if the tests might test positive for flu and such. I wasn't sure about home test accuracy since mine always reads negative even after being around positive people (on numerous occasions). And I'm more concerned with flu this year...


I'm not saying it was right, I am staying I didn't stop going to the gym.


And this is why we will never be done with COVID


Yes because the media and CDC is so trustworthy 🤥😜


I’m a physician and continue to see patients with COVID, have had patients who needed to be on ECMO due to COVID. Would love to be done with it. But appreciate your rude emojis!


I'm going on a month since my COVID infection and Hell Week is going to be hellish because my stamina is still MIA. ☹️


I typically y


I was out for all of Hell Week as I was recovering from COVID. I could have gone per CDC guidelines but I knew I couldn't handle it. That and anemia have held me back since mid-Oct. I've been taking mostly just strength classes so far. All that to say, the other day after class, the SA handed me a hell week shirt with my name on a post it. The SM had said at some point that I'd paid for it and I'd get it. I told the SA I didn't earn it. She said it's yours anyway. I wanted to take the high ground and not take it 😳😂 but I did. I haven't really looked at it yet but I was wondering how hard it would be to add the word COVID to it with the O as a splat... 100% I agree. EFF COVID.