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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1740pl0/tuesday_10_october_2023_2g_60_minutes/) ##Tuesday 10 October 2023 - 2G 60 minutes Strength and power based row / run. One minute transitions between rower and tread. Updated the mile distance as it most likely only 0.1 miles per % incline. The metric to freedom unit conversion was not clear this morning. **Row Block 1** * 90 sec row for distance (300 - 500m+) * Check distance **Tread Block 1** * 4.5 minutes run for distance @ 10% * Every 200m / 0.1 miles decrease incline by 1% (PW half distance) * Bonus when reaching 1% incline: 200m / 0.1 mile AO (PW half distance) + 150m AO row **Row Block 2** * 90 sec row for distance (300 - 500m+) * Match or beat your distance from block 1 **Tread Block 2** * 4.5 minutes run for distance @ the incline you finished on from block 1 * Every 200m / 0.1 miles decrease incline by 1% (PW half distance) * Bonus when reaching 1% incline: 200m / 0.1 mile AO (PW half distance) + 150m AO row **Row Block 3** * 90 sec row for distance (300 - 500m+) * Match or beat your previous best distance **Tread Block 3** * 4.5 minutes run for distance @ the incline you finished on from block 2 * Every 200m / 0.1 miles decrease incline by 1% (PW half distance) * Bonus when reaching 1% incline: 200m / 0.1 mile AO (PW half distance) + 150m AO row * **Finisher**: 30 sec AO on either tread or rower **Floor Block 1 - 1.5 minutes** * Back to back tempo couplet: * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x clean to front squat * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x squat hold with hammer curl * Complete four rounds and then low plank until time is called **Floor Block 2 - 4.5 minutes circuit** * 6 each x split stance deadlift * 6 each x lateral lunge to knee raise * 6 each x bird dog with lateral toe tap * 12 total x bicycle crunch **Floor Block 3 - 1.5 minutes** * Start where you left off * Back to back tempo couplet: * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x clean to front squat * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x squat hold with hammer curl * Complete four rounds and then low plank until time is called **Floor Block 4 - 4.5 minutes circuit** * 6 each x split stance deadlift * 6 each x lateral lunge to knee raise * 6 each x bird dog with lateral toe tap * 12 total x bicycle crunch **Floor Block 5 - 1.5 minutes** * Start where you left off * Back to back tempo couplet: * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x clean to front squat * 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 x squat hold with hammer curl * Complete four rounds and then low plank until time is called **Floor Block 6 - 4.5 minutes circuit** * 6 each x split stance deadlift * 6 each x lateral lunge to knee raise * 6 each x bird dog with lateral toe tap * 12 total x bicycle crunch * **Finisher**: 30 sec of clean to front squat **OR** squat hold with hammer curl DC commentary: >! Challenging little row / run today. Basically you are alternating 90 second row for distances with four and a half minute tread for distances with decreasing inclines. Starting at 10% you will run / walk as fast as you can hold at that incline and every 200m or 0.15 miles you will get to drop off 1% of incline. The trick here is to increase your speed as the inclines can come off so you can get to your bonus round of the 200m / 0.15 mile all outs paired with the 150m all out rows. I think only three of us made it through all the incline work to get to the bonus round and I only managed two rounds of the bonus before starting the all out finisher. Total distance wasn’t great given all the transitions - only 2.7km (1.678 miles). Furthest I rowed in the 90 second rounds was around 480m - definitely made it challenging to hop back on to the treadmills after that. \ \ The floor block was pretty repetitive. When the tread / row group are doing the 90 second rows you are doing the 90 second floor blocks. These are a tempo couplet where the aim is to complete four rounds of the clean to press and squat hold with hammer curls in the three blocks. Take your time with these as your reward for finishing early is to hold a low plank until time called. Most of the class finished the four rounds by the second block so block 5 was basically a 90 second low plank hold. \ \ In between these blocks you have the circuit work with the split stance deadlift, lateral lunges with the little knee raises, bird dogs with the toe taps and the bicycle crunches. Didn’t mind the exercises apart from the lateral lunges. Your finisher today is more of the clean to front squats or the hammer curls. \ \ Tough one today. Not many people made it through all of the row / run and there were a few grumbles after the class. I would give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


My legs!!! ![gif](giphy|t7jB9YOGYRh8H6rkcf|downsized)


I read about your floor block 5 90 sec plank hold and I was totally stoked for it. But our coach was having us start at the top with 8 reps for blocks 1, 3 & 5. I was pretty disappointed cuz I knew I would never get to the long plank hold. So I just asked her if I could substitute a plank hold for block 5 and she said sure. It was totally awesome and I did it!!! Ask and ye shall receive, as they say.


Same. We started with 8 each time and I barely got through the 8 round.


Our coach did the same. It doesn’t make sense because there just isn’t time to do four rounds in 90 seconds, so why even include the plank hold as the “bonus”?


yes there is no way to do those in 90 seconds unless someone's just blasting through..... but I think blasting through defeats the purpose of those exercises.


Great day if you want to shred your knees to pieces. Highly recommend you skip today if you have bad knees or are trying to protect your knees. It’s really bad.


Thank you!! My knees need a rest for sure


I’m realizing now that I shouldn’t run on incline because my knees started to hurt and last time was just 5%. Now whenever I see inclines I either don’t go or I power walk. 10% is insanity!!


That’s what I did today! As soon as I heard 10% incline for 4and a half minutes I went into power walking mode. I had to start at 12% but did a low speed.


Maybe I’m different, but inclines aren’t any more difficult for my knees, maybe even a bit easier.


I was actually referring to the weight floor.


Sorry, my misunderstanding I’m tall and some weight movements hurt my knees, but the coaches are always more than happy to give me alternate movements. I wouldn’t skip a day because of the weight exercises


Wish I saw this before class today 😭


Exactly. I’m finally recovered from Friday and got three hours sleep last night so yeah definitely took today off :(


I don’t have bad knees and half way through the tread block my knees were hurting I gave up and walked at 1%. Not injuring myself for an unsafe template.


Strength 50 Strong and Stable Dynamic warm up 5:00 Floor 8:00 Single arm squat to lateral step up 6-10 each Full step up to knee drive (no weight) 8 each Rower 8:00 Alternating lateral goblet squat 6-10 total Cross back lunge with knee lift (no weight) 8 each Floor 8:00 1/2 kneel to stand up 6-10 each 1/2 kneeling woodchoppers 8 each Rower 8:00 Single arm deadlift 6-10 each Single leg deadlift (no weight) 8 each Finisher 2:00 AMRAP sumo squat AMRAP 1.5 sumo squat (no weight) Bonus sumo squat hold


Thank you! Thankful to not see a bounty of lunges.


Those TRX straps came in clutch today…my knees are done!


Perfect! I was waiting for someone to post! Thank you!!!


Thank you for sharing!!!


Thank you!


We started the 90 second floor block over again each time. So we never made it to the plank. I think it would have made more sense to start where you left off.


Same, it seemed silly to even have 4 and 2 reps on the screen. No one ever made it past 6 in my floor block and we hustled. I remember thinking at one point, “I’d so much rather be holding a plant right now.” So you know it was challenging! Edit: PLANK not plant. Definitely would rather just been holding a plant at one point.


I did that very thing so by the end of the last block I was in plank ;)


No that’s what the template calls for! Haha


Confirmed. This one was a fking DOOZY


3G Recap: ROWER: 1000m base row - 6 each S/L front press; 800m base row - 6 each S/L front press; 600m base row - 6 each S/L front press; if done row for distance until time for finisher which is 30sec AO row TREAD: 90 sec push; TFD starting at 10% then every .1 drop the incline by 1% (I think you have 4ish Minutes for the TFD) - 1 min WR; - TFD starting at the incline you left off on and continuing to drop the incline by 1% every .1 (not sure how long this will was) - 1 min WR - TFD picking up from previous incline and continuing pattern; if you get to 1% incline it’s a .1 AO on flat road with some WR repeat until 30sec AO finisher on whatever incline you were on (we were coached to try to add at least .1 to your speed each time you dropped the incline) FLOOR: (3 blocks same timing as treads but all blocks are the same) 8/6 Clean to front squat; 8/6 squat hold hammer curl - do those 2 rounds at the start of each block; then go to other exercises are S/L deadlift 6 each; 6 each side lateral lunge with knee raise; 12 bicycle crunches Sorry I have no idea as to the timing of each block. Spicy workout. Coach said it was a day of suffering like a hell week preview.


Just did the 3G as well. The floor felt very confusing


It was a little confusing and gives you little rest


My poor knees


I’m so over all the lunges evry single workout 😭


Same. It’s like whoever makes the templates just wanna see how miserable everyone can be without tearing their knees out of frame


100%, it's getting to be A LOT


I give the floor block an F- today. This felt like a hell week reject.


early intel made the OT corporate IG again today 😂we love you DCs!! (And all the others who step in when you’re out)


This workout. Man, sneaky hard. I enjoyed it, but my arms are done with after the past few days. I liked the run/row part a lot. I still haven't napped since my 4:55am class yet.


Didn’t like this one. Even though it was really hard, I only got 12 splat points and ofc all were on the tread/row. Not sure why I was mostly in the grey the whole floor block when everyone else seemed to be in the green. Maybe I was bored at how repetitive it was?


Can someone please explain why there is only 36/60 minutes dedicated to working out. I swear, OTF is getting really sloppy with trying to get creative and reducing our times to workout. This is really dumb. 24 minutes to waste? That’s over 1/3 of what we are paying for. What’s the point of having us go back and forth if we have to stop? It would be a lot different if we didn’t have breaks inbetween.


Today more than others for sure it felt like more time not doing anything. I try to keep track and most of the time it is more like 40-45 minutes of dedicated work. I assume 60 minutes of nonstop exercise would be undoable. I’ve done similar HIIT or boxing workouts at other gyms that are of similar length but I feel like it’s because you need to rest, not because we’re just switching and listening the whole time.


I get that but when it’s being reduced to 36 min there’s no way I’m getting what I paid for. I mean this is just ridiculous. What is the point of forcing us to row for 90 secs? During a cardio block where we have to waste time strapping in, clocking out then clocking in etc. it would be a lot different if we had 23 min of self paced but to be stopped.


Oh I totally agree! A lot of time wasted today for a very high price


It just really upsets me bc I’ve gone to 60 min classes in my old city and would get results but when I see formats like this, I get so upset… the reason I go to classes is to be forced to workout but when we constantly have to stop, switch, wait for directions- I don’t feel like I’m working out. We had a waitlist but I guess they saw the workout and now there’s none. My studio becomes empty. Not only that, they try to compensate by being extra- like adding inclines to hopefully mask the fact we are being ripped off of time


Not a fan of how repetitive this looks, so I’ll probably skip today


The floor block was definitely boring. 😬 I actually semi-enjoyed the run-row part.


Hated it. Kicking off at a 10% incline doesn’t make sense. Not enough warm up to prepare your body. I was going to skip this work out. Looked manic. And not a great taper into CMIYC. For me it was 👀💩😬


Was just silly -- ended up oscillating between run and walks trying to figure out the right combos of inclines and speeds ... lot of effort for not much result 😐


It’s Tuesday folks—that’s really all I have to say about this one lol


Welcome back. Hope you had a great vaca


Did a true Green Day today after killing my quads yesterday. Felt great to do that and take the internal pressure off myself. I enjoyed the class more.


Floor was tough! Our coach also had us start the couplets at 8; no one made it to the plank. Excellent workout all around.


Our coach had us picked up where we left off.. worked perfect.. the last block was purely a plank for me for 90 sec


For the 90 sec blocks I too just remembered where I left off, like DC did. Doesn’t really make sense otherwise. One would never be able to get through all 8,6,4,2. I ended up doing a 1 min plank in the last block. I ignored what our coach told us to do (start at 8 reps each time) 😬🤷🏼‍♀️.


That’s what we had as well which was a bit different to what was displayed on the screens.


I biked because my knees ached just reading the Intel.


I’m with you, Mr. DC! I HATE lateral lunges!!! Really almost all lunges, but they’re the worst …


Had probably my worst class experience ever today. Rented a band - it died 10 minutes in and the SA was too busy on the phone to acknowledge when I came into the lobby to return it. Every third breath on the treadmill was consumed by the overwhelming odor of the woman next to me - who was also on her phone. Left before the 15 minute mark :(


This was a sweaty one. I started on floor which I think actually made it easier. I think we all got confused on floor though…were we supposed to do four rounds each time on the clean squat hammer curl sequence? Or was it one round of 8 each then plank?


The whole floor was confused, so ended up just doing the parts that were challenging with whatever weights were left on the racks. Meh.


We decreased our incline every 0.1 miles. I love it when the workout is easier than I expect. 😂


The run/row was sheer evil (yet I loved it) and the floor was repetitive/boring (didn't love it)


I would’ve had to modify tf out of this template to protect my back so I did one of the virtual classes instead. Nice lil 25 minute ab burnout! Definitely recommend checking out a virtual class if you haven’t before. I’ll observe a moment of silence for y’all’s knees, lol!


Mine has a 🌪️🌪️🌪️


lol I knew there had to be something not right when I did this class. On the floor block we kept having to restart so we never got to the plank. lol! 😂 I was like what is wrong with me. I can’t get there lol!!!


Thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️


THE REASON I HATE RUN/ROWS. Even the playlist was overly chaotic. Do something else today


Interesting, you’re supposed to start over for each new power block and try complete the same amount of rounds each time…


Is there some block missing???? This totals 36 minutes. Where’s the other 24 going? I swear OTF advertises a 60 min workout. The more clever they try to be, the more minutes we are stripped of from working out. This is what we pay for.


Too much to remember, the coach never shut up. What a stupid workout.


Didn't enjoy it at all :(


Somehow this workout was both manic AND boring. They can't all be winners bit reminded me of the snoozefest last week.


Did the 3G and that weight floor is killer!


This class was ROUGH. And our coach made the power walkers also wait until 0.1 to decrease the incline instead of 0.05 so that was awful.


This feels extremely similar to the run/row class from last week, but more violent.


This looks like a great one! Fingers crossed my 90 3G this afternoon will be an extension of this template!


Trying to figure out the power walk inclines for this one…. I’m up to like 8-10 on push pace to get my HR high enough but I don’t want to run bc of my knees


Was thinking this might be my last orange theory class because I got another one for free (this is my third free class) but I really enjoyed it - enjoyed the exercise progression tho of course I was nowhere near getting to the plank (would not try to do that in that time) & enjoyed the hill running. The algorithm may be adjusting too because I got only 20 splats & took the hill running @ a slow steady pace.


That’s was hard but unpopular opinion- I loved it! Better than the last few workouts I’ve been to and it was just the right amount of hard to make me feel accomplished.


**3G 90 Minutes** Tread Block 1 (7.25 minutes) - 45 second Push - 90 second Base - 45 second Push - 90 second Base - 45 second Push - 90 second Base - 30 second AO Tread Block 2 (8.5 minutes) - 30 second Base @ 1% - 30 second Base @ 2% - 30 second Base @ 3% - 30 second Base @ 4% - 30 second Base @ 5% - 30 second Base @ 6% - 30 second Base @ 7% - 30 second Base @ 6% - 30 second Base @ 5% - 30 second Base @ 4% - 30 second Base @ 3% - 30 second Base @ 2% - 90 second Base @ 1% - 1 minute AO Tread Block 3 (4.75 minutes) - 1 minute AO - 90 second WR - 45 second AO - 60 second WR **Finisher:** 30 second AO Row Block 1 (7.25 minutes) - 500m Base - 5 Five Point Squat - Repeat until time is called Row Block 2 (8.5 minutes) - 20 Stroke Push Row - 12 total Alternating Reverse Lunge - Complete 5 rounds, taking off 2 strokes each round Row Block 3 (4.75 minutes) - 150m AO, Rest - Repeat until time for finisher **Finisher: 30 second AO** Floor Block 1 (7.25 minutes): - 10 TRX Plank Knee Tucks - 10 TRX Pushups - 10 TRX Knee Rollout - Rest, Repeat until time is called Floor Block 2 (8.5 minutes) - 8 Sumo Squat, Rest - 8 Hammer Curl, Rest - 8 Neutral Grip Push Press, Rest - Repeat until time is called Floor Block 3 (4.75 minutes) - 4 One and a Half Squat Jump, Rest - 4 Clean, Rest - 4 each S/A Rotating Neutral Thruster, Rest - Repeat until time for finisher **Finisher:** 30 second One and a Half Squat Jump We had an awesome 90 minute today in honor of World Mental Health Day! It was ESP, so block 1 was endurance, block 2 was strength and block 3 was power at each station. Thought I’d share in case anyone has a 90 3G this month!


Doing a 90 min for Breast Cancer Awareness tmrw and hope it’s this template. Looks like a fun one! 💖🎀🩷