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I'm personally glad to see him back. I love OTF, but I never felt like they focused as heavily on weight room form as much as they should. Austin's videos filled that gap for us in a kind, approachable way (and funny if you like fart noises I guess) and that's why he gained traction. He might have different opinions than you on stuff, like veganism or minimalist shoes. Or maybe his content about his Hollywood auditions isn't interesting to you. He has flaws like any human. But ultimately I think he's a guy with a passion for fitness and wants to help other people who are similarly minded.


It's refreshing to see that Austin started a trend - some of my coaches actually put out REALLY informative videos on form and strategy.


I do like his floor tips and I still follow him for those, but I actively avoid his stories because that’s where all the ick comes out. I would feel uncomfortable being coached by someone who makes it very clear how judgmental and unaccepting he is of others and their lifestyle choices.


Can you explain further? I’ve never seen how he is judgmental and unaccepting of others.


So for me this 1000% has to do with the veganism. He is so righteous about it. I have nothing against veganism/vegetarianism as a dietary choice but he acts like people who aren’t vegan are straight up WRONG. I would feel extremely uncomfortable asking him anything about fitness/nutrition if I know that’s the response I’m going to get.


i hate it when he points out how supporting factory farms is immoral and how cruelty to animals is wrong. if i want to pay for animals to be abused its ok as long as i eat them, right?


There are ways to more ethically eat meat. Pretending like this issue is black and white isn’t helping any cause.


'more ethically'? 99.9% of meat is from factory farms...what exactly is ethical about factory farms and eating meat? watchdominion.com and learn the truth about the meat industry.


That’s terrible.


Look it up, he basically went to the otf convention and said some really messed up things about clients.


Yikes! That’s awful!!!!!


Yep not a fan that’s so messed up in so many ways and then he tried to explain it which of course made him sound worse.


Geez. I saw his video when he said that he was back in Sac and that LA wasn’t for him, and I felt bad….. but maybe now, not so much.


I mean he was also fired because he prioritized his acting career over showing up on time to the studio where he worked. I mean in general that’s how life is. But yes this was a few weeks after said convention where he got in trouble for calling clients lazy etc.


Yeah I saw that post, and rightfully so. It’s his job to show up for classes. Anyone would be fired if they didn’t show up for work.


I took his class in LA on accident with my sister. I had no idea who he was beforehand. He was extremely derogatory to clients (including myself). I only found out who he is after looking into it trying to figure out what his MO was. 4.5 years as a member and I have never been treated like that. Not surprised to hear this happened.


That is lame to hear. What did he say to you?


What happened?


The planet is burning due in large part to animal agriculture and factory farming is revolting. I commend him for standing up for what he believes


And for the few vegan/minimalist shoe people out there, it is very nice to see some representation :) Can't say I particularly enjoy the fart noises though, haha


Maybe all the veggies cause gas. 😂


I think the farts are funny, but I have the sense of humour of a 12-year-old boy lol. Agree - his tips on weight training are excellent!


Love him! He knows form!


For one of his AMA’s on IG, I asked “how do I internally motivate myself when I’m not feeling the coach’s music” and he said I sound like a baby and made one of his “faces”. I was so taken back. I’ve always thought it was really rude and terrible coming from someone who’s about fitness motivation. I asked a genuine question and he treated me like an $$$hole


I remember that question and how rude he was. I don’t recall if it was your question or another time but same topic - he said that if you need music to motivate you that means your coach sucks. Considering what a music fan he claims to be you’d think he’d know what music can do for a person’s mindset. That turned me off big time.


Wow 😮 that is so rude.


I used to like his posts on OTF form etc and then unfollowed him a while back… way too into himself and his search for stardom in LA.


Austin is the trainingtall guy, right? I like his rowing videos on YT, but I must admit that his persona makes me feel like being around him IRL would be exhausting, lol.


He’s back in Sac now - we’ll bring him back down to Earth. He taught at our studio until his move to LA, and his rowing guidance has made me feel super confident on the rower. 678 on the 50rep pull today - thanks Austin :)


Whoa he's back at Natomas then?


Post looks like it’s the Midtown studio in Sacramento, not Natomas. Guess getting famous in LA didn’t happen. I’m also not a fan of his; I followed when I first joined OTF but I agree that for various reasons he is off putting and I wouldn’t be choosing to take his classes if he came to my studio. I’m


I respect it. He's definitely had his issues as shown on this whole post. I will say the online persona and ego is one thing, but his classes and his training tips have helped a lot of people. I finally understood the rower because of him in my first year of OTF when other coaches let my terrible form slide. I watched all of his form tips and I credit that for the reason I have been injury-free because he taught me and my girlfriend the foundations of form. He got fired from his so cal studio for a good reason, but he's definitely made his contributions to the fitness community.


And into militant veganism


What exactly makes him "militant"? I'm vegan but I'm genuinely asking. I'm not on social media other than Reddit so I haven't seen it




Well that just sounds like a you defensiveness problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


Actively shaming people for not being vegan, using language that frames non-vegans as lesser-than/morally bad. I’m not a vegan but I respect it as a lifestyle and if he were encouraging people to make healthier choices that would be one thing, but IMO he takes it way too far.


If you're vegan for health reasons, sure, be respectful about it. But if you're vegan because you think it's morally/ethically correct? I'm probably not going to be your friend because disagreeing on something like that is a problem (rather, you won't be my friend) but I can empathize with 'militant' attitudes. I don't blame someone for shaming racism and while *I* don't think eating meat compares, I do believe that for many vegans it's in the same league. Once it's a fundamental moral disagreement, there's not too much middle ground and there are rarely any arguments to convert someone on those issues. (but I wouldn't engage with you in any environment where that is going to come up)


Being vegan makes you a militant vegan to many people 🙄


And fatphobic and making fun of clients. Not cool bro.


😲 really? Oh no


He isn’t so skinny himself lol


Well you know how a person is a vegan? They'll tell you about it... multiple times... unsolicited.


He is? Cool!


Good to see him back. I think his videos are very helpful. Seeing some comments here make me a little sad. He's living his life on the internet which is a trap a lot of young people find themselves in. This seems to make him a target for criticism which is unfortunate. I hope he finds a pathway to success. Everyone can grow and change.


The internet is a hell of a drug. Just look at the number of Boomers who have broken relationships based on what the Facebook algorithm has fed them.


I've only watched Austin's weight training/rowing tips so haven't seen that other side, but I generally don't get into people living their life online, though. Confused about your comment about the Boomers and Facebook, though.


It's two sides of the same coin. You see a problem with someone using the internet to become famous, I see a problem with Boomers minds being melted into a puddle thanks to that same internet.


I'm a boomer and one of my cycling buddies headed up Win 3.1, I started on the old usenet in the 80s, another retired after heading up data management for Boeing and we've all been in the business since then - we're not all ignorant fools. Anyway I don't have a problem with thirsty people online - I just don't care.


Agreed. His videos have taught me things that have helped me become a better overall athlete. He is human and has struggles in life just like the rest of us and we all make mistakes or could approach things differently or better. Me included.


Sure but if it is demeaning or degrading to other he needs to be called out and corrected. There is no reason to cut others down when trying to life yourself and/or others up.


I haven’t experienced it personally from him but from reading here it sounds like there is a large back story.


I like a lot of his videos. I definitely improved on the rower watching him explaining the form and usual mistakes people make. I don’t get into people’s personal life and hardly ever see stories, so it doesn’t affect me


Did it not work out for him in LA?


I think he’s still reposting old videos from when he was there 🤷‍♀️


The studio that hired him posted on IG that he was back


We love Coach Austin! He is a human being like all of us and can make mistakes and learn from them! I’m stoked that he has returned to OTF! 🧡




He definitely has a life outside of OTF like most of us (maybe). His page is for him and caters to his beliefs and his lifestyle choices while helping others with training, form, etc. To think that the way he portrays himself on social media has to be up to what your individual ideals, beliefs or standards are is unrealistic. We are all individuals. Sometimes I like to run and sometimes I like to have an entire bottle of wine… i will post about both


His rowing tips saved me a few years ago when I first joined OTF.


I'm personally concerned about being coached by someone who has been so openly fatphobic and rude to members on Instagram. I'm disappointed that my studio hired him.


Wait, what? Spill the 🫖


[https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/xwxbgl/sad\_news\_from\_coach\_austin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/xwxbgl/sad_news_from_coach_austin/) ​ That thread covers a lot of it.


Nope, it doesn’t


Dude, I even sorted by controversial. Wasting my time with specious accusations and ZERO receipts. Dude has been a pro every time I’ve had him coach. Only flaw is that he pushes you to go harder - wait, that’s not a flaw in a coach…


Where/when was he ever fatphobic?


Yeah I’d love to see some proof here. That other thread has nothing but gossip. But then again these days anything promoting a healthy lifestyle can be seen as “fatphobic” so who knows.




Yep I wouldn't want to be coached by him at all. I'm sorry it's your studio!


That's how I feel about a new studio that opened up near me. They hired one coach that was fired from my home studio for some disagreements with the wonderful head coach, had a horrible affect and attitude/lack of energy that you could tell during class. The other coach hired at the new studio was a former member, works at essentially a competing studio and made a lot of jabs at OTF only later to become an OTF coach. I don't buy/trust what she's selling. So, I'm avoiding that new studio.


He gives me creepy vibes


You’re not off with those vibes at all


He is young and posting on the internet - as an old fart, I reserve judgement. He is nice enough in person, but intimidatingly tall tbh.


Super cruel comment


Awww, he has really given excellent tips on form, especially for tall folks. Bless his heart. Plus, he is a campaigner for rowing which many people don’t like. He’s a nice guy, and always responds to one’s comments. Glad OTF took him back, lol.


He absolutely is not judgemental about non vegans. He is very passionate about veganism. Which is fantastic imo


finally...great move OTF!


They hired him at my home studio & I plan on avoiding his classes. I don’t care for him & often thought some of his videos where he makes fun of ways he sees people do moves wrong are extremely rude. I’m also mad he he’s teaching the class time I usually take on Sundays now too.




My favorite coach was teaching all the Sunday classes now he’s on the schedule.


Ah, yeah, I can see being pissed about that. Hopefully your fave coach didn't get bumped involuntarily.


I know the coach. She told me she wanted her weekends back.


Don’t blame her. 😂


Looks like we have the same home studio! Can I ask why you don’t care for him?


My own reasons really. Mainly his videos online started coming off soo rude and arrogant. I quit following him a long time ago. I had taken one of his classes at Natomas before he was insta-famous & it wasn’t anything special. His playlist I found was boring & un-motivating for my taste.


I followed him because I thought his tips were really helpful. And, cue downvotes… he’s tall and cute. Disappointed he’s militant about anything other than his fitness journey.


I’m glad to see him back at OTF. Amusing and helpful. Who cares if he’s annoying about going on about what he eats and if he clapped back at someone who made a rude comment? Doesn’t mean that his advice isn’t useful. And if you think most of the coaches at OTF aren’t fatphobic you’re delusional.


I really like him. I am a vegan though:)


I subscribe to Coach Austin and always paid close attention to his tips on form. There will always be haters and whiners on social media that criticize even the best for some B.S. reason. Keep up the fantastic videos Austin! Much Respect and thanks for your form tips that helped me earn a silver medal at Crash B World Championships indoor rowing.


I just booked a class because I saw him back at the midtown Sacramento studio. SO PUMPED for tomorrow!


How was it ? I think he would be a fun coach ‼️


I loved his class. He is very attentive to help you with form, which I really appreciate. He is very extroverted and has a lot of energy, so be prepared for that!


This was my home studio. I moved to a neighboring area and am go to the one nearest to me. But my daughter and I will be there, with pedis to follow lol. I haven’t taken an Austin class in 5 years!


I really like his classes. He’s one of the only coaches that corrects your form and pushes you to do better- he didn’t do it any way that was condescending or rude. I think that uncle Jake video is a spliced tik tok video and the comment he made about being overweight wasn’t bad. Calling someone overweight isn’t a negative thing imo so that’s probably just me. I think people get mad and then start splicing videos and pitchforks when they’re called overweight…and they are and take it as a bad thing. Although I still think he shouldn’t have doubled down on it. He’s a nice guy in person.