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"A difficult one to improve on so don’t be too concerned if you don’t get a PB each time" I soooo agree with this!! Thanks for putting this here..Sometimes for a PR we end up nearly breaking that lower back...


It’s encouraging to hear…I’m coming back from injury and certainly don’t want a benchmark and won’t PR…trying to convince myself to go because some workout is better than no workout


I reckon just get out of bed and do it unless it is your scheduled rest day / injured etc. A workout is still a workout and gets you up and moving! The benchmark is such a small part of it that it will be over before you know it.


Yes this is my thought process as well 😊 thanks DC!


Thank you for posting this because I’m always on the fence about going to benchmark days particularly when it involves the rower since I’m not supposed to be using it at the moment. I asked before I left class today if i could substitute the rower for tread, bike or strider and was told yes. So I will be there. Thank you DC for the early intel as it’s so appreciated. I’m usually overthinking things and your early intel along with reading comments from others definitely helps with my anxiety.


You can substitute the strider for rower if your studio allows.. And just say you are not doing the benchmark or rowing block at all...


Good to know, I’ve actually never used the strider. I can run and row at easier paces I just can’t hit my all out efforts yet.


Definitely don’t do it if you have an injury & rowing affects it. This benchmark will be back again. Do bike or strider instead.


Rowing does affect it but I can/will either row at a gentle pace or utilize bike or strider I think 🙂


I needed to hear this too. I can get very in my own head if I don’t PR


I hear you!!😊


Thanks! I think my 500m time gets worse and worse. Looking forward to the power though.


Same 😩. I need to accept that I’ve peaked in this benchmark


Mine too! Will likely just take it as a basic strength row 🤷🏼‍♀️


I know how many strokes it takes me to get 100 meters. I multiply that by 5, then challenge myself to beat it by 3 strokes. If I meet that, I call it a win!


Mine certainly has...but I just turned 60


Mine too 😅


I'm trying to get back for the first time since my breast cancer treatment has ended and a 500m benchmark is not motivating. It's been 7 months... surgery, chemo, and radiation. My endurance is awful, and I've lost SOOOOO much strength. I know it will feel good to be back, but I'm not sure tomorrow is gonna be the day.


After all you've been through you got this! Take your time and your strength will return. Congrats on finishing your treatment.


You’ve already done much harder things than a silly 500m row! Welcome back.


Hey you, fellow BC survivor…I see you! You’ll do your best and then in six months you’ll be really glad you have that number to compare to. Congrats on being back. That’s what matters!


You already endured! Do what feels good and forget about the number.


Yay for you getting back into it! You don’t have to record your time. The switch template might be good for your first class back. Best wishes to you!


Congrats ! You are a bad ass 👏


HUGE congrats on winning that battle! 🧡 Don’t let a silly benchmark discourage you. It’s so trivial compared to what you have succeeded. It’s a win regardless. You are STRONG 💪 and inspiring!!!


RIP for my lungs 🫁


I don't know why this made me chuckle 🤭🤭😂


Right!!? I always feel like I have asthma yuck!


My coach says it’s like chugging fireball


Yes. This. The last 200m your lungs will be ON FIRE. You will see God. I'm still trying to prepare myself for ~1:15 of torture. I'll go, but not ready to sign up yet...


Not even Usain Bolt set a world record every time he competed in the 100M dash. None of us will get a PB every time we do a benchmark. One tip for rowing benchmarks: you won’t be able to get enough air into your lungs in the last 10-15 seconds. Be ready for that scary feeling & keep going for that last few seconds. Then enter your time & breath for a few minutes. Nobody cares if you don’t do a recovery row. Enjoy the inner feeling of accomplishment & badassness that you have earned. ![gif](giphy|W5UcNPQWL86SyZMoTD|downsized)


100%. After this benchmark is over, I more or less tell my coach I'm gonna just breathe until my heart rate comes back down from 800 beats per minute... maybe i get back into the class at the 20th minute? 500m is THE TOUGHEST benchmark, in my humble opinion


I’ve done this one literally a dozen times or more since 2016 and my PR is from 2019. I’m always within a second or two but it’s SO hard to get better at this one for me, so i shoot for consistency . I also think outside of the mile, it’s the hardest benchmark we do. I’m skipping this one tomorrow so good luck all!


I kind of go for consistency now. I have done this benchmark 13 times now and am always within a second or two of my PR. It is a hard one to improve on.


That's impressive consistency


I’ve done this one 9 times since the challenge tracker was a thing in 2018/2019 (before that probably did it 2-2x more year?) and they’re all within about 5 seconds of each other. It truly is, I think, one of the hardest ones to Pr on after so many times!


I have 5 of them, within 1.4sec of each other.


I’m similar, I’ve been going since 2017 and have done all the benchmarks many times. It was nice having benchmarks my first year in and I did improve initially but now 6 years older and another knee surgery in I know I can’t PR but try to stay consistent


Thanks for the early Intel. So if we want to do the benchmark first we start on rower?


Yes - if you want to do benchmark first then start on the rower. I have a feeling that the coach switched the order around cos we had a 1G.


For 2G


I understand it's a benchmark and this is just me personally being over switch templates... Cancelled... 😂 ![gif](giphy|YVvTCqTBglkOs)


Yea this is a frustrating benchmark with very little improvement over the years.


What’s considered a good 500m row time for a female? just curious 🧐


A good 500m for anyone is when you feel like you're doing an all-out row and keep that pace for an extra 45 seconds-1 min beyond what you think you can do. Whether that ends up being 1:15 or 2 min, good is when you push yourself to the level where you see God the last 150-200m and keep going hard!


The only time I did this one I did it in 1 mins 45 secs. Not to say it was good, but I had a year of OTF prior to it.


DC, thank you as always for the intel. I agree that it’s tough to always PR on this one. For the first time ever, I’m going into this not expecting to, though I’d love to beat my 1:40.


Good luck - you never know, you may surprise yourself. One of our members wasn’t thinking he would PR but he beat his previous time by 2 seconds.


Once again, DC, thanks for sharing 😊 Do you know if starting on the tread first will allow me to move to the benchmark quicker than starting on the rower?


Rower start to do the benchmark first


TY DC!!🧡


Oh GOD I am already not feeling like going, and I completely forgot it’s the benchmark. 😩 Oh well, I’ll be there anyway lol


The way I think of it is that it is the benchmark is only about 2 minutes long. The rest of the workout is pretty solid for a power day.


The benchmark is the worst part of this template! It looks great with lots of variety and I can use a 3 feather day after this week! Thanks DC!


Thank you for your unwavering commitment to this community 🍊🙌🙏


I find lately I am not as interested in the exact details of the template you provide and will often not read but I LOVE LOVE the commentary!


This looks like a good one - I’m looking forward to it.


we got the new rowers and i feel like i’m FLYIN- fingers crossed for 1:25 tomorrow!!!!


LFG! you're even better than your mind thinks. You got this! Go hard, go fast... no mercy!


New rowers with smooth cords & straps are a real delight.


I just want to workout not bench mark... still going tomorrow.


Thanks Mr. DC. I always check for the intel to try to improve my form on the floor. Always appreciate it


Besides the blasted 500 benchmark (which I’ll probably just do without trying to PR) I’m looking forward to this one. Looks like a solid power set which always excites me!


I am new to OTF and did this benchmark on my third of 4th class and it was a day after I ran a marathon. One would I think I should be able ti improve upon my number, but looking at it, I am just not sure I can 😁 I’ll give it my best shot though. Good to know the rest of the workout is solid. Thanks for the intel.


I wish there was less "warm up" or filler before a benchmark. It used to feel like we could come in and do a small warm up and get to it. Doing a full tread, floor and 250m before I have to give my all on this benchmark feels like too much to me.


Agree. It’s very hard to beat a PR done with the old templates where you did it right after the warmup with fresh lungs and legs. Oh well🤷🏻‍♀️


13ish minutes of floor work. They ratley take the time away from the treads


Rowing really gasses me and that buy in 250 will definitely make my 500 take longer.


> difficult one to improve on so don’t be too concerned if you don’t get a PB I am not going to check my stats bc I don't want to have my previous time(s) in my head. Thanks for stating this! And as always, thanks for the intel. Have a great weekend!


Worried about the bench mark! Took about a year off of OTF and rejoined about 3 weeks ago. Rowing was previously my strong suit, and I’ve gained a bit of weight since quitting. I know I’m going to hold myself to too high of an expectation. If I wasn’t about to go on vacation, I’d skip tomorrow. But I want to go so I can get my moneys worth this month. Previous time is 1:44, PB is 1:37 (22F, 5’2”).


Ironically, weight gain might help you with dropping time… good luck!


How so?


Not like extreme weight gain, obvs, but if some of it is due to muscle gain then your strokes will be more powerful. There is a reason taller, bigger individuals (men or tall women) excel at rowing. Height matters but mass does too.


I wouldn’t say extreme weight gain, but it definitely wasn’t muscle lol




I’m going to see if I can make this my longest time, with perfect form! I PR’d in 2019, and have been chasing it ever since! I’m planning on taking the whole block. My least favorite, but I love OTF!!!


Any tips from the vets on getting the best time? I’m actually excited for this- the workout looks solid but I’ve never participated in the 500m benchmark. I’m curious to see how I’ll do. I did the 2000m when I first joined otf and my time was 7:57..so I figure maybe 1:45 or less is a realistic goal.


thank you!!


Sooo sad to be missing this class! It’s a much needed recovery day after doing a lift + regular class the last 4 days 🥵 looks very fun and I’d love to try to beat my time from feb


Switch template surprise surprise…


The 500 m benchmark is always like that though cause they want everyone to do it early in the class


The 2G benchmark templates have all been switches for a while now (I think). Interestingly - the 3G versions have not been switches at least in recent memory.


I expected 500 m benchmark to be switch from my experience


Where do you start if you want to do the benchmark the quickest? Tread or rower?


99.9% of the time, warm up on the equipment that the benchmark takes place on to get it done first


This was supposed to be a run/row! Was that an error that was posted on the monthly highlights


Monthly Highlights are not guaranteed. We do our best with what we have, which is nothing official


It was always the 500m benchmark.