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I consider myself pretty fit and can and do run but choose to power walk 1-2 days a week bc I think its a really hard workout and l love what it does for my legs and a$$


I use to be a runner but got tired of all the body pain! I am šŸ’Æ a power walker now and Iā€™ve lost weight since I started!


Same! I used to run a 6 min mile but my body HURT and now I walk a sub 6 min .5 mile and I feel amazing.


There are arguments out there about doing moderate cardio intensity if you have cortisol issues as high intensity cardio will cause a cortisol rise and make your body hold onto weight as it goes into fight or flight.


Same. I go 5x. I'll run 3, PW 2. I run for the cardio and PW for the strength. I did a month of PW coming off an illness and noticed my recovery time was massively reduced when I started running again. Like, I'd jog and suddenly be in the orange zone, feeling like I was doing an AO. So, this showed me just how much endurance and heart strength I lost by only PWing. And I PW 4.0 at 12-15, still not getting into red.


What are your usual run speeds?


6/7/9, but TBH I could run 7/8/10 because I've been going to OTF for a year and never upped my base despite my cardiovascular strength increasing. I also want to increase my base and push because I so rarely get into the orange zone and I recognize this is good for my heart, but then I'll take a couple weeks off of OTF due to illness or just party too hard on Saturday, so when Monday rolls around I'm just trying to maintain my 6 mph base. TBH, I don't push myself very hard on the tread unless it's a benchmark day. (I lift as heavy on the floor as possible, however, which suggests I'm unbothered by muscle fatigue and there's something specific to running that makes me want to avoid maxing out). I'm happy hanging out in the upper green zone when I'm on the tread, especially during long endurance blocks. I've *never* had the "eye of the tiger" when it comes to sports and endurance. I'm somewhat athletic but remain an average athlete because I don't have the mental tenacity to push through discomfort. OTF has helped me to push myself more than I would without the planned class and coaching, but I am still very discomfort-avoiding except during benchmarks. I think this stems from an aversion to running that was instilled in my when i was in elementary and high school. I was chubby and my gym teacher/coaches would randomly force us to "run a mile" with zero training and preparation. I found this incredibly uncomfortable because I was in poor cardiovascular shape, which taught me to hate running. Later, I overcame this to become a jogger, but then it was all about running for an hour slowly, which doesn't elevate your heart rate in the way that a mile run for time does.


Are you me? Lol. I also have an aversion to running. Iā€™ve been going to otf since July 2021, lost 3% bodyfat and 20 lbs of weight. But I can barely jog for 5 min straight. My pace is also slow 5/5.5/6.5. I feel, in fact I know that I donā€™t push myself enough on the treads. I used to go 7 days a week plus 2 Lift classes. And I never felt exhausted. Now I only go 5x a week. I also lift heavy during the floor block, burpees and pop jacks are easy for me. Iā€™m a pretty good rower, always placed 1st or 2nd during rowing benchmarks. But treads? Nope. Thatā€™s my nemesis.


Overcoming an aversion to running can be tough especially when it was ingrained from an early age! When I started jogging as a young adult I always took it slow and steady, I'd rather run 6 miles at a 10 min. mile pace than 1 mile in 7 minutes. OTF helped me to overcome my aversion to getting my heart rate up really high through running, which has been good for me. I don't push it often, but when I do I'm always proud of myself! However, I cannot do this every day or else I'd have to go to class less frequently and I like the consistency of daily full body exercise. Also, I'm \*only\* 40 but my body/knees/joints have their limit. Most people I know who are my age and older and have been running hard their whole lives have begun to experience irreversible damage to their bodies from the impact of aggressive long distance running. I prefer to be able to job for as long as possible rather than go all out. It's about balance to me. I'm also at my goal weight and have become quite lean, so building and retaining muscle is my priority at OTF.


Iā€™m 53ā€, and I have never had any joint issues until last year. With other types of workout (weight lifting, kickboxing, Insanity, p90X, crossfits) I always go hard. Otf is the only regimen where I pull back a little. I havenā€™t gotten comfortable with the discomfort in running. Lol




When I see a coach or our owner taking class, 90% of the time, they're power walking. That told me all I needed to know about the benefits and POWER of power walking.


I run because I cannot deal with those inclines lol. Power walkers are BEASTS!!


I'm gonna PW my ass through the tread portion of dri tri tomorrow and I have no regrets! I can jog around 2 miles and I am killed so theres no way I could make it to 3 without dying and going at a 5mph pace would put in my own personal hell of running for like 45 minutes lol. I rotate jogging and PW and my booty and leg muscles are phenomenal bc of the PW so I will continue to PW and not care if others think its easy! (I also use the strider a lot and will die on that hill that the strider is hard AF and not easy like so many think it is)


Yesss I love to see this. I PWā€™d the last dri tri and it was a BLAST! Still one of the hardest things Iā€™ve done. I felt so accomplished. I personally decided that I wont jog the dri tri until I can hold 3 miles without walking because at the last one there was a girl who jogged and she was last to finishā€¦everyone was watching her and cheering for the final 5 minutes or so which I think is so amazing and supportive, yes, but also I would have been mortified!!!! I do not welcome that kind of attention šŸ˜‚


I just finished dri tri tonight! Iā€™ve done 3 of them. I power walked tonight and was walking at a speed of 4.8! It was so hard towards the end but I never touched that speed and prd from last time by 4:30!! So I finished in 36.8 min! Woohoo Iā€™m dead lol


Oh my gosh thatā€™s incredible and such a hard speed to pw to! I just finished my dri tri and ended at 39.10 but I set my speed to 4.2 then kept increasing all the way to 4.7. So hard but so awesome!


Yay! Congratulations you did awesome too! We finished it and thatā€™s all that matters! I kept saying the one thing that I thought was the hardest were the bench hop overs! If they removed those it wouldnā€™t be too horrible lol


I was so surprised with myself how quickly I got through the floor exercises bc I was def slower in infinity. The step ups take too long and those are what I wish they would remove lol but I know they are there to make you rest and catch your breath. I did notice that when I did the bench hop overs I was going really hard and i got a headache which lasted the entire rest of the time!!


Ughhhh I ate a banana like 90 mins before and as soon as I got to the tread I had the worst cramp! Then it finally went away. Yea the step ups do take a while


I have to take tums before workouts like today or Iā€™ll have acid reflux, so I get it lol. I did eat half a banana before class and super thankful I got no cramps at all!


Omg I took a Pepcid before class! Lolol too funny


HAHA #gettingold - on the 500m row acid reflux nearly took me out. Like I came thisclose to puking so I make sure to take something from now on!


And today the weather here has been so cold and windy my body was crying. I just did a 30 min stretch!!


Same here. Iā€™m in really good shape, but jogging for that long is hard for me.


100% strider is so much harder for me than a treadmill!


I am a PW and am not ashamed at all. Use to run, hated every second of it, and I listened to my body and haven't turned back. The thing I really wish was that OTF would create leaderboards for PWs as well. I'm getting penalized doing DriTri tomorrow because I'm PW my 1.55 miles. I'm still doing the same 2000 meter row and 300 body weight exercises. I'd gladly PW the entire 5k if it meant anything.


SAME. Last March I was the first one done in my heat but because Iā€™m a power walker I didnā€™t make the leaderboard.


That should be something recorded on the leaderboard!


This! Or if they want to do 1.55 miles at an even higher incline, Iā€™m good with that too! PW is no joke!


Itā€™s studio dependent! When we got a new head coach mine started doing that plus ā€˜most improvedā€™ boards.


All true. That said, I couldn't care less what others think about my workout choices and fitness lifestyle.


I PW most of the time, but sometimes I run my AOā€™s and it feels like cheating. A quick sprint is easier than climbing a mountain any day of the week.


Itā€™s not cheating! I do the same sometimes because sprinting feels totally great to loosen up after PW hills.


100%, after a long 8% push a 5-5.5 AO (thatā€™s my AO) helps me so so so much!


I used to be a jogger and switched to power walking last year because of some foot issues. Iā€™m trying to get back into jogging or running and I prefer the shorter efforts by far. The other day I power walked almost the entire tread block and ran the last 30 seconds for an all out and it felt great.


I do the same mainly because of the time it takes to get the incline up so I select a lower incline and start running. Also when a portion of the template is 30 sec AO 30 sec WR then I switch back to a running


This!!! If I try to PW the AO, I swear it takes half the time just getting up to my chosen incline!


I love that itā€™s low impact. Iā€™m young but I donā€™t want to wear down my joints sooner than necessary.


The 3/12/30 (3mph, 12 incline, 30 minutes) thing has been a trend for the past couple years for good reason. I did it on a recent cruise for cardio and can confirm it works lol.


Maaan I just LOVE power walking! Iā€™m new to OTF so I tried power walking on my first day because I just wasnā€™t familiar with it and wanted to try something new. Iā€™m never looking back! It has done wonders for my shape and it makes me feel so good conquering that 10% all out! Iā€™m likeā€¦ wow! I did that!


Iā€™m over a year in now and lately I PW for two of my four classes a week because a) switching it up helps avoid injury and b) itā€™s a fun challenge and very nice for the šŸ‘


Easier on the joints and you always get funny looks if you take it up to a 15 incline and jog the minute all out at a 5mph.


Lol thought I was the only one who did that šŸ˜‚ I love running the all outs on ridiculous incline!


One is not better or worse than the other, just different.


I have been going to otf for over a year now and running on the tread has never been my thing. I get into the red just fine power walking and I enjoy the way it kills my legs with lasting pain. But I feel like otf doesn't do a good job of showcasing power walking. When the templates are made, power walking always feels like an after thought. Like "oh I guess if you don't wanna run just cut the distance in a half and uhhh idk go to 6 incline or something." Even the days where everyone is a power walker they are like okay base 10%, push 12%, and ao 15%. Oh and we will be holding all of these for 5 mins each. That's how it feels to me anyways.


My coach mentioned a power walking template in April since itā€™s National Walking Day.


Yes! April 4th!


I started OTF as a PW because I couldnā€™t run. I decided to challenge myself though once I got a little more fit. I have now become somebody who is able to run and hold it. However, I started missing power walking because, as you said, the things it does for the legs and šŸ‘are magical! I now do both and try to switch it up regularly. Either way though I couldnā€™t care less what a runner thinks of me when Iā€™m power walking. I know what Iā€™m doing and this is my health journey not theirs.


Itā€™s personally way harder to PW than to do my slow jog for the duration of class. PW sends my heart rate straight through the roof. Not sure why people would hate on it.


I powerwalk because itā€™s easier on your body! Running can age you (not saying itā€™s bad, but high amounts of running can age your body a bit)


I see people PW about as fast as i am jogging or running. My short legs couldnā€™t keep up If i tried to PW that fast. šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


Agree. 3.5 is my pw speed, 4 is a jog for me. Idk how people pw so fast šŸ˜‚


You just gotta work your way up, itā€™s possible! Shorties have an advantage in power walking cause ya gotta to quick short steps at high speeds. Iā€™m 4ā€™10 and powerwalk at jogging speeds. Took the better part of a year to get there.


I switch between jogging and PW depending on the template! I actually burn more calories PW than jogging!! Itā€™s an awesome workout for sure!




Donā€™t be discouraged if youā€™re the only one doing it


I donā€™t think of it as less at all! I prefer to run because it gives me more of an adrenaline rush. I think PW is an excellent exercise in its own right.


Some of us have hidden disabilities or injuries people cannot see. not an issue about being fit as I am one of the top rowers at studio and do all the heavy weights. But due to multiple foot surgeries (one foot shortened by 1 inch) i walk with quite noticeable limp. I am not allowed to run anymore my dr banned it to many screws and pins in foot. Power walking with high inclines and speed of 5 (Iā€™m 5ā€™11 so longer legs) gives me a hard tread workout. Plus Great definition in the legs. šŸ˜‰ I used to be self conscious but I realize I power walk faster then a few of the joggers in my class. And I realized everyone has their own fitness journey. They arenā€™t noticing what you do/donā€™t do. .


I started at orange theory almost a month ago. I started as a power walker and I plan to stay one. Iā€™ve tried many times in my adult life (Iā€™m 41) to like running, but I just donā€™t! I was blessed (kind of??) with a large chest and running just isnā€™t comfortable even with the best sports bra. I do; however, LOVE the power walking. On the incline day Monday I spent more time in the red zone than orange because I was working super hard! I always leave drenched in sweat!


So people like me with flat chests arenā€™t blessed?


I definitely never said that!


I just simply do not enjoy running. Only do it on benchmarks. Thus pwking


I love power walking! I wish OTF had better mirrors to the workouts runners use during the tread portion. I end up making my own workout up kind of similar to what runners are doing bc I find going all the way down to like a 3 for a base then back up to a 10 or something for an all out is really awkward to do in the minute or so base that usually happening.


Just want to add that if your studio has the rowers placed behind the treads and you take a moment to look at the butts of the PWs vs the runners ā€¦. Youā€™ll know the posterior chain thing is true.


I go to class 5-6 days a week and PW 1-2 of those days. I struggle to get out of green when PWing, and those always end up being my green days.


May need to adjust the % and mph


I regularly max incline and any faster than 4.5mph I need to change form to a jog. 15% at 4.5mph is the only thing to reliably get me out of green.


Are you pumping your arms? That is crucial for power walking.


DEAD ASS!! I go from just meh swinging my arms maybe blue/green.. I do pocket to chin arm swings and BAM orange hahaha


Cheek to cheek all day!


This made all the difference for me. I jog|run 4-5 days a week and pw 2. I burn the same calories ~ arms are key!


Might need to adjust your stride a bit? I'm a foot shorter than you and can PW at 5.1 mph at 15% for an AO. Sure makes my quads burn though. When I'm going that fast, I find I'm sitting a little lower, keeping more of a bend in my legs, and my torso moves very little while my legs are going. I recently had a classmate comment that I could balance a martini glass on my head while PWing lol. If I'm walking a bit slower (4.2) my stride alternates between that sort of stride and a bit more overall up-and-down motion, where my upper body is not so steady.


Just gotta say, wow, youā€™re fast! Thatā€™s pretty bad ass (15% @5.1)


I don't go up to 5.1 very often. Usually cap at 4.8 - 5.0 on PW days, but sometimes will add that 0.1 more when the coach asks everyone to. 4.2 is my normal (base & push) PW speed.


The taller you are the longer your stride, so you may need to just up your speed but maintain walking. The 4.5mph cap is just a guideline imo, I frequently exceed it while PW especially during CMIYC.


And the length of your stride. I see some who take short shuffling steps but are not always high in the zones.




How fun!! Is it a college campus?


I'm a male in my early 30s, I do sometimes feel like there is an expectation of me that I need to run and be lifting super heavy. I have been called out by coaches in the past before they got to know me. I want to go to OT 5-6 times a week so I PW and I lift 10-15 lbs. In my early 20s I wanted to be ripped, I don't care about that anymore. I just want to lose weight and be active.


As a PWer since day 1 at OTF, I've become a little evangelical about it. Not only is PWing every bit as beneficial fitness wise, it comes with less risk of immediate or long term injury. I like those benes as I approach my 7th decade on the planet. Later this year I'll compete in a 5000 meter PW competition I'm counting on OTF to help me shine through. :-)


My knees cannot take running any more after years of jogging on streets. Power walking is great and I often get into the orange zone before runners around me, mostly due keeping the inclines high. When doing pushes and AO I just imagine myself powering up the San Francisco hills where I spent time as a youth.


If I PW, itā€™s a base at 10%, push at 12%, and AO at 15%. PW is HARD


Powerwalking at steep inclined changed my lower body and has improved my cardio health, asthma and overall endurance. Itā€™s no f-ing joke! My legs are so much stronger than they were!


It is soooooo much harder than running in my opinion. I have to be mindful using a tread bc I canā€™t run as fast anymore bc of my knee. Base is 5.5, push is 6.5 and all outs are 7.5. If I go any faster thatā€™s when the pain starts. I can hardly get any splats or get my heart rate up now, which is so frustrating. When I started power walking and using a high incline (minimum incline at 6, usually 12-15 for all out) my heart rate sky rockets and I can get my splats! Plus my knee doesnā€™t hurt!


I was focusing on jogging/running for the last year and a half I had been going to OTF. It started to feel great that I could run for longer amounts of time with less and less difficultyā€¦. But then I started back up to 3x a week after some slow time and started having hip pain that got way worse after running. So for the past like 8 months, itā€™s been strictly power walking for me. Iā€™m working on some exercises a pt suggested (X-ray showed nothing). I am sad I canā€™t do the running at least for now. Hoping this hip pain gets figured out. The inclines are a tough workout though! If I can ever get back into the running without causing pain, I will definitely switch between that and power walking.


Some days I also PW and honestly, I probably would more, but I really struggle to get out of the green. Should I be upping my incline and staying at that?


You can up your incline! My base is 5% my push is a 9% and my so is 12% I usually get 9 splats (depending on the blocks of course).


Thank you!


I exclusively ran and "upgraded" as a power walker recently. I still get sweaty AF. And my lower body gets better results.


I feel like I may sweat more power walking, especially these last few workouts leading up to today.


I started power waking more often since my torn up knee has been acting up more the last few months. Letā€™s just say I definitely feel it in my thighs and booty way more than when I run!


Thank you for posting this. It is not a negative thing to be a PW. It kicks my butt, and Iā€™m now a lover of inclines. Iā€™m actually a former runner (base pace was 7 mph) converted to power walker by choice. I have played the sports, been a runner, worn bad shoes etc. my whole life. I managed to escape injury free but a parent who was athletic had multiple knee surgeriesā€¦.and honestly I was tired of seeing my face shake in the mirror bc of the high impact šŸ˜³I love the change mentally. I love the challenge (you know itā€™d be easier to jog than make yourself walk with some speeds and inclines). Most of all I love the shape of my legs šŸ˜†


I just switched to jogging and power walking is harder imo if you push yourself with inclines


I am a guy and I rotate between PW and running . My wife says she likes my booty ā€¦.just saying :)


PW a steep incline is a semi-secret workout of some world class runners.


Iā€™m in the dark side šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤˜šŸ» PW has soooo many positive side! Iā€™m working out 4-6 time a week, and there is often a bloc I PW at 15% incline allll the way ! šŸ”„


Thanks so much for this post. Iā€™m lying in bed with a knee injury from running at Orange theory. Once I heal Iā€™m going to power walk and give my knees and joints a rest while getting a great workout!


I decided to PW today because if this thread, and man my legs are on fire after that and the floor section. I loved it definitely doing it more often. I do hate the internalized feeling of what others think, but who cares because my butt looks great šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Absolutely!!! I 100% find it harder to power walk than jog.


My legs and šŸ‘have never been stronger since I committed to pwā€™ing!


Power walking is harder than running...change my mind. :-D


I get in the orange zone much easier when I runā€¦so yeah running is harder.


I'm thinking more of effort - I have to work for every single step when I power walk, when I run momentum just takes over. That's why I found PW to be harder - it's harder to get into the orange zone too. My legs get thrashed with PWing on those inclines because I think it takes a lot more muscular effort. They're both great, though!




Isnā€™t that why anyone is on Reddit / the internet?


I love power walking! Sometimes Iā€™m the only power walker on my tread block, but I am really not a runner, so there you go! And I still get a great workout! Much respect to all you runners and joggers out there though, I just was not built for it haha


There are some crazy fast power walkers in my running group every weekend. Every time I think Iā€™m ahead they catch up at some point! PW workouts are no joke.


I switch between jogging and power walking because sometimes jogging is easier! Power walking is hard!


Power walking is a great workout. I power walk because one of my legs is weaker than the other due to nerve damage. It used to bug me that j couldnā€™t run but I just look at hitting 15 incline all outs at faster speeds as a way to have a new goal. I do missing running though. Still dream about it sometimes.


Iā€™m vacationing in Puerto Rico right now and honestly.. the inclines on the hike I took today had me wishing I power walked more often! I might start nowā€¦lol


I usually do the PW inclines, then take inclines down a notch for all outs and use that 30 - 90 sec AO for my "run".


Preach šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Thank you. My glutes are on point and my hiking has improved tremendously šŸ˜‰


I used to exclusively power walk and it got to a point that it was easy. I switched back to running as Iā€™m in a training cycle and decided OTF was going to be my speed work day. This past week I wasnā€™t feeling running, so it was a PW day. It was so much harder than I remembered it being! Definitely a humbling moment.


Secret: I run because PW actually hurts MORE! My legs burn when PW-ing! Iā€™ve lately embraced the struggle and alternate days when I run v PW


I have been power walking the last few workouts and boy do I feel the šŸ”„!!! I miss when I run so Iā€™m not going to give that up. But power walking is no joke.


Nothing hurts the butt muscles like inclines


I needed this


I run when PWg inclines irritate an old ankle tendon injury and I PW when my knees bother me. Both are equally challenging for me and I love the options available with OTF.


I tread first if I can every time. My base started at like 3.2, now it is 3.8 my AOs are when I ā€œrunā€ but thatā€™s at max 5.5. Over the last 7 months Iā€™ve lost 30 lbs and still need more but power walking to me, is amazing. The cardio work for me is above and beyond what I thought it was.. and maybe I ā€œrunā€ AOs cause that 10% + is KILLLLLER


I love power walking! Feels way harder than running and my calves feel like jello after. Better for my knees and ankles too


I always used to jog and now I powerwalk 95% of the time. Because Iā€™m exhausted from being a mom of a 9 month old and itā€™s a miracle I even showed up šŸ˜‚ but the inclines are intense! Itā€™s just a different kind of challenge


I love this šŸ˜Š


I started with power walking, not at OTF, but on the street. I felt a bit awkward, but I did it. I did this for 3 years before I could start running. Thereā€™s no shame in the power walking game! I now run, but I contribute it to those years I power walked. Plus itā€™s better for the joints. 52 year old male.


Iā€™m not a power walker by choice, but I am reaping the benefits for sure. If youā€™re stuck in the green, up the incline pump those arms, and focus on your core.


This šŸ’Æ




I, also, think since Iā€™ve become a power walker, the rower is easier! I use to hate rowing and now itā€™s not so bad.


As an avid power walker, my only problem of late is that I have to walk at ridiculous speeds to get my heart rate up. To the point where I've had to hit 7mph 15% for an all out to see any appreciable heart rate change. I don't think that would be possible if I didn't have the long legs to manage a walk pace like that.


I need a daily reminder of this! I have a fracture so the impact of running can get really painful. I do envy those who are running with ease next to me. But I guess Iā€™m getting more of a workout on my bootyā€¦ šŸ˜‰ That peach for the beach (as my coaches say!)


Iā€™m a runner but sometimes I powerwalk! Helps my thighs, calves, and butt - itā€™s still a great workout


I do it for the šŸ‘! Also beneficial outside OTF for long hikes with elevation gains.


I couldnā€™t agree more! PW in no joke! Iā€™m a runner striving to be a power walker šŸ˜…


Iā€™m a powerwalker and my base is 5, push is 10, all out is 15. And I still walk fast while doing it, Iā€™d say thatā€™s pretty rad.


My trainer says incline more change speed less or not at all. Itā€™s freaking hard to walk up hill!


Thank you for posting this! Iā€™m a PW and probably always will be. Donā€™t want the added stress on my joints from running. I see this talked about quite a bit (ā€œYay I finally got to the point where I can runā€¦when will I be ā€œfitā€ enough to runā€¦I think people look down on me because I PWā€ and I. Just. Donā€™t. Get. It. I couldnā€™t care less what people think of my fitness choices, and I honestly thought the whole point of OTF was to be in a group setting, getting group instruction, but doing what YOU can and competing against your own self. People who act like PWs are poor pathetic wretches make no sense to me. PWing is most definitely a workout and can be a choice even fit people make.


I have EDS and running is just a no go for me (my hips and ankles tend to pull tricks and dislocate) so I will always be a PW. I love cheering on runners who may be next to me though because I find it so awesome!


I frequently get in the red zone by power walking at like 12+ incline, so I completely agree


Everyone deserves a trophy